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Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-59 |
The Analysis of the Water Quality of Peristis Lake and Limboto Lake as Irrigation Water Sources in Gorontalo Province Marike Mahmud1*, Fitryane Lihawa2, Aryati Alitu3, Rawiyah Husnan4, Barry Labdul5
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
This study aims to analyze the water quality of Perintis Lake and Limboto Lake as water sources of irrigation in Gorontalo Province. The review was carried out based on the research objective, namely the use of water as irrigation water for flowing rice fields. The sampling locations were carried out in 2 lake locations, namely Limboto Lake and Perintis Lake. The research became an initial survey so that the location of each lake was one location and one time sampling. The parameters studied included temperature, TDS, COD turbidity, phosphate, pH, nitrate, iron, manganese, cyanide, arsenic, Florida, chlorine, manganese, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, total coli and E.Coli. The analysis was carried out at the Gorontalo District Health Office of UPTD Water Quality Laboratory Installation and LPPT Gadjah Mada University. The sampling method for Total Coli and Coliform was carried out aseptically, and measurements in the laboratory used the MPN method. The way of taking chemical and physical samples followed SNI 8995-2021. Data analysis employed Government regulation number 22 of 2021 attachment VI regarding lake water quality standards and the like. Analysis of water for irrigation purposes applied the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) classification. The results showed that the water quality of Perintis Lake and Limboto Lake did not meet the requirements of Government Regulation no 22 of 2021 because the Chlorine, COD and Phosphate parameters were above the required quality. Limboto Lake^s pollution level was higher than Perintis Lake. The results of the SAR analysis for Perintis Lake obtained 7.542 including water criteria with Low Sodium, and Limboto Lake was 11.23 with Medium Sodium criteria.
Keywords: Lake Water Quality
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Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-315 |
Micropropagation of Sumatran Frankincense (Styrax benzoin) Forest Plants Producing Bioactive Raw Materials for Medicine Isnaini Nurwahyuni (a*) and Manihar Situmorang (b)
a*) Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Bioteknologi No.1 Padang Bulan, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia 20155, E-mail: isnaininurwahyuni[at]yahoo.co.id
b) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar, Psr V, Medan, North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20221, E-mail: msitumorang[at]unimed.ac.id
Preservation of tropical forest plants that have high economic potential, such as Sumatran Benzoin (Styrax benzoin Dryander), by providing quality seeds is urgently needed. The purpose of this study was to propagate the Sumatran Frankincense (Styrax benzoin) plant to produce good quality seeds needed to meet the needs of seedlings for forest conservation. Styrax benzoin micropropagation technique was carried out using explants from very good quality parent plants. Micropropagation was carried out using explants from the best plants to produce seeds with the same frankincense production quality as the parent plant. Various types of explants have been used for such as seed embryos, young leaves, and shoots. Micropropagation was carried out in a completely randomized design with two factors: concentration of NAA (0-3 mg/L) and BAP (0-3 mg/L). The combination of NAA and BAP in culture media at optimal conditions proved to be effective in inducing callus and plant growth. The success of micropropagation has the potential to produce seeds of the same excellent quality as the parent plant in large quantities in a relatively short time. This technique is expected to be able to meet the conservation needs of community forests and national forests, and in the long term will increase the production of frankincense as a non-timber forest commodity as raw material for medicine.
Keywords: Micropropagation, Styrax benzoin Dryander, Good quality seeds, medicinal raw materials, non-timber products
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| Corresponding Author (Manihar Situmorang)
93 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-316 |
The Effect of Disaster Knowledge on the Preparedness Attitudes of the Students of Universitas Negeri Padang in Facing Earthquake Disasters Zikri Alhadi, Inda Dwi Rahayu, Ory Riandini
Universitas Negeri Padang
This study aims to determine the effect of disaster knowledge on the preparedness attitude of Padang State University students, especially the Air Tawar Main Campus. The city of Padang is still frequently hit by earthquakes, making people have to be ready to face disaster. Thus, it is appropriate for Padang State University as an education institution to provide information and education in order to provide disaster knowledge related to earthquake disaster. One of the things that Padang State University does is make disaster management courses in every student curriculum.
In addition, this will make students not know what to do if at any time an earthquake occurs. The research method used is quantitative with the number of respondents being 395 students. The results of the study indicate that disaster knowledge has a significant effect on the attitudes of Padang State University students towards disaster preparedness in responding to earthquake disaster. This can be proven by the (1) results of calculation with a significance value of 0,00 less than o,05. (2) the contribution of the disaster knowledge variable to preparedness attitudes is 16,6%, while 83,4% is influenced by the other variables not discussed in this study. (3) based on the t-test, the error rate is set at 0,05 df = n-2 (395-2) = 393, so that t table = 1,996, t count = 8,920. When t count is greater than t table, then the effect is significant.
Keywords: disaster knowledge, earthquake, preparedness attitude
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94 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-322 |
Studi Hubungan Iklim Mikro terhadap Fisik Bangunan Universitas Negeri Manado Muhammad Muhdi Attaufiq, Freike Kawatu, Moh. Fachruddin Suharto
Universitas Negeri Manado
Ruang Pembelajaran yang adaptif merupakan keinginan penghuni sebagai dasar tanggap terhadap kondisi lingkungan. Desain ruangan haruslah berdasarkan pada tanggap lingkungan sehingga bisa memberikan kenyamanan termal bagi penghuninya. Kondisi iklim mikro memberikan pengaruh terhadap kondisi bangunan publik maupun privat, baik dalam tingkat kenyamanan bangunan maupun kondisi penghuninya.
Tahapan penelitian ini terdiri atas 3 tahapan yaitu (1) tahap identifikasi karakteristik ruangan, (2) tahap identifikasi karakteristik iklim mikro, (3) tahap analisis bangunan tanggap iklim. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh Iklim Mikro terhadap model desain bangunan di dalam lingkungan universitas dimana iklim mikro mempengaruhi bentuk fisik bangunan. Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran tentang proses adaptasi penggunaan bangunan dalam hal bentuk fisik bangunan
Keywords: Iklim Mikro, Bentuk Fisik Bangunan, Adaptasi
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Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-323 |
Contextual Sociology Teaching Materials for Sociology learning in high school. Erianjoni Erianjoni1*, Deski Beri2, Alfajri Yusra1
1Sociology Department, Faculty of Social Science,Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl.Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang, Indonesia, 25132-
2Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl.Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang, Indonesia, 25132-
The condition of teaching materials on concepts, principles, and attitudes in Sociology textbooks in high school are irrelevant to the context of student life where sociology is taught, thus causing alienation for educators and students. So the sociology learning taught at the high school level is not indigenous to the socio-cultural conditions of the local community and is more Western (Europeancentric) with universal values. This research aims to identify teaching materials on the components of concepts, principles, and attitudes to produce a reconstruction model in contextual sociology teaching materials. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a case study type. Determination of informants was carried out by purposive sampling technique with informants consisting of a board of experts, lecturers, and teachers of sociology. Data collection using in-depth interview techniques, FGD (Focus Group Discussion), and documentation studies. The data were validated by triangulation of sources and methods, while the data analysis was carried out using the semantic analysis model from Yan Zhank and the interactive analysis from Miles and Huberman.
The results of the research on the reconstruction of contextual sociology teaching materials can be carried out through three reconstruction models, namely: (a) reconstruction of universal material concepts with local concepts, (b) reconstruction of universal material principles with local concepts, and (c) reconstruction of national attitudes (nationality) with a local attitude. This reconstruction resulted in the sociology of text teaching materials being contextual sociology teaching materials. The reconstruction carried out on Sociology textbooks in high school can contribute ideas about the reconstruction model of contextual sociology teaching materials in sociology subjects at the high school level.
Keywords: Teaching Materials, Sociology, Contextual Learning.
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96 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-325 |
(a) (c) Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Manado
(b) Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado
Sri Siswanto1*, Deiby Netlje Fransiska Tiwow2, Listriyanti Palangda3
13Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Manado
2Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado
*Corresponding author, Email: srisiswanto@unima.ac.id
This study aims to develop an Instagram application-based entrepreneurial attitude and behavior training module for youths in Maesa UNIMA. This research is a development research with research subjects, namely several youths in Maesa UNIMA. The techniques used are observation, questionnaires and FGD (Focus Group Discussion), the results of this study were taken using the ADDIE module method. The results of this study indicate that the development of the develop module is influential and beneficial of several young men and women who are entrepreneurship in Maesa UNIMA
Key words :Development of training modules, young people, entrepreneurship
Keywords: Development of training modules, young people, entrepreneurshi
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| Corresponding Author (Sri Siswanto)
97 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-70 |
Design and Implementation of Competence Information Electronic System (A Case Study of Civil Servants in Gorontalo City Government) Trifandi Lasalewo1, Rohmansyah Djafar2, Roys Pakaya3, Sri Ariyanti Sabiku3(*)
1 Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia,
2 Badan Kepegawaian Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kota Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia
3 Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Program Vokasi, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia.
Civil servants need several competencies such as knowledge, skills and attitudes to carry out their main tasks, functions of authority and mandated responsibilities. To help building the civil servants^ professionalism, one of the important things that can be done is through the implementation of competency development training. Based on observations, civil servant competency development trainings within the Gorontalo City Government were still being done manually, for example processing training data, competency development, checking the number of training hours, submitting training reports, and storing data related to the activities. This raises several obstacles that negatively impact the process of organizing competency development training, such as data entry error and less accurate reports produced. This study aims to create a computerized application of competence electronic information system using the PHP programming language and MySQL database so that the information of competency development training implementation can be carried faster and more accurately. Rapid Application Development (RAD) method is used in building this application. RAD is a combination of several structured methods or techniques using prototyping methods and other structured techniques to determine user requirements and design information systems. The study results are the application design of competence information electronic system and its implementation for employees of Gorontalo City Government Environment which is online and integrated with all application in the Gorontalo City Education and Training Personal Agency which can help the regional apparatus organizations to submit planning data for civil servant competency development to the Gorontalo City Education and Training Personnel Agency.
Keywords: Competency Development, Electronic Information System, Civil Servant, Rapid Application Development, Gorontalo City Government.
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| Corresponding Author (Roys Pakaya)
98 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-326 |
DEVELOPMENT OF TARO TUBER INTO A SNACK Helena Vonny Opit (a), Djubir R E Kembuan (b), Telly Tangkere (c)
a, b, c Universitas Negeri Manado
The purpose of this study was to develop taro tubers into a snack. The research method used is Research and Development. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, and questionnaires or questionnaires. The data analysis technique in the process of developing taro tuber products uses qualitative methods, based on organoleptic tests. This research was conducted at the PKK Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, UNIMA. The results showed that taro sponge cake as a snack was favored by respondents, both students and lecturers. From the results of the organoleptic test, it turns out that the Taro Sponge Cake, the taste is quite sweet as much as 70%, the texture tends to be softer as much as 80% while the aroma is enough as much as 80% and the more dominant color is slightly yellow. This shows that the characteristics of the taro sponge cake are taste sweet, the texture is quite soft, the aroma is quite fragrant while the color is slightly yellow. The product of taro sponge cake is very good to be used as a snack because it can fulfill the feeling of fullness between lunch and dinner. Thus the nutritional needs of both lecturers and students will be met and avoid various diseases due to hunger. From the results of chemical, physical and microbiological testing, taro sponge cake contains 6 nutrients that are very useful for the human body, such as 10.29% carbohydrates, 4.79% fat, 6.49% protein, 0.01% calcium, 3.30% vitamin C, 0.89 mg crude fiber.
Keywords: taro, taro cake, taro nutrition
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| Corresponding Author (Alfrina Mewengkang)
99 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-332 |
Political Literacy of Generation Z Voters Towards 2024^s Election Eka Vidya Putra, Reno Fernandes and Abdi Azzara
Universitas Negeri Padang
Jalan Prof. Hamka Air TawarPadang Sumatera Barat
This article aims to determine the level of political literacy of Generation Z voters towards 2024 General Election and also analyze the role of school institutions to improve political literacy. The background of this article is that more than 60 percent of voters in the 2024 General Election are Generation Z. One indicator of a quality election is the literacy level of the voters. Knowing the literacy level of voters early is very useful for quality preparation for the 2024 General Election. The result can be a recommendation for many parties, one of which is the school. As education providers, schools can play a role in building critical awareness. Especially for students, who incidentally will become voters in the 2024 General Election. The method used in data collection is the mix method. The level of political literacy is carried out quantitatively while the role of schools is carried out qualitatively. Related to the first question, the four findings are: first, Generation Z^s political knowledge is more on political issues than substantial matters- second, the response to the political issues of Generation Z is more cynical and apathetic- third, interest in political issues depends on conversations that go viral on social media- Fourth, TikTok and Instagram, the two applications that are most often used as sources of information. While the second question resulted in three important findings, namely. first, online learning brings students and teachers closer to digital, this situation can be an opportunity to produce creative content with political literacy content- and second, curricular programs with specialization pathways can be developed and directed to increase students^ analytical skills in political literacy.
Keywords: political literacy, Generation Z generation, the role of school institutions
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100 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-79 |
Trends in Local Wisdom-Based Learning Research: Bibliometrics Using Scopus Data from 2016 to 2022 Setya Yuwana Sudikan, Hendratno, Nurul Istiq^faroh
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Integrating local wisdom can attract students^ interest in the learning process. This research aims to determine the trend of writing the articles based on local wisdom, the articles with the most citations, the classification of journal rankings, the country of origin of journals, and mapping in finding trends in international scientific publications using the Scopus database. Bibliometric analysis was used in this study. The Scopus database collected data from 47 documents published between 2016 and 2021. As data processing material in the VOSviewer program, data was saved in Microsoft Excel. From 2020 to 2021, there was a considerable increase in the number of publications regarding learning based on local wisdom. The VOSViewer program mapping analysis includes five themes related to learning based on local wisdom. Themes in the study such as ^sustainable development,^ ^engineering education,^ ^science learning,^ ^elementary school,^ and ^human-computer interaction^ are still rarely investigated. This topic may warrant additional investigation.
Keywords: ^Bibliometrik^, ^Pembelajaran^, ^Kearifan Lokal^, ^Vosviewer^
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| Corresponding Author (Prof. Dr. Setya Yuwana Sudikan, MA.)
101 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-336 |
Uji ekstrak daun salam (Eugenia Polyantha) terhadap kadar gula tikus diabetes melitus S. Syamsurizal, Milda Fitri Asriyani, Mardiana Ikhwan, Nurul Yanifa, Wira Wiranti, Silva Santika, Des.M, Violita, Moralita Chatri, Elsa Badriyya
Universitas Negeri Padang
Universitas Andalas
Diabetes merupakan masalah kesehatan utama yang telah mencapai tingkat mengkhawatirkan, lebih dari setengah miliar orang hidup dengan diabetes di seluruh dunia. Indonesia menempati peringkat 5 dari 10 besar negara dengan penderita diabetes. Jumlah penderita diabetes di Indonesia tahun 2021 sebanyak 19,5 juta (Boyko, 2021). Obat diabetes yang efektif dan murah sulit ditemukan. Salah satu usaha yang dapat dikembangkan adalah menemukan obat tradisonal yang berbasis kearifan lokal. Tanaman obat diabetes berdasarkan kearifan lokal masyarakat Minang Sumatera Barat, Indonesia telah tercatat sebanyak 44 spesies dari 33 famili. Eugenia Polyantha adalah salah satu tanaman hasil inventaris yang banyak digunakan masyarakat.
Keywords: Eugenia Polyantha, ekstrak, tikus, diabetes
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102 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-83 |
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan
Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati -Kota Semarang
Jawa Tengah
This study is to evaluate the sprinter^s ability to produce maximum speed influenced by physical, technical and mental factors. The subjects of the study were male national sprinters who attended the National Training Center (PPON). This type of Engineering evaluation includes tests of speed, strength, and Endurance. Engineering Evaluation includes tests: Reaction Start, Start block, Acceleration and Maximum Speed, Speed Maintenance and Speed Endurance Test. Psychological Evaluation includes: Concentration, confidence, Control, and commitment.
The results of the study on the components of the physical test are as follows: The 30m acceleration Speed component shows 80% did not reach the target and 20% reached the target, the Maximum Speed test component of 5 (five) athletes showed results did not reach the target. The results of the strength test consisting of: maximum strength type of back squot (lower body) test a total of 4 sprinter athletes reached the target (80%) and 1 person did not reach the target (20%). Bench press (Upper Body) tests a total of 3 athletes hit the target (60%) and 2 athletes did not reach the target. Power test and 100% elastic strength (5 athletes did not hit the target). The edurance test results of the 150m and 300m distances of 5 sprinters did not reach the target meaning that 100% did not reach the target.
Keywords: Keywords: Sprinter, Evaluation, Physical, Engineering, Mental
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| Corresponding Author (RUMINI RUMINI)
103 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-86 |
a) Tourism Departement, Program Vokasi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
b) Software Engineering, Program Vokasi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
SIPD or local government Information System is an information system used in Gorontalo city government as a regional development planning system, regional financial system, as well as other local government systems, including the system of coaching and supervision of local government. However, the application of SIPD, especially in Gorontalo, has not been carried out properly because of the quality of the system that is still lacking, in addition to the lack of efficiency in terms of time or the short time needed to conduct technical guidance causes many SKPD not yet accustomed to using SIPD. The purpose of this research is to find out how sipd implementation in Gorontalo. Research method used is descriptive research using qualitative approach. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it shows that the Gorontalo City BPKAD has used the Regional Government Information System (SIPD) application to carry out the policies needed to carry out various activities which are programs from the Gorontalo city government. and Based on the information obtained, the Regional Government Information System (SIPD) functions to contain the regional development planning system and regional financial system, as well as other regional government systems, including the regional government guidance and supervision system.
Keywords: Government- Information Technology, Programs
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| Corresponding Author (rendy wijaya)
104 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-342 |
Potential Development of Pattern Recognition System for Balinese Cultural Objects in Informatics Education Made Windu Antara Kesiman
Virtual, Vision, Image, and Pattern Research Group
Faculty of Engineering and Vocational
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
The development of pattern recognition technology which is part of the field of computer vision is very rapid in the last three decades. This is supported by the development of machine learning technology with the concept of deep learning. With so many research communities interested in further exploring these pattern recognition methods, newer corpus and pattern recognition datasets are needed and have their own challenges. Existing corpus and datasets often no longer offer new challenges or only have the characteristics of the usual pattern recognition features that are often found in the problems they propose. The problem of pattern recognition in the field of computer vision finally shifted to problems with new challenges in the form of special art and cultural objects. Apart from visual characteristics, these cultural objects do have certain characteristics, the need for a pattern recognition system for these cultural objects is real. Especially when these cultural objects become one of the assets of the tourism industry. This paper provides a comprehensive explanation of the potential of several Balinese cultural objects that have been used in image recognition research. In addition to contributing to the formation of new corpus and datasets in the domain of computer vision and machine learning, the research for Balinese cultural objects also provides added value in terms of cultural and tourism industry.
Keywords: pattern recognition system, Balinese cultural object, corpus, dataset, informatics education
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105 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-87 |
Analisis Debit banjir dan Tinggi Muka Air Sungai Bone Menggunakan Program HEC-RAS (Tinjauan Terhadap Elevasi Dasar Sungai Molintogupo) Rawiyah Husnan (a*), Aan Nurhandiat Kaharu(b)
a) Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
a) Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Sungai Bone merupakan salah satu sungai terbesar di Provinsi Gorontalo. Daerah yang dilewati oleh Sungai Bone adalah Desa Alale Kecamatan Suwawa Tengah dan Desa Molintogupo Kecamatan Suwawa Selatan. Kedua desa tersebut dihubungkan oleh Jembatan Molintogupo. Perencanaan jembatan harus memperhitungkan faktor hidrolika untuk menganalisis ruang bebas (clearance). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis debit banjir dan tinggi muka air Sungai Bone terkait elevasi dasar Jembatan Molintogupo. Lokasi penelitian pada ruas sungai dengan jarak 200 m kea rah hulu dan 150 m kearah hilir Jembatan Molintogupo. Data yang digunakan yakni data curah hujan, luas DAS Bolango-Bone, potongan melintang sungai, dan profil memanjang jembatan berupa panjang jembatan, lebar jembatan dan elevasi dasar jembatan. Analisis hidrologi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan debit banjir rencana dan analisis hidrolika mengggunakan program HEC-RAS 6.0 untuk mendapatkan tinggi muka air banjir. Debit banjir rencana yang dihitung menggunakan metode Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik Nakayasu untuk kala ulang 50 tahun sebesar 2943,97 m3/detik, dan kala ulang 100 tahun sebesar 3356,85 m3/detik yang masing-masing terjadi pada jam ke 8. Dasar Jembatan Molintogupo berada pada elevasi 38,72 m. Analisis hidrolika menghasilkan elevasi tinggi muka air banjir dengan kala ulang 50 dan 100 tahun pada ruas Jembatan Molintogupo berada pada elevasi 35,08 m dan 35,54 m, dengan ruang bebas (clearance) masing-masing sebesar 3,64 m dam 3,18 m, sehingga jembatan tersebut aman terhadap banjir rencana dengan kala ulang 50 dan 100 tahun.
Keywords: debit banjir, tinggi muka air, ruang bebas,
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| Corresponding Author (Rawiyah Husnan)
106 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-347 |
The Relationship of Organization Maturity Level and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Adoption (Case Study: ERP Implementation in Indonesian Companies) Gede Rasben Dantes
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
The research was a preliminary study aimed at finding the relationship between the organization maturity level, implementation approach and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation success. Seven companies which have implemented ERP system to support their operational were chosen as the object of the study, covering four different industrial sectors, namely: telecommunication, manufacturing, automotive and oil & gas companies. To address the study objectives, a survey of 37 respondents from these 7 companies was conducted. Survey results showed that based on Information System (IS) Roles, 29.05% of the companies were in the strategic level, 22.30% were in the managerial level and 48.65% were in the operational level. This demonstrates that organization maturity level did not automatically drive the organization to implement ERP. Other factors like technology trend, government policy, bank policy, political issue were more dominant factors to drive organization to adopt ERP rather than maturity level. The result of the study also shows that there is no pattern of relationship between organization maturity level and ERP implementation success. This implies that the implementation of ERP in those companies have been done trivially. ERP adoption was not administered by a mature plan in the sense that it was not designed in accordance with the IS/IT plan owned by the companies. It is also found that ERP implementation success more caused by implementation strategy rather than the organization maturity level.
Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Organization Maturity Level, Implementation Approach, ERP Implementation Success
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107 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-98 |
Kabela as Local Content Enrichment for A Non Traditional Choreography at Gorontalo Riana Diah Sitharesmi (a*), Helman Manay (b)
a) Pendidikan Sendratasik, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
b) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
The Kabela is a dance as one of cultural treasures in the area of Tomini Bay, which reflects the noble values of the traditions of the people who own it: Bolaang Mongondow. It is necessary to investigate more deeply the rules and essential values, so that the understanding of the meaning of this dance is completely intact for the Gorontalonese as well as the Bolaang Mongondownese. The research integrates the ethnographic techniques with methodical experiments in learning non-traditional choreography for the department of Pendidikan Seni Drama, Tari dan Musik at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Ethnographic techniques place field research simultaneously with literature studies, to create a qualitative-phenomenological analysis process that considers emic and ethical data. The choreography process adapts Hawkins exploration model as a guide for realizing experimental works, which also creates an intersubjective understanding discourse process on the Kabela. The results show that the presence of the Kabela is reinforcer of the tradition of ^eating the betel nuts^ as a noble tradition of the Bolaang Mongondow people in welcoming guests, newcomers, or ^others^ who visit their area, while the concept of non-traditional choreography makes sense of the meaning in the production of imaginative and sensory effects, so that the process of appreciation of the dance is active and dynamic.
Keywords: Kabela, non traditional choreography, local content, understanding dance
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| Corresponding Author (Riana Diah Sitharesmi)
108 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-103 |
The Effect of Garengpung (Dundubia manifera) Insect Sound Intensity Level towards the Growth and Productivity of Rice (Oryza sativa) Plant Nur Kadarsiman a), Lu lu Rahayu b), and Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru c)
Physics Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
This study aimed to determine the effect of the sound intensity level (SIL) of garengpung (Dundubia manifera) insect
manipulated at a peak frequency of 4000 Hz on a horizontal plane towards the growth, stomata opening area, and
productivity of rice (Oryza sativa) plant. This study employed the garengpungs sound, which was validated using the
Octave 4.2.1 software. Lands used in the study were experimental and control lands- the area of each land was 30.0
m2 x 8.5 m2. The observed data included the rice plant growth, stomata opening area, and rice productivity. The stomata
opening area was observed using a light microscope and the output was observed using NIS Elements Viewer software.
In order to measure the area of the stomata, the Image Raster 3.0 was used. The productivity of the rice plant in the
form of the rice mass was measured using Origin 8.0 and Microsoft Excel 2013. The SIL was measured using a sound
level meter. The result of the study showed that the average growth of the experimental and the control plants at the
77th day after planting were as follow plant height 87.98 cm and 81.96 cm, numbers of tiller in one cluster 17 and 16,
and numbers of spikelet in one cluster 11 and 10, respectively. It was found that the productivity of the experimental
plant was better than the control plant. From 1763 and 1819 clusters of the experimental and control plants,
respectively, yielded 228.5 kg and 105.4 kg in total masses of rice. The SIL of the garengpungs sound was in the
interval of 62.1 dB to 79.4 dB.
Keywords: Garengpungs sound, rice growth, rice productivity, sound intensity level.
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| Corresponding Author (Nur Kadarisman)
109 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-364 |
The Influence of Task Difficulty Level on Academic Social Loafing Musdalifah Anshar, M Ahkam Alwi, Nurfitriany Fakhri, Muh. Daud
Psychology Faculty, Makassar State University
This study aims to determine the effect of the level of task difficulty on social loafing. The research subjects were students of class XII IPA SMAN X Makassar, totaling 120 students. The method used in this research is the experimental method, research design used in this study was a quasi-experimental 2 x 2 factorial design. The results showed that: (1) Subjects with an easy task level performed better in a particular context than subjects who were given tasks in a group context (high social loafing), with a significance value of 0.0065 (p < 0.05). (2) Subjects with a problematic task level performed as well in a particular context as subjects given a task in a group context (low social loafing), with a significance value of 0.265 (p > 0.05). This study illustrates that the higher the task difficulty level, the lower the social loafing in a group. This research is helpful for teachers as input in giving assignments to students to increase student activity further when working in groups.
Keywords: Task difficulty level, Social loafing, Student
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| Corresponding Author (Nurfitriany Fakhri)
110 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-368 |
Universitas Negeri Padang
This study investigates the types and discourse functions of grammatical subjects in research article introductions written by Indonesian novice writers in five language teaching journals. This study was carried out on a corpus of 50 research article introductions (10 from each journal) published from 2018 to 2022. The corpus was analysed based on Gosden^s (1993) classifications that include 16 types of grammatical subject. The results indicated that 10 types of grammatical subject were used in the corpus and the frequencies of these types varied across the five journals. Besides, the results reported high similarities concerning the discourse functions served using the grammatical subject types. Thus, it can be stated that the way the writers select and use the discourse functions of the grammatical subject types are imposed by conventions of writing research article introductions. In addition, the results of this study manifest a new framework for the analysis of discourse functions of grammatical subject types in research article introductions.
Keywords: grammatical subject- discourse function- language teaching journal- research article introduction
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| Corresponding Author (Refnaldi Refnaldi)
111 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-117 |
Transformation of Javanese Socio-Cultural Behavior: Recovery Efforts After the Covid 19 Pandemic Prembayun Miji Lestari, Rahayu Pristiwati, Retno Purnama Irawati
Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
Email: prembayun[at]mail.unnes.ac.id
The post covid 19 pandemic has brought up many new things, such as socio-cultural changes, lifestyles, the emergence of new terms, and other changes in people^s lives. The purpose of writing the article is to describe and explore the socio-cultural transformation of Javanese society.
The research method uses descriptive qualitative. This study examines the socio-cultural transformation of the Javanese community after the Covid 19 pandemic. Data was collected by using offline and online observation techniques. Offline observation through interviews with randomly selected informants. Online observation by looking for information, news, or data sourced from social media Instagram, TikTok, or other media related to the socio-cultural behavior of the Javanese people. Data validation is done by matching interview data with online data. Data analysis refers to the opinion of Moleong (1995), namely through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
Keywords: transformation of socio-cultural behavior, Javanese society, recovery efforts, post-covid-19 pandemic
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| Corresponding Author (Prembayun Miji Lestari)
112 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-118 |
Research Roadmap and Community Service in The Field of Cosmetology Education Maspiyah, Biyan Yesi Wilujeng, Novia Restu Windayani, Yuli Sutoto Nugroho
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Research roadmap and community service (PKM) have three important components that must be interrelated. The roadmap will show the relationship between research activities and community service that have been, are being, and will be carried out. In an institution, the development of research roadmaps and community service is very much needed. Make-up and beauty are the science of how to apply beauty therapists and make-up artists required for human well-being and comfort. This study aimed to examine: 1) the scientific group of Cosmetology Education lecturers of Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) and 2) the research roadmap of the Unesa Cosmetology Education Study Program. The method used in this research is observation, focus group discussion, and documentation. The data collected is presented narratively in the form of a blueprint. The results showed 1) the scientific group of Unesa Cosmetology Education lecturers included: Education, Skin Care, Hair Care, Make-up, Hair Styling, Spa and Body Care, Skin and Hair Health Sciences, Bridal Makeup and Fantasy 2) Research Roadmap and community service in the field Cosmetology is as follows: Research that has been carried out includes models, media, and learning evaluation of Cosmetology. Skin and Hair care include skin and hair care cosmetics and Bridal Make-up. Currently, the research being carried out is applied to models, media, learning evaluation, scalp and hair cosmetics, and beauty care. While the research to be conducted is related to the marketing of learning and beauty products.
Keywords: Research Roadmap, Community Service, Cosmetology Education
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| Corresponding Author (Maspiyah Maspiyah)
113 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-119 |
(a) Department of Physics and Science Learning, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia
(b) Chemistry Education Study Program, Semarang State University, Indonesia
Developing students^ characters and improving their higher-order thinking skills are mandatory in the science learning process. Students should be taught how to create the habit of scientific thinking such as critical and creative thinking and build a positive attitude and character. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of indigenous knowledge-based science learning model to develop students^ character base on local wisdom and higher-order thinking skills. The profile of students^ higher-order thinking skills is analyzed from the results of their working on the HOTS category questions consisting of analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6). This study involved students from 3 different schools: one school in the rural area, one on the border between the urban and the rural areas, and a junior high school located in the city area spread across the Bali region. From the results of the data analysis, there were significant differences in students^ higher-order thinking skills between those who learnt with the indigenous knowledge-based science learning model and those who learnt with conventional learning model. The ability of students who learnt with the indigenous knowledge-based science learning model in answering HOTS category questions has a percentage of 57% at the level of analyzing (C4), 48.50% at the level of evaluating (C5), and 28% at the level of creating (C6). Meanwhile, students who learnt with the conventional learning model have a percentage of 48%, 34%, and 22%, for the level of analyzing (C4), evaluating. (C5), and create (C6) respectively. In addition, the implementation of a science learning model base on the indigenous knowledge also gave positive results in the development of the character of students based on local wisdom in which their character was evaluated on good criteria. In contrast, students in the control class who learnt with conventional learning models were categorized as moderate.
Keywords: Indigenous knowledge, science learning model, higher-order thinking skill, local wisdom characters
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| Corresponding Author (I Wayan Suastra)
114 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-376 |
Analysis of Performance Diesel Engine by Using a Mixture of Diesel Fuel and Coconut Oil Jemmy Charles Kewas, Augustinus R. Butarbutar, Hendro M Sumual, Zuldesmi, I. P. Tamba.
Mechanical Engineering Departement, Faculty of Technique, State University of Manado, Indonesia
Ignition energy is an important key factor needed in modern life concept with regard to a high technology usage. Almost 90% of the world^s energy needed is obtained from fossil fuels, where diesel fuel is one of them. Coconut oil is one of bio-diesel resources which is very potential to be developed and it has a potency to replace diesel fuel. It is, therefore research regarding the effect of diesel fuel and coconut oil mixture on engine torque and rate of fuel consumption at various RPM variations is needed to be done. The tested engine was done on a 1200 cc Isuzu Panther using a mixing ratio of diesel fuel (S) and coconut oil (MK), namely: (1). 100% S: 0% MK (pure diesel), (2). 95% S: 5% MK, (3). 90% S: 10% MK, and (4). 85% S: 15% MK. The research method was a quantitative testing method on a laboratory scale.
Research finding shows that the engine torque at the 95: 5 and 100: 0 mixtures has almost the same value of almost all of engine rotations. At the 90: 10 and 85: 15 mixing ratio, the engine torque tends to be unstable significant. It can be concluded that the ideal and stable engine torques were found at the combustion of 100: 0 and 95: 5 fuel mixtures. The lowest fuel consumption rate occurred at the combustion of 100: 0 and 95: 5- while the highest fuel consumption were occurring on a mixture of 90:10 and 85:15.
Keywords: Coconut oil, diesel fuel, torque, fuel consumption rate.
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| Corresponding Author (Jemmy Charles Kewas)
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Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-377 |
The Effect of Valve Gap on Lambda, AFR, and Fuel Consumption Rate of Octane Fuel Series Jemmy Charles Kewas, Zuldesmi, Hendro M. Sumual, I. P. Tamba, Y. Rampo, H. Dj. Liow
Mechanical Engineering Departement, Faculty of Technique, State University of Manado, Indonesia
On a four-stroke motorcycle engine there is a valve mechanism that functions as a regulator of the entry and exit of the air and fuel mixture, and combustion gases. In the valve mechanism there are rocker arm components and valve stems. Over time, the gap between the rocker arm and the valve stem can change due to wear and tear so that it can affect the performance of the motorcycle engine. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the valve clearance periodically. Often the mechanics adjust the valve gap only based on feeling without measuring the gap with a feeler gauge, for this reason, research is carried out to determine the effect of valve gap variations on fuel consumption and exhaust emissions on 125 cc motorcycle engine.
The research method used is experimental, by testing the effect of valve gap variations of 0.03 mm, 0.05 mm, 0.08 mm and 0.10 mm on fuel consumption and exhaust emissions, which was carried out at a stationary rotation of 2000 RPM for two minutes using octane fuel variant. The results showed that the highest Lambda value is 1.487 occurred at a valve gap of 0.05 mm with Pertamax fuel, and the lowest is 1.304 occurred at a valve gap of 0.08 mm with Pertamax fuel. The highest Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) value is 20.84 gr air/gr fuel on Pertamax fuel with a valve gap of 0.03 mm, while the lowest is 19.14 gr air/gr fuel on Pertamax fuel with a valve gap of 0.08 mm. The most significant fuel consumption is 6.88 mL in Pertamax fuel with a valve gap of 0.08 mm, while the smallest is 5.84 mL in Pertamax fuel with a valve gap of 0.05 mm. So the conclusion of this study is the value of Lambda, AFR, and the Rate of Fuel Consumption have the same trend, there is the most significant value for each fuel occurs at the valve gap of 0.05 mm, while the smallest value occurs at the valve gap of 0.03 mm and 0.08 mm.
Keywords: Valve gap, Lambda, AFR, Fuel consumption
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| Corresponding Author (Jemmy Charles Kewas)
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Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-122 |
Best Practice and Lesson Learned of Pancasila Online Subject Course Based On Constructivist Method Sumenge Tangkawarouw Godion Kaunang
Samratulangi University, Electrical Department.
Objective is implementation of constructivist learning style on an idealogy elearning subject course. Pancasila subject online course had conducted by Moodle platform. The class run based on 16 weeks by official scheduled, and operated by Unsrat@Learn elearning portal happened along the semester academic period. Official reference book used of Pendidikan Pancasila published by Ditjen Belmawa 2016. Participant come from electrical and informatics group students. The aim of this research is identify of learning achievement factors using constructivist online method. Research methodology is qualitative through analyzing of student perception of Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey (COLLES) and Attitudes Toward Thinking Learning Survey (ATTLS) online survey. The result pointed that several gap of student^s perception related what student wish what student found. Both ATTLS and COLLES can portray student^s preferences and the way of thinking.
Keywords: e-Learning, Constructivist learning style, Pancasila
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| Corresponding Author (Sumenge Tangkawarouw Godion Kaunang)
117 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-379 |
Universitas Negeri Padang
The fire of a building will have a major impact on the building owner, both in the form of material, moral and environmental losses. In residential areas, offices and other public facilities often cause casualties. Therefore, a building needs to take into account the risk of fire so that building users can carry out activities safely and comfortably. One of the causes of fires is the fire suppression system that has not received full attention, where there is often an inadequate building fire protection system. The UNP Library Building is one of the public facilities buildings that are always crowded with students. It is necessary to evaluate the availability of the fire protection system to ensure the safety and comfort of its users. This research is in the form of an evaluation of the availability and completeness of the available fire protection systems and their remedies against the threat of fire. The data was taken through direct observation and question and answer and the distribution of questionnaires with the library. From the results of the analysis of the fire protection system inspection of the UNP Library building, it is known that on the 1st floor the lowest rediness value is 18.9%, for the 2nd and 3rd floors is 44.1%, the 4th and 5th floors are 45.9% and 45.6 % fulfilled the requirements based on the Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 26/PRT/M/2008
Keywords: Fire-alarm , Protection-system, Library-building
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Giatman)
118 |
Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-384 |
Development of Network-Based Popular Writing Teaching Materials Siti Ansoriyah, Ines Nur Irawan
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
This study was aimed to produce network-based teaching materials for writing learning materials that were feasible to use. The teaching material was based on the explanation of the planning and initial development of written teaching materials using the network according to students and lecturers^ needs. This study was motivated by populer writing learning^s unavailability, which made it easier for students in that the teaching material contained subject matter that can be more easily studied and observed by students. According to Reeves, this development used the research method Design-Based Research (DBR) model based on research procedures. Data collection in this study was carried out in closed groups of 30 students and 2 lecturers who teach Populer Writing Skills in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. This research was a descriptive qualitative study with data for approximately 6 months. Data were collected through interviews, documentation and observation. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and data conclusion by utilizing data analysis techniques. After a validation test by experts to ensure the test, the product design was declared worthy of being implemented in the Populer Writing Skills course. In general terms, the product was suitable for teaching material that can help students carry out network-based learning. The development reflection of this product, namely producing teaching materials in the form of a website by relying on the Padlet website for network-based populer writing learning which was designed consisted of three learning activities, namely introduction to populer writing skills, introduction to types of populer works, and writing populer works online.
Keywords: teaching materials, populer writing, network-based.
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| Corresponding Author (Siti Ansoriyah Ansoriyah)
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Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-130 |
Metaphor and Women^s Struggle in Tegalan Ethnic Story Rahayu Pristiwati1, Prembayun Miji Lestari2, Dyah Prabaningrum3
The dominating patriarchal culture that domesticates women faces challenge when clashed with the reality that women in struggle require to step out from the domestic domain to fight for their own independence. Aiming to elaborate the particular phenomenon, the study intended to describe and analyze the metaphor and women^s struggle in Tegalan ethnic stories entitled ^Mata^ and ^Oreg Tegal^. The research relied on normative, referential identity, and introspective reflexivity methods to analyze the data. The result revealed that women^s struggle in the stories is shown in the form of struggle for oneself, family, and nation with various motives. Despite living in a culture of patriarchy, their struggle in the stories was appreciated, either verbally or nonverbally.
Keywords: metaphor, women^s struggle, appreciation, Tegalan ethnic story.
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Optimization Research Based on Local Resources |
ABS-386 |
Universitas Negeri Makassar
Sleep problems can be experienced by anyone, especially university students. Bad sleep quality could lead to an increase in cortisol stress hormone rate. The increase in cortisol stress hormone rate could disrupt the brain cell which is used for studying and memorization. This research is done to know the effectiveness of Lo-Fi music intervention in improving the sleep quality of university students in Makassar City. This research uses the Pre-test and Post-test Control Group Design. Participants in this research are female university students who have a sleep quality of >5 amounting to 18 people which are divided into two groups, 11 participants in the control group and 8 participants in the experiment group. The measurement tool used is Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The data analysis technique used is Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The research results showed that intervention of Lo-Fi music is effective in improving the sleep quality of university students in Makassar City (ρ-=0,195 control group with a mean of 11,55 pre-test and 10,00 post-test- and ρ-=0,11 experiment group with a mean of 11,88 pre-test and 6,25 post-test). The implication of this research is the intervention of Lo-Fi music could be useful as one of the interventions for improving sleep quality.
Keywords: Music Lo-Fi, Sleep quality,Studets
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| Corresponding Author (Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi)
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