cultural literacy and citizenship in elementary school, case study at SD laboratorium UNG Candra C, Fazila Ayun Abdullah dan Zulaecha Ngiu
universitas negeri gorontalo
The problem statements of this study are 1) how is school-based cultural literacy and citizenship at SD Laboratorium UNG?, 2) how is class-based cultural literacy and citizenship at thematic learning?. This study aims to determine cultural literacy and citizenship at SD Laboratorium UNG. This study uses a qualitative research method whith a case study approach procedures are observation, interviews, and documentation.
This study shows that cultural literacy and citizenship at SD Laboratorium UNG in school-based and classroom-based are running effectively. First, school-based cultural literacy in its implementation is in the form of a school brand-based literacy movement program, namely bilingual, religious, and ICT (BRI) which combines English, Arabic, and gorontalo as a school program so that students can master several lauages. Second, classroom-based cultural literacy and citizenship carried out though the application of thematic learning has been running effectively, this is viewed from aspects of learning media such as lesson plans and syllabus which are linked to literacy and citizenship values, and there is also PPK (strengthening the character education) listed in the learning media. Teachers in the learning process use methods that are adapted to literacy and cultural-based learning materials. This is conducted to foster a seuse of corfrem on cultural literacy and the spirit of nationalism in students from and early.