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331 Universal Quality Education ABS-123

Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Himawan Wismandi, Karwanto, Syamsul Shodiq, Joni Susilowibowo

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Learning and Professional Development Institute (LPDI) State University of Surabaya is one of the State University of Surabaya environmental organizations that has duties and functions in fostering and improving learning and the profession, especially State University of Surabaya environmental educators and also as a reference for learning and professional activities at related educational institutions. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach to translate and implement in support of the independent learning program. It is necessary to map and develop a clear roadmap to guide the institution (field of assignment) effectively and efficiently to achieve the goals and targets set. In particular, the Center for Education and Training Development Center (ETD) will be directed to dig up data and find a profile of roadmap needs in preparing the selection and training of school principals to support the independent learning program. At the same time, the TLSC center focuses on strengthening the learning function, which includes curriculum, learning, and evaluation to support independent learning.

Keywords: Road Map, LPDI, LPD, CIPDC

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332 Universal Quality Education ABS-124

Metsi Daud- Djubir R. E. Kembuan- Johan Reimon Batmetan

Universitas Negeri Manado


This study aims to analyze: (1) the relationship between class climate and student learning outcomes in SMK, (2) the relationship between learning discipline and student learning outcomes in SMK, and (3) the relationship between class climate and learning discipline simultaneously with student learning outcomes in SMK. This research design is quantitative research with a correlational research approach, using simple regression analysis and multiple regression. The results showed 1) there was a significant relationship between class climate and student learning outcomes, giving a contribution of 34.22%- 2) there is a significant relationship between learning discipline and student learning outcomes, contributing 25.30%- 3) there is a significant relationship between classroom climate, and learning discipline simultaneously with student learning outcomes, contributing 37.82%. Thus, improving the classroom climate and competent learning discipline will have a learning atmosphere in the classroom- interaction between class members (teachers and students and students with students)- physical environment- learning activities- discipline in school entry- discipline in following lessons at school- discipline in doing the task- home study discipline- discipline in obeying the rules at school will improve learning outcomes in changing attitudes, morals, intellectual abilities. With the classroom climate and conducive learning discipline, it is expected to be able to provide maximum learning outcomes for students. In other words, the existence of a class climate, and high learning discipline will foster good and higher student learning outcomes

Keywords: Class climate, learning discipline, learning outcomes

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333 Universal Quality Education ABS-125

Djubir R. E. Kembuan- Metsi Daud- Johan Reimon Batmetan

Universitas Negeri Manado


This study aims to analyze: (1) the effect of learning creativity on student learning outcomes of FT UNIMA, (2) the effect of learning commitment on student learning outcomes of FT UNIMA, and (3) the influence of learning creativity, and commitment to learning simultaneously on student learning outcomes. FT UNIMA. The design of this research is quantitative research with a survey approach. From the results of the study: 1) there is an influence of learning creativity on student learning outcomes of FT UNIMA, and contributes 14.21%- 2) there is an effect of learning commitment on student learning outcomes of FT UNIMA, and contributes 24,40%- 3) there is an influence between learning creativity, and learning commitment simultaneously on student learning outcomes of FT UNIMA, and contributes 33.29%. Thus, increasing learning creativity and learning commitment is one of the supporting factors for student learning outcomes of FT UNIMA. With the results obtained, it is implied that the higher the creativity in learning, and the commitment to learning, the higher the learning outcomes of FT UNIMA students. This fact proves that learning creativity, and commitment to learning simultaneously provide a fairly large relationship with the learning outcomes of FT UNIMA students

Keywords: learning creativity, learning commitment, learning outcomes

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334 Universal Quality Education ABS-126

Need analysis of enhancing the competence of junior high school teachers in inclusive schools
Pujaningsih, Rochmat Wahab, Sari Rudiyati, Rafika Rachmawati

Yogyakarta State University


The existence of students with special needs in public junior high schools in various provinces in Indonesia since the affirmation route for New Student Admission (PPDB) policies with special needs in the last two years has not been widely supported. In general, this is due to the unprepared ability of teachers to provide services to students with disabilities. This is due to the lack of training for junior high school teachers in addition to the absence of reinforcement during the education process for prospective teachers. This study is a survey of 105 teachers (male n=20, 19%, and female, n=85, 81%) in one district in Yogyakarta. The survey was conducted online on 64 public schools and 2 teachers were invited in each school. Based on the survey, it was found that the majority of junior high school teachers in the district: a) had no experience teaching children with special needs (n=71, 59.2%), b) had never attended training on inclusive education (n=103, 85.8%) and c) had little (n=74, 61.7%) and no knowledge (n=17, 14.2%) regarding government policies on services for children with disabilities. Therefore, it is very reasonable if d) most teachers state that the level of confidence is low in teaching children with special needs (n=42.35%), and very low (n=17, 14.2%). However, the majority of teachers stated that e) had interacted with individuals with disabilities (n=90,75%). Based on this information, a training stage was developed for participants (teachers and school principals) which could be replicated in various other regions in Indonesia.

Keywords: Needs analysis, inclusive education, in service teacher training, junior high school

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335 Universal Quality Education ABS-129

Isnarto (a*), Mashuri (b)

a) Universitas Negeri Semarang
Jl. Raya Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia
b) Universitas Negeri Semarang
Jl. Raya Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia


This paper examines the effectiveness of discovery worksheets to improve students^ ability to construct mathematical proofs. This study uses a pre-experimental model to compare the impact of treatment on two static groups, in the Algebraic Structures course. Learning in the experimental class uses discovery worksheets, while in the control class uses direct learning assisted by textbooks. The mathematical proof construction ability test was given in both classes before different treatments, to determine the initial ability. After 6 lectures, both classes received a final test of evidence construction ability. The effect test was carried out on the same initial ability pair. The effect test with a significance level of 0.05 resulted- (1) students^ mathematical proof construction ability in the experimental class with low initial ability, significantly better than the control class, (2) students^ mathematical proof construction ability in the experimental class with moderate initial ability, significantly better than the control class, but (3) students^ mathematical proof construction ability in the experimental class with the initial ability in the high category did not differ significantly compared to the control class. The results of this study recommend the use of discovery worksheets to improve mathematical proof construction skills, especially for students with low to moderate abilities.

Keywords: mathematical proof, discovery worksheet

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336 Universal Quality Education ABS-133

Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms in ^UNIMA MAPALUS^ Sentiment Analysis
Vivi P Rantung (a*), Djubir R. E. Kembuan (b), Michella Undap (c)

a) Universitas Negeri Manado, Indonesia, b) Universitas Negeri Manado, Indonesia, c) Universitas Negeri Manado, Indonesia


Considering the public reflection of Universities is an important thing to evaluate in aiming to improve performances, thus collecting information about these is mandatory. Sources of digital information in this era can provide an overview of the public^s opinions. Manado State University in this case could take advantage of the large amount of text data which available in digital world today to find out current opinions or conditions. The data is taken from various sources such as search engines, online newspapers and social media applications. The data that was successfully crawled with keyword ^UNIMA MAPALUS^ are 1.236 sentences and after going through several stages of text mining it became 14.011 words. This research used two algorithms for word classification : Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naive Bayes which are divided into three major opinions, namely positive, negative and neutral. Naive Bayes results show the highest accuracy of 93.75%. The classification results are then visualized using a word cloud with detailed vocabulary density: 0.353, readability index: 21.404, average words per sentence: 2511.0.

Keywords: sentiment analysis, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes, Unima Mapalus

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337 Universal Quality Education ABS-134

R. Benny Riyanto(a*)- Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti(b)

(a) (b) LPPM Universitas Negeri Semarang


This research aims to analyze the grand design of the Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) UNNES innovation in supporting UNNES towards PTNBH. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The types of data used in this study are divided into two, namely primary data and secondary data. The primary data are obtained in the form of verbal/words and behavior of subjects (informants) related to the research. The selection of informants was done by using a purposive sampling technique. The informants in this study consist of several stakeholders related to the research topic. The primary data in this study are obtained through in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to complete the required primary data. This study used qualitative data analysis by using data reduction. Data reduction is done by focusing data or summarizing data on important things and making categories based on the type or kind and making data that is not needed. The result of the study indicates that LPPM UNNES as one of the implementing institutions for the tri dharma of higher education has the task of preparing materials for policy formulation and implementing activity programs in the field of research and community service. In carrying out its duties, LPPM UNNES carries out functions that can be accounted for rationally, proportionally, and objectively. LPPM UNNES is also one of the institutions that has a strategic role in supporting the acceleration of UNNES towards Legal Entity State Universities (PTNBH). In LPPM UNNES, there are five centers and three groups that have their respective main tasks and functions. Each center and group is obliged to have an innovative program every year.

Keywords: Grand Design, Innovation, LPPM, UNNES

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338 Universal Quality Education ABS-144

A Rusilowati(a,b*), I Hidayah (c), R Nugrahani (d), Z Abidin (e), T Sofchah (a)1, S W Ariyanti (a), F. D. Hutagalung (f)

(a)Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
(b)Department of PUI-PRA, LPPM Universitas Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
(c) Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
(d) Department of Visual Communication Design, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
(e) Department of Technical Information, Universitas Negeri SemarangCentral Java, Indonesia.
(f) Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

*)Corresponding author: rusilowati[at]mail.unnes.ac.id


The Child Friendly School (In Indonesia called sekolah ramah anak or SRA) Policy is implemented to prevent violence against children, and guarantee children^s rights at school. This policy is still in line with the implementation of an independent curriculum, which guarantees the fulfillment of children^s rights in learning. SRA and the independent curriculum synergize to create children^s character according to the demands of the Profil Pelajar Pancasila. This study aims to analyze the application of child-friendly schools, analyze the character formed in students, identify teacher attitudes during physics learning, and identify supporting facilities in learning physics in one of the senior high schools (its called SMA-X) which is considered by the community to have succeeded in forming student character. This study uses a descriptive-qualitative method, the data obtained are presented in a narrative manner. The subjects in this study were the principal, 4 teachers, 2 alumni, 4 parents/guardians and 38 students at SMA-X. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, documentation, interviews, and giving questionnaires in the form of a Likert scale to students. The data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman analysis model, namely reduction, display, and conclusion. Triangulation techniques are used to test different data in order to obtain credible conclusions. The results of this study indicate that SMA-X almost meets the SRA indicators listed in the SRA Handbook. The characters that are formed in students are nationalism, religion, leadership, decency, honesty, mutual cooperation, anti-corruption, and discipline, however, the character of discipline has not been fully embedded in students. This can be seen from the daily lives of students at SMA-X and alumni. The attitude of the teacher in teaching subjects is very friendly, humanistic, fun, with varied learning methods. Learning discussions are more interactive, students become closer to the t

Keywords: Child frienly school, free curriculum, profil pelajar pancasila

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339 Universal Quality Education ABS-149

Teachers^ Perspective on The Implementation of MTSS for Students with Deaf
Wagino, Muhammad Nurul Ashar

Special Education Department, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study investigated teachers^ perspectives on the implementation of MTSS (Multi-Tiered Support System) in a classroom that also consisted of students with deaf. This study applied the quantitative study design with survey. Data were collected from 25 teachers who were chosen purposively based on the several criteria. Survey questions were adapted from previous study and have gone through the validity and reliability testing. A total of 13 questions were answered by respondents. Answers were then analysed using simple statistics by calculating the percentage. Findings show that teachers mostly report the great understanding on the concept of MTSS. However, vast majority of them reflect that it is difficult for students with deaf to reach the learning benchmarks. Moreover, they all strongly believe that further actions need to be taken for implementing MTSS. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that teachers have adequate understanding about MTSS, yet some trainings on its implementation is highly suggested.

Keywords: Deaf, MTSS, Teachers^ Perspective

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340 Universal Quality Education ABS-153

Student Mental Health Help-Seeking Attitude and Its Implication to Mental Health Promotion in Campus
Farah Aulia*, Rahayu Hardianti Utami, Elrisfa Magistarina, Rizal Kurniawan

Faculty of Psychology and Health
Universitas Negeri Padang


University students have a higher vulnerability to experience various mental health problems, therefore attitudes about mental health services are an important component in supporting campus efforts to support students^ mental health. This study aims to describe university student attitudes regarding mental health services. The research participants were 998 university students in Sumatera and Java. The measuring instrument used is the Mental Health Help Seeking Attitude Scale (MHSAS). Data analysis showed that 91% of students showed positive attitude towards mental health services and 14% showed a negative attitude. This finding has implications for universities management to further improve literacy related to student mental health services as an effort to prevent mental health problems

Keywords: mental health, help-seeking attitude, higher education

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341 Universal Quality Education ABS-159

Ibnu Syamsi



Abstract. Implementation of the evaluation of the inclusion elementary school program in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. This study aims to evaluate the program, and factually describe the institutions, curriculum, workforce, student affairs, infrastructure, and financing, in the implementation of inclusive primary schools. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, interviews, observations, testing, and documentation. The subjects of the study were teachers, principals and inclusion primary school committees. The research population applied the total population, all inclusion primary schools became research sites, both public and private inclusion primary schools. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study, namely that schools generally have full licenses for managers of special programs, inclusion programs, other coordination, involving experts, reports written in inclusion programs in general are going well- the curriculum prepared to serve children with special needs in inclusive education is described as a curriculum for training children with special needs, and according to the needs of children- labor conditions in inclusion primary schools are excellent- the condition of inclusion primary school students is excellent- data shows the infrastructure is in excellent condition- the funding of inclusion schools is also very good. Most schools receive special subsidies from the government, namely the central, provincial, and district/municipal governments for the development of inclusive education. On the other hand, the school receives special donations from the private sector and parents to support the implementation of inclusive education.

Keywords: Keywords: implementation, evaluation, implementation, inclusion program, primary school.

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342 Universal Quality Education ABS-160

Innovation of STEM Approach in Natural Science Learning for Improving Scientific Literacy
Asri Widowati1, a) and Arina Zaida Ilma1, b)

1Natural Sciences Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55283


Education reform is a vital effort to develop the quality of human resources, including scientific literacy. One of the educational reforms is to implement the innovative of STEM approach. The aims of this research are: (1) to explore how to make innovation in natural science learning with the innovative of STEM approach- (2) to explore the potential of that approach for improving scientific literacy. The research method used is qualitative with literature research using secondary data from expert exposure to journal manuscripts, conference paper proceedings, and theses selected according to their relevance to the research. The result is that the innovative of STEM approach cen be develop by integrated the STEM approach with Cross Cutting Concept (CCC) and ethnoscience. That innovative of STEM approach has the potential to be developed in natural science learning to improve students^ scientific literacy, including the teaching materials used. Further research can conduct empirical research to prove the potential of these innovations

Keywords: natural science learning, scientific literacy, STEM

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343 Universal Quality Education ABS-169

The Urgence Of Sharia Values In Curriculum Development
Moch. Khoirul Anwar

Faculty of Economics and Business , Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Curriculum is one of the important elements in the world of education, so that to make students who are faithful and devoted and have noble character, it can be started from the curriculum. So it is necessary to insert shari^ah values in curriculum development.
This paper is included in the category of library research , whose research focus will be directed at various literatures that discuss sharia values and curriculum . Furthermore, the data is analyzed using Content Analysis in order to identify the specific characteristics of the message or data that has been collected.
The results of this study indicate that shari^ah values have an important role in curriculum development . Shari^ah values which contain ethical values, if used as the main source in curriculum development , will give birth to a young generation of future leaders of the nation who uphold ethics.

Keywords: Sharia values, curriculum, ethics, education

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344 Universal Quality Education ABS-184

Model of Community Entrepreneurship Empowerment Based on Desa Vocational
Sungkowo Edy Mulyono (a*), Joko Sutarto (b), Imam Shofwan

Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia


One of the big problems that occur is unemployment. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2019, the open unemployment rate in Indonesia reached 5.28%, or 7.05 million people from the 197.92 million labor force. This figure is still Indonesia undervalued, meaning that the actual number is much larger because some indicators are not included, such as informal workers who are looking for work. Meanwhile, the displacement in Semarang Regency in 2019 reached 20,560 of the total labor force of 800 thousand people.
To overcome the problem of unemployment, the government has launched a vocational village-based community entrepreneurship empowerment in Jambu District, Semarang Regency, which aims to provide skills in the form of community entrepreneurship, so that they have a livelihood and can improve their well-being.
This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection for this study was carried out using interviews, observations, and documentation/literature studies. The training participants were 80 people (8 groups), and the subjects and informers in this study were 13 people, consisting of 11 respondents, namely residents learning training, and 2 informers, namely 1 manager and 1 community leader.
The implication of this study is the formation of 8 community entrepreneurship groups and entrepreneurial profiles and produces a vocational village-based community entrepreneurial empowerment model that ultimately has skills and livelihoods for survival.

Keywords: Empowerment model, Community entrepreneurship, Vocational village.

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345 Universal Quality Education ABS-185

An evaluation study related to the relevance of nonlinear pedagogy to the development of 21st-century skills in physical education in Indonesia
Hari Yuliarto, Pasca Tri Kaloka, Komarudin, Ahmad Rithaudin

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Nonlinear pedagogy has the potential to be a successful strategy for teaching and researching physical education in a manner that helps students acquire the necessary abilities for the twenty-first century. Ecological Dynamics is the basis for nonlinear pedagogy, which focuses on the learner and uses guided inquiry and less prescriptive instruction to foster enhanced autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the learning process. This descriptive quantitative research employs a quantitative methodology. There were 150 elementary school physical education instructors in Indonesia that participated in the study. Utilized is a knowledge examination comprising true-false questions. On the instrument test, the validity test based on the Pearson product-moment formula is used. The data analysis technique included quantitative descriptive analysis. Following the results of the study: (1) Teacher data on the relevance of curriculum, learning materials, student characteristics, and teacher character in Indonesia are in a good category- (2) Teachers teach pedagogical nonlinear learning, with 68% of teachers agreeing that students should be given this non-linear model of learning- (3) Teacher data on teacher activities and student activities are in a good category- and (4) the pedagogical nonlinear learning application can be effectively implemented in Indonesia.

Keywords: Nonlinear pedagogy, physical education, twenty-first-century competencies

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346 Universal Quality Education ABS-192

Implementation of Scaffolding on Students^ Misconceptions in Solving Set Problems
Nuril Intan (a), Masriyah (b*), Umi Hanifah (c), Nurus Saadah (b)

a) Islamic Junior High School As Syafiah Mojosari Loceret Nganjuk
b) Universitas Negeri Surabaya
c) Institut Teknologi dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pasuruan


This research aims to describe students^ misconceptions in solving set problems before and after implementation of scaffolding treatment, the form of scaffolding given, and the impact of providing scaffolding. This research is a qualitative research. The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 32 Surabaya by selecting one class with a total of 35 students and a subject of 2 students. The instruments used were diagnostic tests I and II equipped with CRI, interview guidelines and scaffolding guidelines. The material selected in this study is the set material. The misconceptions in this study were analyzed based on their types, namely classificational, correlational and theoretical misconceptions. The scaffolding in this study is explaining, reviewing, and restructuring which consists of (a) looking, touching and verbalising (b) Prompting and probing (c) interpreting student^s actions and talk, (d) parallel modeling and (e) students explaining and justifying, restructuring which consists of (a) identifying meaningfull context (b) simplifying the problem (c) re-pharasing student^s talk (d) negotiating meaning and developing conceptual thinking which consists of developing representational tools and making connections. Based on the research conducted by researchers, the number of classificational misconceptions is 16.53%, the number of correlational misconceptions is 49.59% and the number of theoretical misconceptions is 49.59%. The causes of students experiencing misconceptions are students^ low interest in learning, students^ humanistic thinking about the concept of sets and students tend to memorize without understanding the concepts in the set material. After being given scaffolding treatment, students^ misconceptions in solving set material problems were reduced and even no longer experienced misconceptions. Therefore, scaffolding is an alternative to respond to the misconceptions experienced by students in solving set material problems.

Keywords: Misconception, scaffolding, set problems

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347 Universal Quality Education ABS-197

D Yulianti1), Wiyanto2), A Rusilowati3), S E Nugroho4)

Universitas Negeri Semarang


The learning model in higher education should always be updated so that learning achievement can be maximized according to the learning achievement of the subject. This study aims to find a Task Action Model (TAL) to develop the competence of prospective physics tachers in designing STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) based learning. The research method uses Research and Development, and the trial using quasi experimental design with the type of non equivalent control group design. The subject of the research is the participant of course the Basic and Learning Physics Process I . There are two groups, one as the experimental class, while the other as the control class. The research instrument consisted of a validation sheet, observation sheet, a respons questionnaire and an assessment sheet. The result showed that the Task Action Learning Model that develop was proven to be suitable for developing the competence of preservice physics teachers in designing STEM based learning.

Keywords: TAL, Competence, STEM

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348 Universal Quality Education ABS-201

Fast Track Program Development at Universitas Negeri Semarang
Zaenuri, Fathur Rochman, and Adi Nur Cahyono

Universitas Negeri Semarang


The objectives of the study were to (1) develop a new student admissions model for the fast track (from undergraduate to master^s programs) at the Universitas Negeri Semarang and (2) develop a rector regulation that covers the mechanism for admitting new students on the fast track route. The research subjects are the leaders of 8 faculties and postgraduates, including the dean, WD1, the Head of the Department/Korprodi, who has an undergraduate study program whose students have the potential to join the fast track program as well as the Post Director, Deputy 1 Postgraduate and all Postgraduate Study Program Corps who have the potential to be involved in student admissions new fast track. The results of the study showed that 19 study programs were opened and attracted by undergraduate students with a total of 187 students. The output of the research is the rector^s regulation that covers the mechanism for admitting new students on the fast track (from undergraduate to master^s programs) at Universitas Negeri Semarang.

Keywords: fast track, undergraduate program, master^s program, rector^s regulations

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349 Universal Quality Education ABS-210

The Effect Of Quantum Learning Model On Learning Outcomes Of Massage Course And Character Of FOK Undiksha Students
I Ketut Budaya Astra1, Gede Doddy Tisna MS2

Faculty of sports and health, Ganesha universitas University of Education


This study aims to analyze (1) differences in learning outcomes of massage courses and characters between groups of students who study with the quantum learning model and groups of students who study with Direct Instruction (DI) learning models, (2) differences in learning outcomes of massage courses between groups. students who study with the quantum learning model and groups of students who learn with the Direct Instruction (DI) learning model, and (3) the difference in character between the group of students who study with the quantum learning model and the group of students who learn with the Direct Instruction (DI) learning model
This type of research is a quasi-experimental research (quasi-experimental) with Posttest Only Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The population of this study were all third semester FOK Undiksha a total population of 91 students. The samples with a total of 64 students selected by simple random sampling technique. The data collected in this study were in the form of learning outcomes for massage and character courses. Data on massage course learning outcomes were collected by means of a massage course study result test and student character was collected by observing students during the learning process.
The results showed that, (1) there were differences in the learning outcomes of massage and character courses between the group of students who studied with the quantum learning model and the group of students who studied with the Direct Instruction learning model (F=80,935- p < 0.05), (2) there are differences in the learning outcomes of massage courses between groups of students who study with the quantum learning model and groups of students who study with the Direct Instruction learning model (F= 39,256- p<0.05) , and (3) there are differences in character between students who study by using a quantum learning model with students who study with a direct instruction learning model (F= 132,667- p<0.05).

Keywords: quantum learning model, massage course learning outcomes, and student charact

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350 Universal Quality Education ABS-214

Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Social Support with Burnout Academic at University Economics Education Students The State of Manado that is Conducting Online Lectures
Sophia Pongoh, Listriyanti Palangda

Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Manado


This study aims to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and social support with academic saturation in Economic Education students at Manado State University who are conducting online lectures. This research approach is a quantitative approach with the type of correlational research. The population in this study amounted to 246 students. The research consisted of 152 students, the determination of the sample members used purposive sampling technique. The data collection tool uses an academic saturation questionnaire (reliability coefficient = 0.735), a self-efficacy questionnaire (reliability coefficient = 0.744), and social support questionnaire (reliability coefficient = 0.706). The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis, simple correlation analysis, and multiple correlation analysis. The results of this study indicate that self-efficacy and social support have a significant negative relationship with academic saturation in students who are conducting online lectures with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.435 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05 and jointly contribute to academic saturation by 18.9%. This means that if students have high self-efficacy and social support, academic saturation will decrease. A separate analysis was conducted and it was found that self-efficacy has a significant negative correlation with academic burnout with a correlation coefficient value of -0.387 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05. While social support has a significant negative correlation with academic saturation with a correlation coefficient of -0.340 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05. In additi

Keywords: Academic Burnout, Self-Efficacy, Social Support

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351 Universal Quality Education ABS-215

Contribution of Cognitive Flexibility and Digital Literacy toward TPACK Capability of Vocational Preservice Teachers for 21st Century Learning
Setiadi Cahyono Putro, Ahmad Mursyidun Nidhom, Rizqi Nurrahman

Universitas Negeri Malang


The 21st century demands a professional teacher who can adapt with technology and new models in learning. Pre-service teachers, especially vocational teachers, need to have TPACK capabilities for managing learning effectively. Cognitive flexibility (CF) and digital literacy (DL) are needed as aspects to support TPACK capability for 21st century learning (TPACK-21CL). This study aims to determine: (1) descriptions of CF, DL, TPACK-21CL- (2) the relationship of CF toward TPACK-21CL- (3) the relationship of DL toward TPACK-21CL- and (4) the relationship CF and DL toward TPACK-21CL. The research method used is quantitative with descriptive correlational design. The research sample are 86 students with a saturated sample technique. The level of reliability questionnaire CF, DL, and TPACK-21CL respectively is 0,896- 0,862- 0,939. The results of the research indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between the predictor variables on TPACK capability. The relative contribution of CF and DL respectively was 56,70% and 43,30%. The effective contribution of CF and DL respectively was 36,17% and 27,63%. The conclusions of this research are: (1) the level of CF, DL, and TPACK-21CL owned by students is high, (2) there is a positive and significant relationship between CF toward TPACK-21CL, DL toward TPACK-21CL, and CF and DL toward TPACK-21CL.

Keywords: cognitive flexibility, digital literacy, TPACK capability for 21st century learning

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352 Universal Quality Education ABS-217

The Innovation of Evaluation Instrument based on Cone of Experience: A Way for Improving Student Competitiveness in Society 5.0
Sri Umi Mintarti, Sri Handayani, Indra Febrianto

Universitas Negeri Malang


In dealing with society 5.0, there are several student needs in economics learning that refer to the elements of attitude, subjective normal, and control behavior. This study aims to construct a cone of experience-based learning evaluation instrument to improve student competitiveness in the era of society 5.0. The research method used consists of two stages, namely exploratory research and development research. After knowing the characteristics and needs of students, an evaluation instrument with the ADDIE stage was developed and validated by an expert on economics and an expert on learning evaluation instruments. From the results of the study, it was found that the economic learning evaluation instrument developed was very appropriate, very useful, very interesting.

Keywords: cone of experience, student competitiveness, evaluation instrument, society 5.0

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353 Universal Quality Education ABS-218

The effect of Context-based Chemical Equilibrium Learning on Students Chemical Literacy
Antuni Wiyarsi and Hestu Anggrah Eny

Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


This study aims to analyze the effect of context-based learning on students^ chemical literacy on the chemical equilibrium topic. A quasi-experimental with post-test-only design was applied to 124 students as research samples. The experiment group applied context-based learning and the control group used a scientific approach. The Chemistry Equilibrium Literacy Test (CELT) was used to collect data on the students^ chemical literacy that was developed based on four domains of chemical literacy, which are chemistry content, chemistry context, higher order learning skills (HOLS), and affective aspects. Content and construct validity concluded that the CELT was valid and reliable so it was good for taking the data. The independent sample t-test and descriptive statistics were used in the data analysis. The results showed that context-based learning on chemical equilibrium topics was better in improving students^ chemical literacy. However, students^ ability in connecting scientific information was still low. The application of context-based learning potentially improves the ability of chemical literacy.

Keywords: chemical literacy, chemical equilibrium, chemistry, context-based learning

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354 Universal Quality Education ABS-219

CRITIC and CODAS Method Approach for University E-Learning Websites Visibility Ranking
Handaru Jati

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Variables that affect the level of visibility of e-learning websites based on literature review are 9. In this study, data were collected from 7 universities in Indonesia which are universities that produce teachers. Data collection is carried out periodically using an online visibility detection tool. Data analysis was carried out by means of data normalization or mechanism, then the weight of each variable was calculated using the CRITIC method which is one of the multi-criteria decision methods. Determination of the ranking of 7 e-learning websites using two methods, namely CRITIC and CODAS. From the results of the weighting of 9 variables, it shows that the domain level keyword is the variable that has the largest or most important weight and the domain level link authority feature has the least weight. The ranking with these two techniques shows consistency that Yogyakarta State University is the university with the highest ranking while Padang State University gets the lowest ranking. The results of the analysis show that there is a difference between the ratings using the CRITIC method and the CODAS method, although the basis for the weighting of the two calculations uses the CRITIC method.
Keyword : visibility, multicriteria, website, CRITIC, CODAS

Keywords: visibility, multicriteria, website, CRITIC, CODAS

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355 Universal Quality Education ABS-227

Mareyke Sumual (a), Gilly Tiwow (b)

(a) Universitas Negeri Manado
(b) Universitas Negeri Manado


This study generally aims to analyze and provide empirical evidence of entrepreneurial self-tension that exists in a person and the expertise of managing a business, which a person has for students. On that basis, this research seeks to explore and describe the potential of entrepreneurship through the characteristics and entrepreneurial disposition of students so that graduates of this faculty, in addition to having academic excellence, also have the ability to create jobs through entrepreneurial techniques.
The population of this study is active students who were enrolled in 2020-2021. Faculty of Economics, Manado State University, as users of academic administrative services as many as 2515 students. By using sample prediction using the Slovin reference, with error of 5%, a total sample of 100 students was obtained which was spread proportionally across 4 (four) programs in Unima Faculty of Economics.
The findings are, 1) student entrepreneurship intentions, in terms of all aspects, namely: entrepreneurial qualifications, self-skills, hopes of success and cooperation skills, are still in the moderate or quite satisfactory category, which is 61%. These findings show that the entrepreneurial potential of students, in terms of all aspects, falls into the category of sufficient. 2) The intention of managing student business is measured by 8 (eight) main aspects: aspects of cooperation, aspects of gold management, aspects of development of products and services, aspects of direct and indirect sales, advertising aspects and promotion, accounting aspects, aspects of personal management a, and aspects of direct and indirect sales, aspects of advertising and promotion, aspects of accounting, aspects of personal management a, and aspects of direct and indirect sales, aspects of advertising and promotion, aspects of accounting, aspects of personal management a, and aspects of aspects of direct and indirect sales, aspects of advertising and promotion

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, self-skill, student businesses

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356 Universal Quality Education ABS-232

OK Sofyan Hidayat (a), Azizul Kholis (a*), La Hanu (a), Choms Gary G. T. Sibarani (a)

a) Faculty of Economic, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar Ps V, Medan Estate, Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the application of digital learning in vocational high schools so as to obtain an appropriate model for optimizing digital learning at the vocational level, especially in the field of accounting. The research was carried out in public and private vocational schools in North Sumatra. a sample of 102 teachers, 300 students and 15 principals spread over 10 districts/cities. The analytical technique used is SEM to examine all variables that affect the strengthening of digital accounting learning. The results of the study indicate that the role of teachers, student support, and principal support affect various factors for strengthening accounting digital learning. The limitation of this study is that it only tests accounting subjects so that it has limited generalizations. recommendations for further research to expand subjects and increase the number of research samples. the contribution of this research is on strengthening and digital learning and increasing digital literacy at the vocational high school level

Keywords: Fakulty of Economic, Universitas Negeri Medan

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357 Universal Quality Education ABS-234

Kusmuriyanto, Anggun Ayu Cantika, Shandy Arief, Kardiyem

Universitas Negeri Semarang


This study aims to examine the effect of theory and case studies of liquidity, profitability, inventory intensity, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on tax aggressiveness. The realization of tax revenue in Indonesia has not yet met the set target, even though the government has made efforts to optimize it. This is caused by several factors such as the underground economy, low taxpayer compliance and tax avoidance measures such as tax aggressiveness. Tha population in this study are manufacturing companies in the primary consumer goods sector which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2017-2019. The sampling technique and a sample of 31 companies with 93 units of analysis was obtained, then subtract outlier data, as many as 15 units in order to obtain a final sample of 78 units of analysis. Data collection techniques in this study used documentary techniques. Analysis of research data using descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that manufacturing companies in the consumer goods sector listed on the IDX for the period 2017-2019 in carrying out tax aggressiveness were still low at 37.18%. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that liquidity, inventory intensity and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have no effect on tax aggressiveness, while profitability has a negative effect on bag aggressiveness

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility- Inventory Intensity- Liquidity- Profitability- Tax Aggressiveness

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358 Universal Quality Education ABS-235

Effects of Agility Training On the Performance of Tennis Athletes of Yogyakarta
Abdul Alim1,a), Risti Nurfadhila2,b), and Wahyu Dwi Yulianto 3,c)

Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Jl Kolombo No 1 Karangmalang


Abstract. Tennis requires superior agility and speed to react to fast variables. Therefore, this study examined the efficacy of agility training, specifically for tennis performance. Methods: 15 healthy tennis players aged 16-22 were randomly divided into three equal groups from n=5, experimental, control, & pseudo. Pre-Training implementation rules for agility and performance were evaluated for all participants. Experimental group participants underwent agility training for eight weeks, four days a week. Placebo. The group participants were shown motivational clips. In contrast, the control group had regular tennis practice. At the end of the eight-week training, a pretest was re-evaluated, and the posttest results were obtained for the three groups. Results: Statistically significant difference before and after training as evidenced by a better increase in agility measures for the experimental group. Conclusion: This study concludes that the agility training program improves agility skills, which can be transferred to sport-specific performance, as seen from the increase in performance evaluation scores.

Keywords: Agility, Tennis, Specificity, Neuromuscular Efficacy.

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359 Universal Quality Education ABS-236

Implementation of Inclusive Education Policies to Create Learning Equality
Indah Prabawati

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Education is a supporting aspect and plays a major role in determining the success of a nation^s achievement. Although the education sector is a very important sector, the distribution of education is an unresolved problem such as the availability of educational services for persons with disabilities or children with special needs. Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System which states that education is the right of everyone without exception, including people with disabilities. Based on data from the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) in 2018, the number of people with disabilities in Indonesia was 14.2% of the total population, which was 30,380,000 people. In answering this problem, since 2009, Permendiknas Number 70 of 2009 issued. Inclusive Education for students who have abnormalities and have potential intelligence and/or special talents. This article will discuss the Implementation of Inclusive Education Policy Implementation to Create Education Equality. The analysis will be carried out through an in-depth literature review through regulatory documents, previous articles, and news related to the implementation of this policy. Through a literature review, this article will explain how the implementation and outcomes of inclusive education policies are.

Keywords: Implementation, Inclusive Education, Learning Equality

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360 Universal Quality Education ABS-243

The Role of Educational Courses, Lecture Climate, and Self-Efficacy Are Viewed From TPACK As A Readiness For 21st Century Teacher Skills In Students In Malang City
Hary Suswanto*, Dodik Septian Ferdiansyah, Syaad Patmanthara, Ahmad Mursyidun Nidhom, Wahu Nur Hidayat, Achmad Hamdan

Universitas Negeri Malang


The Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Education Study Program at the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang, is one of the Study Programs that provides knowledge and related teaching and teaching skills to become electronics so that graduates of teachers or professional lecturers in Vocational High Schools (VHS). Students must be able to adapt to lectures on campus. The adjustment of the speaking climate will determine the success of students in the following year. The inability of students to adapt to the learning environment that causes problems for students. One way for students to become professional teacher candidates can be realized, one of them is by increasing the ability of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The following research aims to contribute to educational lectures, lectures, and self-efficacy based on TPACK and to determine directly or indirectly the skills of 21st century teachers. This research design uses a quantitative approach that aims to determine or the effect of independent variables on causally related variables. . The model for analyzing the relationship between variables is path analysis for the structural equation model. It is based on the objective to determine the direct and indirect causal relationship between each independent and dependent variable. Based on the research, data obtained that education courses, lecture climate, self-efficacy, and TPACK have a direct and simultaneous contribution to the skills of 21st century teachers by 72.4%, which can be used as the key for lectures, lectures, self-efficacy, and TPACK simultaneously have a good influence and a significant contribution to the skills of 21st century teachers directly.

Keywords: Educational Courses, Lecture Climate, Self-Efficacy, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 21st Century Teacher Skills

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