Preparing Quality Millennial Generation through Anticipating Political Education Al Rafni, dan Suryanef Suryanef
1Faculty of Social Science Universitas Negeri Padang
2Faculty of Social Science Universitas Negeri Padang
The political education, has given so far to the millennial generation, has not showed a new paradigm according to its era and the results have not been optimal. This has implications for their substantive participation in the political environments. For this reason, new ways are needed so that they do not just participate conventionally, but have an obligation to be actively involved in political life. Anticipatory political education is political education capable of making reformative and transformative changes. This article aims to analyze the strategy of preparing quality from millennial in political life through anticipatory political education. With a qualitative research approach, the data obtained from the study of research results, literature/library studies, in-depth interviews and field studies. The findings are presented through analysis, context, input, process, product/output, and outcome (CIPPO) methods. Through this process, strategies are built that can realize anticipatory political education and prepare quality millennial in political life.
Keywords: political education strategy, millennial generation, anticipatory political education.