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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-168 |
Elementary School teachers competencies in the era of technology disruption Mai Sri Lena, Netriwati, Ermayenti, Ulfah Putri Efendi, Ismaniar
Universitas Negeri Padang
This research aimed to discover teachers^ understanding of the competencies of teacher in the era of technology disruption, the competencies that Elementary schools have in the era of technology disruption, challenges that teachers face in mastering the competencies of teacher in the era of technology disruption as well as strategies to improve teacher competences in the era of technology disruption. This study was a descriptive quantitative research design. The data of this study was gathered from 1409 elementary school teachers via questionnaires, then analyzed using descriptive quantitative data analysis. This research showed that 76.8% respondents understand the competencies of teachers in the era of technology disruption, and most teachers had educational competence in internet-based learning (98.2%). 34.4% respondents reported that they have difficulty in mastering technological commercialization competence because of the lack of facilities(36.8% respondents). Therefore, teachers believed that joining training and seminar is an effective strategy to improve the teachers^ competencies.
Keywords: Competencies, Teachers, Elementary school, Technology disruption
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| Corresponding Author (Mai Sri Lena)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-172 |
Manado State Univercity
The objectives of this research are to determine the effect of good governance and human resource capacity on the quality of local government financial statements in North Minahasa Regency. The population of this research is all employees in the Regional Finance and Revenue Management Agency. The research sample is all employees in the Regional Finance and Revenue Management Agency, totaling 70 respondents. The type of data used is primary data by conducting a direct survey to the object of research in order to obtain accurate data. The way to obtain these data is by distributing questionnaires to research respondents. The results of this study prove that partially the good governance variable has a significant effect on the quality of the financial statements of the North Minahasa Regency Government and the human resource capacity variable has a significant effect on the quality of the North Minahasa Regency Government^s Financial Statements. Simultaneously, good governance and human resource capacity have a significant effect on the Quality of Financial Statements of the North Minahasa Regency Government.
Keywords: Good governance- Human Resources Capacity- Quality of Financial Statement.
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| Corresponding Author (Olviane Olke Sumampouw)
63 |
Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-182 |
Coaches and Athletes Satisfaction towards U-16 Sleman Volleyball Championship Fauzi1, Nur Choliz Majid2, Nawan Primasoni3
Abstract. This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of coaches and athletes towards the PBVSI U-16 Volleyball Championship program in Sleman Regency, so that later it can be an evaluation material for the PBVSI of Sleman Regency in organizing the upcoming U-16 Volleyball Championship. This is a quantitative descriptive study. Data were collected through survey. The population in the study was the participants of the 16-year-old volleyball Championship in Sleman Regency. The sample was obtained from a total of 72 male athletes and 24 coaches from 10 clubs. Data analysis techniques in this study used descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. The results showed that the overall level of satisfaction of athletes and coaches with the PBVSI U-16 Volleyball Championship program in Sleman Regency is in the very good category (60.42%) with a frequency of 58 respondents, in the good category of 39.58% with a frequency of 38 respondents, while in the sufficient, less and very less category of 0% with a frequency of 0 respondents. The satisfaction of athletes and coaches in this study was based on 5 (five) factors or variables, namely tangible, empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and confidence factors. Thus, it can be concluded that athletes and coaches are very satisfied with the PBVSI program of the U-16 Volleyball Championship in Sleman Regency.
Keywords: satisfaction, athletes, coaches
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| Corresponding Author (Fauzi Fauzi)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-188 |
Developing Instructional Multimedia for High School Students Christine Takarina Meitty Manoppo (a*), Keith Francis Ratumbuisang (b), Yosua Fitsgerald Ratumbuisang (c)
a) Universitas Negeri Manado (Jl. Kampus UNIMA Tonsaru, Kec. Tondano Selatan, Minahasa, SULUT, 95618).
b) Universitas Negeri Manado (Jl. Kampus UNIMA Tonsaru, Kec. Tondano Selatan, Minahasa, SULUT, 95618).
c) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Jl.Colombo Yogyakarta No. Jl. Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kab. Sleman DIY, 55281)
This study aims to develop instructional multimedia interactive with Adobe Flash application on computer introduction material and determine the feasibility of instructional multimedia interactive based on expert judgment materials, media experts, and students. This research is a development (Research and Development) which adapted from the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation), but only carried out until the Implementation. Validation is carried out by material experts, media experts, teachers, and students. Data collection techniques in this development research use a questionnaire. Data obtained from the questionnaire was then analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that the level of feasibility of instructional multimedia developed based on the assessment of: 1) Material experts obtained an average score of 4,265 which is included in the Moderate category- 2) Expert, The media obtained an average score of 3,575 which is included in the Moderate category- and 3) Teachers obtained an average score of 4.095 and categorized as Moderate, 4) Students obtained an average score of 3.95 which belongs to the Moderate category. Thus the interactive instructional multimedia that was developed is worthy of being used as a medium computer introduction instructional for high school students.
Keywords: Instructional Multimedia, Computer Introduction, Adobe Flash, ADDIE
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| Corresponding Author (Christine Takarina Meitty Manoppo)
65 |
Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-202 |
Designing MathCityMap Teacher Training Program in a Hybrid Setting for Indonesian Teachers Adi Nur Cahyono, Masrukan, Mulyono
Universitas Negeri Semarang
The purpose of this study is to develop a professional development program for teachers in a hybrid setting that is focused on MathCityMap to improve outdoor mathematics education across a wide variety of school settings in Indonesia. Research on design was carried out in three stages: the designing stage, the small-scale field experiment stage, and the large-scale field experiment stage. The findings of the initial phase are presented in this paper. The findings suggested that an effective model for the structure of the MathCityMap Teacher Training Program in a Hybrid Setting for Indonesian Teachers has been designed. The educators participate in online training asynchronously using a Learning Management System (LMS) as well as synchronously through video meetings. After that, they attend training sessions in person, both indoors and outdoors, to put the concepts that they learned during the online session into practice. The teachers are tasked with developing math trail activities in their respective regions as a follow-up to the training. This program made available appropriate learning opportunities and equal access to a diverse student population in Indonesia, both in terms of their geographic location and the sociocultural context in which they were raised. The developed principles are capable of being implemented in other places, allowing for the development of distance education in other countries.
Keywords: MathCityMap, Teacher Training, Hybrid Learning, Math Trails
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| Corresponding Author (Adi Nur Cahyono)
66 |
Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-204 |
Utilization of the Talking Stick Learning Model in Improving English Vocabulary Mastery Rinny Rorimpandey, Fivy Andries
Universitas Negeri Manado
Lack of mastery of vocabulary is one of the obstacles experienced by students in learning foreign languages. Likewise, in English, many students have difficulty understanding and understanding in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Talking Stick Learning Model in improving English vocabulary mastery in Raanan Baru State Junior High School students. The subjects in this study were 25 students of class VIII SMP Negeri Raanan Baru. The method used is the Classroom Action Research method, according to Kemmis and Taggar. The steps in the research are planned in the form of a cycle there are four components of each step, namely: 1) Planning, 2) Action, 3) Observation, and 4) Reflective. In this study, several data collection techniques were used. These techniques include Observation, Test, and field notes. The Talking Stick learning model involves children working collaboratively in achieving the goal is cooperative learning. So that students are able to understand by conveying the contents of the reading again, rewriting it correctly about the contents of the reading. Students will look enthusiastic and motivated in learning. They are even more daring to say words without being afraid of making mistakes and they seem to be trying to always speak. The student^s mastery of English vocabulary from the initial average score of students only reached 61.2, and when they started using the talking stick learning model there was an increase, namely, in the first cycle the average value rose to 66.8 then in the second cycle it rose 79.2. Before being given treatment, vocabulary mastery was only achieved 36% after cycle I and cycle II used talking sticks as a medium in learning, there was an increase in students^ vocabulary mastery which was 52% with details of the percentage of students^ initial scores who reached the KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria) was 40% increased to 92% after two cycles of research were conducted.
Keywords: learning model, talking sticks, vocabulary
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| Corresponding Author (Rinny Suryani Rorimpandey)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-212 |
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Gedung L, Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati, Semarang
Literacy financial and behavioral bias is factor important influencing taking decision individual investor investment. Study this aim for identify connection literacy financial and behavioral biases (overconfidence, representativeness, and illusion of control) that can result in behavior irrational in taking decision investment. Population on research data this is an individual investor based in Java. Based on method purposive sampling obtained sample as many as 83 respondents through questionnaire. The data obtained, passed the validity test, reliability test, assumption test classic, and analysis regression multiple for test hypothesis. Test hypothesis conclude that literacy finance take effect negative against behavioral bias, meaning the more increase literacy finance, then individual investors the more objective in take decision investment, and will reduce behavioral bias.
Keywords: Literacy Finance, Behavioral Bias, Investment Decision Making, Individual Investors
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| Corresponding Author (Andhi Wijayanto)
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Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-229 |
Preventing Mega-Machines: Cultivating Hope in Education Rizqy Cahyo Utomo, A^yunin Akrimni Darojat
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Education
Yogyakarta State University
Telltales of a heavily industrialized, modern education system had been forecasted a century ago, as we are slowly approaching the Mega-Machines fabled in Lewis Mumford^s The Myth of the Machine from 1976. As we presently challenged with urgency on how to transform education from task-based to human-based one, ideas of education centralized on mankind^s positive values began flourishing since the end of 1900s. Recent paradigm from Psychology called Positive Psychology, promotes one answer: Hope. This paper would seek to investigate these answers and find their theoretical and practical basis through literature review. It is found that a human-based education should let its learner pursue meaningful learning through implementation of education centered on hope. By assimilating hopeful practices (learning, teaching, and social interaction), hope proves to not only become the theoretical basis of future education, but also educating humans to remember the importance of being a hopeful and optimistic human being.
Keywords: Hope, Optimism, Positive Psychology, Educational Psychology.
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| Corresponding Author (Rizqy Cahyo Utomo)
69 |
Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-238 |
Analysis of Interaction Patterns of An Online Learning Community: A Social Network Analytics Approach Zaenal Abidin
Department of Computer Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
This study investigates the potential of online learning communities (OLC) to help teachers fulfil their professional needs. Technology is an essential platform for teachers and allows them to maintain their engagement in the OLC in both a flexible and reflective manner. This indicates that an OLC can be considered a promising model for ongoing teacher learning because of its flexibility and because it does not require a personal presence. An OLC in this current study was established using a closed-Facebook group. Online observations were conducted to obtain the data. The gathered data were analysed using the social network analysis approach by visualising the data into a sociogram. The research study provided network patterns to portray the social learning interactions of the participant teachers in the OLC. The study results provided evidence that teachers gradually improved their teaching experiences with technology. They also progressively moved towards the centre. Some teachers attained central positions, meaning they shifted their roles as mediators and facilitators in the OLC. A sense of ownership towards the OLC grew as they took the role of mediator. Taking the role of mediator, the teachers not only learned- they also facilitated and supported others to become more active in social learning interactions. The findings show teachers themselves contributed to nurturing the OLC.
Keywords: Online learning community, teacher learning, social network analytics, sociogram, social learning
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| Corresponding Author (Zaenal Abidin)
70 |
Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
ABS-239 |
The Current Conception of Professionalism: The perspectives of vocational teachers Ani Widayati
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
This study aims to examine (1) the perspective of accounting teachers regarding professionalism in current era (2) the efforts made by teachers to improve their professionalism. The study took place in Yogyakarta involving 30 accounting teachers in a focused group discussion. The approach in this research is interpretive qualitative which is intended to know the re-conceptions of the accounting teachers^ professionalism and the efforts they made in facing the fourth industrial revolution. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and interpreted based on the interrelations between categories in the theme. The results show that (1) Teachers understand professionalism as a mastery of pedagogical, personal, social and professional competencies as well as 21st century^s skills like characters, literacy and skills. Teachers are required to be able to adjust to the changes that occur through the use of technology so as to form a teacher profile mastering knowledge, skills and personalities (2) Efforts made by teachers are changing the mindset in teaching and improving skills through utilizing technology. In addition, the government also strives for facilitating teachers to improve their performance by providing research grants and opportunities in developing their professionalism. Teacher Forum is currently seeking to become a forum for teachers to improve the quality of their practice through community of practice.
Keywords: vocational teachers, conception, professionalism
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| Corresponding Author (Ani Widayati)
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Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-4 |
Identifying of Talented Students at Elementary Schools using Volleyball^s Talent Identification Nining Kusnanik1,* Fransica Januarumi1, Muhammad1, Afifan Yulfadinata2, Novadri Ayubi2, Pujijuniarto3, Johni Lumba4, Albertus Fenanlampir5
1 Department of Sport Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Doctoral Program of Sport Science, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
3 Department of Health and Recreation Education, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
4 Faculty of Teaching and Science Education, Universitas Kristen Artha Wacana Kupang, Indonesia
5 Department of Education Science, Universitas Pattimura Ambon, Indonesia
Volleyball is an interesting sport that can be played by many people in the world. Recently, volleyball matches have become an interesting spectacle that can be seen directly or through television program or youtube channels. Therefore, it is necessary to search for talented volleyball players. The purpose of this study was to implemented the talent identification model to identify young talented students in volleyball. Subjects of this study were 300 elementary students who active in the physical education with minimum height 150 cm, aged between 11 to 13 years olds. All subjects were measured for body mass, height, sitting height, standing reach, spam arm, and leg length. Subjects were also tested for vertical jump with 1 leg, vertical jump with 2 legs, shuttle run, multistage fitness test, flexibility, throw and catch tennis ball. Volleyball talent identification equation model^s by Kusnanik 2014 was used to analysed the data. Results of the study showed that there was 23 students who were identified as young students elementary school in volleyball (9 female students and 14 male students). It can be concluded that model of talent identification in volleyball can be used as an alternative method to identify young talented students in volleyball.
Keywords: Talent Identification- Volleyball- Talented Students- Elementary Schools.
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| Corresponding Author (Nining Widyah Kusnanik)
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Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-260 |
Effect of Home Body Workout towards Body Mass Index, Muscle Strength, and Muscle Endurance to College Students of Faculty of Sport Science in Indonesia and Malaysia Yudik Prasetyo, Krisnanda Dwi Apriyanto, Rizki Mulyawan
Sport Science Study Program, Faculty of Sport Scince, Yogyakarta States University, Indonesia
This study conducted to find out the effect of home body workout training that held by college student of faculty of sport in Indonesia and Malaysia towards their Body Mass Index, muscle strength, and muscle endurance. This study is using One Group Pretest Posttest design. Samples of this research are 15 college students of Faculty of Sport FIK UNY in Indonesiaa and 15 college students of Faculty of Sport Fakulti Sains Sukan dan Rekreasi, UITM, Malaysia. Instruments that used for collecting data of body weight is a scale, and to measure body height is using stadiometer. The instrument of muscle endurance test is push up that performed as many as possible without rest. The instrument of muscle strength is sit up that performed as many as possible in 30 second, and the repetition are recorded. Home body workout as a treatment for group contains (1) side lunges, (2) static protraction-retraction, (3) Straight Arm press down on floor/wall, (4) walking lunges, (5) pike push-up, (6) prone retraction, (7) single-leg deadlifts, (8) crunches, (9) toe raises, dan (10) quadruped leg raise. The training is held in 3 set 12 repetition. Training methode that used in this research is circuit training type with rest per move is 30 seconds and per set is 2 minutes. Treatment are given for 4 weeks with training frequency 3 times a week and there is no training day that held in series. This research shows that home body workout gives significant differentiation towards the improvement of musle endurance. This is proved by the data analysis of push up and sit up result, but there is no significat differentiation for their Body Mass Index.
Keywords: Home Body Workout, BMI, Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance
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| Corresponding Author (Yudik Prasetyo)
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Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-261 |
Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Semarang
This study aims to test empirically the effect of executive character, capital intensity, sales growth, and financial distress on tax avoidance. The population used in this study were manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2018-2020. Sampling of the population used purposive sampling technique so as to produce a total sample of 64 companies with 182 units of analysis after outliers. Collection techniques The data in this study used documentation techniques. The data obtained are sourced fromwww.idx.co.idor the official website of each sample company. Data analysis using panel data regression with Microsoft Excel and Eviews version 9. The results of the study prove that the empirical character variable has a significant positive effect on tax avoidance, empirically capital intensity has a significant negative effect on tax avoidance, while sales growth and financial distress do not. effect on tax avoidance.
Keywords: Tax Avoidance, Executive Character, Capital Intensity, Sales Growth, Financial Distress
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| Corresponding Author (Kiswanto Kiswanto)
74 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-279 |
PARENTS ROLES IN CHARACTER BUILDING OF CHILDREN Nurhastuti, Cherli Dwi Tayuni, Jehan Nabela Oktaviani
Universitas Negeri Padang
The background of this study is the role of parents in the development of the cerebral palsy child. In this character creation the role of parents is essential. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of parents to develop character to cerebral palsy children.
This research method is a quantitative using data collection techniques through distribution of angket to 22 parents as a research subject. The data collected later in athletically USES a presentation technique that would later be thoroughly described.
According to the results of this study, the new general term suggests that the parents have been applying general information transfer to cerebral palsy. Parental role is listed as a educator with a result of 54%, but a parent^s role as a 32% facilitator, a parent^s role as a companion of 32% and a motivational parent with 42% recorded poorly.
Keywords: Cerebral palsy, role, parents, formation, character
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| Corresponding Author (Nurhastuti Nurhastuti)
75 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-281 |
Developing Digital Teaching Materials based on North Sumatra Local Culture for Beginners Level of BIPA Maya Oktora, Yuni Khairina
Universitas Negeri Medan
The high interest of international students in learning the Indonesian language during the COVID-19 pandemic, which limits the arrival of students, has become the basis for developing digital BIPA teaching materials. The availability of digital teaching materials with English instruction and containing the local cultural context is a significant problem often faced by teachers in BIPA learning activities at Universitas Negeri Medan that dominates by the Beginner-level. This study aimed to discover how to develop digital-based BIPA teaching materials with North Sumatran culture for beginner-level foreign speakers. The research and Development (R&D) approach was used in this study, as well as three data collection techniques: observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data sources are BIPA teachers, foreign speakers, and expert lecturers. Data analysis in this study used a qualitative descriptive method consisting of exposure and data conclusions. The results of this research are: needs analysis according to the perceptions of foreign speakers and BIPA teachers, which can produce characteristics of BIPA teaching materials that contain North Sumatran culture for beginner-level foreign speakers- using a variety that is easy to understand and contain the cultural context of North Sumatra in daily activities- as well as being able to inspire participants^ learning motivation and equipped with training materials covering the four aspects of language and grammar exercises in each chapter.
Keywords: BIPA, teaching materials, culture, international students, digital.
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| Corresponding Author (Maya Oktora)
76 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-282 |
Universitas Negeri Manado
In learning Japanese as a foreign language, you often encounter various difficulties. One of the reasons is because the structure of the language is very different from Indonesian. Various ways were used by the teacher to bridge these differences, including by using the Malay-Manado language as the learner^s mother tongue, which was felt to have many similarities with Japanese. One of the similarities can be seen in the auxiliary word ^no^ in Japanese and the auxiliary word ^pe^ in Malay-Manado. This research is designed as a contrastive analysis research, the data collection method of this research is literature study and interviews. This study found that there are many similarities between the particle ^no^ in Japanese and the particle ^pe^ in Malay-Manado. The similarity includes the function and structure of the sentence. However, the function of the ^no^ particle is much broader than the function of ^pe^ particle.
Keywords: Contrastive Analysis, Particle No in Japanese, Particle Pe in Malay-Manado
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| Corresponding Author (Indria Mawitjere)
77 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-27 |
Kinetic Sand and The Coordination of Eye and Hand for Children in Gorontalo Velly Sena Edila Abdul1, Pupung Puspa Ardini2* Setyo Utoyo3
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
This study aims to determine the data of playing kinetic media on the coordination ability of children^s eye and hand movements. This research is quantitative research with experimental methods. It uses a research design of one group pretest-posttest that is giving a test before and after being given treatment with the research subjects are 22 children of 5-6 years old. The results showed a significant difference in the average value of the child^s eye and hand coordination abilities before and after the treatment, as evidenced by the values obtained in the pretest and post-test data were 40.9% and 68.1%, respectively. While the calculation of the T-test obtained a significant value <0.05 that is 0.00 then Ho is rejected. These results prove that there is a significant effect before and after the treatment.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Kinetic Sand, The coordination of eye and hand
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| Corresponding Author (Pupung Puspa Ardini)
78 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-283 |
Universitas Negeri Manado
The variety of honorific language in Japanese is called keigo. Keigo is used to honor the interlocutor or a third person. Keigo is one of the characteristics of the Japanese language that is quite difficult to learn and use by Japanese language learners who speak Indonesian as their mother tongue. This is because the variety of honorific languages, such as in Japanese, does not appear in Indonesian. The purpose of this study is to describe the variety of Japanese honorific language in the Ninja Hattori-Kun comic book series 2, and classify them according to their type. This study uses qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data were obtained through expressions containing keigo in the comic book Ninja Hattori-Kun 2. Data collection was limited to chapters 1-chapters 7 of the entire chapter, which was 22 chapters. From the results of data analysis, it was found that there were 15 kinds of Japanese honorific language keigo which were then classified according to their type, so that 5 data were obtained for sonkeigo, 4 data for kenjoogo, and 6 data for teineigo. Sonkeigo found in data sources, namely kudasaru, ~sama, osaki ni, otaku and kudasai. The kenjoogo found in the data source are sessha, mousu, choudai and mairu. Meanwhile, the teineigo found in the data sources are otsukai, ~de gozaru, kisama, gokurou, tabemasu and mamorimasu.
Keywords: Analysis, Variety of Respectful Language, Japanese
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| Corresponding Author (Marly Agustine Caroline Masoko)
79 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-286 |
a) Departement of Sport Coaching Education,Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, 60213
b)Departement ofHealth Education and Recreation, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, 60213
Keywords: Compliance arteries, athlete elite, physical load, stress oxidative, risk cardiovascular. .
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| Corresponding Author (arif bulqini)
80 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-288 |
a)Department of Sport Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, 60213
b)Department of Health Education and Recreation, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, 60213
The purpose of this study was to identifying nutrition for peak performance for professional athletes before, during, and after competition. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with stages- (1) compilation of articles, (2) data reduction, (3) data analysis, (4) data presentation, and (5) drawing conclusions. Researchers compiled articles from national and international journals as many as 10 articles. Then the researchers reduced and analyzed data from 5 selected articles based on the PICOT criteria (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time). Data analysis in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that nutrition regulation strategies for athletes could be divided into nutrition strategies before, during and after exercise. Strategies in nutrition primarily focus on increasing muscle glycogen stores priority to exercise. A pre-match meal three to four hours before the start of the competition allows for optimal digestion and energy supply. Fulfillment of nutrition during the event, the type and amount of food served to suit the body^s needs when competing. Restorative nutrition to accelerates the body^s homeostasis from a given session depending on muscle restoration and liver glycogen stores, replacement of fluids and electrolytes lost through sweating, protein synthesis for repair of damaged cells and adaptation of the body to the environment.
Keywords: nutrition, peak performance, professional athlete
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| Corresponding Author (arif bulqini)
81 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-33 |
Increasing Price Competitiveness Through Efficient Use of Materials with Upcycle and Patchwork Techniques in the Clothing Production Process Urip Wahyuningsih, Yulistiana, Ratna Suhartini, Indarti, Yuhri Inang Prihartina
Surabaya State University
Consumers in choosing clothing products are increasingly considering many things, including models that are up to date with a touch of new technology, good quality but at competitive prices on equivalent products. This condition needs to be observed by a fashion entrepreneur, especially with regard to the issue of how to produce clothing at competitive prices (relatively cheaper for equivalent quality) without compromising on quality and with innovative models. Waste from the fashion production process, especially patchwork, can be utilized so that it can become a new product (and at the same time present innovation) and can bring profits. In this way, the use of raw materials for the main product (clothing) is more efficient, and this will also have an effect on reducing production costs.
This analytical presentation is emphasized on the problem of how to make the price of fashion products more competitive without abandoning quality requirements and with up to date models. In addition, it also presents an illustration of how to make fashion products using efficient raw materials, namely by utilizing waste clothing products for product innovation (upcycle). These products are in the form of accessories or complementary clothing and household accessories which are done using patchwork techniques.
Keywords: price competitiveness, material efficiency, upcycle, patchwork technique.
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| Corresponding Author (Urip Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih)
82 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-290 |
Processing Taro Into Flour For Various Desserts in South Minahasa Henny Nikolin Tambingon
Universitas Negeri Manado
This study aims to obtain results regarding the processing technique of taro into flour, processing of taro flour into taro brownies and taro pancakes, whether the taro brownies cake can be accepted by consumers and the nutrients contained in taro brownies and taro pancakes. This research was conducted in Keroit Village, West Motoling District, South Minahasa Regency with respondents from PKK in Keroit Village and two experts in the field of Pastry. Brownis taro organoleptic test showed a texture value of 53.3%- flavor 62.6%- fragrance 66.6%- shape, 55. Meanwhile, the results of organoleptic test on taro pancakes- texture 53.3%, taste 74.44%, aroma 77.77%, shape 73.33%. The test results at the Brownies Taro Laboratory contain- Carbohydrates 27.32. Fat 25.08, Protein 5.63. Sucrose 36.76. Taro pancakes contain- Carbohydrate 28.48, Fat 5.06, Protein 7.18, Sucrose 5.21.
Keywords: Taro, Flour Dessert
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| Corresponding Author (Alfrina Mewengkang)
83 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-36 |
Human Resource Management For Vocational Programs Based On Recruitment and Selection Patterns Abdul Hafidz, Weni Rosdiana, Gading Gamaputra
State University of Surabaya
The Human Resources Vocational Program (HR) consists of administrative officers. State Administrative Employees consist of permanent state administrative employees and non-civil servants, non-permanent administrative employees, and contract employees. The ratio of the need for administrative officer will always change because it is influenced by several factors, including the growth in the number of students, the number of study programs, the presence of retirees/deaths, and study assignments. Administrative needs need to be analyzed and stated in the Strategic Plan (Renstra) for Vocational Workers every 5 year period. This research uses descriptive qualitative research by using literature study, observation, and interview methods. The results showed that the total need for administrative officer was 11 employees, namely library materials manager as many as 2 employees, student and alumni management as many as 1 employee, IT staff (data and information manager as many as 1 employee), state property manager (3 employees), administrator 2 employees, 1 file manager, 1 waitress and 1 employee.
Keywords: Human resources, Administrative officer.
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| Corresponding Author (Abdul Hafidz)
84 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-39 |
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
This research aims to develop a javelin exercise model for beginners. This study has a population of 10 beginner javelin at the Gorontalo State University. The method used in this research is development research adopted by the ADDIE model development research design. The place for conducting this research is the field of Campus 3, State University of Gorontalo. Data were collected by observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The stages of data collection are carried out in the early stages, which consist of five stages starting Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluating. The results of the study prove that from the results of the evaluation of athletic experts, it was obtained that this product as a whole met the eligibility criteria so that it could be used in the next stage of research. The conclusion is seen and proven that the development of this javelin throwing exercise model is effective in increasing the throwing results.
Keywords: development, javelin, exercise model
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| Corresponding Author (Ucok Hasian Refiater)
85 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-295 |
The Impact of Application Health Gate Sterilizer on Work Effectiveness at the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Komarudin Komarudin, Mustika Fitri, Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
This study aims to examine the effect of using a health gate sterilizer on performance effectiveness during the post-covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted on the basis that there are still cases of people exposed to the Covid-19 virus, so it has an impact on several aspects, one of which is the performance of a person at work. In this study, we used a quantitative approach with a pretest-posttest group experimental design. The time required is 8 weeks with 100 employees as the subject. The treatment given during the treatment period to the subject was the use of a health gate sterilizer based on herbal disinfectants with ultraviolet light. This tool is an extension of the sterilization chamber that we have developed. The results of this study reveal that there is a significant effect on the performance effectiveness of the use of a health gate sterilizer. The conclusion of this study is that although it is currently in the post-covid-19 pandemic period, it is still necessary to maintain the Health protocol and of course the use of a health gate sterilizer because it can provide an increase in performance effectiveness for employees.
Keywords: Health Gate Sterilizer, Effectiveness, Work
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| Corresponding Author (Sandey Tantra Paramitha Paramitha)
86 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-296 |
Traffic Analysis On Bethesda Road In Manado City Linda Tanor,
Manado State Univercity
Manado City is the capital of North Sulawesi Province, has an area of 157.26 km2 with a population of 451,916 people spread across nine sub-districts (BPS, 2020), acting as the center of government, trade, industry, tourism, and education. Rapid population growth, the rapid increase in the number of vehicles, the construction of new settlements and the construction of shopping centers, greatly affect the increase in the volume of traffic flow because the need for transportation facilities and infrastructure continues to grow. This situation greatly affects the level of existing services so that if it is not balanced with an increase in adequate transportation facilities and infrastructure, the resulting impact is the emergence of congestion problems. Based on the identification of the causes of congestion on the main road sections, the number of private vehicles and public transportation operating, the road body is used as a parking lot which in turn results in long queues of vehicles that cause congestion, especially during rush hour.
In connection with the above problems, it is very necessary to improve the transportation performance of the city of Manado, especially the improvement of the performance of the road itself. Performance evaluation of existing condition roads in Manado City needs to be done to get an overview of traffic conditions and the level of service of existing roads.
The results of the study on the Bethesda road section show that the degree of saturation during the morning rush hour is 0.64 and at the afternoon rush hour is 0.81 while the ideal condition is 0.75. This shows that the performance of the Bethesda road section needs to be improved. There are several ways that can be done, namely widening the road body, widening the effective width of the road by parking the vehicle only on one side of the road, making alternative roads for users of this lane/road, to increase road service the degree of saturation, especially at 0.80 afternoon rush
Keywords: performance of urban roads
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| Corresponding Author (Tendly Shwars Maki)
87 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-41 |
Experimental Investigation of Fuel Consumption in Four-stroke Engines using Nickel-coated Copper Catalytic Converters Warju Warju, Arya Mahendra Sakti, Sudirman Rizki Ariyanto, Muhammad Yandi Pratama
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
This study aims to evaluate the ability of Nickel-coated Copper Catalytic Converters to the fuel consumption of a four-stroke engine. This experimental research uses Yamaha Vixion Lightning as the object of research. Research instruments used include chassis dynamometer, and fuel flow meter. Fuel consumption measurements are carried out based on SNI standard 7554:2010. Results from this study showed that the use of copper-based metal catalytic converters coated in titanium dioxide tended to decrease fuel consumption compared to standard exhaust. Decreased in average fuel consumption using a copper-based metallic catalytic converter coated in titanium dioxide by 3.70% - 11.09%.
Keywords: metallic catalytic converter- copper- nickel- fuel consumption- four stroke motorcycle
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| Corresponding Author (Warju Warju)
88 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-42 |
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Langga is a traditional martial art located in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. This study aims to survey students^ interest in learning the traditional Langga martial arts. The sample of this study is the sample in this study as many as 200 male and female junior high school students who were taken through certain considerations in the Province of Gorontalo, Indonesia. The method of collecting data in this study was through a questionnaire distributed through a Google form consisting of 10 questions. The result is that respondents do not know Langga either directly or indirectly. However, respondents still want the Langga martial arts to be sustainable, even if it should be taught to local content in schools.
Keywords: Interest in learning, Langga
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| Corresponding Author (Arief Ibnu Haryanto)
89 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-309 |
The Effect of Auditor Characteristics on Audit Judgment (Study on Internal Auditor of North Sulawesi Province Government) Linda Tanor, Olifia Talla
Manado State University
The aim of this study was test and analyzed the effect of Auditor characteristics on Audit Judgment which consists of independence, integrity, competence and motivation. The sample in this study amounted to 220 which consisted of government internal auditors at the Inspectorate office in the North Sulawesi Province in the auditor^s functional position. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire and using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method in testing the research hypothesis.
The results of the study found that independence, competence and objectivity had a positive effect on Audit Judgment, while the motivational variable had no effect on Audit Judgment.
This study recommends that the task that must be developed for the Inspectorate is to always maintain and prioritize independence and objectivity as well as deepen competence and expertise through continuing education, attend training related to the auditor profession and take education to a higher level so that insight and knowledge become broad. .
Keywords: Audit Judgment, Independence, Objectivity, Competence, Motivation
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| Corresponding Author (Linda Octavia Tanor)
90 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-55 |
Research of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Operational and Maintenance of Building: Based on a Literature Review of Scope Rezi Berliana Yasinta and Irika Widiasanti
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
The importance of technology helps in optimizing resources to achieve project objectives. BIM is a technology to facilitate information sharing through a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics that have been applied in the construction industry, including for the entire life cycle. There are several stages in BIM, such as design, construction, operation, and maintenance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the mapping scope in operational and maintenance of BIM. The methodology used is a literature review of scope based on publications from Scopus indexed journals Q1 and Q2 from 2019-2022. Most of the scope in operational and maintenance of BIM from selected journals is Electrical. BIM plays an important role in electrical at operation and maintenance stages, such as monitoring and maintenance of lighting, electrical installation, and internet network. This research is expected to contribute to BIM research to determine the scope of operation and maintenance.
Keywords: Building Information Modelling, Operational and Maintenance, Scope
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| Corresponding Author (Rezi Berliana Yasinta)
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