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151 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-268

Muhammad Azil Maskur (a)*, Eta Yuni Lestari (b), Ristina Yudhanti (c), Edwindha Prafitra Nugraheni (d)

(a) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang
(b) Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang
(c) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang
(d) Fakuty of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang


Throughout 2020 National Commission on Violence Woman Indonesia data recorded that there were 590 complaints related to sexual violence against women, while in the Kemdikbudristek survey, 77% of lecturers stated that sexual violence had occurred on campus and 63% of lecturers did not report cases they knew to the campus. Seeing this data, Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Education, Culture, Higher Education, Research and Technology responded to the public^s desire by issuing Permenristek Dikti Number 30 of 2021 concerning Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education. This ministerial policy must be responded to quickly by every university by utilizing various adequate infrastructure facilities including using technology. The purpose of this paper is (1) to conduct a comprehensive analysis of how the sociological juridical review related to sexual violence in universities (2) model the use of technology in the prevention and handling of sexual violence in universities.

Juridically, sexual violence in universities has been regulated in several laws and regulations, both as prevention and handling, both administrative and criminal approaches. This is in response to the sociological fact that sexual violence is an iceberg phenomenon that must be resolved with various approaches and special attention to victims. As a serious effort to prevent and handle sexual violence in universities, it is necessary to utilize information technology either through web portals, email, social media, whatsapp business, or other technological devices. The use of technological devices other than as a means of prevention through campaigns is also a means of handling through a fast and appropriate reporting system and service for cases of sexual violence.

Keywords: Technology, Sexual Violence, Higher Education

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152 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-278

Collaborative Governance in Developing Tourism Potential Through Tourism Villages
Kurnia Nur Fitriana, Dyah Kumalasari, Suranto, Nursida Arif, Sutanto Tri Juni Putro, Danu Eko Agustinova, Nur Lailly Tri Wulansari, Riko Septiantoko

Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


The development of tourism potential through collaborative governance is a post-COVID-19 economic recovery strategy carried out by stakeholders of the Sriharjo Tourism Village, Imogiri District, Bantul Regency. This paper aims to explain the collaborative governance process that occurs in the development of tourism potential in Sriharjo Tourism Village. This research was conducted in a qualitative descriptive manner by elaborating the techniques of extracting data from in-depth interviews, observation, focus group discussions, and documentation to explore primary and secondary data. Checking the validity of the data has been done through triangulation of sources. The research subjects include elements of the government, private sector, universities, mass media, communities, and local communities in Sriharjo Tourism Village. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique was compiled interactively including the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. Village-Owned Enterprises, universities, private sector, mass media, tourism awareness groups, youth organizations and local communities. The collaborative governance process that occurs through face-to-face dialogue, trust building, commitment to the process, shared understanding, and intermediate outcomes have made a positive contribution to increasing the acceleration of tourism potential development and promotion based on digital platforms from Sriharjo Tourism Village. However, some challenges must be managed better in the aspect of building trust in the management of Sriharjo Tourism Village because there are different backgrounds and priority interests of each actor involved. In addition, long-term sustainable interventions need to be carried out on aspects of commitment to the process and shared understanding to have a multiplier effect on the outcome in the future. The results of this study are expected to provide real implications for the management of the Sriharjo Tourism Village

Keywords: Collaborative Governance, Tourism Development, Tourism Village, COVID-19 Pandemic.

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153 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-23

The Synergy of the School Partnership Model in the Success of Educational Transformation
Widya Karmila Sari Achmad, Unga Utami

State University of Makassar


The 21st century is a century of significant educational transformation. The transformation of education in the 21st century raises various challenges and needs that need to be responded to responsively. One of the needs of the 21st century is to carry out a collaboration for the advancement of quality education. The purpose of this paper is to describe the synergy of the school partnership model for the success of the current educational transformation. The method in this writing is a literature review by reviewing the relevant literature with the topic of discussion. The results show that the school partnership model with potential partners can provide benefits and a positive impact on the quality of education in Indonesia, especially in the success of the current education transformation. The author recommends that the implementation of partnerships needs to be carried out optimally through program control and evaluation for each partner. This is part of the successful transformation of 21st-century education that is oriented toward collaboration rather than competition.

Keywords: Partnership, school, transformation, education

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154 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-24

The Importance of Education in Improving Local Cultural Awareness in The Globalization Era : Japanese Language Studies in Cross-Cultural Communication
Ina Ika Pratita

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


In the era of globalization, challenges in various aspects of life must inevitably be faced. The progress of science and technology which is marked by the rapid flow of information and communication systems without boundaries has an impact on the conformity of the world of education.
The above must be immediately reduced to an educational setting that can lead students to find their identity. The negative impacts that will occur are intervened early, then structuring and planning are carried out towards a more targeted education pattern in order to save the younger generation from backwardness.
Communication and information that occurs quickly out of control, especially in the field of education, must be utilized and empowered. Furthermore, the person concerned is able to equip himself in preparing for selection and sorting effectively and creatively to serve as a benchmark in carrying himself.
To avoid misinterpretation or misunderstanding in Communication Cultural Internalization and intercultural communication, each participant tries to understand the language they use. An understanding of language that contains an understanding of cultural items will lead to the development of a common discourse. This similarity of discourse will eliminate the assumption of strangers among the communication participants or speech participants.

Keywords: Local Cultural Awareness, Globalization, Japanese Language, Cross Culture

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155 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-26

Effects Of Aquarobics High-Intensity Interval Training On Body Mass Reduction in Obese Female
Siti Baitul Mukarromah (a), Mohammad Arif Ali (a) Sugiarto (a), Gustiana Mega Anggita (a), Ronny Lesmana (b), Aziiz Rosdianto (b)

(a) Sports Science Department, Sports Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

(b) Physiology Division, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia


Background: The prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults aged 20-39 years is 39.8%, in those aged 40-59 years is 44.3%, and in those aged over 60 years is 41.5%. Overweight and obesity conditions are triggers for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and cancer, which are some of the causes of premature death. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) Aquarobics on Body Mass Index after treatment with Deep Water Running HITT and Jumping Jack Move HITT 3-5 times a week Methods: Experimental A randomized pre-test-post-test control group design was conducted on 24 overweight and obese women (BMI> 30 kg/m2) aged 40-50 years, who were divided into 2 groups: Aquarobics HIIT for 8 weeks (n = 12) and control (n = 12). The Body Fat Percentage, body weight, and BMI were measured pre-post and the values were compared with the hypothesis test using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Results: all the parameters tested were lower after 8 weeks of Aquarobics HITT, including percentage of body fat (pre 36.53 + 2.74- post 32.96 + 4.28- p = 0.00) and BMI (pre 31.29 + 0.98- post 30.29 + 1.15- p = 0.00) compared to the control group. Conclusion There was a significant decrease after 8 weeks of treatment with aquarobics high-intensity interval training in obese females aged 40-50 years. Aquarobics HITT can be recommended for body mass reduction in women with overweight and obesity.

Keywords: water fitness, body weight, physical fitness

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156 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-28

Gesi and Numeracy in Let^s Read Books Level 1
Kisyani Laksono1*, Endah Budi Rahaju2, Zulaikhah Abdullah3, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo4, Raras Tyasnurita5

1. Universitas Negeri Surabaya (1,2,3,4)
2. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (5)


This study aims to identify gender equality, social inclusion (gesi), and numeracy in Let^s Read level 1- identify the conformity of the book with the guidelines. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data sources come from five books in the Indonesian language Let^s Read level 1. The analysis uses gender equality instruments, social inclusion instruments, numeracy instruments, and level 1 guidelines content. The results show that gender equality is reflected in four books, social inclusion in one book, and numeracy is reflected in one book. In terms of content suitability and the role of illustration, all of the books are according to the guidelines. This shows that there is still a gender bias in books for children, even if it is only visible in the pictures. In addition, social inclusion related to the presence of children with special needs and the introduction of numeracy for children needs to be increased.

Keywords: gender equality, social inclusion, numeracy, let^s read

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157 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-34

Development of the Basic Langga Movement Manual
Hartono Hadjarati, Arief Ibnu Haryanto

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


This study aims to develop an E-Book-Based Guidebook for Gorontalo Langga Martial Arts Movement. Gorontalo itself is a province located in Indonesia, precisely on the northern island of Sulawesi. This research uses research and development methods. The experimental subjects used in this research and development were Gorontalo cultural experts, 10 small group trials, and 20 large group trials. The data obtained in this research and development are qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative data obtained from the results of the questionnaire which will be divided into product trials, the questionnaire used is an assessment questionnaire. This development model includes product analysis, product development, expert validation and revision, product testing, and final product manufacture. As a result, this book was declared feasible in a large-scale trial with 90% results. In conclusion, this book can be given and circulated widely to the general public.

Keywords: basic Langga- movement manual

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158 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-297

Ida Bagus Made Astawa

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


Globalization is believed to be one of the causes of the marginalization of local culture (local wisdom) owned by the Balinese people who are believed to have been able to protect their environment. This causes environmental damage in Bali to be felt to be growing and increasingly complex. As a reflection of the Balinese people who have Tri Hita Karana and the concept of the cosmos which is believed to be so Eco-religious can be used as a solution in saving the environment in Bali. The basis developed in Eco-religious is to place humans as creatures who have a vertical relationship with God and a horizontal relationship with fellow creatures, including with their environment, and are an inseparable part of their environment.

Keywords: Eco-religious- Environmental function, local wisdom- Cosmos- Tri Hita Karana

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159 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-307

Yogyakarta Provincial Government Tourism Communication During the New Normal
Suranto Aw, Ulfah Hidayati, Benni Setiawan

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


The purpose of this study was to determine the tourism communication strategy of the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) during the adaptation period of new habits (new normal). Through this research, it will also be seen how the Yogyakarta Provincial Tourism Office conducts strategic communication to keep the tourism sector alive during the Covid-19 pandemic.This study uses a qualitative approach. The research location is at the Yogyakarta Provincial Tourism Office. Sources of data obtained from observations, documentation and interviews with the determination of the sample using a purposive sampling technique which involved 2 respondents, namely the Head of the Promotion Section and the Head of the Tourism Information Services Section, the Yogyakarta Provincial Tourism Office. The results of the study show that the Covid-19 pandemic that has lasted from the beginning of 2019 has reduced the rate of tourism in DIY by minus 6%. Facing these conditions, the Yogyakarta Provincial Tourism Office carried out the main strategy, namely: strategy recovery and market recovery. The two strategies are carried out through collaboration with partners, social media management, the creation of the VisitingJogja application, and the launch of the Pranatan Anyar Plesiran Jogja. Cooperation with partners here is cooperation with travel agencies, Mitra Praja Utama which is a tourism coordination forum between provinces, and banking institutions such as BI and BPD. Social media management is carried out through the activation of all social media platforms (accounts @visitingjogja) with content that touches the audience^s emotional memories of Yogyakarta memories and virtual tour activities. The VisitingJogja application, which is a digital transformation effort around tourism in DIY, is also integrated with the PeduliLindungi application in order to realize safe tourism during the Covid-19 period. Meanwhile, Pranatan Anyar Plesiran Jogja (Guidance for Adapt

Keywords: communication strategy, tourism, new normal

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160 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-60

Similarity and Dissimilarity of Culture between Indonesia-Thailand as a Context of Foreign Language Teaching
Bambang Yulianto, Prima Vidya Asteria, Imam Suyitno, Siriporn Maneechukhate, Irhamna Nirbhaya Carreca

Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Universitas Negeri Malang
Maejo University


The study aims to provide cultural restrictions as a pedagogical context of BIPA learning based on plurilingual and pluricultural competencies for BIPA Thailand students. This study uses bibliometric analysis methodology to map research publications on plurilingual and pluricultural characteristics of Thai BIPA students on Google Scholar search engines. The results of the mapping in the form of similarities and differences between Indonesian culture and Thai culture are used as the context of Indonesian learning for Thai students. The result of research show that the similarity between Indonesian culture and Thai culture lies in the categories of habits, food, communication characteristics, social media, health, economy, tourism, and politics. While the difference between Indonesian culture and Thai culture lies in the categories of habits, food, communication characteristics, social media, health, economics, tourism, politics, local language, and transportation.

Keywords: Similarity- Dissimilarity- PPC- BIPA Thailand

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161 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-61

The use of drama in learning German as foreign language during the COVID-19 pandemic
Lutfi Saksono

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


During the COVID-19 pandemic, students study at home and do not interact with teachers and their friends in class. In language learning the interaction between teachers and students or students with students is very important, through this interaction they can improve speaking skills. The use of drama is one way to create communication in virtual spaces, like zoom, in language learning during the covid-19 pandemic. This research aimed to explore the use of German drama in teaching German as a foreign language. This research also focuses on ways and strategies to create student-centered learning in virtual spaces to improve communication and public speaking skills using German. Two dramatic techniques used in this research are drama scripts and improvisation. The positive impact of teaching emotional language through drama is the physical, social, and cognitive development of students. This is because the use of drama has invited students to the real world or authentic situations.

Keywords: German as foreign language leraning, drama, communication, motivation

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162 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-318

RPLBK with Pancasila Character Values based on Balinese Local Culture
I Ketut Dharsana, Wayan Eka Paramartha

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


The general purpose of implementing community service is to produce a set of counseling guidance services in the form of Characterized RPBK which will be used in providing counseling guidance services in schools. While the specific purpose of this community service is to improve counseling guidance services carried out by counseling teachers. This service is carried out through providing training in writing Characterized RPBK and implementing counseling guidance services through lesson study. The subjects of this community service are counseling teachers at SMK Negeri 1 Singaraja and practical students. From the knowledge and understanding possessed by the counseling teacher, it can be collaborated with the knowledge of students who practice counseling to be able to produce a set of counseling guidance services in order to improve counseling guidance services carried out in schools. So that students are able to develop themselves in order to achieve their life goals. Through the results of this community service, it is hoped that there will be an increase in quality and professionalism in the provision of guidance and counseling services.

Keywords: RPBK Character, Review Action, Guidance Counseling

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163 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-66

Development Of Beach Tourism In ImprovingRegional Original Income In Bone Bolango District Gorontalo Province
Frahmawati Bumulo,Irawati Abdul

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


The purpose of the research that has been carried out is, how to plan the potential for beach tourism in the coastal area of Bone Bolango by maintaining supporting facilities and infrastructure around tourist sites such as: Botutonuo, whale shark marine tourism in coalni,
The respondent selection method was carried out using different methods for two groups of respondents (coastal community groups and institutional groups), where for community respondents the method used was simple random sampling method, while the institutional unit used was the purposive method.
The number of community samples taken were 30 respondents, consisting of 10 respondents at each sample location. Meanwhile, the institutional units interviewed were adjusted to the number of institutional units in each coastal village. It is estimated that there are around 5-10 institutions for each sample location. The analytical tools used are descriptive analysis to describe the potential profile of coastal human resources resources and quantitative analysis (SWOT) which aims to determine which is the most important direction for the development of creative economic potential in coastal tourism locations. Bone Bolango.
The results that have been achieved in this study are the drafting of a potential coastal tourism design on the coast of Bone Bolango which is expected to increase the income of the community around tourist sites and be able to increase the Regional Original Income of Bone Bolango Regency from the tourism sector.

Keywords: Coastal Tourism Development, Local Revenue

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164 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-78

The Synergy of the School Partnership Model in the Success of Educational Transformation
Widya Karmila Sari Achmad, Unga Utami

State University of Yogyakarta


The 21st century is a century of significant educational transformation. The transformation of education in the 21st century raises various challenges and needs that need to be responded to responsively. One of the needs of the 21st century is to carry out a collaboration for the advancement of quality education. The purpose of this paper is to describe the synergy of the school partnership model for the success of the current educational transformation. The method in this writing is a literature review by reviewing the relevant literature with the topic of discussion. The results show that the school partnership model with potential partners can provide benefits and a positive impact on the quality of education in Indonesia, especially in the success of the current education transformation. The author recommends that the implementation of partnerships needs to be carried out optimally through program control and evaluation for each partner. This is part of the successful transformation of 21st-century education that is oriented toward collaboration rather than competition.

Keywords: Partnership, school, transformation, education

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165 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-84

Roswita Lumban Tobing, Susana Widyastuti, S., Dwiyanto Djoko Pranowo

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


This research examines the issue surrounding the phenomenon of a borderless society which was created due to the rapid use of information technology during the current Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. In this background, this study uses the Critical Discourse Analysis approach to examine fake news on social media which is very fast and massive in its spread. Many people choose social media to share information and convey their opinions freely, even though the news that is shared is often inaccurate. The objectives of this study are (1) to reveal the types and elements of linguistic forms of fake news about Covid-19, (2) to reveal the theme of fake news about Covid-19, and (3) to reveal the responses and perceptions of the Indonesian people to fake news about Covid-19.Data in the form of videos and audience comments on the social media platforms facebook, whatshap, twitter and istagram were collected from January to September 2020. The study is expected to provide a deeper understanding of how hoax formed and how the community can anticipate that.The results showed that there were 5 themes in fake news about Covid 19, namely themes about 1) health, 2) politics, 3) economy, 4) religion and 5) culture. The types of fake news available are 1) Rumors that do not come from clear news sources, 2) conspiracy, 3) satire and 4) reports that are misleading or distorted. The most common theme is health. This happens because what is being discussed is indeed a virus which is not good for health. Furthermore, the type of fake news that most often appears is misleading news. This shows that people still like news like that and it is very easy to spread on social media

Keywords: fake news, social media, critical discourse analysis, borderless society

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166 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-94

Learning by Laughing: The Use of Ethnic Humor in Increasing Students Multicultural Awareness in Indonesia

Universitas Gadjah Mada


This study examines the effectiveness of using ethnic humor in increasing students multicultural awareness. As a form of discourse, humor possesses a distinctive textual property that it eventually becomes understandable and pleasurable. Also, the process of humor appreciation entails a solitary cognitive function so that it is effectively utilized to socialize certain values. Ethnic humor can increase students multicultural awareness in fun instead of dogmatic ways. This research method was literary review. Data were collected from two scientific article indexing databases. The results point out that ethnic humor can improve students knowledge about the cultural diversity of the Indonesian nation, which is an advantageous basis for building students^ multicultural awareness. Ethnic humor cannot stand alone since its values adaptation gets impacted by the life experiences of students and the support of the surrounding environment.

Keywords: Ethnic humor, Multicultural awareness, Multiculturalism, Pluralism

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167 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-352

The Representation of Character Education in The English Textbook Entitled Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI
Ni Komang Arie Suwastini, I Gusti Ayu Diah Gita Saraswati, Putu Suarcaya

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


As mandated by The Ministry of National Education, all aspects of learning process should contain values of character education as part of the efforts to build the students^ character. The present study analyzed how the Five Core Values of character education recommended by The Ministry are represented in the English textbook entitled Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI (2017 Revised Edition). Through descriptive qualitative study, it was revealed that the book included unequal frequency of the five core values^ appearances. Cooperative is represented 263 times- nationalist is demonstrated in 179 occasions- independent is highlighted 123 times, integrity is underlined in 108 parts, and religious is accentuated 69 times. Cooperative and independent values appear in almost all activities in the textbook, integrity is mostly incorporated into formative assessments and personal journal writing at the end of every chapter, while nationalism and religious values mostly occur at the book cover, preface, pre-activity, and reading texts. Although Nationalism and religious values appeared most sparsely, their dominant presence in the cover frames them as pivotal values that the students perceive upon first encountering the book, which could make up for their frequency deficits.

Keywords: character education, five core values, English textbook

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168 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-99

Perceptions of Early Marriage in Junior High School Students in Rural Areas
Muhammad Azinar1*, Alfiana Ainun Nisa2, Puput Ediyarsari3

1) Public Health Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
2) Public Health Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
3) Public Health Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia


Abstract. Early marriage (less than 19 years old) has a very serious impact on both the mother and the child being born. Grobogan Regency is an area in the province of Central Java, most of which is rural. The prevalence of women getting married and pregnant at an early age in this region is very high, reaching 59.88% in 2018, 51.24% in 2019 and 52.81% in 2020. This figure is much higher than the Central Java province figure, which is 37.67%. Adolescents are the main actors in the occurrence of early marriage, especially in rural communities.
This type of research is a survey research with a cross-sectional design.The population of this study was junior high school students aged 13-16 years in Grobogan sub-district as the area with the highest incidence of teenage marriage in Grobogan district, Central Java. The minimum number of samples was calculated according to the Slovin formula with a 95% confidence degree, obtained a total of 196 students (89 male students and 107 female students). Sample selectionpurposively. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Univariate and bivariate analysis using testMann Whitney to analyze differences in perception between adolescent boys and girls.
The results of the study stated that one in eight adolescents had a favorable perception of early marriage (less than 19 years). There is no difference in perception between adolescent boys and girls regarding early marriage. Positive perceptions of the benefits of child marriage are still found in both male and female students. This indicates that social norms that support child marriage are still strong among youth in rural areas. Comprehensive interventions are needed to promote the benefits of maturation of the marriageable age based on the cultural context of the community.

Keywords: early marriage, adolescents, students

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169 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-363

Revisiting the Roles of a University Language Center: students^ perceptions towards foreign language services in a multilingual higher education context
Amrih Bekti Utami, Margana

Univeristas Negeri Yogyakarta


Abstract is submitted as file

Keywords: Language centers, students^ perception, foreign language services, multilingual

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170 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-383

Hendrik J. R . Sumarauw, Jenly Manongko, Robert Munaiseche, Davidsen Mapaliey

Universitas Negeri Manado


The purpose of this study is to describe the ability of thinking that can be developed by students majoring in unima mechanical engineering education in the learning process. Critical thinking skills are intellectual potentials that can be developed through the learning process. Every human being has the potential to grow and develop into a critical thinker because actually the activity of thinking has a relationship with the pattern of self-management ( self organization ) that exists in every creature in nature, including humans themselves.
In this era of globalization, a person can obtain information in various ways, places and times. In order for information obtained by a person to be effective and not cause a negative impact, a filter is needed to filter out any information received. One such filter is one^s critical thinking ability. With the ability to think critically someone will determine and consider carefully and deliberately whether to accept, reject, or postpone receiving information. Given the importance of critical thinking skills, the ability to think critically must be owned by everyone.
Critical thinking can be interpreted as a process as well as an ability. The process and ability are used to understand concepts, apply, synthesize and evaluate information obtained or information produced. Critical thinking skills can be improved through various learning strategies.
Thinking skills are one of life skills that need to be developed through the education process. The ability of a person to be able to succeed in his life is partly determined by his thinking skills, especially in the effort to solve life^s problems he faces.

Keywords: critical thinking skills, learning process

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171 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-131

Wasino Wasino- Endah Sri Hartatik

Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang


Disease outbreaks have been recorded throughout the history of Indonesia. One of them is the Flu. The first significant outbreak was the Spanish Flu in 1918, and the second was Covid-19. The government is trying to deal with the outbreak with a medical approach. The approach is providing health services, restricting population mobility, and promoting the implementation of health protocols. However, in many cases, the health management policies are not immediately supported by the community. This article aims to theoretically analyse the role of local wisdom in overcoming disease outbreaks. The method used is the library study method. This study is based on the results of research and books that explore local knowledge. The study results show that every Indonesian society has local wisdom in dealing with infectious disease outbreaks. This local wisdom during the pandemic was moved to increase community resilience in overcoming disease outbreaks, including Covid-19. The most dominant local wisdom is the behaviour of togetherness in the form of mutual assistance between community members in preventing and overcoming outbreaks. Based on these findings, it is necessary to conduct in-depth research on the values of local wisdom regarding managing disease outbreaks in several regions in Indonesia.

Keywords: local wisdom, disease outbreak, Covid-19, gotong royong

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172 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-139

The Role of the Internal Control System and Higher Education Commitment In Creating Good University Governance
Meidy Santje Selvy Kantohe, Frida Magda Sumual

Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Manado State University


This study examines the role of the Internal Control System and the commitment of the leadership of the Manado State University (Unima) in realizing Good University Governance (GUG), specifically exploring the idea of Unima governance through the perception of lecturers as the spearhead of the mover in higher education. GUG refers to the guidelines for governance of the Indonesian public sector and the Code of Conduct for the Core Values of the State Civil Service Agency. The population in this study were all Unima lecturers as many as 762 people. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling technique. The data collected in this study were then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Inferential data in this study was conducted to test the hypothesis by using the SmartPLS program. The hypotheses tested were the effect of the internal control system on the GUG and the effect of higher education commitments on the GUG.

Keywords: Internal Control System, Higher Education Commitment, Good University Governance

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173 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-142

The Analysis of the History and Culture of the Balinese Traditional Game ^Megoak-Goakan^ Towards the Preservation of Sustainable Tradition
Made Agus Dharmadi (a*), I Gusti Lanang Agung Parwata (b), Luh Putu Tuti Ariani (c), Ni Luh Putu Spyanawati (d)

Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha)


The traditional Balinese game ^megoak-goakan^ is a tradition that is played mainly by children and adults. This study^s purpose is to determine the analysis of history and culture in the traditional Balinese game ^megoak-goakan^, thus enabling the preservation of tradition and culture. Qualitative descriptive method is used through documentation studies, and interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively based on data from document studies, and interviews with historical and cultural experts in Buleleng Regency. The results of this study indicate that 1) the ^megoak-goakan^ game comes from Panji Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng-Bali Regency, 2) the ^megoak-goakan^ game is carried out to honor the services of the King of Buleleng, namely Ki Barak Panji Sakti, 3) the game ^megoak-goakan^ is inspired by the behavior of a crow (in Balinese ^goak^) which is targeting its prey, 4) the game ^megoak-goakan^ means to build enthusiasm for the troops of the King of Buleleng to fight the enemy, 5) the game of ^megoak-goakan^ is carried out by two teams who line up extending backward while holding the waist of the participant in front of him and the one in front is called the head of ^goak^ while the back is called the tail of ^goak^, the game ends if the head of ^goak^ manages to catch the tail of ^goak^. This study also suggests that the preservation of traditional games is a necessity in the current era.

Keywords: Traditional Balinese Games, ^Megoak-Goakan^, History and Culture

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174 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-145

Vocational High School Partnership Management with Universities In Electric Vehicle Development
Wirawan Sumbodo, Rusiyanto, Wahyudi, Kriswanto, Rizki Setiadi

Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang


This article aims to discuss the role of universities in the Vocational High School (VHS) partnership in developing and fabricating electric vehicles. This partnership benefits both parties, where universities research to find educational management models, while Vocational High schools can make electric vehicles with their problems. This partnership is very beneficial for VHS because it increases its popularity and enhances the brand of Vocational High School based on Islamic Boarding School which not only has the ability of religious knowledge, but also the ability to technology. The method used in this research is mixed methods. Qualitative research is used to answer partnership management and the role of universities as vocational partners in developing electric vehicles. Quantitative research is used to describe the satisfaction of VHS with the role of university partners in developing electric vehicles. The results showed that partnership management is carried out by planning, organizing, actuating and controlling, and evaluating. The average score is above 90, and the level of satisfaction of the partnership between the VHS and the university is very satisfactory.

Keywords: Management, Partnership, vocational high school, electric vehicle.

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175 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-146

Study Analysis of the Types of Emancipated Learning Activities Universitas Negeri Semarang as Case Study
Tommi Yuniawan (a*), Fathur Rokhman (a), Zaenal Abidin (b)

a) Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia


Types of learning activities of emancipated learning (BKP MBKM) offered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and by Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) are varied. This research aims to analyze the students^ participation in each BKP MBKM. This research uses descriptive quantitative analysis to explain the level of students^ participation. This research takes a case study of UNNES. The subjects are the UNNES students. The findings show that Student Exchange program is the most favorable one because the students can participate in this program starting form the third semester, while other activities can only be followed starting from the fifth semester. The students from each faculty have different interests in choosing the appropriate BKP MBKM. Also, some study programs develop independent MBKM programs which direct their students to join the program.

Keywords: Types of learning activities- MBKM- Kampus Merdeka- Emancipated learning

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176 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-154

Yuli Utanto, Luluk Elyana

1. Universitas Negeri Semarang
2. Universitas Ivet


This article describes the legitimacy of Islamic education in the construction of early childhood education curriculum at Annida Ya Fatimah school, Jepat Lor village, Tayu Pati. By using a qualitative research approach, the researchers found that the curriculum at Annida ya Fatimah school builds the construction of Islamic education, local wisdom and Islamic culture of the local community. This construction is realized through integration into curriculum development and learning practices. This construction implements Islamic education based on the the peculiar local wisdom as an effort to preserve Islamic culture on the north coast of Java. The orientation of the curriculum construction is relevant to Annida Ya Fatimah^s school, which indeed shows that Early Childhood Education Institutions have a tradition of local wisdom in coastal areas. This study shows that schools play a major role in preserving the unique traditions, local wisdom and Islamic culture of the local community by integrating them into curriculum construction and learning as the implementation of islamic education at public schools. The integration of Islamic culture into curriculum construction and daily learning practices is manifested in early childhood education service programs. Early childhood education services at the Annida Ya Fatimah school focus on shaping attitudes and developing the character of the Islamic generation, as well as providing consistency in Islamic attitudes to continue to the next level of education.

Keywords: Islamic education legitimacy, curriculum construction, local wisdom, early childhood

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177 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-163

Comparison Of Coach Leadership, Parental Involvement, and Athletes^ Enjoyment In Indonesian and Malaysian Youth Training
Sigit Nugroho (a*), Sulistiyono (b), Sumaryanto (c), Sumarjo (c), Ahmad Nasrulloh (d), dan Krisnanda Dwi Apriyanto (e)

Yogyakarta State University, Faculty of Sport Sciences in Indonesia PO box 55281, 1 Colombo Karang Malang Street, Sleman Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The implementation of training at a young age involves the role of coaches, parents, and students/athletes, but the quality of these roles in enjoying the training process has not been presently evaluated. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between coach leadership, parental involvement, and athletes^ enjoyment in training. A descriptive quantitative method was used with the subjects being parents and students of Indonesian and Malaysian sports clubs. A total sampling technique was also carried out with parents and students (aged 13-18 years old) actively participating in football, volleyball, tennis, and archery. In this case, a questionnaire containing different items was used to obtain information, with the data analysis techniques being carried out through percentages. The results showed that no significant difference was observed in the leadership model, parental involvement, and athletes^ enjoyment in Indonesia and Malaysia. These were useful in improving the policies and quality of youth training. Furthermore, comparative data between both countries are expected to be used by supervisors and administrators through considering the advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: coach leadership, parental involvement, and enjoyment

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178 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-176

Lesza Leonardo Lombok (a)*, Feibe Engeline Pijoh (b), Sam Julius Richard Saroinsong (c)

(a). Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Universitas Negeri Manado, lesza_lombok[at]unima.ac.id
(b). Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Universitas Negeri Manado, feibepijoh[at]unima.ac.id
(c). Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Universitas Negeri Manado, semsaroinsong[at]unima.ac.id


State sovereignty is an international law concept that is absolute, indivisible, and inalienable. International cooperation in all forms should apply this basic concept. On the other hand, international agreements in the framework of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) seem to override this. The RCEP is by far the largest free trade agreement in the world. When the RCEP approved, each country that is included in this agreement must ratify it as part of their national laws. Therefore, this study aims to examine juridically the impact of the RCEP to Indonesian sovereignty, especially in some legal policies that can be taken regarding its implementation in the future. In addition, this research try to examine the steps and strategies that can be taken by Indonesia to take advantages as well as opportunities and therefore can face challenges the implementation of this RCEP.

Keywords: Sovereignty, RCEP, International Economic Law, International Law

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179 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-177

Cooperations Between Vocational High Schools and Industries in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era
Yoto, Didik Nurhadi, Marsono, Achmad Romadin

Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang, Indonesia


Industry 4.0 presents new business lines, employments, professions, and increases the competition in the job market. Vocational high schools (VHS) must anticipate the industry 4.0 demands through various cooperation with industries massively and comprehensively. The cooperation include (1) curriculum synchronization about Core Competency and Basic Competency in learning, (2) teaching factory program to realize tangible learning experience for students, (3) guest lecture program to improve the knowledge in working world and follows the development and demands from the industry, (4) field practice/internship for 6-12 months in the industry, (5) teachers^ internship to give practical experience in working culture and experiencing new knowledge and technology development from industry, and (6) facilities and infrastructure donations as a contribution from the industry to VHS and to develop the education.

Keywords: industrial cooperation, internship, vocational high school, industry 4.0

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180 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-193

Parenting Patterns in Instilling Islamic Religious Values at the Nurul Hikmah Orphanage in Padang
Rengga Satria(1*), Ahmad Rivauzi(2), Sakinah Saklaili(3), Erni Gusniwar(3)

Universitas Negeri Padang


The most important thing that we must pay attention to in educating children is the cultivation of Islamic religious values. The Nurul Hikmah Orphanage has succeeded in instilling the ideals of Islam in the children of the orphanage. The purpose of this research is to describe the methods of applying parenting, as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors in inculcating Islamic religious values at the Nurul Hikmah Orphanage, Padang. This research uses a descriptive approach and qualitative research techniques. The results of the study indicate that the parenting pattern in instilling Islamic religious values at the Nurul Hikmah Orphanage Padang includes the values of faith and moral values. The parenting method used is the exemplary method, the habituation method, the advice method, the attention and supervision method, and the punishment method. In addition, there are supporting factors, namely the caregivers have the same goals and ideals and the Nurul Hikmah Padang Orphanage has adequate facilities and infrastructure. As well as inhibiting factors, namely the innate child from his family or his association before entering the orphanage and certain foster children lack awareness about the religious behavior they must show.

Keywords: parenting, islamic religion, orphanage

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