Research Roadmap on Humanities: Denoting Educational and Non-Educational Research Trends Universitas Negeri Surabaya Abstract To support Unesa^s mission as an educational institution that excels in education, it is necessary to conduct targeted research to produce useful outcomes for society^s welfare through a research roadmap as a direction for research development. One of the research roadmaps developed by Unesa in accordance with the RIRN was the research roadmap for the excellent field of humanities. This study aimed to describe the development of a research roadmap in the field of humanities at Unesa. This study used a qualitative research approach where the data were obtained through interviews with the FGD model and literature study. The obtained data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman^s interactive technique and SWOT analysis. The Unesa research roadmap on humanities was developed based on the roadmap of educational and non-educational study programs based on three levels of research: basic, applied, and development research. Keywords: roadmap, research, humaniora, Universitas Negeri Surabaya Topic: Universal Quality Education |
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