The Role of the Giri Mulya Study Group Community for Increasing Community Empowerment
Heryanto Susilo1 *, Ali Yusuf2, Sjafiatul Mardliyah3, Rivo Nugroho4

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study explores community needs through community empowerment oriented to regional potential through the Giri Mulya Study Group Community with a community-based community resource management process. This community is a development strategy and community empowerment that gives a dominant role to the community at the community level, especially in controlling and managing productive resources. This research uses qualitative research methods, while the approach used in this research is a case study approach. Selection of informants using snowball sampling technique and data collection techniques using observation techniques and depth interviews. The Giri Mulya Study Group Community development has had a positive impact on community empowerment in Munggugebang Village. Cooperation that exists between elements of society can be a significant impetus in carrying out an empowerment process. Sustainability of education in the Giri Mulya Study Group Community is the most basic effort in empowering an area, in this case, rural areas.

Keywords: Learning Group Community, Community Empowerment, Empowerment Improvement

Topic: Universal Quality Education

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