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271 Universal Quality Education ABS-262

The Relationship of Adversity Quotient and Social Support with Career Adaptability in Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Education Universitas Negeri Malang
Yuni Rahmawati, Yogi Dwi Mahandi, Aldinillah Ryzqyta

Universitas Negeri Malang


With so many job seekers today, universities graduates also have to face stiff competition when entering the world of work. Students are required to be a qualified graduates. Facing the world of work requires the ability to face challenges and adapt to it. This is why career adaptability is so important to have. To deal with this, an adversity quotient is needed. In addition, social support is also necessary in planning a career. This research method is ex-post facto with a descriptive corre-lational design that uses a quantitative approach. This study uses a saturated sampling technique for as many as 71 respondents. The instrument used a questionnaire using a 4-scale Likert. The results showed that the level of adversity quotient and social support were in the medium catego-ry, while the level of career adaptability was in the high category. From this study, we found that there is a positive and partially significant relationship between adversity quotient and career adaptability, social support and career adaptability, as well as adversity quotient and social sup-port simultaneously with career adaptability.

Keywords: Adversity Quotient, Social Support, dan Career Adaptability

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272 Universal Quality Education ABS-263

Flexible Learning Containing Language Attitude: Indonesian Language Learning Strategies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
I Putu Mas Dewantara, I Made Sutama, I Nyoman Yasa

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


The development of a positive attitude towards the Indonesian language is the goal of Indonesian language course in universities. Discourses related to flexible learning with language attitudes took place during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the design of flexible learning containing character education and (2) implementation limitations during the covid-19 pandemic. This research was a qualitative descriptive study using questionnaires and interviews. The data sources for this research were lecturers from teacher colleges in the province of Bali. The stages of data analysis in this study follow the stages of analysis according to Miles and Huberman which consisted of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed (1) flexible learning containing language attitudes was implemented by paying attention to four aspects, namely speed (time), place, mode, and access by emphasizing the role of each component, namely lecturers, students, and educational institutions- (2) obstacles in implementation were network problems, low motivation, and difficulty in monitoring.

Keywords: flexible learning, language attitude, 21st century.

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273 Universal Quality Education ABS-8

Research Roadmap on Humanities: Denoting Educational and Non-Educational Research Trends
Muhammad Turhan Yani, Totok Suyanto, Bambang Sigit Widodo, Ali Imron

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


To support Unesa^s mission as an educational institution that excels in education, it is necessary to conduct targeted research to produce useful outcomes for society^s welfare through a research roadmap as a direction for research development. One of the research roadmaps developed by Unesa in accordance with the RIRN was the research roadmap for the excellent field of humanities. This study aimed to describe the development of a research roadmap in the field of humanities at Unesa. This study used a qualitative research approach where the data were obtained through interviews with the FGD model and literature study. The obtained data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman^s interactive technique and SWOT analysis. The Unesa research roadmap on humanities was developed based on the roadmap of educational and non-educational study programs based on three levels of research: basic, applied, and development research.

Keywords: roadmap, research, humaniora, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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274 Universal Quality Education ABS-9

Link and Match Education in Indonesia: Implementation of New Policies? Effectiveness of Education Policy Implementation in Indonesia
Kardoyo, Lola Kurnia Pitaloka

Universitas Negeri Semarang


Undergraduate unemployment in Indonesia is increasing in number every year. Seeing this phenomenon, the Indonesian Ministry of Education immediately updated the education policy and implemented it. The current new policy seeks to find links and matches for educational curricula with the needs of the world of work. There are several factors that can affect the degree of effectiveness of policy implementation. This study aims to look at several factors that arise from previous studies in their influence on the effectiveness of policy implementation. This research is exploratory quantitative research with the population being the academic community of the Faculty of Economics, Semarang State University who participated in the new policy program. The sample numbered 410 lecturers and students who were counted with Slovin. The sampling technique is random sampling and is taken with a questionnaire. The questionnaire was analyzed with the Structural Equation Model using WarpPLS. The competence of graduates has a weak effect on the effectiveness of policy implementation. When viewed based on the year of its implementation, this policy has only produced one graduating batch. So, it does not seem to be effective when viewed from the competence of university graduates. This study resulted in a linkage between free variables. Agency support has a weak effect on the competence of graduates. This indicates that there is still weak support from universities and the weak mentality of today^s students.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Education Policy, Curriculum, Graduate Competencies, Institutional Support

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275 Universal Quality Education ABS-265

Integrating Research in Practice Teaching Program: Efforts to Prepare Agile Graduates through FBS Megajar
I Made Sutama, I Putu Mas Dewantara

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


The efforts to implement the mandate of Ministry of Education Regulation Number 3 of 2020 apart from encouraging and facilitating students to participate in flagship Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program are also carried out by Higher Education Institutions, including Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) through the implementation of Independent MBKM in form of FBS Mengajar Program. It was launched by the Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (FBS) as a form of teaching assistance program integrated with research. As an innovative and pilot program, it faces a number of opportunities and challenges. This research was conducted to analyze the opportunities and challenges of FBS Mengajar through surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions with 5 study program coordinators, 3 department heads, 31 lecturers, 42 teachers, 23 partner school principals, and 155 sixth semester students of the education program. The research data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that FBS Mengajar with complex requirements and research integration is a good opportunity in an effort to prepare superior graduates who are agile. The challenge ahead is how this program is communicated more widely to provide a complex understanding of the program. In addition, it is necessary to have an integrated system that supports FBS Mengajar Program.

Keywords: teaching- research- agile graduates- opportunities- challenges

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276 Universal Quality Education ABS-10

Monitoring and Evaluation of Lectures during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period as a Part of Education Quality Assurance
Bertha Yonata- Guntur Trimulyono- Wahyu Budi Sabtiawan- Dian Savitri- Nugrahani Primary Putri- Enny Susiyawati- Fida Rachmadiarti- Madlazim

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


One of the tasks of the three pillars (Tri Dharma) of Higher Education is Education which includes learning. Learning is one part that must get attention with clear quality assurance because it has been stated in Article 1 Point 20 of the Law. No. 20 concerning the 2003 National Education System. In a university environment, the interaction occurs between students and lecturers with a student-centered learning process. Maintaining the quality of education (in this case learning) is one of the important agendas in ensuring the quality of higher education, one of which is through monitoring and evaluation. Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation of learning is carried out routinely every semester, activities in monitoring and evaluation are observing conformity or non-conformity in 3 learning stages, namely the preparation stage, implementation stage, and evaluation stage in all majors / study programs. During the Covid 19 pandemic, learning monitoring and evaluation activities were carried out online using a platform that was easy to implement. There are 3 monitoring and evaluation observer for each course and one of them is the head of the study program. The monitoring and evaluation instruments are filled out by each supervisory officer (as an observer). In addition to observing teaching and learning activities and learning documents, monitoring and evaluation observer also interviewed students to check the findings. During four semesters starting from the 2nd semester of 2019-2020 to the 1st semester of 2021-2022, the biggest discrepancy was found at the evaluation stage. Every finding of non-conformance is followed up at the study program level with the involvement of the head of the study program, even at the faculty level with the involvement of the dean or vice dean of academic affairs.

Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation, Quality Assurance, Conformity, Non-Conformity

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277 Universal Quality Education ABS-13

The Importance of Self Efficacy on The Headmaster^s Performance During Sekolah Penggerak Program
Eka Hendi Andriansyah1,* Eka Indah Nurlaili2, Dyah Nugraheny Priastuti3

1 Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Unesa 1
2 Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Unesa 2
3 Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra IKIP Widya Darma


This study is done to give an overview of the importance of self-efficacy for the headmaster, who later is expected to become an input for Sekolah Penggerak program in Indonesia. Set out from the implementation of the Sekolah Penggerak Program, where in the process, there are still headmasters who are still hesitant in determining school programs and have not been able to implement the programs that have been made. This study uses a literature review to answer all the problems by strengthening the previous references. The results show that Sekolah Penggerak is implemented to increase the school quality through holistic learning outcomes, starting with excellent human resources (headmasters and teachers). Sekolah Penggerak program provides five interventions to school, one of which is Human resources strengthening. Self-Efficacy can shape the headmaster to be the highest-level manager, planner, supervisor, and evaluator at school, so all of his/her tasks will run well with high confidence in planning the work program. The headmaster can also have a solid commitment to the work program, be able to implement the program, and be able to embrace the school environment together to achieve the goal of a quality school that can make the students become Pancasila students profile.

Keywords: Self Efficacy, Headmaster, Sekolah Penggerak Program

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278 Universal Quality Education ABS-269

Techno Prevention as an Effort to Counter Cyber Terrorism in Indonesia
Ali Masyhar (a) Tri Sulistiyono (b)

(a) Universitas Negeri Semarang
(b) Faculty of Law


Terrorism today has developed and metamorphosed in various forms. Not only the shape has changed, the means and space for movement have also changed. Terrorists seem to be shrewdly following technological developments, especially information technology. Conventional terrorism which initially only operates in the real world, with conventional equipment as well, has now changed and moved to the virtual world and utilizes the sophistication of information technology. This is where the world began to recognize the terminology of cyberterrorism. Cyberterrorism is terrorism in cyberspace or terrorism using information technology. Cyberterrorism as a variant of terrorism can be categorized as an extraordinary crime. Thus, efforts to overcome them must also be taken with extraordinary measures/tools. Extraordinary measures, therefore, should not only rely on penal efforts, but must also be accompanied by non-penal efforts. One of the non-penal efforts that can be an alternative in overcoming cyberterrorism is through technology (techno prevention). Techno prevention is directed at detecting terrorist movements early, planning and closing networks with technological means. In addition, techno prevention can also be used to close radically charged websites.

Keywords: Technoprevention, Cyberterrorism

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279 Universal Quality Education ABS-277

Preparing Quality Millennial Generation through Anticipating Political Education
Al Rafni, dan Suryanef Suryanef

1Faculty of Social Science Universitas Negeri Padang
2Faculty of Social Science Universitas Negeri Padang


The political education, has given so far to the millennial generation, has not showed a new paradigm according to its era and the results have not been optimal. This has implications for their substantive participation in the political environments. For this reason, new ways are needed so that they do not just participate conventionally, but have an obligation to be actively involved in political life. Anticipatory political education is political education capable of making reformative and transformative changes. This article aims to analyze the strategy of preparing quality from millennial in political life through anticipatory political education. With a qualitative research approach, the data obtained from the study of research results, literature/library studies, in-depth interviews and field studies. The findings are presented through analysis, context, input, process, product/output, and outcome (CIPPO) methods. Through this process, strategies are built that can realize anticipatory political education and prepare quality millennial in political life.

Keywords: political education strategy, millennial generation, anticipatory political education.

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280 Universal Quality Education ABS-280

The Effect of Learning Productive Subjects on Students^ Interest In Entrepreneurship on Vocational School of Fashion Departmen at Yogyakarta
Miladiah Susanti, Mohammad Adam Jerusalem

1 Fashion Education - Engineering Faculty - Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
2 Fashion Education- and Industrial Engineering - Engineering Faculty - Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
*Corresponding author. Email: adam_jerusalem[at]uny.ac.id


This research aims to determine: productive learning outcomes, interest in entrepreneurship, and an effect of learning productive subjects on entrepreneurship interest in class XII students of Fashion Vocational School in Yogyakarta. The correlational method with a quantitative approach was applied in this study. The population consisted of students at class XII of Fashion Vocational School in Yogyakarta, totaling 265 students. The sample size is 152 students taken by proportional random sampling. Data were collected using questionnaires and documentation. Hypothesis testing using simple linear regression.
The results showed that: the productive learning outcomes of the Fashion Vocational High School students in Yogyakarta were in the competent category, the interest in entrepreneurship was in the very high category, and there was an effect of learning productive subjects on the students^ interest in entrepreneurship with a magnitude of 10.7%. Given the large contribution of these influences, schools and teachers should improve the quality of their learning, so that students^ interest in entrepreneurship would higher, as a contribution of vocational schools to create jobs and reduce the open unemployment rate.

Keywords: productive subjects, interest in entrepreneurship, fashion vocational school

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281 Universal Quality Education ABS-29

Learning Finance, Financial Literacy and Financial Technology as Predictors of Student Financial Behavior in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Susanti1, Han Tantri Hardini2, Vivi Pratiwi3,Moh. Danang Bahtiari4

1 Universitas Negeri Surabaya
2 Universitas Negeri Surabaya
3 Universitas Negeri Surabaya
4 Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study aims to determine the effect of learning finance, financial literacy and financial technology on students^ personal financial behavior in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study using 180 students as research samples. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and financial literacy tests and data analysis techniques using multiple regression. The results of the study show that learning finance, financial literacy and financial technology have an effect on the personal financial behavior of FEB Unesa students in the Covid 19 Pandemic Era. The implications of this research are an understanding of material about finance that is integrated in various courses, understanding the concept of financial literacy and mastering financial technology. good behavior can change students^ financial behavior to be wiser.

Keywords: Financial Learning, Financial Literacy, Financial Technology, Personal Financial Management

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282 Universal Quality Education ABS-289

Analysis of Students^ Scientific Argumentation Ability on Integrated Immune System Material of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Muhyiatul Fadilah (a*), Syafira Defni(b), Lufri(c), Elsa Yuniarti(d)

a,b,c,d) Biology Department, Universitas Negeri Padang
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang, Indonesia


Scientific argumentation is an attempt to evaluate knowledge by means of validation or denying claims based on scientific reasons and producing conclusions based on data. This study aims to determine the level and description of the scientific argumentation ability of SMA Negeri 1 Pasaman students on the material of the integrated immune system of the COVID-19 pandemic. The population in this study were students of class XII MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Pasaman. The sample of this study was 35 students who were taken through a random sampling technique. The data were collected using a scientific argumentation test that has been validated by the scientific argumentation component with descriptive techniques, namely claim, data, warrant, backing, and rebuttal. The data on the answer results of the scientific argumentation ability test are assessed by calculating percentages and interpreted into several categories. The results showed that the scientific argumentation ability of students was on average at level 2 of the weak category with an average percentage of scientific argumentation ability of 33.52%. Based on the scientific argumentation component, 44.8% of students included claims in their answers, 28.6% contained data (data), 14.8 guarantors (warrants), 4.3% support (backing), the rebuttal component (rebuttal) only 1%, and as many as 14% of students gave incorrect claims answers and there were also students who did not fill in the answers. The conclusion of this study is that the level of scientific argumentation ability of SMA Negeri 1 Pasaman students on the integrated immune system material of the COVID-19 pandemic is at level 2 with a weak category.

Keywords: Scientific Argumentation Ability, Immune System, COVID-19 Pandemic, socio-scientific issues

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283 Universal Quality Education ABS-37

Risna Podungge, Muhammad Faisal Lutfi Amri, Taufik Bumulo

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


Risna Podungge M.Pd., Muhammad Faisal Lutfi Amri, M.Pd., Taufik Bumulo.. The Effect of Dumbbell Exercises on Smash Ability in Table Tennis Sports in Men^s Students Class VII SMP Negeri 3 Duhiadaa. Undergraduate Study Program of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Department of Sports Education, Faculty of Sports and Health, Gorontalo State University.
The formulation of the problem in this study is ^is there an influence on smash ability in the sport of table tennis through dumbbell exercises in men^s students of class VII of Duhiadaa State Junior High School 3?^. The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence dumbbell exercises have on smash ability in the sport of table tennis in men^s students of class VII of State Junior High School 3 Duhiadaa.
The test result obtained tcount = 11,896 ttable values at a = 0.05 - dk n-1 (0.05-30-1=29) obtained a price of 1.669. Thus tcount is greater than ttabel (tcount = 11,896 > ttabel = 1,669). Based on the test criteria that receive Ha: if tcount> ttable at a = 0.05 - n-1, therefore the alternative hypothesis or Ha is acceptable, so it can be stated that there is an influence of dumbbell exercises on the ability of smashes in the sport of table tennis in students of class VII of Duhiadaa State Junior High School 3.
Based on the results of the experiments that have been conducted, awarding students significantly in smash ability in the sport of table tennis after the implementation of the experiment. Thus it can be concluded that the author^s hypothesis that reads if dumbbell exercises are applied, then the ability of smash in the sport of table tennis in students of class VII of State Junior High School 3 Duhiadaa will have an effect^ is acceptable.

Keywords: Dumbbel Exercises, Smash, Table Tennis

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284 Universal Quality Education ABS-293

The Effect of Self-Assessment and Motivation toward Students Performance in Practicum Classroom
Ni Ketut Widiartini (a*), I Gede Sudirtha (b), Ni Wayan Sukerti (b)

a), b) Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


The present study aimed at investigating the effect of self-assessment and learning motivation towards students^ performance in practicum classroom. The study was designed in pretest and posttest Quasi Experimental with 2x2 factorial design. Three variables used in this study, namely self-assessment as an independent variable, students^ learning motivation as a moderator variable, and students^ learning performance as a dependent variable. Sixty students in the sixth semester of the Family Welfare Education study program, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha were involved as the sample of this study. The students followed and joined practicum courses which were selected by using a randomly sampling technique. The samples were divided into four groups, namely 1) the control group with high motivation, 2) control group with low motivation, 3) experimental group with high motivation, 4) the experimental group with low motivation. Pre-test and post-test were the technique of data collection in this study. Self-assessment instrument was a research instrument used during the treatment, meanwhile performance assessment test was used for collecting the data during pre-test and post-test. The data were collected by conducting test to see the students^ performance. Then, the obtained data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS 25. The results of the study showed that 1) the effect on students^ performance in practicum classroom between students who were taught by using self-assessment and conventional technique- 2) the significant effect on students^ performance in practicum classroom between students who were taught by using self-assessment and conventional technique- 3) the interactional effect between the implementation of self-assessment and motivation on students^ performance- 4) there is different on students^ performance between students with high motivation who were taught using self-assessment and those who were taught by conventional technique

Keywords: Motivation- Practicum- Self-assessment- Students Performance-

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285 Universal Quality Education ABS-44

Implementation of Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) in the S-1 Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Surabaya

Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This article aims to describe the implementation of Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) in the S-1 Language Education Study Program at the Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Surabaya. The concept used in this research is the curriculum concept and the Independent Learning Campus Teaching. The kind of this research is descriptive and qualitative one. The source of data is taken from the form of lecture schedules as a representation of the MBKM curriculum for the S-1 Language Education Study Program. The data were collected by documentation and interview techniques, then analyzed by descriptive qualitative and percentage techniques. The result of this research shown that MBKM has been implemented in the S-1 Language Education Study Program State University of Surabaya for the 2021/2022 academic year both in the odd and even semester. The implementation of MBKM in the form of studying for one semester outside the original study program is equivalent to 20 credits in the study programs at the State University of Surabaya in the odd semester of 2022/2022 did not work as stipulated in the MBKM policy of the State University of Surabaya due to differences in the characteristics of the S-1 Language Education study program namely Indonesian, English, German, Japanese, Javanese, and Mandarin. As a result, this form of MBKM program is implemented like ^oranges eat oranges^. The implementation of MBKM and off-campus study is equivalent to 20 credits in the even semester of 2021/2022 in the form of the Thematic Real Work Lecture program (KKNT) managed by the Real Work Lecture Division, State University of Surabaya running according to applicable guidelines. There are five programs offered, namely (1) Teaching Assistance, (2) Village Projects, (3) Humanitarian Projects, (4) Entrepreneurship, and (5) Independent Projects. Between the five programs offered, the most popular are the Village Project and Teaching Assistance.

Keywords: Implementation, Merdeka Learning Independent Campus, S-1 Language Education Study Program

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286 Universal Quality Education ABS-300

The Comparison of Students^ Critical Thinking Skills by Implementation of Think Pair Share and Student Teams Achievement Division Cooperative Learning Models in Biology Instruction at SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja
I Wayan Sukra Warpala (wayan.sukra@undiksha.ac.id)- Ni Luh Putu Manik Widiyanti (putu.manik@undiksha.ac.id)- Mimin Yeli Sholekah (mimin.yeli.sholekah@undiksha.ac.id)

Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


Critical thinking skills are very useful for students to enter the world of work, so it really need to be trained in the learning process. This research aims at analyzing the differences of students^ critical thinking skills through implementation of Think Pair Share (TPS) and Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Cooperative Learning Models in Biology Instruction at SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja. To achieve that purpose, it has been done a quasi-experiment research which used Nonequivalent Pretest Post-test Control Group Design. The population of this research were all of class XI MIPA (7 classes) at SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja. The research^s samples were class XI MIPA 3 and XI MIPA 4 which is determined by simple random sampling technique by lottery. By these two classes, one class was taught by TPS, there were 32 students. Another one class was taught by STAD, there were 33 students. The data is analyzed by using the descriptive analysis and the used of Anacova statistic. By the Anacova testing, it was obtained a statistical value of F = 8,776 with a significance of 0.004. It indicated that (1) there were differences in the critical thinking skills of the students who were taught by TPS with the students who were taught by the STAD and (2) the average value obtained by the group of students who were taught by the TPS cooperative learning model (75.31) was higher than the average value of groups of students who were taught by the STAD cooperative learning model (68.67).

Keywords: critical thinking skills, cooperative learning model, Think Pair Share, Student Teams Achievement Divison

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287 Universal Quality Education ABS-48

cultural literacy and citizenship in elementary school, case study at SD laboratorium UNG
Candra C, Fazila Ayun Abdullah dan Zulaecha Ngiu

universitas negeri gorontalo


The problem statements of this study are 1) how is school-based cultural literacy and citizenship at SD Laboratorium UNG?, 2) how is class-based cultural literacy and citizenship at thematic learning?. This study aims to determine cultural literacy and citizenship at SD Laboratorium UNG. This study uses a qualitative research method whith a case study approach procedures are observation, interviews, and documentation.
This study shows that cultural literacy and citizenship at SD Laboratorium UNG in school-based and classroom-based are running effectively. First, school-based cultural literacy in its implementation is in the form of a school brand-based literacy movement program, namely bilingual, religious, and ICT (BRI) which combines English, Arabic, and gorontalo as a school program so that students can master several lauages. Second, classroom-based cultural literacy and citizenship carried out though the application of thematic learning has been running effectively, this is viewed from aspects of learning media such as lesson plans and syllabus which are linked to literacy and citizenship values, and there is also PPK (strengthening the character education) listed in the learning media. Teachers in the learning process use methods that are adapted to literacy and cultural-based learning materials. This is conducted to foster a seuse of corfrem on cultural literacy and the spirit of nationalism in students from and early.

Keywords: cultural literacy and citizenship

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288 Universal Quality Education ABS-304

The Oil Industry in Pangkalan Brandan 1890-1930s
Ririn Darini

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


This study aims to explain the emergence and development of the Pangkalan Brandan oil industry by the Koninklijke oil company and the influence of this industry on the development of the infrastructure of the region. This research uses historical methods which include source search, source criticism, interpretation, and historical writing. The results showed that the discovery of oil reserves in Pangkalan Brandan was a milestone in the development of the oil industry in the Dutch East Indies. The discovery of the oil field has transformed Pangkalan Brandan from a village into an industrial city with various facilities. It encourages the development of both physical and social infrastructure. Physical infrastructure includes a network of roads (highway and railway), oil refineries, ports, and packaging factories, while social infrastructure includes development in the fields of health and education. Pangkalan Brandan^s economy was growing rapidly due to this industry. The population has increased significantly due to the influx of labor for this industry. However, this development tends to only support the industry and was not oriented towards improving the people^s standard of living. Yet, the development had limited effects on the socio-economic improvement of local people.

Keywords: Oil Industry, Pangkalan Brandan, Koninklijke (Royal), BPM, Infrastructure

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289 Universal Quality Education ABS-50

sudirman sudirman, agil bahsoan

gorontalo state university


Abstract : Teaching is a professional job carried out by teachers at all levels of education both public and
private in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, requiring a qualified professionalism so that the output of
the profession provides something of quality, so that students as the younger generation have competitive
qualities. quantitative approach with primary and secondary data sources with data collection methods namely
observation, interviews, documentation and literature study, the problem in this study is how the professionalism
of teachers in carrying out their duties and obligations in producing quality and competitive output of graduates
in poverty control, research This aims as information about the role or contribution of certified teacher
professionalism in order to create an output or quality school graduates, namely graduates who have
competitiveness in teaching and learning. To emphasize the poverty level, the results of this study show that
teacher professionalism has a positive influence and contribution in order to create a generation that is qualified
and competitive in controlling poverty levels, the authors conclude that teacher professionalism has a positive
influence in order to create a young generation who has qualified and competent quality. competitiveness so that
they can contribute to national development in reducing poverty levels.

Keywords: Keyword : Teacher Professionalism- Competitiveness- Generation- Poverty

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290 Universal Quality Education ABS-306

The Board Game Peace Education Model as an Educational Media Towards 2024 Election for the Young Generation
Leni Anggraeni, Idrus Affandi, Dinn Wahyudin, Abdul Azis

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


In the last decade, political polarization among the people is unavoidable before and during the general election. The impact of political polarization during the general election caused conflicts in the community because of the supporting fanaticism factor that often included SARA (ethnic, race, religion, and inter-group) issues in it. Political education that should be carried out by political agents (political parties being one of them) to the community, has not been running effectively. Meanwhile, the role of academics in carrying out political education can be done in various ways, one of which is through the development of a political education model. This study aims to describe to the public the development of the Peace Village Board Game model as an educational model with the theme of pre- and post-election conflict resolution through the internalization of philosophical values and nationalism. The provisional result of this research is that there are several philosophical values that need to be socialized to the public ahead of the 2024 election through a model that is adaptive to people^s daily lives, namely the Board Game model.

Keywords: Political Education, Peace Village, Board Game, General Election.

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291 Universal Quality Education ABS-308

How Do Parenting, Parent Education and Family Income Effect on The Cognitive Development of Toddlers?
Yuliana1,2, Afifah Nur Hasanah2, Mentari Larashinda2

1 Department of Cullinary Art, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Universitas Negeri Padang
2 Research Center for Food, Nutrition, Family and Community Empowerment, Universitas Negeri Padang


Children who are raised in good parenting have the possibility to develop optimally, even though their parents^ education and family income is low. This study aims to analyze the effect of parenting, parental education and family income on the cognitive intelligence of toddlers. This research method is quantitative with a cross sectional study design in 70 families with children under five in Koto Tangah District, Padang City. The sample was determined purposively, namely toddlers, children under five aged 3-5 years, having complete parents and mothers of toddler as respondents in this study. Data on parents^ education and family income were collected using a questionnaire. Parenting data using the HOME Inventory instrument and cognitive development using a standardized questionnaire by the Curriculum Center. The data was processed descriptively and using simple and multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS. The results showed that the care of toddlers was categorized as moderate with an average score of 34.2. The average cognitive development score is 13.7 points (low). Parenting has a significant effect on children^s cognitive development with R-square = 0.726, sig = 0.000. Another factor that significantly influences the cognitive development of toddlers is family income with an R-square value (Adj R-square) = 0.775 (0.747).

Keywords: Keywords: parenting, cognitive development, toddlers

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292 Universal Quality Education ABS-310

Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Curriculum Design in Arabic Language Education Study Program
Hanik Mahliatussikah, Singgih Kuswardono



The majority of Arabic Education Study Programs in Indonesia have not implemented the MBKM curriculum and still need practical examples of how to apply it. Implementation of MBKM curriculum in this study program in order to improve human resources to face the era of disruption and to prepare future generations that are responsive to the challenges of the era of society 5.0. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with curriculum object of the Arabic language education study program. The author collect data relevant to MBKM and analyzing the reading materials that have been obtained, and concluding the main topic regarding the implementation of MBKM curriculum. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of MBKM is related to the era of society 5.0. The capabilities that must be possessed are creativity and innovation so that they become strong, skilled, and tenacious human resources. MBKM curriculum design in Arabic language education includes planning, learning process, assessment, and learning evaluation. The implementation of MBKM in this program is carried out with careful planning that is able to improve the quality of Indonesian Arabic language education and can prepare outstanding graduates who are able to compete globally.

Keywords: MBKM, Curriculum, Arabic Language, Design

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293 Universal Quality Education ABS-56

Pattern of Fulfillment of Educational Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia in Inclusive Education Arrangements (Critical Study of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System)
Zamroni Abdussamad, Mohamad Hidayat Muhtar dan Dolot Alhasni Bakung

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


The fulfillment of the right to education for persons with disabilities has been guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution Article 31 paragraph (1) which states that every citizen has the right to education. This phrase in principle places all Indonesian citizens without exception having the right to education. If you look at Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System (UU Sisdiknas) education for disabilities is directed at special education. This has explicitly fulfilled the right to disability education, but special education creates a pattern of segregation and discrimination due to the grouping of students who seem to place persons with disabilities in special groups and separate from non-disabled groups.
This research is categorized into normative legal research type, it is based on the issues and/or themes raised as research topics using a philosophical and analytical research approach which is analyzed descriptively analytically. The results show that the National Education System Law still follows the old pattern, namely segregative education by placing people with disabilities in the exclusiveness of special education which results in discriminatory actions. This is because the National Education System Law does not provide space for inclusive education which causes regular schools to have reasons to reject students with disabilities. In addition, there is an unclear norm in the National Education System Law, precisely in the explanation of the article that places inclusive education as part of special education which actually has different meanings, concepts and objectives. Therefore, the unclear and limited concept of inclusive education in the National Education System Law has an impact on the segregation and discrimination of persons with disabilities.

Keywords: Persons with Disabilities, Discrimination, Segregation, Inclusiveness, Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System

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294 Universal Quality Education ABS-57

The implementation of project-based learning model to improve students^ skill of interpretation on Tsuuyaku course
Franky R. Najoan (a*), Fitri Gama (a), Daniel Makikama (b)

Universitas Negeri Manado
a) Lecturer
b) Student


Tsuuyaku is an interpretation skill. But how can these skills be acquired effectively and efficiently? This study tries to apply Project Based Learning in oral translation learning in the Tsuuyaku course, with the aim of measuring the effectiveness of the Project Based Learning method on oral translation learning, and describing students^ creativity, whether their creativity can improve their oral translation skills. The research was conducted with a One-Shot Case Study design on the research subjects as many as 24 students of the Unima Japanese Language Education Study Program. The research data was obtained from the analysis of the product observation sheet. The results of descriptive data analysis show that through Project Based Learning students are able to show their creativity in oral translation projects, and in the end are able to do translations. This study recommends a better form of tsuuyaku learning so that learners can acquire a language transfer skill from the source language to the target language, namely from Japanese to Indonesian and vice versa.

Keywords: tsuuyaku, interpretation skill, project based learning

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295 Universal Quality Education ABS-313

Blended Learning and Computers Self-Efficacy towards Students Learning Outcomes
Nurhikmah H1*, Abdul Saman2, Pattaufi3, Sujarwo4, Sella Mawarni5

1,3,5 Teknologi Pendidikan/Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
2 Bimbingan dan Konseling/Universitas Negeri Makassar
4 Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/Universitas Megarezky, Makassar, Indonesia


The impact of emerging technology on public education is significant. This technology can only be controlled by those who are highly competent and educated and technology has caused a lot of change in human life. The aim of the study was to examine the blended learning and computers self-efficacy towards students learning outcomes. This type of research is mixed methods, with an embedded experimental model design by using SPSS and Qualitative data analysis techniques was obtained from interviews, questionnaires, documentation. The results of research in various fields of study or subjects show the superiority of learning outcomes for students who have high self-efficacy in computer skills than students with low self-efficacy in computer skills and the results of blended learning can improve student learning outcomes in higher education. It can be concluded that there is a significant effect of blended learning and computer self-efficacy towards learning outcomes. And blended learning and computer self-efficacy can improve students learning outcomes in Makassar State University. It is expected that blended learning can be applied and developed again in learning to other universities, especially by using a large sample.

Keywords: Learning, Computer Self-Efficacy, Learning Outcomes

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296 Universal Quality Education ABS-58

The Role of the Giri Mulya Study Group Community for Increasing Community Empowerment
Heryanto Susilo1 *, Ali Yusuf2, Sjafiatul Mardliyah3, Rivo Nugroho4

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study explores community needs through community empowerment oriented to regional potential through the Giri Mulya Study Group Community with a community-based community resource management process. This community is a development strategy and community empowerment that gives a dominant role to the community at the community level, especially in controlling and managing productive resources. This research uses qualitative research methods, while the approach used in this research is a case study approach. Selection of informants using snowball sampling technique and data collection techniques using observation techniques and depth interviews. The Giri Mulya Study Group Community development has had a positive impact on community empowerment in Munggugebang Village. Cooperation that exists between elements of society can be a significant impetus in carrying out an empowerment process. Sustainability of education in the Giri Mulya Study Group Community is the most basic effort in empowering an area, in this case, rural areas.

Keywords: Learning Group Community, Community Empowerment, Empowerment Improvement

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297 Universal Quality Education ABS-63

Frida Maryati Yusuf, Supartin, Herinda Mardin, Winda Minarti Yusuf

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


Abstract is submitted as file

Keywords: validity, practicality, effectiveness

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298 Universal Quality Education ABS-321

Henry J.D. Tamboto- Allen A.Ch. Manongko- Johny Tarore

Universitas Negeri Manado


The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 greatly affected the role of the teacher as a component of education/learning. As a teacher, you must be professional in the learning process as well as the key to the success of student learning to produce quality graduates. Professional teachers are teachers who are competent in building and developing good and effective learning processes so that they can produce smart students and quality education.
The implementation of the 2013 curriculum (K-13) has consequences for teachers to be more qualified in carrying out learning activities. Optimizing the role of teachers in implementing 21st- century learning must have higher order thinking skills (HOTS). In realizing 21st- century learning with HOTS, teachers must have good process skills in learning. The development of HOTS-oriented learning is one of the government^s programs to improve the quality of learning and the quality of graduates.
This study aims to determine the effect of learning Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and Learning Media on student learning at SMK Negeri 1 Amurang. This research method is a survey method with a sample of 34 people. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire (questionnaire). Data analysis used regression and correlation analysis techniques. The results of this study show: that HOTS spending has a positive and significant effect on student learning outcomes. Learning Media has a positive effect on student learning outcomes. HOTS learning and learning media have a positive effect on student learning outcomes at SMK Negeri 1 Amurang

Keywords: HOTS Learning, Learning Media, Student Learning Outcomes

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299 Universal Quality Education ABS-324

Development of Graphical User Interface for Buck Converter Training Kits
Krismadinata, K.- Telvi Armaliany- Asnil, A.- Irma Husnaini.- Fivia Eliza

Centre for Energy and Power Electronics Research (CEPER)
Universitas Negeri Padang


This article presents the design and creation of a graphical user interface (GUI) for a Buck converter training kits. Visual studio 2010 is used as software in creating graphical interface applications. Two voltage sensors and two current sensors are employed to measure the voltage and current at the input and output of the buck converter. low cost processor Arduino Uno is enhanced as a processor for signal processing and communicating with personal computers. The average voltage and current at the input and output sections are displayed in the GUI. Likewise, the frequency, duty cycle, graphical display of current and voltage levels from time to time are presented. The results of the GUI that are made are verified with standardized measuring tools and the results show accurate results.

Keywords: Graphical User Interface- Buck Converter- training kits

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300 Universal Quality Education ABS-72

Hariadi Said

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


The purpose of the study is to determine the potential of portfolio students class of 2020 study program Pendidikan Jasmani and Kesehatan Fakultas Olahraga and Kesehatan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo through the ability of maximum oxygen volume (Vo2max). This research includes descriptive research to find out the real situation in the field about the physical potential of students. The instrument used in this study was a bleep test to measure the ability of maximum oxygen volume (Vo2max). The data is analyzed using the percentage formula. The results of this study show that the average Vo2max of students is in the poor category. The conclusion based on the measurements that have been made, it is concluded that the average physical potential ability of students who enter through the portfolio system is in the category of poor.

Keywords: Physical potential, portfolio students

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