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301 Universal Quality Education ABS-73

The influence of cooperative learning model to the students result in learning from mathematic thinking process at Madrasah Aliyah Negerri Model Gorontalo
Evi Hulukati

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


Keywords: cooperative learning model using type jigsaw and STAD, result learning in mathematic, thinking process

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302 Universal Quality Education ABS-330

Analisis kepemimpinan instruksional dalam pencapaian visi dan misi fakultas keperawatan unsrit
1.selvie serly rumagit 2.jolie ponamon 3.krety welong 4.Larry j Mandey Jurusan manajemen pendidikan S3 Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Manado


Kepemimpinan instruksional yang efektif yaitu mengupayakan dan mengimplementasikan visi sekolah agar dapat berjalan dengan baik implementasinya, dalam pengelolaan pendidikan melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan, memberikan dukungan pada proses pembelajaran termasuk melakukan pemantauan pada proses belajar mengajar agar lebih dalam memahami dan menyadari apa yang sedang terjadi di sekolah. Visi dan misi suatu organisasi akan selalu memberi petunjuk ke arah mana yang harus di tempuh, dengan adanya visi dan misi organisasi yang baik akan memberi kekuatan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan yang fokus sehingga kegiatan yang akan dilakukan berakumulasi kepada hasil secara signifikan visi dan misi yang baik tentu memberikan makna kepada apa yang dilakukan oleh manusia dalam organisasi tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pencapaian visi dan misi, faktor apa yang mempengaruhi ketercapaian visi dan misi, dan peran kepemimpinan instruksional serta tidak lanjut pelaksanaan visi dan misi kedepan. Metode penelitian kualitatif. Pengembalian informan ditentukan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling, dilaksanakan dari bulan Juli dan Agustus 2022 di Fakultas keperawatan universitas sariputra Indonesia Tomohon. Informan sebanyak 5 orang. Instrumen utama dalam penelitian ini ialah penelitian sendiri.data primer didapatkan dari hasil wawancara mendalam dengan memakai panduan wawancara mendalam kepada responden. Data sekunder didapatkan dari observasi terus terang atau tersamar. Untuk menetapkan keabsahan data, dilakukan dengan teknik pemeriksaan melalui beberapa kegiatan antara lain triangulasi. Hasil penelitian didapati ketercapaian visi dan misi tidak luput dari peran kepemimpinan instruksional di samping ada faktor yang mempengaruhi yaitu ketersediaan SDM, sarana dan prasarana dan kurikulum yang digunakan.

Keywords: Kepemimpinan instruksional, pencapaian visi dan misi

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303 Universal Quality Education ABS-335

The Effectiveness of the Clinical Supervision Model in Education : A Meta Analysis
Elfi Tasrif, Hadi Kurnia Saputra, Syukhri, Akrimullah Mubai

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang


Supervision plays an important role in efforts to deal with the dynamics and demands of teacher professionalism. The clinical supervision model is one of the most popular supervision models used today. Therefore, this study aims to examine the level of effectiveness of the clinical supervision model in the realm of education. The method used in this study is a meta-analysis method with secondary data types. This data is in the form of post-test scores from the control and experimental groups derived from research articles that use the clinical supervision model. 12 articles were reviewed to obtain data that was calculated using the effect size formula. The calculation results interpret that the clinical supervision model has a high effect on influencing teacher professionalism. Thus the clinical supervision model is declared valid to be used in the implementation of the supervision process at various levels of education.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Clinical Supervision Model, Meta Analysis

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304 Universal Quality Education ABS-80

Principals Performance on Implementation of Online Learning Policy during COVID-19 Pandemic: an Evaluation and Development
Ngabiyanto (a), Ahmad Nurkhin (b*), Kemal Budi Mulyono (b), Iwan Hardi Saputro (a), Didi Pramono (a), Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo (c)

(a) Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Sekaran Campus, Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Sekaran Campus, Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia
* ahmadnurkhin[at]mail.unnes.ac.id
(c) Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Sekaran Campus, Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the results of evaluating the performance of school principals in implementing online learning policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also develops a model for evaluating school principals^ performance within the framework of online learning. The researchers used the perspective of public-school teachers (primary and secondary schools) to measure the performance of school principals in Central Java. The research respondents were 200 public school teachers. The principal is also a source of data in this study. Data collection methods were questionnaires and interviews. The researchers used descriptive analysis method to evaluate the principal^s performance. The interactive analysis method was also used to develop a new model for evaluating principals^ performance in the context of online learning. The results of the study indicate that the performance of principals in implementing online learning policy during the COVID-19 pandemic is high. The teacher considers the principal to fulfill 5 dimensions of performance measurement which include managerial dimension, supervision dimension, entrepreneurial dimension, social dimension, and personality dimension. Principals can manage their resources to implement government policy so that the implementation of quality online learning can be realized properly. The dimension of mastery of information technology should be added as an indicator for evaluating the performance of principals in online learning settings. In addition, many parties must be involved in evaluating the performance of the principal, including alumni, alumni users, parents, and other stakeholders. Thus, the principal^s performance can be evaluated more comprehensively.

Keywords: COVID-19, evaluation, model development, principals performance, online learning policy

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305 Universal Quality Education ABS-81


Surabaya State University


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the problem based learning (PBL) learning model on student learning outcomes in the Subject of Budget Plan (RAB). The research method used is quantitative with a meta-analysis approach. The data sources used are the results of ten studies that have been published in journals that have the same/similar research theme/title, although the research design is different. Meta analysis is used to calculate the effect size coefficient, the results of which can describe the relationship between the variables studied. The results showed that (1) there were three articles with a low effect size category and seven articles with a high effect size in explaining the influence of PBL on the ability to plan budgets, (2) another effect size calculation obtained a figure of 0.87 in the medium category for class X and of 0.36 with a low category for class XI, (3) calculations to explain the influence of learning media obtained an effect size of 0.40 in the low category for mock-up media and 0.78 in the medium category for module media. The conclusion from the results of this study is that PBL has an influence on learning outcomes for RAB subjects, module media is better than mock media, and the influence in class X is greater than class XI.

Keywords: effect size, learning outcomes, budget plan (RAB), meta-analysis, problem based learning (PBL).

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306 Universal Quality Education ABS-339

The Effectiveness of Using Akun Pembelajaran in Learning English at SMPN 1 Gorontalo City Students
Suleman Bouti

Department of English Language Education
Faculty of Letters and Cultures
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


Even though we are already in the era of face-to-face interaction in the teaching and learning process after going through the pandemic, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) is still enforcing online teaching and learning facilities through Akun Pembelajaran for the learning process in elementary, middle and high school.
Akun Pembelajaran, or for some people known as akun belajar.id has also been used by the English teacher in SMP 1 State Junior High School in Gorontalo City. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using akun pembelajaran for SMP 1 Kota Gorontalo State Junior High School students in learning English.
This research is quantitative and descriptive. The research sample employs purposive sampling through one class for 8th-grade students and one class for 9th-grade students. The data was collected by using an open questionnaire. The results showed that 72% of data state that the akun pembelajaran is convenient. Most of the students got the information about akun pembelajaran from the teacher while asking to do homework. Most of the students understand the functions and its benefits. 52% of data state that the students are interested in using akun pembelajaran although teachers do not ask them to do it. Meanwhile, 48% use akun pembelajaran, depending on the teacher^s order. 77% of students need face-to-face learning to understand the subject better.
It can be concluded that Akun Pembelajaran or akun pembelajaran effectively affects SMP 1 Kota Gorontalo State Junior High School students in learning English. The use of Akun Pembelajaran in Akun Pembelajaran is effective enough for the students in learning English.
It can be a part of the ^New Normal^ era of the teaching and learning process.

Keywords: effectiveness, akun pembelajaran, students learning English

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307 Universal Quality Education ABS-340

The Impact of Leadership Styles on Teachers^ Work Commitment
Hanif Alkadri1, Hendri Budi Utama2, Luthfiani3, Fifin Wildanah4, Sari Febrianti5, Singgih Ginanjar6, Nikmah Hayati7, Novriyanti Achyar8, Widiawati9

Universitas Negeri Padang


Commitment of organizational members is one of the important elements that is needed improvement. Teachers as organization members who have a high commitment had helped them to perform their duties professionally. The presence of leader had motivated their organization members to work effectively and efficiently. Motivation is considered as an important factor for teachers^ in performing their responsibilities to achieve the goals during learning process. This research aimed to determine the effect of teachers^ achievement motivation on work commitment (SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Padang). The findings indicated that achievement motivation had contributed the teachers^ work commitment at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Padang significantly 46.6%. It is implied that the higher motivation of achievement had influenced the higher teacher^s work commitment. Otherwise, the lower teacher^s motivation of achievement produced the lower work commitment.

Keywords: work commitment, achievement motivation

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308 Universal Quality Education ABS-341

An Explorative Study of The Gap in Access and Online Learning Facilities in Tomohon City Primary School
Herman Koessoy1, Debie Kalalo2, Rima Lolong3, Maria Walukow4, Haris Monoarfa5, Marlin Mamuaja6

Student of Doctoral Program of Education Management at State University of Manado, Indonesia


Abstract. The implementation of distance or online learning is hampered by challenges such as a lack of skills among teachers and other members of the teaching staff in the management of learning models, including the utilization of a variety of online learning instruments. The ongoing learning process at primary school in Tomohon City employs a conventional learning paradigm, but teachers are frequently required to do administrative chores. In order for schools to achieve various academic and non-academic achievements, the development of the quality of the results of the implementation of education in schools cannot be separated from the involvement of stakeholders who collaborate and support each other in designing and implementing all school activities. In addition, Tomohon City is well recognized as having the most qualified instructors- hence, education is an essential component in the production of high-quality human resources. As a matter of fact, due to the large fees that must be invested, not everyone is able to obtain a proper education. This research is an experimental case study designed to collect information regarding the gaps in access and online learning facilities at primary schools in the city of Tomohon. According to the findings on primary schools in the city of Tomohon, there are six indicators with satisfactory achievement outcomes and ten with good achievement results. Reports on education quality indicate a need to raise standards, especially in Tomohon City^s primary schools- for this reason, it is vital that the city^s principals and learning committees collaborate in order with government and related institutions to implement a quality assurance process and demonstrate sustained improvement. Consequently, it is necessary to demonstrate a strong commitment and strengthen teamwork in order to achieve the desired educational quality standards.

Keywords: Keywords: Education- City Primary School

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309 Universal Quality Education ABS-345




In every sport, an athlete needs a good nutritional status, energy intake and energy balance to meet his energy adequacy in order to carry out his activities well and achieve achievements. The purpose of this study was to clearly determine the nutritional status, energy intake and energy requirement of volleyball athletes. This study is a quantitative study that uses a survey design and analytical descriptive method related to nutritional status, energy intake and energy requirement in volleyball athletes. The design in this study was non-experimental. In this research plan, the research instrument is a 24-hour food recall form. Recall will be given 3 times in 24 hours. This form will be filled out 3 times in one week without sequentially. Based on this research, from 35 volleyball athletes, 30 people with normal classification (85.71%) and 5 people with fat classification (14.29%). Meanwhile, on nutritional intake, there were 4 people classified as very thin (11.43), 2 people classified as thin (5.71%), 15 people classified as normal (42.86%), and 14 people classified as fat (40%). . And for energy needs (a) physical activity aged 14-15 years with an average of 2602 kcal, age 16-17 years with an average of 2610 kcal, age 18 years with an average of 3143kcal, (b) exercise per week aged 14 -15 years old with an average of 1692 kcal, 16-17 years old with an average of 1692 kcal, 18 years old with an average of 1692 kcal, (c) energy per day aged 14-15 years with an average of 242 kcal, ages 16-17 years with an average of 242 kcal, ages 18 years with an average of 242 kcal, (d) total energy needs per day aged 14-15 years with an average of 2927 kcal, ages 16-17 years with an average 2878 kcal average, age 18 years with an average of 242 kcal

Keywords: Nutritional Status, Energy Intake, Energy Requirement

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310 Universal Quality Education ABS-90

Political Education Strategy for Millennial Voters in Higher Education
Nuvazria Achir (a*), Erman I. Rahim (b)

a) Faculty of Law, State University of Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia
B) Faculty of Law, State University of Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia


This paper aims to produce concepts in the form of normative and theoretical ideas based on facts regarding the role of the millennial generation as novice voters who are faced with the 5.0 era as the evolutionary era of human civilization, where the community is expected to be able to solve social challenges and problems in the 4.0 industrial revolution era which is centered on technology. The author raises this topic because political decisions can affect all aspects of life, so the political awareness of this society must start from the younger generation as the holders of the baton. In addition, the participation of the younger generation in politics, especially the implementation of their voting rights, tends to be not maximized, so it needs to be strengthened in all aspects of both formal and non-formal education. This study shows that the strategy in implementing political education in universities for millennial voters is by- integration of the independent curriculum for independent campus learning and its implementation in the tri dharma of higher education, development of student organizations to facilitate political education, maximizing political practice through succession to internal campus organizations, forming democratic ambassadors through election events in each faculty who act as volunteers, to give birth to intelligent and rational voters.

Keywords: Political Education- Millennial Voters- College

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311 Universal Quality Education ABS-93

Developing students^ mathematical communication skill in junior high school with various level of mathematics achievement through generative learning model
Evi Hulukati

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gorontalo State University, General Sudirman Street 6, Gorontalo City 96128, Indonesia


Mathematical communication skill was the missing piece of mathematics education failure puzzle for centuries despite its central role in learning activities. Built on top of other process skills, it was the tool to build more comprehensive conceptual understanding by learning math from different perspectives, sharpens other cognitive skills, and provides important feedback about students^ understanding. This study observed how the students^ mathematical communication skill was correlated with the application of generative learning model and how this correlation was influenced by various level of school^s academic achievement in mathematics. Using fractional 2x2-factorial design, careful non-probability sampling combined with simple random sampling to pick 171 students, and a validated and reliable scoring system to measure communication skill, this study proved that the students^ mathematical communication skill has a significant correlation with the application of generative learning model. The use of factorial design revealed that this correlation was more determined by the application of generative learning model, not by the level of schools^ or students^ mathematics achievement. Teachers should be more optimistic about the use of generative learning models in improving mathematical communication skill even in classes with lower level of mathematics achievement.

Keywords: mathematical communication skill, generative learning model, factorial experiment

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312 Universal Quality Education ABS-95

Optimization of Childrens Character Education against Bullying
Julisa Aprilia Kaluku (1), Apripari (2*), Avelia Rahmah Y. Mantali (3)

Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


Based on the provisions in Law Number 35 of 2014 of Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, the educational unit environment, children are required to obtain protection from acts of physical, psychological, sexual violence, and other crimes that carried out by educators, education staff, fellow students, and/or other parties. Included in these provisions is bullying, both physical and verbal. Even though it has been prohibited by law, bullying still often occurs in educational institutions, especially during the orientation period for new students. The bullying occurred on the basis of a misunderstanding that during the new student orientation period, bullying was one of the steps to mentally shape the new students. This article aims to construct steps to prevent bullying from occurring in educational institutions. The research method used in this article is normative legal research with a statutory, case, and conceptual approach. The results of the study indicate that bullying can be prevented through character education of children through (1) Providing information to children about bullying in schools- (2) Fostering children to be able to control their emotions- (3) Counselling services for children in schools- (4) Socialization or counselling about the law regarding the cultivation of good morals to students by related parties, such as teachers, counselling supervisors and even law enforcement officers- (5) Involve parents in problem solving when children are bullying.

Keywords: Childrens Character Education- Bullying- Child Protection

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313 Universal Quality Education ABS-96

The use of MR-SR-based PIMCA Learning Model on Students^ Ability to Understand Physics Concepts through Idea Mapping
P M. Silangen C Poluakan T.Makahinda R Koming Hartati S Reskin

Manado State University


Learning in the 4.0 era requires various learning models that are certainly appropriate and in accordance with the era, the PIMCA (Presentation, Idea Mapping, Conceptualization, Assessment Formative) learning model based on MR-SR is one of the appropriate learning models and in accordance with this era, the PIMCA learning model is a model that re-represents the same concept in a different format or model. This study aims to determine the ability of students in understanding the concept of physics through idea mapping. The research method used was One group pretest-posttest design. This research was conducted in the Department of Physics, State University of Manado, with 29 students as respondents for convex mirror material, 28 students for Lup material, and 24 students for convex lens material. The instrument used is the MR-SR based test instrument which has been tested and validated.The research procedure was started from the initial study on students and then the pretest was then carried out in 4 stages of the PIMCA model (presentation, idea mapping, conceptualization, formative assessment) but this research was limited to the student^s ability to understand the concept of physics through idea mapping . From the results of data analysis, the average value of Idea Mapping in the convex mirror material is 70.34 %, for the Loop material it is 71.43 %, while for the Convex Lens Material the Mean value of Idea Mapping is 82.50 % with standard percentage value 70% . Based on these data shows a significant increase in understanding the concept of physics through idea mapping.

Keywords: Learning, PIMCA

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314 Universal Quality Education ABS-97

Developing The Character Of Elementary School Children Through Learning Human Rights With A Case Study Approach
Mellisa Towadi (a), Lisnawaty W. Badu(a), Waode Mustika (a*)

a Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
* waodemustika[at]ung.ac.id


Although human rights education has been implemented, there are still frequent violations of human rights by children such as bullying. Schools and teachers should take firm action so that children understand that bullying is wrong. Therefore, it is very important that the application of human rights in education is not enough to only internalize theory but also requires actualization by children. The most appropriate method at this time to limit children^s social interactions while preventing the practice of minor human rights violations is to be more intense in inviting children to actualize what they see. and read into human rights theory through a case study approach. The actualization method with a case study approach is where children are invited to freely express what is inside of them through activities by digesting a case and solving it and solving it themselves based on the material being studied (self-solve learning). The case study approach is an alternative learning that encourages the optimization of human rights education at an early age. Case studies which are generally used by teachers to conduct self-evaluation, can basically be applied to children for the purpose of solving self-learning in a way that is more interesting and easily understood by the students themselves. The application of the case study pattern is not only applied in schools but is also emphasized in the family environment. The case study pattern is not only focused on children, but also on the community through information both in the form of digitalization and conventional socialization.

Keywords: Education, Human Rights, Case Study, Actualization, Elementary School

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315 Universal Quality Education ABS-100

Supriyadi Supriyadi

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


Keywords: guru, profesionalisme, karya ilmiah, empat kompetensi profesional

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316 Universal Quality Education ABS-359

Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational High School: Does it Really Work?
Tri Kurniawati1, Tanri Abeng

Universitas Negeri Padang


Entrepreneurship education aims to create knowledgeable and skilled entrepreneurs. They can create jobs and reduce unemployment. This requires entrepreneurship education with a good quality. One of the learning quality analysis techniques is by using SEEQ with 9 indicators such as learning/value, instructor enthusiasm, organization/clarity, group interaction, individual rapport, breadth of coverage, examinations grading, assignments/readings, and workload/ difficulty. Although it has weaknesses, it is informative enough to know the quality of the learning process. The results of the SEEQ analysis on entrepreneurship learning in vocational high school schools get 4-5 score in average from a maximum score of 6. This means that entrepreneurship education in vocational high school schools still need to be improved.

Keywords: entrepreneurship education, SEEQ, vocational high school

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317 Universal Quality Education ABS-104

Examining The Teaching of Ki Hajar Dewantara and its Relevance for Merdeka Belajar in the 21st Century
Siti Masitoh1,* Wagino1

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The concept of merdeka belajar (freedom to learn) and an independent campus was launched by the Minister of Education and Culture in 2020. Through the independent learning curriculum, it is hoped that students will be able to explore their nature (according to Ki Hajar) so that they can become independent and useful human beings in life together (manunggaling creativity, taste and intention of ambabar karya). Students^ efforts to achieve the ideals (ambabar Karya) of Ki Hajar Dewantara based on the adaptation of four educational strategies as following. First, education is a cultural process to encourage students to have a free and independent spirit. Second, to shape the character of students so that they have a national spirit, but still open themselves to international developments. Third, to build students^ personalities so that they are pioneers. Fourth, educating means developing the potential or talent that is the natural nature of each student. Ki Hajar Dewantara^s teachings give a signal to all educators including lecturers that the educational process is a vehicle for building student character so that they have an independent, independent spirit, a national spirit and remain sensitive to international developments, are pioneers and develop their natural potential.

Keywords: Teaching, Ki Hajar Dewantara, Merdeka Belajar

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318 Universal Quality Education ABS-360

Reconstruction of Labor Law Learning Model Studies of Paradigm Shift Theory from Thomas S Kuhn
Tri Sulistiyono



in early 2021 the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) officially launched the Independent Curriculum as an effort to overcome the learning crisis (learning loss). The Independent Curriculum, previously known as the Prototype Curriculum or the New Paradigm Curriculum, is offered as an option for learning recovery due to the pandemic. Learning in labor law also needs to be reconstructed in accordance with the new paradigm. The definition of a paradigm according to Thomas S Kuhn is a scientific achievement that is universally recognized, for a certain period of time providing a problem model, along with its solution, to a scientific community. The paradigm shift theory by Kuhn provides the following plot: old paradigm - anomalies - scientific revolution - new normal science - new paradigm. This paper will present a post- new paradigm learning model of employment law in relation to the paradigm shift theory from Thomas S Kuhn.

Keywords: reconstruction- learning model, paradigm shift theory

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319 Universal Quality Education ABS-361

Sri Yulianty Mozin

Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Gorontalo State University
E-mail: yulmozin[at]ung.ac.id


This research aims to determine and analyze the role of Good University Governance (GUG) in improving performance of higher education institutions. This research is a qualitative research which is literature study. The results of the study reveal that the role of GUG is very vital in supporting the overall performance of higher education institutions such as academic quality performance, student performance, research performance and higher education performance. The application of transparency, accountability, responsibility, fairness, and autonomy of higher education as the basic principles of justice in the application of GUG is a system that works to direct, evaluate and control the organization both internally and externally in an effort to improve higher education performance. The principles of GUG that are applied more optimally and consistently in universities, show differences in the level of performance that are better and superior to other universities. The increasing practice of GUG creates superior and superior university performance.

Keywords: Good University Governance- Higher Education Performance

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320 Universal Quality Education ABS-106

Preparing Basic Competencies and Skills for Students by Developing Critical Thinking Skills
Wiwik Sri Utami, M.Turhan Yani, Ita Mardiani Zain, Iya Setyasih

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This paper was conducted to examine the preparation of competency and ability debriefing of students with the development of critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of critical thinking skills in preparing competent and highly skilled graduates who are ready to enter the world of work. The research method used is to use a literature review from various sources that examine the importance of developing critical thinking skills in preparing students^ competencies and abilities. The results show that critical thinking skills are very important for a student to have in an effort to prepare the 21st century generation that is able to be competitive and solve various challenges in the future.

Keywords: student competence, student ability, critical thinking ability

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321 Universal Quality Education ABS-362

Academic Achievement and Prosocial Behavior at School: Related with Authoritative Parenting Style
a) Yudithia Dian Putra b) Ine Luna Dianti@gmail.com c) Arda Purnama Putra

a) Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No.5, Sumbersari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65145, Indonesia
*a) yudithia.dianputra.fip[at]um.ac.id b) lunadianti[at]gmail.com c) arda.purnama.fip[at]um.ac.id


This study tried to describe the relationship between parenting style, academic achievement and prosocial behavior in adolescent. Authoritative parenting style as dependant variable was measured using Authoritative Parenting Stye Scale, while academic performance known by academic rapport score and prosocial behavior is measured using Prosocial Behavior Scale. Subjects (N=98) was 13-15 years old junior high school students of SMPN X Kabupaten Malang. Result form the Pearson^s correlation test reveal that there was no correlation between authoritative parenting style with academic achievement. Meanwhile, prosocial behavior is related with authoritative parenting style. The cause and implication are discussed.

Keywords: Authoritative parenting style, academic achievement, prosocial behaviour.

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322 Universal Quality Education ABS-108

The Relevance of Theory to Practice for Educational Administrator: Employ theory as a frame of reference to improve practice
Elni Jeini Usoh (a*), Audy A. Kenap(b), Viktory N.J. Rotty (a), Frandy E.F. Karundeng(c), Mayske R. Liando(d)

a)Faculty of Language and Arts,
Postgraduate Study, Education Management Study Program
b)Faculty of Engineering
c)Faculty of Economics
d)Faculty of Education

Universitas Negeri Manado


Theory in educational administration have the general explanations about particular events and guide research, but there is much scepticism about theory which are based on the assumption that educational administration is incompetent to develop into science. There is no single comprehensive theory of educational administration due to it encompasses a series of perspectives instead of a complete scientific certainty. Each theory has something to offer and tend to provide partial explanation about educational administration practices. This paper examines the relevance of theory to practice in educational administration and how the leaders employ the theories to refine and improve their practices with an emphasis is given to the leadership practices. This paper provides concepts of theory and its relevance to practices, followed by analysis on administrative theories and their implementation in educational practices. It can be concluded that theory is essential as the guidance for the leaders to effectively conduct their administrative tasks and to improve and refine organisational performances. The leaders or educational administrator should able to use theories optimally as the basis for their decisions rather than relies on experiences or personal interpretation.

Keywords: Educational administration, theory and practice, improve practice

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323 Universal Quality Education ABS-111

Sutirman Sutirman, Yuliansah Yuliansah, Muslikhah, Riana Isti

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


ERISE is an electronic archive application developed to be used as a learning media for Record Mangement subject. This research aims to- 1) knowing the motivation of students during learning using the ERISE application, and 2) knowing the differences in students^ cognitive learning achievement between students who take Archival subject learning using the ERISE application and using PowerPoint media. The study was conducted using a quasi-experimental method with a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest model. The population of this study consisted of class X SMK OTKP in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java. The selection of research samples using purposive sampling technique with a target of 104 students. The research instrument used was a questionnaire and an objective test. The research data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and non-parametric statistics, namely the Mann Whitney U Test. The results showed that students^ motivation was at a high level when participating in learning using ERISE aplication, and there were differences in cognitive values between the use of ERISE and PowerPoint. The cognitive learning outcomes score of students after learning using the ERISE application is higher than the score of students after learning using PowerPoint media.

Keywords: ERISE, learning media, effectiveness, industrial revolution 4.0

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324 Universal Quality Education ABS-112

Indonesian Trainees/Jisshusei^s Awareness of Politeness Strategies in Japanese: A Socio-Pragmatic Approach
Rina Supriatnaningsih, Lisda Nurjaleka, Silvia Nurhayati

Universitas Negeri Semarang


Japanese language politeness is essential for being understood by Japanese language students and people who work in Japan, such as Indonesian trainees (Jisshusei) currently in Japan. Recognizing Japanese politeness utterances by trainees will help facilitate harmonious relationships for speakers. Moreover, the interlocutors can be mutually respectful. So, the trainees can communicate with Japanese people. Based on our preliminary investigation, students in Universitas Negeri Semarang who had the opportunity to participate in an internship program in Japan between 2017-2021 still had difficulty using Japanese politeness in an actual situation. This was because, when learning in class, informal situations were conditioned through lecturer explanations, so students had difficulty imagining situations similar to the actual situation. Trainees or Jisshusei who are taking technical training in Japan should be aware of the Japanese politeness form they use because they will be able to respect each other among speakers in terms of social relations with coworkers and their superiors when they take the technical training in Japan. Furthermore, the awareness of using polite speech in their environment when participating in the training, both at the time of how to apply or refuse following the Japanese society^s norms.
Based on this context- it is believed that this study will be able to
1. identify the type of respect/politeness utilized by the trainees (Jisshusei) in the given situation,
2. identify the forms of speech acts of request used in specific situations, and
3. identify the forms of refusal speech acts used in specific situations.
The findings of this study are expected to assist Indonesian trainees or Jisshusei in Japan, as well as Japanese language students who will work or participate in internships or work in Japan. In understanding the significance of the Japanese politeness utterances, which must be used following the rules that apply in Japanese society.

Keywords: politeness awareness, Jisshusei, speech-act of refusal, speech-act of request

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325 Universal Quality Education ABS-369

Talent Identification Program through Anthropometry Profile for Junior High School Students
Nurhasan (a), Muchamad Arif Al Ardha (a*), Nur Shanti Rento Pembayun (a), Dani Primanata (b), Rizky Muhammad Sidik (b)

(a) Physical Education Department, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
(b) Sport Coaching Education Department, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia


Anthropometry is utilized as a standard measurement to analyze students^ development. However, anthropometry has the potential to be used as a talent identification program. This study aimed to evaluate the anthropometry of junior high school students in Suraba-ya. There were 119 students aged 13 &#61617- 0.84 years old participated in this study. These stu-dents were categorized into four different groups i.e., normal students, taekwondo, swim-ming, and basketball students. The results, there are significantly different among groups in height and arm span (p < 0.05). However, there are no significant differences among group sitting height and leg length. In conclusion, anthropometry could support the stu-dent^s performance in a specific sport.

Keywords: Physical Education, Talent Identification, Anthropometry

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326 Universal Quality Education ABS-370

Students^ Fitness Evaluation through Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Nusantara (TKPN) of Junior High School Students
Nurhasan (a), Muchamad Arif Al Ardha (a*), Kolektus Oky Ristanto (a), Panji Bana (b), Muhammad Kharis fajar (b)

(a) Physical Education Department, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
(b) Sport Coaching Education Department, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia


Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Nasional (TKPN) measures students^ physical fitness profiles. There are four items in this test, i.e., pacer test, sit up, v-sit and reach, and squat trust. This study aimed to evaluate junior high school students^ physical fitness. There were 192 stu-dents aged 13 &#61617- 0.16 years old who participated in this study and were selected by using random sampling. These students were selected by random sampling assignment. The re-sults, there are significantly different between male and female groups pacer test, squat trust, and v-sit and reach (p < 0.05). However, there are no significant differences in a sit-up. In conclusion, male students could perform better in the pacer test and squat trust, than females. However, female students performed better in v-sit and reach than male students.

Keywords: Physical Fitness, Physical Education, VO2Max

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327 Universal Quality Education ABS-372

Dinamika Pembelajaran Daring di Indonesia
Haerani Nur, Dian Novita Siswanti, Hardiana, Wanda Noor Azizah

Universitas Negeri Makassar


Pembelajaran daring di Indonesia diterapkan serentak di semua jenjang pendidikan pada awal tahun 2020 sebagai dampak merebaknya pandemi covid-19. Hingga pasca pandemi, pembelajaran daring masih sering diterapkan dengan sejumlah pertimbangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri dinamika pembelajaran daring di Indonesia, refleksi terhadap Apakah proses belajar mengajar dapat berlangsung efektif? Bagaimana proses adaptasi terhadap perubahan tersebut? Pertanyaan ini akan ditelusuri melalui Systematic Literatur Review (SLR). Sebanyak 25 artikel jurnal dilibatkan dalam proses reviu. Penelusuran artikel dilakukan melalui google cendekia. Hasil reviu literatur ini menemukan bahwa kesiapan guru dan dosen, kemandirian siswa dan mahasiswa, ketersediaan fasilitas, dan dukungan orangtua menjadi faktor utama dalam menentukan keberhasilan pembelajaran daring di semua jenjang pendidikan. Proses adaptasi ditandai dengan adanya usaha meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengajar (guru dan dosen), menjalani proses belajar (siswa dan mahasiswa), menyediakan fasilitas belajar daring (penyelenggara pendidikan: sekolah dan perguruan tinggi), serta pemberikan dukungan (orangtua). Ketidakmampuan beradaptasi pada setiap pihak ini berpotensi menimbulkan masalah yang selanjutnya memengaruhi evektifitas pembelajaran daring. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar dalam menginisisasi sejumlah program untuk mengingkatkan kualitas pembelajaran daring di Indonesia

Keywords: pembelajaran daring, kesiapan, kemandirian, dukungan

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328 Universal Quality Education ABS-373

Ernawati1, a), Nabila Tasrif 2, b), Feri Ferdian 3, c) Fran Serano Andres 4, d)

1Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
2Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
3Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
4Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia


Education has a final goal which is classified taxonomically as the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. This study aims to see how the cognitive and psychomotor domains of students and their relation to student learning outcomes in making fashion patterns using Computer Aided Design (CAD). This study used a cross-sectional design with total sampling data collection techniques. The population of this study were students who were recorded in the fashion pattern development of the Padang State University Fashion Design Education Program as many as 83 respondents. The data analysis technique used was one-way ANOVA using SPSS 21. The results showed that there were differences in student learning outcomes with cognitive and psychomotor students. Further analysis with p value < 0.05 that cognitive and psychomotor aspects have a significant relationship to student learning outcomes in CAD for making basic fashion patterns.

Keywords: Cognitive, Psychomotor, learning outcomes

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329 Universal Quality Education ABS-121

Children^s Politeness in Digital Era
Ali Mustadi- Rizky Amelia

Department of Primary Education Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta

Department of Primary Education Program, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin


The language used by children no longer reflects a nation that upholds ethical and aesthetic values in this digital era. Many children have begun to erode their politeness values. Children speak freely without realizing and considering who they are talking to, so their language tends not to have the principle of politeness. This study used a qualitative method using library research. Data collection techniques used were documentation methods and data analysis techniques. The study results show that using digital media effectively and strategically can improve children^s language skills, especially politeness. Interactive media is useful in children^s language development to increase concentration, associate words and symbols with objects, discrimination, identify similarities and differences, classify objects, see whether there is a relationship, develop the concept of size and space, increase curiosity, and develop children^s creativity. Language learning strategies in elementary schools must prioritize active, communicative language learning oriented to communicative competence, which gives more space for students to hone their language performance & language expression. Educators need to hone children^s productive skills in critical and active communication so that ^linguistic piety^ is realized, namely polite, from an early age in the digital era.

Keywords: politeness, children, digital era, elementary school.

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330 Universal Quality Education ABS-378

Critical Thinking and Active Debate to Build Intelligent Memory in History Learning
Hera Hastuti (a*), Zafri (b), Iqrima Basri (c), Zul Asri (d)

Universitas Negeri Padang



This research departs from the phenomenon of assumptions about history and learning that are almost all wrong. Especially about history, only learning about the past, that history has no use in students^ daily lives. History is just rote learning, discussing past events with dry descriptions of facts. Students only become objects in the teacher^s ^lecture^ about the past. Passive, without enthusiasm let alone think critically. This happens because, the history learning activities that have been carried out have placed more emphasis on learning that is ^ordinary memory^ or just memory, while those that emphasize the development of ^intelligent memory^ abilities are rarely accepted by students. So, the question that arises today is how to teach history to hone students^ intelligent memory? What must be changed from the current reality of history learning, and how to change it so that history education in the future becomes something that is fun, and certainly has intellectual abilities. This paper discusses problem solutions in history learning, using active debate and critical thinking strategies.

Keywords: Intelligent Memory, History Learning, Critical Thinking, Active Debate

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