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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-75 |
State University Gorontalo
Higher education is a type of higher education provider unit offering a variety of majors or study programs. Every prospective student must decide which study programs or majors to pursue based on their interests before they can enroll in college because an individual^s interests are what motivate them to work hard to achieve a goal.
This study examines how students^ interest in becoming teachers affects their decisions to enroll in a study program in the Economic Education study program at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, after the pandemic. Moreover, the participants in this study were 495 students from the Economic Education study program, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, class of 2018-2020. Interviews, questionnaires, and documentation were employed to collect all data, which were then analyzed using a simple linear regression analysis.
The results show a significant influence between interest in becoming a teacher and students^ decisions to choose a study program in the post. As evidenced by the calculation of the coefficient of determination r2 of 0.430, interest in becoming a teacher influences 43% of students^ decisions to select a study program in the post-pandemic economic education study program.
Keywords: Keywords: Interest in Becoming a Teacher and the Decision to Choose a Study Program
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| Corresponding Author (Dr. Meyko Panigoro, S.Pd, M.Pd)
32 |
Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-77 |
On Looking Scrambled Game in English Spelling Teaching Nihta V. F. Liando, Devilito Tatipang
Universitas Negeri Manado
Scramble Game is a challenging vocabulary games, this game is designed to practice spelling and learn new words. This research aims to identify the effectiveness of using Scramble Task in increasing students^ mastery of English spelling. The researchers use the first class of Junior High School which consisted of 21 students as an experiment, the data was obtained from the classroom after several meetings where the researcher did scrambled task treatment (or rearrangement task/exercise) used in the experiment class. Based on research, the researchers got significant results between pre-test and post-test, where post-test is higher than the pre-test. The results showed that the score for pre-test are 5.71, after being given treatment, there was a change in students^ spelling where this change can be seen in their post test results, which is 7.71. In Addition, the researchers would like to conclude that by using the scrambled task, the student^s English spelling mastery can be increased even more to reduce errors in the writing of the vocabulary in English. The researchers also got positive feedback from the students, where students feel learning English is very nice when using teaching techniques that make them interested in learning through games. Finally, the researchers hope this research can inspire teachers to apply this technique as an exercise in learning English especially in mastering vocabulary and spelling.
Keywords: Scrambled game, Vocabulary
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| Corresponding Author (Nihta Liando)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-333 |
a, b, c, d Universitas Negeri Manado
a* mewengkangalfrina[at]unima.ac.id
The purpose of this research is to design and build mobile-based learning applications that are creative, effective and supportive in the process of delivering messages to students in the learning process of introducing Sangihe Language to elementary school students in North Sulawesi. Application development uses the Multimedia Development Life Cycle method which has 6 stages. The design of this application uses Adobe Flash CS6, Adobe Photoshop to process images, Adobe Audition CS6 to process audio, and Audio Recorder. The results of the study show that the development of learning media for the introduction of Sangihe language for mobile-based elementary school children can help teachers and parents in the presentation process and can be a learning tool for students.
Keywords: Learning Media, Mobile based learning, MDLC
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| Corresponding Author (Alfrina Mewengkang)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-334 |
Innovation in the Teaching and Learning of English for Physical Education Department Hanisah Hanafi
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
The model of teaching English in the university setting tends to be taught conventionally, focusing on grammar tasks as what students have always previously encountered since secondary school. It then turns out that such a model of teaching and learning English rarely prepares students for what they genuinely need in the context of higher education and the future world of the workplace strongly related to their chosen program stream of study. This article is a pilot study, presenting an innovation in the model of teaching and learning English to university students majoring specifically in the Physical and Sport Education study program. By innovation in the design of the teaching and learning practices of English to students of physical and sports education study program, this article provides an example of how English lesson has been adjusted according to the need and what is genuinely needed by the students of physical education as the object of this study. It is fully expected that this study could open a new paradigm in English teaching and learning practices for university students majoring outside the English study program.
Keywords: English Language Teaching and Learning, ESP, Physical and Sport Education Department
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| Corresponding Author (Hanisah Hanafi)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-82 |
Challenges and Expectations of Research Capability Development: A Survey on East Java Junior High School Teachers Hasan Subekti1,* Muhamad Arif Mahdiannur1, Bambang Yulianto2, Anas Ahmadi 2, Prima Vidya Asteria2, Harmanto3, Sueb4,
1 Department of Science Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
2 Department of Indonesian Language, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
3 Department of Civics Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
4 Department English Language Education Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
*Corresponding author. Email: hasansubekti[at]unesa.ac.id
This research aims to analyze the challenges and expectations for research capabilities in teachers in writing scientific articles. Participants in this study were 34 junior high school teachers in East Java, Indonesia. An information questionnaire is given to capture the data. The data was then analyzed descriptively with NVivo 12 Windows. The results showed that the looms faced by participants in writing the most dominant scientific articles were: (1) determining the title, (2) determining the research method, (3) finding references, (4) data processing, (5) time management. Furthermore, the subject matter wants to be known from the largest to the smallest training, namely: (1) how to make publications in journals, (2) appropriate methodology, (3) how to make classroom action research, (4) develop research capabilities. The implications of this Training include implementing cybergogy can build several foundations to improve research capabilities for teachers.
Keywords: Capability, Challenges, Cybergogy, Hope, Research.
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| Corresponding Author (Hasan Subekti)
36 |
Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-338 |
Investigating the Application of HOTS-Based Learning Modules on Academic Achievement in Vocational Education Muhammad Anwar, Ganefri, Hendra Hidayat, Wallim Harianja, Elsa Sabrina
Universitas Negeri Padang
The implementation of learning in vocational education has not been optimal in improving students^ higher order thinking skills. One of the causes is the lack of use of complete, independent and guided teaching materials in the learning process, namely the learning module. The purpose of this research is to develop a HOTS-Based Learning Module with Mini Project Design in Engineering Education. The research method used is R&D development research with a quasi-experimental design and a 4-D (Four-D) development model, which consists of four main stages, namely definition, planning, development and dissemination. The research design uses one group time series. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the design of the media and materials was valid in terms of didactic, construction and technical aspects as well as in terms of the quality of content, and learning. This learning module is also included in the practical category based on the lecturer^s response from the aspect of convenience 84%, time effectiveness 80% and media use 80%, based on student responses from the aspect of time effectiveness 83%, convenience 83.6% and media usability 80.9%. Based on the assessment of student learning outcomes from the pretest and posttest, it was found that there were differences in student learning outcomes before and after using the module using the SPSS t-test application, with the Pvalue 0.05, this explains that the learning module is effective for improving student learning outcomes. So it can be concluded that this learning module is valid, practical and effective to be applied in learning
Keywords: Vocational Education, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Model Based Learning
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Anwar)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-344 |
The Construct Validity Analysis of Product-Based Learning Models and Entrepreneurial Pedagogy Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Engineering Education Ganefri, Muhammad Anwar, Hendra Hidayat
Universitas Negeri Padang
Engineering education and entrepreneurship education are two things that cannot be separated, because in addition to preparing students who are skilled in the work and areas of knowledge they master, engineering education is able to improve and develop their creativity in the midst of demands and competitive competition so that each graduate is able to open employment. This study aims to produce a product-based learning model in realizing the quality of education and teaching of technology and vocational education to actively learn, participate and interact, with competence and orientation to produce a product, either goods or services needed and able to realize the goals of entrepreneurship education. Based on the results of the study, it was found that most of the indicators both in the development of Product-Based Learning Models and the development of Entrepreneurship Pedagogics (Entrepreneurship) have good validity (above 0.70) and some others are still acceptable because they have a loading factor value above 0.50. This shows that all these indicators have a fairly good construct validity. As for construct reliability, based on estimates using Composite Reliability (CR) and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) it can be concluded that all variables affect student attitudes towards entrepreneurship. As for construct reliability, based on estimates using Composite Reliability (CR) and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) it can be concluded that all variables affect student attitudes towards entrepreneurship. Through these two types of tests, it can be proven that the student achievement instrument has good construct reliability.
Keywords: Engineering Education, Entrepreneurship, Product-Based Learning Models
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| Corresponding Author (Ganefri Ganefri)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-89 |
Strategies for Organizing an Independent Curriculum Learning Independent Campus: Case Studies at Four Universities in Indonesia Harmanto1,* Oksiana Jatiningsih1, Dewa Bagus Sanjaya 2, Edy Herianto 3, Andul Sakban 4
1 Department of Pancasila and Civic Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
2 Department of Pancasila and Civic Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
3 Department of Pancasila and Civic Education, Universitas Mataram
4 Department of Pancasila and Civic Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
The Merdeka Kampus Merdeka Curriculum or known as MBKM has been implemented since 2020 in order to improve the quality of national education. Merdeka Belajar (free to learn) is a natural learning process to achieve independence in creating critical, creative, collaborative and skilled students. The program of learning activities outside of higher education includes: internships or work practices, projects in villages, teaching assistance in educational units, student exchanges, research, entrepreneurial activities, independent studies / projects, and projects Humanity. This research was carried out at the Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Universitas Mataram, dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. The results of this study show that the organization of the Independent Learning Curriculum on the Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Universitas Mataram, dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram are simultaneously and different. The equation is the implementation of a program of learning activities outside of higher education carried out at the university level, namely teaching in educational units and student exchanges . Meanwhile, research programs , entrepreneurial activities, independent studies/projects, and humanitarian projects are regulated at the university level, meaning that the study program is not given the right to carry out the program. For example, at Universitas Negeri Surabaya, all independent learning programs are carried out by an institution called the Merdeka Belajar Unit.
Keywords: Organizing Curriculum, Independent Curriculum Learning, Independent Campus
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| Corresponding Author (Harmanto M.Pd)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-92 |
Gender Differences in Assessment for Learning Literacy Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Despite the numerous studies on teachers assessment for learning in various countries, there has not been a single study using the Alonzo framework (2016) to examine gender differences in Assessment for Learning literacy. This study aims to provide insights into describing and comparing Literacy Assessment for Learning prospective pre-service English teachers in Indonesia across their gender. This study adopted Alonzo^s six dimensions of AFL literacy namely Teachers as Assessors, Teachers as Pedagogists, Teachers as Student Partners, Teachers as Motivators, Teachers as Learners , and Teachers as Stakeholder Partners. The results showed that pre-service English teachers literacy of AFL differed significantly by their gender. A thorough discussion is provided throughout the paper.
Keywords: Assessment for learning literacy, gender, pre-service English teachers
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-348 |
The Analysis of Differences between Online Learning Readiness and Online Learning Environment in terms of Gender in Engineering Education Hendra Hidayat, Ganefri, Muhammad Anwar, Elsa Sabrina
Universitas Negeri Padang
This research was conducted because there are still students who are not ready for themselves and the environment in participating in online learning. This study aims to determine the difference between online learning readiness and online learning environment in terms of gender in Engineering Education. This research is a comparative descriptive. The instrument used is a Likert scale model. The questionnaire applies a Likert scale. The population is 60 students consisting of 30 female students and 30 female students who were selected using purposive random sampling technique. Hypothesis testing was carried out with the SPSS 26.0 program. The results showed that there were differences in the online learning readiness of male and female students and there was a significant difference between the online learning environment of male and female students. Based on these results, it is recommended for educators to provide understanding to students about what needs to be prepared in supporting success in online learning
Keywords: Online Learning Readiness, Online Learning Environment, Gender, Engineering Education
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| Corresponding Author (Hendra Hidayat)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-349 |
IMPRECI: Guiding Model Innovation Produces Reflective Teachers in Elementary Schools Faisal, Abil Mansyur, Muliawan Firdaus
Universitas Negeri Medan
This study aims to describe the good practice of reflective mentoring using the IMPRECI (Introduction, Modelling, Practice, Reflection, & Innovation) model as an effort to produce reflective teacher candidates in elementary schools. The IMPRECI model encourages practitioners to continue to make continuous improvements so as to produce various innovations in each lesson. This research is a sustainable classroom action research with Collaborative Nested Action Research (C-NAR) design. In its implementation, in addition to practitioners conducting classroom action research, lecturers and civil servant teachers conduct mentoring action research. The research procedure was carried out in 4 stages, namely: Design, Implementation, Observation, and Reflection (DIOR). The subjects in this study amounted to 5 students of PPG Pre-service Universitas Negeri Medan for the 2021/2022 academic year. Data collection techniques were carried out through questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documentation. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires, observation sheets, interview guidelines, and documentation checklists. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative data analysis of flow models starting from data reduction, data presentation, to drawing conclusions. The results of the reflective mentoring research using the IMPRECI model obtained an average value of 3.53 in the Very Good category. Based on this data, it can be concluded that the IMPRECI model is declared effective as a reflective mentoring model in producing reflective teacher candidates in elementary schools.
Keywords: IMPRECI, C-NAR, reflective teacher, pre-service PPG, elementary school
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| Corresponding Author (Faisal Faisal)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-350 |
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR CHOOSING MAJOR CONCENTRATION USING NAIVE BAYES TECHNIQUES Olivia Eunike Selvie Liando (a)*, Verry Ronny Palilingan (b), Alfrina Mewengkang (c), Sutrisman Sulaeman (d)
a, b, c, d Universitas Negeri Manado
The purpose of this study is to produce an application for choosing a major concentration in the Information and Communication Technology Education study program using the Naive Bayes technique to assist 4th semester students in choosing a major concentration based on course scores. The research method used in this research is the RAD method made with 3 stages of development, namely Requirements Planning, Design Workshop, and Implementation. The result of the research shows that the application of the concentration selection of majors uses the Naive Bayes technique. The test results on applications made using black box testing from students and media expert testing from lecturers, from the black box testing, all application functions are functioning properly, and produce recommendations for concentration of majors with the Naive Bayes technique.
Keywords: Decision Support System, Major Concentration, Naive Bayes.
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| Corresponding Author (Alfrina Mewengkang)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-353 |
Investigating The Diagnostic Competence of In-Service Primary School Teachers Muliawan Firdaus (a*), Abil Mansyur (a), Faisal (a)
a) Program Studi PPG, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan 20221, Indonesia
Teacher diagnostic competence is a key component that determines the success of teaching. One approach used to test teachers^ diagnostic competence is to identify potential learning difficulties of students from errors in their work. Little research on to what extent the teachers interpret students^ errors showing serious mathematical conceptual errors or easily corrected procedural errors. In the context of decimal operations related to sixth-grade competency standards, this study investigated the diagnostic competence of 35 in-service primary school teachers in categorizing student errors.
Keywords: Diagnostic Competence- Mathematical Errors- Decimal Operations- Primary School
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| Corresponding Author (Muliawan Firdaus)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-357 |
Promoting the Development of Student^s Epistemic Cognition Ika Andrini Farida
Universitas Negeri Malang
In this disruptive era students need to master skills of acquiring new knowledge. Like scientist new knowledge is acquired by coordinating theories with evidence or usually called as scientific thinking. The capability of scientific thinking is determined by the epistemic development. Students must have metacognitive knowledge that theoretical claims are not always true. A theoretical claim could be wrong if we find evidence that is not consistent with this theory. Epistemic cognition is defined as cognition about knowledge and knowing. Epistemic cognition has been studied as a cognitive developmental processes or a system of beliefs. Developmental model proposed four level of epistemic development. In order to be able to coordinate theories and evidence, students need to achieve evaluativist thinking or need to change the beliefs or theories about knowledge and knowing. The purpose of this paper is to review previous research that focus on how to promote the development or the change of beliefs about knowledge and knowing. Some research will be described and evaluated in terms of the kind of change the intervention is intended to bring about and higher-order thinking involved in epistemic change intervention. The implication related to the suitable intervention for undergraduate students in Indonesia are discussed.
Keywords: epistemic cognition, scientific thinking, intervention, training
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| Corresponding Author (Ika Andrini Farida)
45 |
Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-358 |
Universitas Negeri Padang
The case method is a student-oriented teaching approach, where students are the center of the activities of the teaching process. Case method is a way in teaching and learning process which is presented by displaying cases in the material to be studied. Tennis is the compulsory subjects that must be taken by students in Department of Coaching, UNP. This course is carried out theoritically and practically on a tennis court. The problem found in the field is the students^ low learning motivation when the learning process is carried out using conventional methods (lecturing) This study aimed at seeing the effectiveness of the case method in increasing students^ learning motivation in learning tennis courses at the Coaching department UNP. This is Quasi Experiment method with two group pre-test post-test control design. The subject was taken randomly (n = 32). The sample was divided into two groups using ordinally matching pairing technique with 16 people in each group. The first group was given Case Methods as the treatment, and second group was treated by lecturing method. To prove the hypothesis and the effect of the treatment given, the measurement of learning motivation was carried out before (pre) and after (post) the teaching and learning process. The data was processed by using SPSS software. To see the increasing in learning motivation in first group, a mean difference test was conducted between pre-test and post-test and the N_gain score. It was found that the sig 0.00 < 0.05, and N_Gain 53%. To see the increasing of learning motivation of the second group, a mean difference test was carried out between pre-test and post-test to get N score. It was found that the sig 0.00 < 0.05, and N_Gain 37%. To see the difference in the effect between groups I and II, an analysis of the mean difference test was performed the sig value was 0.00 > 0.05.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Case Method, Conventional Method, Learning Motivation
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| Corresponding Author (Masrun Masrun)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-109 |
Student Teacher^s Career Planning Based on Career Development Approach Priadi Surya, C. Asri Budiningsih, Cepi Safruddin Abdul Jabar
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
This paper revisits the theory of career development: life-span-life space from Donald Super and proposes its application on student teacher^s career planning. Student teachers are in the preparation phase before the join the world of work. Within this phase, they possibly face problems on their career planning. Student teachers are in the preparation phase before the join the world of work. Within this phase, they possibly face problems on their career planning. These are self-ability- career, work or professional knowledge- personality- and their activities during their study. This kind of career planning problems could hamper both the achievement of student competences and study completion. Furthermore, this gives influences whether teacher positions are fulfilled by the potential novice teachers.
Keywords: career development, career planning, teacher education, student teacher
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| Corresponding Author (PRIADI SURYA)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-365 |
Effectiveness of The Play Method to Improve Physical Education Learning Outcomes in the New Normal Period Umar1, Alnedral2, Masrun, Pringgo Mardesia3
Universitas Negeri Padang
This study aimed to see the effect of the play method on physical education learning outcomes. The play method can be given to the students to help them understand and explain the learning materials. The play method approach introduces a different level of tasks or materials to be carried out because it provides different tasks at each level. The use of the play method can encourage students to determine their level of performance in carrying out the physical education learning process. The results showed that the play approach affects the learning outcomes of physical education, with a difference of mean = 7.06, which means the difference in the score of physical education learning outcomes before and after being given the play method. The positive value means that after being given the play method, the score for physical education learning outcomes is higher than before being given the play method. This is based on the results of data analysis showing that the statistical price t = 20,276, with db = 43 and the figure sig. or p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 or H0 is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that the play method gives positive results to students^ physical education learning outcomes because by playing students can develop creativity, physical, motor, perception, cognitive, and personal social.
Keywords: Effectiveness, play method, physical education learning outcome
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| Corresponding Author (Umar -)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-110 |
a,b,c Universitas Negeri Manado
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is the behavior of an employee that exceeds his responsibilities and work standards and OCB behavior affects many positive aspects within the organization. This study aims to determine the effect of mapalus organizational climate on organizational citizenship behavior in education staff at Unima Headquarters. This study uses a quantitative approach with causal correlation analysis techniques. The data collection method used a questionnaire on a sample of 76 of 316 education personnel who were determined using the Slovin formula with simple random sampling technique. Hypothesis testing using simple linear regression analysis technique with the help of SPSS 26 program. The results showed that Mapalus organizational climate had a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior with an effective contribution of 32.7%.
Keywords: mapalus organizational climate, ocb, employees, headquarters
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| Corresponding Author (Marssel Michael Sengkey)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-366 |
Kampus Mengajar: Students^ Experiences and Contributions in the Rural, Under-Resourced Schools Tri Indri Hardini, Yulianeta, Dingding Haerudin, Yanty Wirza
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung
Jawa Barat
This study examines the students^ participation in the Kampus Mengajar Program Batch 2, one of the flagship programs in the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka - Independent to Learn, Independent Campus) scheme, sponsored by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Employing a qualitative case study design with 15 students as participants, the study distributed a questionnaire, conducted a focus discussion with 8 of the students, and collected relevant documents pertaining to the students^ experience during the 6-month KM participation, spanning from August to December 2021. The collected data were analyzed and triangulated to identify the participants^ contribution and lessons learned throughout the program. The findings indicate that made significant contributions through the initiation of various literacy programs as they were placed in the rural, under-resourced schools that such support would not have been made possible otherwise. Some of the programs worth mentioning are library/reading corner, enhancing and diversifying (basic) literacy activities, and deeper engagement with the community. Furthermore, since the students were placed with other students from different majors, the interdisciplinary collaboration among these students became prominent in supporting the schools in improving the teaching learning practices, school managerial activities and technology implementation.
Keywords: Kampus Mengajar Program, literacy, MBKM, under-resourced schools
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| Corresponding Author (Yanty Wirza)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-374 |
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Drawing building construction still poses difficulties for vocational students of the Building Engineering Department. Therefore we need innovative and creative learning media that can be easily understood by students. In other words, the media must be able to increase the construction literacy of student, so that students can easily understand the information and instructions delivered by the learning media. This study aims to illustrate the use of jobsheet learning media in Building Construction Drawing subjects in improving the literacy construction of vocational students of the Building Engineering Department. Through a qualitatively literature review approach, this study concludes that the use of jobsheet media can improve the construction literacy ability of students of Department of Building Engineering. This construction literacy ability will subsequently have an impact on students^ ability to complete the tasks delivered in the Building Construction Drawing subject. Jobsheets that can improve competence koqnitive are jobsheets that meet the validity aspects of the jobsheet, namely material, language, appearance, use, consistency, format, graphics, benefits, feasibility. In addition, the jobsheet must also be practical, which is indicated by the fulfillment of aspects including clarity of content, clarity of material coverage, clarity of information, effective and efficient use of language (clear and concise), meaningfulness, appearance, presence of reader appeal, use of fonts writing, lay out jobsheet, clarity of the layout of the structure characteristics of the jobsheet.
Keywords: competence koqnitive, drawing civil building, jobsheet, learning media.
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| Corresponding Author (Agus Wiyono)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-375 |
C-NAR: What are Good Practices in Teaching Project Based Learning Models in Elementary Schools? Lala Jelita Ananda1*, Faisal2, Yusnadi3, Nani Barorah Nasution4
1,2,3Universitas Negeri Medan
This study aims to describe the good practice of learning using the Project Based Learning model in elementary schools. This type of research is a continuous classroom action research using the C-NAR (Collaborative Nested Action Research) design. In practice, teachers make continuous improvements in learning and lecturers make continuous improvements in mentoring. The research procedure uses 4 steps following the DIOR pattern (Design, Implementation, Observation, & Reflection). There are 2 data collection techniques used, namely observation and 2-way conference (teachers and lecturers). The instruments used in the study were observation sheets and reflective journals. The data analysis technique uses qualitative data flow model analysis starting from data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the average effectiveness of using the Project Based Learning model in learning in elementary schools was 3.61 with the category of Very Effective. Based on this data, it can be concluded that the C-NAR design using the Project Based Learning model can improve learning processes and outcomes effectively in elementary schools.
Keywords: C-NAR, project based learning, elementary school
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| Corresponding Author (Lala Jelita Ananda)
52 |
Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-382 |
The Effect Massage on Subjective Physiological Complaint in Semester VI Students Faculty of Sport Science Fentje Langitan, Frederik Makadada
Universitas Negeri Manado
The fact of field observation both physical education teachers and coaches do not understand the importance of the implementation of massage as a dynamic replacement for warming up and cooling down dynamically, in one activity or sport and exercise activities at that time. More than that, athletes who doing massage at rest to go on set or the next round there massage very useful role for the recovery and physical condition, injury prevention. This formulation of the research problem is whether a contribution of sport massage had on the lack of physiological complaints to the six semester student FIK UNIMA. The method in this study is a quasi experimental design with one group pre text post text only design. Data analysis techniques used for the purpose of testing the hypothesis in this study in the use statistic Wilcoxon signed rank text. Based on data collection and data processing, it can be concluded that the massage can contribute to the decline of subjective physiological complaints of the six semester student of FIK UNIMA.
Keywords: Massage, Subjective Physiological
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| Corresponding Author (Fentje Langitan)
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ABS-127 |
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
This research aims to design and develop a human body temperature detection system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and featuring the output with human voice. The MLX90614 sensor is utilized to detect human-body themperature and DFPlayer module for playing the mp3 voice of the temperature output. Thus, an Arduino is employed as the main processing unit. The implementation of the IoT concept using the MQTT Protocol. The stages in developing this system are needs analysis, design, develop, testing and evaluation. Principally, this system works as follows, once the MLX90614 sensor detects a human temperature, the Arduino will process this data of the temperature (1) convert the data into human voice and (2) sending (publish) the data to a web server in the internet. In this research uses Adafruit.com as Mqtt broker. Anyone subscribes to the feeds of the Adafruit will receive such temperature data automatically. The performance results of this system, to determine the final output of the human temperature we must adjust with +3 from the result of MLX90614 in the normal room temperature. By this adjustment we have the best of error average 0.96% and an average difference of result 0.35 C. It means, by adjustment +3 from the original result of the sensor will conform with the standards of IEC No. 13B-23 and the 13th revision of Melexis in 2019, where the maximum of error tolerance is 5% and the temperature difference is 0.5 C. The result of the distance testing shows that the farther the object from the MLX90614 sensor will result the greater errors value and the object closer to the sensor, will result the smaller error. The average delay time to send data to the Adafruit Webserver and android application is 1.53 seconds.
Keywords: IoT, Temperature, sensor, MQTT protocol
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| Corresponding Author (Rustam Asnawi)
54 |
Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-128 |
Design and Assessment of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) for Improving Design Skill in Modest Fashion Design Course Indarti*, Urip Wahyuningsih, Yulistiana, Fadlilah Indira Sari
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Project-Based Learning (PjBL) has become one of the learning models that has been set by the Indonesian government as a learning model based on student centers. The purpose of the study was to describe how the design and assessment in the PjBL model to improve design skills in the Modest Fashion Design course. The learning design was set in online and offline form. The learning design in the Modest Fashion Design course starts from the theoretical concept then continues with fashion design skills which include making design concepts, design development, and the realization of fashion collections. Students presented design concepts and developments in front of a professional fashion designer, so that they get feedback directly. The assessment includes portfolio, performance, and products. The results of modest fashion collections must be shown and posted via YouTube. The results showed that project-based learning helped improve fashion design skills on fashion design students, Vocational Program of Surabaya State University.
Keywords: Team Project-Based Learning, Modest Fashion, Student Assessment, Fashion Design Student, Portfolio
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| Corresponding Author (Indarti Indarti)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-388 |
Quality Discussion in Blended Learning Model: Efforts to Improve Critical Thinking and Higher Order Thinking Skills Ulfia Rahmi, Abna Hidayati, Azrul Azrul, Melati Mandasari
Universitas Negeri Padang, Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi LPPN Padang
The purpose of this study is to map the slices between the quality standards of discussion in blended learning with critical thinking skills and higher order thinking skills (HOTS). Furthermore, it is also aimed to identify the ability of students from the results of the mapping. This research is motivated by the fact that the application of blended learning in higher education. However, practitioners still ask question about the achievement of critical thinking skills and HOTS in the application of blended learning. The type of this research is survey research on the implementation of E-Learning Development course in the Educational Technology study program (N = 45). Discussion activities both face to face and online were assessed by using instruments in the form of discussion assessment sheets. Data were analysed by using descriptive techniques. The results obtained mean from coherent conceptions 3.20, fragmented conceptions 3.00, deep approaches to face discussions 2.90, and deep approaches to online discussion 3.15, surface approaches to face discussion 3.00, and surface approaches to online discussion 3.56. It can be concluded that the blended environment facilitated the development of critical thinking skills and HOTS because it combined the best side of face to face discussions with online discussion.
Keywords: blended learning, digital literacy, learning strategy, support system
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| Corresponding Author (Ulfia Rahmi)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-136 |
Strengthening the Profile of Pancasila Students through Extracurricular Activities of the Project Learning-Based Waste Bank Program (PjBL) Heldy Vanni Alam, Lukman AR. Laliyo, Rudce Dwi Isten Wahyuni
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
This study aims to test the effectiveness of the extracurricular program on ^waste bank^ based on project learning towards strengthening the profile of Pancasila students. The study used a pre-posttest experimental design without a control group, on 71 students at one high school in Gorontalo. The instrument for measuring the Pancasila profile uses a questionnaire adapted based on the Pancasila Profile indicator in the Merdeka Curriculum. This instrument is done in writing by the students, before and after the implementation of the project. Data were analyzed using the Rasch model with the help of Winstep 3.7.3 software. This analytical approach allows research to measure changes in the profile of Pancasila, before and after project implementation. The results of the study show: (1) there is an effect of implementing the waste bank extracurricular program on strengthening the Pancasila profile, seen in the results of measuring the moral dimension to nature (the value of identifying problems), the critical reasoning dimension (on the value of analyzing information), and (the creative dimension on the value of finding ideas) and- (2) there are dimensions of the Pancasila student profile that have changed significantly. Seen in the results of the measurement of the profile of Pancasila students, namely the critical reasoning dimension has a higher value (-0.11 logit) than the moral to nature (-0.08) and the creative dimension (0.01 logit). Thus, it is true that the extracurricular program of the waste bank program through project-based learning is able to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students.
Keywords: Pancasila Student Profile, Waste Bank Extracurricular, PjBL
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| Corresponding Author (Heldy Vanni Alam)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-140 |
Analysis of Design and Implementation of Authentic Assessment of Mathematics Teachers at State Islamic Junior High Schools in Ngawi Regency Masrukan, Bambang Eko Susilo, Atsalatul Mubarokah
Universitas Negeri Semarang
This study aims to describe the quality of the assessment of Mathematics learning in its planning and implementation, as well as the innovations developed by teachers in the authentic assessment of the Pythagorean Theorem material for class VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). This qualitative research took the subject of research as many as five Mathematics teachers of State MTs in different Ngawi Regency, East Java with close geographical locations, and had implemented the 2013 curriculum in their schools. Data collection methods are document assessment, observation, and interviews. The technique of checking the validity of the data uses triangulation of data collection techniques, checking members, and adequacy of references. The results of this study: (1) planning an assessment conducted by MTs Mathematics teachers in Ngawi Regency for the Pythagorean Theorem material including writing a simple grid for compiling tests along with written test questions, 60% without scoring rubrics- (2) teachers who conduct process assessments and at the end of learning are 40%, only 10% process assessments, while only 50% at the end of learning- and (3) authentic assessment innovations carried out by MTs Mathematics teachers in Ngawi Regency need to be improved, which is only done by teachers, namely the development of written questions with simple assessment techniques. It is recommended to carry out learning design and assessment simultaneously by determining project assessment, product assessment and performance assessment on the appropriate Pythagorean Theorem material.
Keywords: authentic assessment, mathematics teacher, Pythagorean material
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| Corresponding Author (Masrukan Masrukan)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-157 |
The purpose of the study is to identify, describe and analyze: The application of information technology in the teaching and learning process, factors that support the application, factors that hinder the application and efforts to overcome obstacles experienced by teachers in the application of information technology in the teaching and learning process at Vocational School in Manado city. The method approach used is a qualitative approach. Based on the results of data analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The application of information technology in the teaching and learning process is to always empower teachers to give them maximum opportunities to develop their students^ learning, because they realize that multimedia-based teaching systems can present more interesting, not monotonous, and easy presentation subjects. (2) The factors that support the application in the teaching and learning process are hardware facilities and infrastructure, which include physical devices such as computers and printers. (3) Factors that hinder the application are factors of facilities and infrastructure, specifically the knowledge or understanding of teachers about information technology. (4) Efforts to overcome obstacles experienced by teachers in the application of information technology in the teaching and learning process at Vocational School in Manado City are to strive to maximize face-to-face meetings. Through face-to-face events, teachers compile programs, providing information about textbooks, teaching aids and learning methods as well as multimedia miscellaneous and functions. The principal gave directions for the planned program to be implemented consequently so that it is directed and achieves goals.
Keywords: Information Technology, Teaching and Learning Process.
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| Corresponding Author (Alfrina Mewengkang)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-165 |
This study aims to determine the effect of pedagogical approach, learning facilities, students^ learning style, self-directed learning readiness on learning outcomes in online practicum learning in the faculty of economics Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. This research is correlational research that aims to test or measure the strength of the relationship or association between variables. The population in this study were students of the Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University. The sample size of this study was 456 respondents, but there were 120 responses that were outliers and were excluded from the analysis. The amount of data used for analysis is 336 responses. The method of data collection is done by making online questionnaires to facilitate the dissemination to users. The data has been analyzed by descriptive analysis. Hypothesis testing using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS). The result of this study shows pedagogical approach, learning facilities, and students^ learning style has a significant direct effect on self-directed learning readiness. Self-directed learning readiness has a significant direct effect on learning outcomes. In addition, there is a significant indirect effect of instructional design, learning facilities, and students^ learning style on learning outcomes. The implication is that if the faculty wants to improve learning outcomes, it is necessary to increase instructional design, learning facilities, students^ learning style, and self-directed learning readiness. Ani Widayati, Denies Priantinah
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
This study aims to determine the effect of pedagogical approach, learning facilities, students^ learning style, self-directed learning readiness on learning outcomes in online practicum learning in the faculty of economics Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. This research is correlational research that aims to test or measure the strength of the relationship or association between variables. The population in this study were students of the Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University. The sample size of this study was 456 respondents, but there were 120 responses that were outliers and were excluded from the analysis. The amount of data used for analysis is 336 responses. The method of data collection is done by making online questionnaires to facilitate the dissemination to users. The data has been analyzed by descriptive analysis. Hypothesis testing using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS). The result of this study shows pedagogical approach, learning facilities, and students^ learning style has a significant direct effect on self-directed learning readiness. Self-directed learning readiness has a significant direct effect on learning outcomes. In addition, there is a significant indirect effect of instructional design, learning facilities, and students^ learning style on learning outcomes. The implication is that if the faculty wants to improve learning outcomes, it is necessary to increase instructional design, learning facilities, students^ learning style, and self-directed learning readiness.
Keywords: practicum learning, learning outcomes, online learning
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