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The Board Game Peace Education Model as an Educational Media Towards 2024 Election for the Young Generation
Leni Anggraeni, Idrus Affandi, Dinn Wahyudin, Abdul Azis

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


In the last decade, political polarization among the people is unavoidable before and during the general election. The impact of political polarization during the general election caused conflicts in the community because of the supporting fanaticism factor that often included SARA (ethnic, race, religion, and inter-group) issues in it. Political education that should be carried out by political agents (political parties being one of them) to the community, has not been running effectively. Meanwhile, the role of academics in carrying out political education can be done in various ways, one of which is through the development of a political education model. This study aims to describe to the public the development of the Peace Village Board Game model as an educational model with the theme of pre- and post-election conflict resolution through the internalization of philosophical values and nationalism. The provisional result of this research is that there are several philosophical values that need to be socialized to the public ahead of the 2024 election through a model that is adaptive to people^s daily lives, namely the Board Game model.

Keywords: Political Education, Peace Village, Board Game, General Election.

Topic: Universal Quality Education

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