Development of Graphical User Interface for Buck Converter Training Kits
Krismadinata, K.- Telvi Armaliany- Asnil, A.- Irma Husnaini.- Fivia Eliza

Centre for Energy and Power Electronics Research (CEPER)
Universitas Negeri Padang


This article presents the design and creation of a graphical user interface (GUI) for a Buck converter training kits. Visual studio 2010 is used as software in creating graphical interface applications. Two voltage sensors and two current sensors are employed to measure the voltage and current at the input and output of the buck converter. low cost processor Arduino Uno is enhanced as a processor for signal processing and communicating with personal computers. The average voltage and current at the input and output sections are displayed in the GUI. Likewise, the frequency, duty cycle, graphical display of current and voltage levels from time to time are presented. The results of the GUI that are made are verified with standardized measuring tools and the results show accurate results.

Keywords: Graphical User Interface- Buck Converter- training kits

Topic: Universal Quality Education

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