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121 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-137

Dr. Felly Ferol Warouw, Sh.ST.M.Eng (ferolwarouw@unima.ac.id ) Dr. Djubir Eddy Kembuan, MPd ( eddykembuan @unima.ac.id ) Sonny Davy. J Mailangkay, ST. MT (sonnydjmailangkay@unima.ac.id) Antoinette Luciane Grace Katuuk, ST.MT (alg_ katuuk @unima.ac.id) Dr. Chrisant Florence Lotulung, SPd.MSi (chrisantlotulung@unima.ac.id ) Peggy Veronica Togas, ST.DEA (peggytogas@unima.ac.id)

Universitas Negeri Manado


Environmental documents are the main requirement in the implementation of current development with the presence of the Job Creation Act. The environmental document is prepared as a study to monitor the quality of the environment both at the location of the activity and in the area around the development activity. Likupang as one of the national priority tourism areas requires an environmen-tal impact identification study. This research is an initial effort to identify environmental impacts on Likupang tourism as the basis for preparing environmental documents, including AMDAL, UPL-UKL and SPPL. Identification is carried out starting from the pre- construction stage, construction stage, and operational stage. The results of the impact identification can be used as a reference in management efforts to reduce the impact of damage that will occur. The research is on a tourist area on the coast of Likupang . The research method is descriptive qualitative, preceded by field observa-tions of the types of tourism that exist and then described according to the stage of the identification of environmental impacts . The results of environmental impact research include beaches , culinary tourism, historical tourism and trade. The results of the identification of environmental impacts in the pre-construction stage are related to public perception, the construction stage is the mobilization of tools and materials and the operational stage is the impact on waste and waste management. In gen-eral, it is necessary to provide direction in future development so that in the operational stage, im-pacts managed with local wisdom can be maintained and carried out socialization and supervision so that implementation efforts can be maintained so that the improvement of tourism area management can run optimally in order to support the sustainability of tourism in Likupang in order to support the national tourism program .

Keywords: Identification, Environmental Impact, Likupang

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122 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-141

Improved Strong S-Box Construction Without Additional 8-bit Constant

Universitas Negeri Semarang


The study of strong S-Box construction has been widely discussed. The method presented in the S-Box construction in the algebraic approach usually uses affine transformation. Affine transformation uses an additional 8-bit constant in its calculations. In this paper, we present an S-Box improvement using algebraic techniques without using additional 8-bit constant. The results of the S-Box test obtained 112, 0.50146, 112, and 0.49972 for the values of NL, SAC, BIC-NL, and BIC-SAC respectively. This result is better than the results of previous research.

Keywords: S-Box, 8-bit constant, Affine Transformation

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123 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-143

The Socio-Economic and Geographic Related Factors Affecting Electricity Consumption in Urban Households: A Case Study of Kota Tengah, Gorontalo
Nursida Arif (a*), Maria Emerita Indraningrum Shrestha (b)

a) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jalan Colombo No.1, 55281, Yogyakarta
b)Kathmandu College of Management, Gwarko, Lalitpur, Nepal


The population density in cities and economic growth are indicators of increasing demand for energy. The household sector is one factor that gives a significant influence on the energy consumption pattern of a city including electricity usage. This study aimed to analyze urban electricity consumption patterns, with specific emphasis on the household sector. More important than that, the research intended to find the relationship between geographic condition, i.e. greenness level, with the energy consumption specifically for the household sector. The approach used was a survey by interview method using a questionnaire to know the pattern of household energy consumption and the factors that influence it. This research was conducted in Kota Tengah as one of the sub-districts in Gorontalo city which has the highest population compared to other sub-districts so it has great potential in energy use. The results show lifestyles, income levels, and awareness of energy-saving concepts affecting electricity consumption patterns. The number of family members did not have a significant effect on household energy use compared to income. The cost of electricity demand that is still affordable on average ranges from 7 to 15% of the average income of heads of households will trigger an increase in demand for electricity in the future. Other physical factors that affect energy consumption are geographical conditions including green area and land use. This research is expected to become the recommendation for energy optimization policy and renewable energy in Gorontalo city.

Keywords: urban, households, electricity, Gorontalo

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124 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-147

Characterization of Calcined Lobong Limestone
Sanusi Gugule 1, Deitje Adolfien Katuuk 2, Feti Fatimah 3, and Chaleb Paul Maanari 1

1 Department of Chemistry, Manado State University, Indonesia
2 Department of Education Management, Manado State University, Indonesia
3 Department of Chemistry, Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia


This study aims to produce and characterize CaO (calcium oxide) from limestone which is a natural product of Lobong Village. Calcination is thermal decomposition of limestone to remove carbon so that it can produce calcium oxide. One of the functions of CaO is as environmentally friendly catalyst which does not produce toxic or hazardous waste and it is possible to reuse. CaO resulting from the calcination process at a temperature of 900oC for 1.5 h was characterized using XRD, SEM, FTIR, and EDS. XRD analysis of calcinated limestone produced 2&#952- (h k l) diffraction peaks, namely 32.228o (1 1 1), 37.389o (2 0 0), 53.864o (2 2 0), 64.169o (3 1 1), and 67.404o (2 2 2) which indicates the dominance of CaO. SEM analysis shows that the morphological structure of Lobong limestone after calcination is more porous than before one. Studied by FTIR shows that the chemical bonds of carbonate groups in the calcined limestone is decreasing. EDS analysis also shows that the mapping of carbon which forms carbonate in calcined limestone is decreasing.

Keywords: Calcium Oxide, Limestone, Calcination, XRD, SEM, FTIR, EDS

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125 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-150

Agung Yulianto (a), Muhammad Ihlashul^amal (a), Heri Yanto (a), Surya Raharja (b)

a. Fakultas Ekonomi
Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES)
b. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP)


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the number of SSB members, the education level of the SSB, the frequency of SSB meetings, profit sharing financing, and qardh financing on the performance of maqashid sharia. Measurement of the performance of maqashid sharia in this study uses the Maqashid Sharia Index (MSI) developed by Mohammed & Razak (2008). The population used is sharia commercial banks listed on the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in 2015-2019. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with 45 analysis units were processed. Research data collection method using documentation method. The data analysis techniques used were descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. Hypothesis testing uses multiple linear regression analysis test tools. The results show that profit sharing financing has a significant positive effect on the performance of maqashid sharia. Meanwhile, the number of SSB members, the education level of the SSB, the frequency of SSB meetings, and qardh financing had no significant effect on the performance of maqashid sharia. The conclusion of this research is the more revenue sharing financing that is distributed, the performance of the maqashid sharia at Islamic commercial banks will also be better.

Keywords: Maqashid sharia performance- Sharia supervisory board- Profit sharing financing- Qardh financing

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126 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-162

Location Quotient Analysis in determining leading sectors in Regencies/Cities in North Sulawesi
Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Jenny Nancy Kaligis, Joulanda A. M Rawis

Universitas Negeri Manado


Abstract is submitted as file

Keywords: Leading sectors- location quotient - North Sulawesi.

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127 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-164

Social Discrimination in the Poetry ^Der Schwarze In Der Zuckerplantage^ by Matthias Claudius (A Sociology of Literature Analysis )
Sjuul Juliana Lendo (a), Ermina Fakrorevat Lendo (b)

a) German Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Manado State University, Tondano Indonesia.
b) German Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Manado State University, Tondano Indonesia.


Discrimination is a symptom that is often found in human society everywhere. The causes of discrimination are motivated by socio-cultural and situational developments, as well as the human tendency to discriminate between one another. This study aims to 1) Describe the social aspects contained in the poem Der Schwarze In Der Zuckerplantage by Matthias Claudius which based on the perspective of (a) Literature as a mirror of the writer^s social situation and (b) Literature as a manifestation of historical events and social conditions when the poem was created- 2) describes the forms of socially discriminatory behavior found in the poem. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach and produced descriptive data. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the forms of discrimination contained in the poem Der Schwarze In Der Zuckerplantage by Matthias Claudius are racial/ethnic discrimination and social status with direct discrimination actions or treatments. Based on the findings and results of the research, it is concluded that the poem Der Schwarze In Der Zuckerplantage is closely related to the background of Matthias Claudius as an author, in which this poem reflects the ideology of the author against slavery. This poem contains criticism of white people who consider themselves superior, smart and respectable too. Literary research is broad, not limited to poetry and the sociology of literature, It can also be in prose or other literary works. So for further research, it would be possible to expand the study.

Keywords: Discrimination, social aspects, sociology of literature

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128 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-170

Nurmin F. Samola (a), Agustine C. Mamentu (b), Viona C. Kemur (c)

(a)English Language Education Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano, Indonesia
(b)English Language Education Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano, Indonesia
(c)English Language Education Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano, Indonesia


This study analyzed Marion Jola^s usage of code mixing in a YouTube video. The writer used the theory proposed by Muysken to identify the different types of code mixing found in the utterance of Marion Jola and to figure out her reasons of using code mixing. Since the data were taken in the form of spoken words rather than numerical data, the author then applied descriptive qualitative method to answer the research questions. 44 data of code mixing were found as a result of the analysis. There were 13 data classified as insertion type, 14 data classified as alternation type and 17 data identified as congruent lexicalization type. Furthermore, this study discovered nine reasons of Marion Jola mixing code based on Hoffmann theory. 1) talking about a particular topic 13 times, 2) quoting somebody else 3 times, 3) being emphatic about something 1 time, 4) interjection 2 times, 5) repetition used for clarification 2 times, 6) intention for clarifying the speech content for interlocutor 4 times, 7) expressing group identity 5 times, 8) to soften or strengthen request or command 2 times, 9) because of lexical need 15 times and there is no data found concerning the reason to exclude other people when a comment is intended for only limited audience. The lack of equivalent lexicon between the languages is the most frequent cause of language mixing among bilingual or multilingual individuals and Marion Jola is one of them.

Keywords: sociolinguistics, code mixing, Marion Jola, YouTube Video

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129 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-174

Comparison of Individual and Team-based Project in Translating Anger Expression
Havid Ardi, Hamzah, Refnaldi, Raesa Savelia, Winda Siska P. Harahap

FBS Universitas Negeri Padang


Anger is one of expressive acts that reflect the emotions. Anger sometimes involve cultural aspect which may cause problems in the translation. This study concerns with the comparison of translation techniques applied by students translator in translating Fight Club a novel written by Chuck Palahniuk. This research attempts to compare the translation techniques used to translate anger expression from the novel from English to Indonesian by individual and team-based project. This study used translation assignment to collect data and document analysis in data analysis. The result shows that individually, the translators mostly applied various techniques that tend to target language, such as, adaptation, neutralization, established equivalence, and reduction. Translations made by team are better than individual translation as they have more consideration. These findings also indicate that expressive language that showing emotion of characters in the novel dominantly translated by using domestication ideology to anticipate cultural problems.

Keywords: translating expressive utterance, anger, translation technique, cultural aspects

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130 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-175

Implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm in Testing the Level of DNA Similarity North Sulawesi Pig
Olivia Kembuan, RIVCHI HANNI NGOVANGARI, Gladly Caren Rorimpandey

Universitas Negeri Manado


Data is a collection generated from various media used by humans. DNA data is a form of data, which is data in the form of genetic code text to store biological identities and characteristics of living things. This study used DNA to test the similarity level of North Sulawesi pigs. The method used is the Pairwise Sequence Alignment method. With sequences of different DNA lengths, the researcher implemented the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for alignment. Matching is used using the BioPython module, which is in pairwise2. And this study produces a model and proportion of the similarity level of North Sulawesi Pigs that can be used as future references for biological research on molecular biology or for the field of informatics in implementing Needleman-Wunsch algorithm in Python, or references and additional knowledge for research in Bioinformatics.

Keywords: DNA, Needlman-Wunsch Algorithm, Bioinformatics, Pairwise Sequence Alignment, Similarity Level, Sequence Alignment, Python

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131 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-179

Fafurida, Lufiana Nur Atika, Shanty Oktavilia, Phany Ineke Putri

Universitas Negeri Semarang


Tourism sector is one of the leading national sectors that has multiplier effect on other sectors that may encourage the national and regional economic development. Tourist village is used as an alternative strategy in village development. Central Java is one province with a large number of tourist villages. Several areas in Central Java are developing tourist villages, one of which is Jepara Regency that is developing cluster-based tourist villages. Jepara Regency has three clusters of tourist villages with each characteristic and potential. This research aims at formulating a development strategy of tourist village cluster as an effort to increase the length of stay of tourists. It uses a mixed approach using primary data, the determination of research sample using the key-person method with purposive sampling technique. It uses a SWOT analysis technique. The analysis has found that determining the development strategy of tourist village clusters in Jepara Regency as an effort to increase the length of stay of tourists resulted in the Strength-Opportunity (SO) strategy in three clusters of tourist villages. It is implicated in increasing tourist village attractions by utilizing the potential of tourist villages that have not been managed yet- building public facilities and tourism facilities that support tourist villages- optimizing human resources- conducting branding, advertising, and selling through social media, print media, and cooperation with private sectors by holding routine activities, festivals, and tour packages- and maximizing TIC as a tourist information center and DESWARA as a tourist village coordinator in Jepara Regency.

Keywords: strategy, cluster, tourist village, tourism, length of stay

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132 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-186

Group Guidance Using the Gestalt Approach in Reducing Adolescent Aggressive Behavior
Firman Firman,* Zikry Latupasjana Ersya

Universitas Negeri Padang


The high level of student aggressiveness encourages the provision of guidance and counseling services to help overcome these problems, one of which is group guidance services with a gestalt approach. This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of group guidance with the Gestalt approach in reducing student aggressiveness. This study uses a quantitative approach. The method used is a quasi-experimental research design with an unequal control group design. The data was collected using a validated aggressiveness questionnaire. The research sample was senior high school Kartika 1-5 students who had high aggressiveness with purposive sampling technique. The data were then analyzed using Wilcoxon to sign the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Ranking Test and Two Samples. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that aggressiveness can be reduced through group guidance with the Gestalt approach.

Keywords: Aggressiveness, group guidance, Gestalt approaches

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133 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-187

Sulfur Hot Spring Transformation in Tomohon City (Health Tourism Landscape)
Freike Eugene Kawatu (a), Moh. Fachruddin Suharto (a), Muhammad Muhdi Attaufiq (a)

(a) Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Manado State University


Natural hot springs with sulfur has great potential for tourism destination which is already exploited in various places in the world- so is it in Tomohon city, Lahendong. Supported by landscape that has hot springs which flows naturally without the assistance of extra equipment and also contain sulfur that has various benefits for human health, there was some hot springs tourism spot established in Tomohon city. However, the lack of facilities, access, and also the pandemic situation made those hot springs tourism spot experienced a drastic loss of popularity. Since 2021, Tomohon city government are prioritizing the improvement of Lahendong hot springs as tourism destination which is in tune with one of the city missions to made Tomohon become a world class tourism city. Therefore, regeneration and radical transformation of those hot springs are needed. The goal of this research is to explore the process of revamping landscape of the sulfur hot springs in Tomohon city and made the transformation guidelines required. Study about Japanese onsen regeneration became comparative study for this research to understand various methodology and to find principles which can be replicate for the research object. Increasing the value of tourism objects, area preservation, network facilities, and increasing connectivity are the research approach. The results are transformation guidelines and regeneration model of the landscape which is in tune with Japanese onsen^s healing through nature. The transformation design used the original terrain and landscape, thus creating a more distinctive hot spring landscape that is close to the nature. The regeneration model focused on original valuable ecological elements, original natural environment of the site such as springs, famous trees and flowers, to make use as far as possible and seize the characteristics of these element to highlight the landscape characteristic as a health tourism landscape.

Keywords: hot spring, transformation, health tourism

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134 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-189

Acute and Sub-chronic Toxicity Evaluation on Stomach and Liver of Balinese Azadirachta Indica (Neem) Ethanolic Extracts: as a Basis for Covid-19 and Other Diseases Herbal Treatment
Ni Luh Kadek Alit Arsani(a*), I Gede Surya Dinata (b), I Wayan Mudianta (c)

a) Biomedical Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Jl. Udayana No. 11, Buleleng, Bali, 81116, Indonesia.
b) Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Jl. Udayana No. 11, Buleleng, Bali, 81116, Indonesia.
c) Department of Chemistry,F aculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Jl. Udayana No. 11, Buleleng, Bali, 81116, Indonesia.


COVID-19 pandemic forced drug and vaccine research to improvise. Low resources country may be benefited from local herbal therapies mostly through gastrointestinal (GI) route. Neem had been massively investigated for its potential to complement modern medicine in treating various diseases. Different geography of neem tree origin could influence the bioactive constituent of it. Therefore, evaluation on bioactive substance and toxicity on GI system is critical. So far, there were few studies on toxicity of neem ethanolic extract on stomach and liver. This study aimed to evaluate the safety profile and active chemical content of Neem leaves ethanolic extract from Bali origin. Acute and sub chronic oral toxicities conducted in accordance with the guidelines of Indonesian food and drug agency (BPOM RI). Ethanolic extract from neem leaves was made for toxicity study and liquid chromatography. An LC-MS/MS analysis of the crude extract of neem leaves revealed the presence of nimbolide. After oral administration of ethanolic extract of neem leaves in different doses, toxicities and mortality was not observed. The LD50 of ethanolic extract of neem leaves was considered above 5000mg/kgbw. In sub chronic exposure of the neem extract, study found no clinical sign of toxicity. Ethanol extract of neem leaves caused elevation of AST and ALT compared to normal control in dose above 50mg/kgbw and may also cause gastric mucosal erosion in dose above 2000mg/kgbw. The major constituent of ethanolic extract of neem leaves is nimbolide and is relatively safe if given orally

Keywords: Neem- Ethanolic extract- Gastric toxicities- Liver toxicities- Chromatography analysis

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135 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-200

Shelty Sumual- Michella Supit

Universitas Negeri Manado


Families have a major and very important role in shaping students^ interest in determining the steps to be taken. The family is responsible for providing funds for educational needs. The average low income of parents is only enough to pay for daily life such as clothing and food which are basic needs, while it is very difficult to pay for their children^s education to college because their income is not sufficient. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Parents^ Socio-Economic Status on Interest in Continuing Education in Students of Tompaso Baru State High School and secondly to analyze the effect of Parents^ Income on Interest in Continuing Studies in Students of Tompaso Baru State High School, the population in this study was All students of class III (three) who became the population in this study were 134 students. The sample in this study was 100 people. Based on the test results, the influence of X1^s Socio-Economic Status on Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education Y is 0.319. Based on the test results above, the value of t arithmetic = 5.742 > t table = 1.983 so accept H1 and reject H0 then there is a significant influence of Socio-Economic Status on Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education. That is, if the Socio-Economic Status increases, it will be followed by an increase in interest in continuing their education to higher education. Next, based on the test, the influence of X2^s Parents^ Income on Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education Y is 0.427. based on the test results above the value of t arithmetic = 4.419 > t table = 1.983 so Accept H1 and reject H0 then there is a significant influence of Parent^s Income on Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education. That is, if there is an increase in Parents^ Income, the Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education will increase.

Keywords: Socioeconomic Status, Income, Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education

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136 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-203

Crystal imperfection of AZO bulk as sputtering target prepared by mechanical alloying and consolidation: Effect of Al-doping concentration and sintering temperature
Sugianto Sugianto1*, Budi Astuti1, Didik Aryanto2, Putut Marwoto1

1Physics Departement, Faculty of Mathematic and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Gunungpati 50229,Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
2Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences,
Serpong 15314, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia

*e-mail: sugianto[at]mail.unnes.ac.id


ZnO thin film has been studied intensively because of the unique properties such as direct band gap, large excitation binding energy, high electrical conductivity, high optical gain, and high optical transmittance in the visible and infrared region. ZnO thin film is potentially for electronic and optoelectronic devices applications. The electrical and optical properties of ZnO thin film can be improved by doping with Al-elements. Various technique to the deposition of Al-doped ZnO (or AZO) thin films have been reported. Among these techniques, the sputtering has many advantages, such as a relatively high deposition rate, uniform deposition on large area substrates, uniform thickness control, stable chemical composition (homogeneity), higher film density, simple stoichiometry control, and reproducibility. In thin film deposition using sputtering technique, crystallinity of sputtering target is important factor beside the growth parameters and postgrowth conditions.
In this study, AZO bulk as sputtering target prepared by mechanical alloying with variations in Al-element doping (0%, 2%, and 5%) and sintering temperatures (800oC and 900oC). The microstructure and crystal imperfections of AZO bulk were analyzed using XRD characterization. The AZO bulk were found to be form in the polycrystalline structure with preferential orientation along the (100), (002) and (101) directions. From XRD data obtained information about crystal direction, crystalline size, micro-strain, residual stress and dislocation density. The amount of Al-element doping is increased, the crystalline size decreases, but the micro-strain and dislocations are increase. The increase in sintering temperature also affects the crystallinity. AZO sputtering target preparation parameters are very important to produce better crystallinity of AZO thin films growth by sputtering technique.

Keywords: Crystal imperfection , AZO bulk, sputtering target, crystalline size, strain

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137 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-205

Suryanef, Al Rafni, Nurman S

Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Padang


Religion-based education policy models are often a problem when implemented in an area. Different from another city, Padang^s policy of religion-based education became the Superior program for the Mayor. It became one of the determining factors for his election for the next period. This study wants to reconstruct the model of religion-based education policy in the city of Padang to find out how the sustainability strategy of the Mayor of Padang^s Superior program is. This is done considering the many problems surrounding policy implementation. The research method used is a policy research method. Policy research examines policies to produce policy recommendations or construct new policies. The informants were determined purposively, including the Mayor of Padang, the Padang City Government, the People^s Welfare Section, school principals, and religious leaders. The results of the study describe the construction of policies built from field findings, namely from the aspects of (1) political commitment and policy content- (2) resources- and (3) policy network. The factors that influence the implementation of policies are reconstructed through (1) policy formulation factors, (2) implementing personnel factors, and (3) implementing the organizational system. The policy construction that was built by taking into account the various factors that influence it is the right strategy for the sustainability of religion-based education policies in Padang.

Keywords: policy model, education policy, religion, local character, Padang city

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138 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-207

(a*) Nova Christian Mamuaya, (b) Safitri Siregar

a*, b) Faculty of Economic and Business, Manado State University


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of customer satisfaction in mediating the influence of customer relationship marketing on customer loyalty at Bank SulutGo Lolak Bolaang Mongondow Branch Office. The sample of this study was 50 people, the data collection technique used a questionnaire with a Likert scale and path analysis techniques for data analysis. The results show that customer relationship marketing has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, customer relationship marketing has a significant effect on customer loyalty and customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty. The results also show that customer satisfaction mediates the indirect effect of customer relationship marketing on customer loyalty.

Keywords: customer relationship marketing, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, Bank SulutGo

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139 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-208

Development of Hot Springs tourism site in Lehi Village North West Siau District Sitaro Regency



The research was carried out with the aim of analyzing and explaining the development of Hot Springs Tourism Site in Lehi Village, North West Siau District, Sitaro Islands Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach with the research subjects being the Head of Division and Head of the Tourism Promotion and Marketing Section of the Tourism Office, Sitaro Islands Regency as the main data source (key informant), while other informants are determined by snowball sampling. The research instrument is the researcher himself with interview and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique used qualitative analysis according to the interactive model, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results show that the development of hot spring tourism site in Lehi village is integrated with the Sitaro Islands Regency tourism development program in Master Plan for Regency tourism development (RIPPDA) the Sitaro Islands Regency in 2020-2025 which includes tourism industry development, tourism destination development, tourism marketing development, and tourism institutional development. For this reason, coordination and synchronization with all stakeholders are carried out intensively so that synergies occur in the whole process and activity of developing tourism objects

Keywords: development, destination, marketing, RIPPDA, stakeholder, tourism

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140 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-213

Student Learning Creativity Based on Social Life
Hardika Hardika, Dila Umnia Soraya, Tomas Iriyanto, Eny Nur Aisyah

Universitas Negeri Malang


The Creativity is part of a person^s special intelligence that has a strong influence on career and future success. This study aims to reveal the creativity of student learning through social life experiences. The research sample was selected purposively in accordance with the research objectives in the era of the covid-19 epidemic. Data was collected using a closed questionnaire technique distributed through the Google Form Information Technology Application. Data analysis was carried out with descriptive statistics of percentages. The data obtained in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation were analyzed through data reduction/data selection, data display/data title, data verification/data accuracy checking, and data inference/conclusion. Based on the analysis of data from 341 student samples, it was found that (1) there are various psychosocial factors that influence the development and motivation of students to learn by revealing social life experiences, and (2) there is an increase in enthusiasm for analyzing and constructing social life experiences into meaningful learning messages. Recommendations from this study emphasize that for the success of the creative learning process, it is necessary to increase the role of facilitation of lecturers during lectures, especially in terms of providing opportunities for students to explore and self-actualize all their potential, by utilizing the potential of the environment as a source and learning media.

Keywords: Learning Creativity, Students, Social Life

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141 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-222

Developing numeracy skills in arithmetic using a worked example based instruction: a lesson study
Endah Retnowati, Sugiman, Ali Mahmudi, Nila Mareta Murdiyani

Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


When learning arithmetic, students should not only learn about numbers, value, and relations, but also the meaning of these for daily life to obtain numeracy skills. The purpose of the lesson study reported in this paper was to develop a worked example based instruction that is applicable for students to learn numeracy. In this lesson study, there were a group of teachers, lecturers, and prospective teachers involved during planning, implementation, and reflection. The objective of the lesson was to assist students understanding arithmetic operation with negative numbers. It was found that the worked example based instruction could increase student^s ability in using arithmetic operations given in word problems. However, designing the worked examples requires the instructors to understand (1) the main competence to be achieved- (2) the element of interactivity of the content of the to be learned material- (3) the variability of the content, process, and content of problem solving- (4) the sequence of numeracy problems- (5) the classroom instructions. It might be concluded the design of the instruction that satisfies these five principles could facilitate numeracy skills. The lesson study was very useful for teachers understanding how to develop the worked example based instruction.

Keywords: numeracy- worked example- instruction- lesson study

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142 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-223

Categorical Relationships in Noun Phrases Forming Elements in Mongondow Language
Donal Matheos Ratu (a*), Veronika Listi Ferdini Damopolii (b*)

a) Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Manado
Jalan Kampus Unima, Tondano
b) Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Manado
Jalan Kampus Unima, Tondano


This study aims to describe the nominal phrase structure of the Mongondow language in terms of the relationship category of its elements and to describe the structure of the nominal phrase of the Mongondow language in terms of the semantic relationship. This study uses a qualitative method. The data sources of this study were native speakers of the Mongondow language, totaling 5 people. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and recordings. The instruments used were observation sheets, interview questions, and a recording device. Data analysis was carried out descriptively starting from data simplification, data presentation, verification, and conclusion. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the nominal phrases of the Mongondow language are classified into: 1) nominal phrases with nominal delimiters consisting of, 2) nominal phrases with adjective descriptors, 3) nominal phrases with verb delimiters, 4) nominal phrases with numeral descriptors, 5) nominal phrases with adverbial delimiters, 6) nominal phrases with pospositional phrases, 7) coordinating phrases, 8) attributive nominal phrases, and 10) appositive nominal phrases. Mongondow language nominal phrases have the following meanings: 1) the meaning of addition, 2) the meaning of selection, 3) the meaning of similarity, 4) the explanatory meaning, 5) the limiting meaning, 6) the meaning of the pointer, 7) the meaning of the number, and 8) the meaning of designation.

Keywords: structure, nominal phrases, Mongondow

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143 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-224

Smart Class as a Culture Learning Resource in the Tourism Village of Cisaat
Muhammad Zid- Budiaman- Cecep Kustandi

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The Tourism Village Network established by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy in Indonesia is a challenge for the selected villages to become tourist villages. The determination of this tourist village requires the readiness of various parties, namely the community and officials in the village. Thus, the need for cultural learning resources for the community becomes important. This study aims to analyze the need for smart classes as a source of cultural learning in the Cisaat tourist village. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Researchers collected data through participatory observation by observing the habits of the people in Cisaat Village in understanding their culture. In addition, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted to identify the need for smart classes as a source of learning for the culture of the Cisaat community. Thus, the FGD was conducted for 85 minutes with two village officials, two elementary school teachers, two junior high school teachers, two high school teachers, and three members of a tourism awareness group in Cisaat village. This study uses thematic analysis to analyze the data. Data analysis was carried out after data in the field had been collected. The results of this study indicate the condition of cultural learning resources, the condition of facilities and infrastructure as a means of supporting learning resources, and the need for smart classes as learning resources in Cisaat Tourism Village. The implication of this research is to strengthen that to increase the readiness of the community in tourist villages, namely by building smart classes as a source of cultural learning. Thus, the results of this study can be used as a source that supports the development of research based on local resources

Keywords: Smart class, Cultural learning, Learning source, Tourism village

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144 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-225

Johny Manaroinsong (a), Jones X. Pontoh (b)

(a) Universitas Negeri Manado
(b) Universitas Negeri Manado


The study tries to examine the impact of tax aggressiveness on the value of the enterprise. Is information transformation-as a form of information disclosure- can overcome the decline in company value caused by tax aggressiveness. The objects of this study are owners and leaders of trading companies in Langowan selling various products, totaling 62 stores.
The findings obtained: 1). Tax aggressiveness can determine the value of the company, assuming that tax aggressiveness in the form of tax evasion can be said to be a legal act as long as there is adequate supporting evidence, reasonable reporting and does not violate existing regulations. 2) The transparency of financial information carried out will strengthen the relationship between tax aggressiveness and trade companies. The distribution of financial information is also able to build business activities to be more open to the company, weakening competence in carrying out tax avoidance.
The results of this study provide implications that the transparency of financial information applied by trading companies needs to be given high attention by the fig of trading company owners, so that the value of the company will be high as well. Because the distribution of financial information can also reduce tax aggressiveness in the form of tax avoidance and competence in carrying out tax avoidance

Keywords: Information Transparency, Tax Aggressiveness, Value of Companies

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145 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-226

Frida Magda Sumual, Meidy Santje Selvy Kantohe

Manado State University


This study aims to evaluation of implementation of financial accounting standards for micro, small and medium entities in CV. Gratia regarding the suitability of the financial statements from CV. Gratia with financial statement in accordance with SAK EMKM. The object of this research is CV. Gratia is an MSME located in Paslaten, Central Tomohon District, Tomohon City, North Sulawesi. This study used a qualitative method. The data used are primary data, data obtained directly from the CV. Gratia. Secondary data is the data obtained indirectly in the study, namely the financial statements of CV. Gratia. Data collection was obtained by using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The results of this study indicate the financial statements from CV. Gratia is not in accordance with SAK EMKM. Financial statements from CV. Gratia is only in the form of recording cash receipts and disbursements because the lack of knowledge possessed by the accounting and financial staf human resources.

Keywords: SAK EMKM, CV. Gratia, financial statements

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146 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-228

Nursida Arif (a*), Danu Eko Agustinova (b), Kurnia Nur Fitria (c), Suranto (d), Awanis Akalili (d)

a) Department of Geography Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
b) Department of History Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
c) Department of Public Administration, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
d) Department of Communication Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


The Special Region of Yogyakarta is one of the favorite tourist destinations. In the development of tourism, various alternative ways are carried out tourism promotion carried out by the government and tourism activists, one of which is promotion through digital media. The utilization of technology through e-tourism is an effective step in tourism development. In this study, e-tourism was developed in the form of a website that presents tourist destinations that are currently popular. visitors can see descriptions of tourist attractions and attractions that are seeded. Websites built using the Laravel Framework. Laravel was chosen because it is a robust framework that builds regularly in code settings, and can reduce the number of times in building fully functional websites. This more fun and simple website design can be the right promotion alternative by seeing the increasing internet, especially the digital native generation.

Keywords: website, e-tourism, laravel

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147 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-240

Made Kurnia Widiastuti Giri, Putu Arya Nugraha, Komang Hendra Setiawan, I Wayan Muderawan

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


Background: After pandemic, post acute care is being important to maintain wellness in patient with chronic disease.
Diabetes type II (diabetes mellitus) is a degenerative chronic disease whose number of cases is increasing from time to
time. This increase is also in line with the increasing interest of individuals in spiritual healing and this spiritual
healing method is efficient because it can be done independently and with online tutorials. This study aims to prove
the effectiveness of spiritual healing in reducing anxiety levels in diabetes type II patients.
Method: This research including Quasi-experimental research (quasi-experimental). A quasi-experiment is an
experiment that requires treatment but does not use random assignment in creating comparisons to conclude that there
is a change due to treatment. This research in the first year uses quantitative and descriptive qualitative analysis
techniques according to the characteristics of the data needed to describe each research problem.
Results:Based on the results of the study, the pre-test score data of respondents who entered moderate anxiety were
15 people (68.2%) and respondents with mild anxiety were 7 people (31.8%). As for the results of the post-test scores
of respondents who entered mild anxiety 10 people (45.5%) and no anxiety 12 people (54.5%).
Conclusions: Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it was concluded that anxiety is a condition where
our bodies experience feelings of anxiety and restlessness that can arise from the presence of a trigger (stressor).

Keywords: diabetes, yoga, anxietas, spiritual

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148 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-242

Antibacterial Activity of Turpentine (Pinus merkusii) and Sweet Orange (Citrus sinnensis) Essential Oils Combination in Gel Hand Sanitizer on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
Nanik Wijayati1a), Nuh Sapta Nugraha1, Sri Mursiti1, Nur Dina Amalina1, Retno Ariadi Lusiana2

1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia


Hand sanitizer is known as an antiseptic which is applied to the palms for the purpose of removing bacteria. The alcohol contained in hand sanitizers may usually cause skin irritation. Thus, alcohol-free hand sanitizer is safer to use on the palms of the hands. Turpentine (Pinus merkusii) and sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) essential oils have been considered as natural ingredients that are more likely to be used as antiseptics. This research was conducted to analyze the antibacterial activity of the combination of turpentine and sweet orange essential oils in hand sanitizer gel preparations against S.aureus and E.coli bacteria. The methods in the research included distillation of sweet orange essential oil, preparation of hand sanitizer gel and tests of antibacterial activity. Turpentine essential oil was found to have a specific gravity of 0.86 g/mL, while the specific gravity of sweet orange essential oil was amounted to 0.85 g/mL. In the antibacterial activity test, pure oil showed that F4 (1:2) had the highest antibacterial activity against S. aureus bacteria with an inhibition zone of 7.67 mm, and F1 (1:0) had the highest antibacterial activity against E. coli bacteria with an inhibition zone of 12.33 mm. As for the hand sanitizer gel preparation, F3 (2:1) was indicated to have the highest antibacterial activity against S. aureus bacteria with an inhibition zone of 6.67 mm, and F1 (1:0) had the highest antibacterial activity against E. coli bacteria with an inhibition zone of 11 mm. Referring to the test results, pure turpentine and sweet orange essential oils or those that had been used as hand sanitizer gel were found to have antibacterial activity. The results of the physical evaluation showed that all hand sanitizer gel formulas had met the physical quality standards.

Keywords: Hand sanitizer- Sweet orange- Turpentine- essential oil, antibabterial

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149 Optimization Research Based on Local Resources ABS-255

Is Hedging Reliable in Minimizing Corporate Financial Distress around the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Moh Khoiruddin, S. Martono

Management Department, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang


The uncertainty of conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on companies operating in almost all countries. Many companies that rely on foreign exchange in their transactions experience financial difficulties ranging from mild to severe. Companies that carry out international trading activities, especially mining companies, are very potentially exposed to the risk of fluctuations in currency exchange rates which can have a negative impact on cash flows and company value, which will affect the viability of the company. One popular alternative for protecting companies is hedging policies, which allow companies to be protected from changes in foreign exchange rates that are very difficult to predict. The purpose of this study is to find out whether hedging is still able to contribute to reducing the company^s financial difficulties in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. By purposive sampling, 39 mining companies listed data on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017-2020 were obtained, which were then analyzed by multiple regression.
The results showed that hedging had a significant positive effect on the company^s level of financial distress throughout the study period which represented the period before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. This finding shows that the company^s hedging policy can still be relied on in reducing the level of risk of financial distress in chaotic conditions. The results of this study are important for the development of financial management learning materials in the future. Further research can consider the use of other control variables to better explain the effect of hedging policies on corporate financial distress.

Keywords: Corporate fiancial, hedging, international trading, financial distress

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150 Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture ABS-264

Martitah (a*), Slamet Sumarto (b), Ruhadi (c)

a) Universitas Negeri Semarang Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati Semarang
b)Faculty of Law Gedung K Dekanat


This article wants to write about the role of Social Sciences, Humanities and technology in building Indonesian society in the global era through the MBKM by the Minister of Education and Culture. In practice, the development of Indonesian society in facing challenges requires quality human resources. Quality Human Resources can be formed through education that pays attention to hard skills and soft skills, a balance of emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence and spiritual intelligence as well as education based on local wisdom values. The MBKM program launched by the government by the Minister of Education and Culture needs to be harmonized with the basic concepts of education that are in harmony between the provision of soft skills and hard skills. Education also needs to be harmonized between Intelligence Quotient, Social Quotient, Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient and does not abandon the values of wisdom and the role of Social Sciences and Humanities in building Indonesian society in the global era.

Keywords: The Role of Social Sciences Humanities, Soft Skills and Hard Skills, IQ, EQ, SQ, Globalization and Local Wisdom

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