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211 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-7

Development of Teaching Materials Integrated 21st Skills Role Model for Science Education Students in Develop Learning Tools
Sifak Indana(a), Eko Hariyono (b), Titin Sunarti (c), Arif Hakim (d), Maulidatul Pratiwi (e)

Faculty of math and science, Univeritas Negeri Surabaya, Jl. Komplek Universitas Negeri Surabaya Gedung D1, Jl. Ketintang Selatan Kec. Gayungan, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60231.


The implementation of online lecture activities, of course, uses infrastructure in the form of learning tools that make it easier for students and lecturers which are carried out using information technology. The research objective in general is to produce valid and effective teaching material so that it can assist students in developing learning tools. This study uses the 4D development research method (design, define, develop, and disseminate) which was adapted into 4P. Data validity and effectiveness were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. The validity of the e-module carried out by 2 experts obtained validation results of 94.64 % included in the very valid category. The effectiveness of teaching materials was obtained from the questionnaire responses of 15 students of science education at the State University of Surabaya with 100% results included in the very good category. Based on this research, 21st-century integration teaching materials are a form of role model for science education students in developing learning tools.

Keywords: Teaching materials, 21st Century, Learning Tools, Role Model

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212 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-266

Translation and Interpretation of English Covid-19 Terminologies in Indonesian Context
Rudi Hartono

Universitas Negeri Semarang


The arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought major changes in various aspects of life. One of them is the use of new terms in daily communication. Dozens of new terms related to Covid-19 appear like mushrooms after rain- they appear suddenly along with the emergence of problems and solutions to the symptoms of the pandemic. These terms appear in various communication media that the public quickly uses directly, although sometimes many do not understand their meaning. This misunderstanding is a linguistic problem in this era of the Covid pandemic. In this study, researchers investigated people^s understanding of all English terms related to this pandemic. Based on their translations and interpretations, we conducted a qualitative to reveal their knowledge and understanding of the terms used during this Covid pandemic based on their translations and interpretations. In the translation problem, the researcher analyzed translation techniques used the respondents, while in the interpretation problem, the researcher investigated their opinions and explanations for the terms they understand. In this study, researchers involved 100 respondents and used two closed-ended questionnaires, using SurveyMonkey Application, as research instruments. The first questionnaire contains 10 questions about 10 terms related to Covid-19 in English and Indonesian. In comparison, the second questionnaire has 10 questions about people^s understanding of these terms in the form of various interpretations. Based on this study, 15 respondents translated the term ^Lockdown^ using the literal technique (LT). In contrast, 85 others translated it using the descriptive technique (DT), ^New Normal^^ = 20 used LT, 15 used calque technique (CT), and 65 used DT, ^Isolation^ = 20 used (LT), 30 used the naturalization technique (NT), and 50 used DT, ^Stay at Home^ = 60 used LT and 40 used DT, ^Swab^ = 15 used LT and 85 used DT, ^Masker^ = 45 used LT, 5 used borrowing technique (BT), and 50 used DT, ^Wor

Keywords: Translation, interpretation, Covid-19, English terminologies, Indonesian context

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213 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-267

Rizki Ramadani (a), - Apri Nuryanto (b*)

a) Yogyakarta State University
*) rizkiraramani.2020[at]student.uny.ac.id
b) Yogyakarta State University
*) apri_nuryanto[at]uny.ac.id


The application of limited face-to-face learning (LFFL) is a policy that has been set by the government in the world of education to cope with the spread of the corona virus which until now This cannot be permanently eliminated, the application of LFFL must also be accompanied by the selection of the right learning method so that it can be applied in the LFFL period, one of which is blended learning. Then this study aims to determine whether the application of the blended learning in LFFL has an effect on the learning outcomes of SMK students throughout Sleman. Quantitative research methods and correlational approaches are used to analyze the data in this study. A total of 2209 students from all SMKs in Sleman Regency became the population, but only used 339 students as respondents, based on the results of calculations using the Slovin approach. Data collection in this study used tests, and questionnaires assisted by google instrument prerequisite test form in this study used normality, linearity, and multicollinearity tests. Meanwhile, to test the hypothesis using a simple regression test. The results showed a value (sig. 0.000 <0.05). So it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between blended learning which is applied in the LFFL period to student learning outcomes at SMK throughout Sleman Regency.

Keywords: blended learning, LFFL, learning outcomes.

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214 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-12

Critical thinking skills profile of physics education students in first-year undergraduate programme
Budi Jatmiko, Binar Kurnia Prahani

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


As a prospective physics teacher, students should have critical thinking skills (CTS). This study aims to analyze the CTS profile of first year physics education students. This research method is a survey with a sample of 169 first year physics education students determined by purposive sampling. Data was collected using the Critical Thinking Skills Test Instrument (CTSTI) which consists of four indicators, namely: analysis, evaluation, interpretation, and inference. The data were analyzed descriptively by calculating the mean CTS score. The results showed that in general the CTS profile of students was low, with a mean score of less than 1 (score range 1-4). The mean score: analysis, evaluation, interpretation, and inference were 0.71- 0.35- 0.61 and 0.43, respectively. The implications of this study can be used as empirical evidence that the CTS of first year physics education students still needs to be improved.

Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills, physics education, undergraduate programme

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215 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-271

Nina Witasari, , Moh. Solehatul Mustofa, Muzzaki Bashori, Nawanggi.

Universitas Negeri Semarang


The new life system after the COVID-19 pandemic has become a momentum for change for all levels of the academic community in many educational institutions. Various activities related to the Tridharma of Higher Education are also adapted to situations and conditions that no longer allow interaction without heeding health protocols. Most academics who are already familiar with virtual face-to-face learning also continue to adapt to the hybrid model of teaching and learning activities that combine face-to-face and virtual face-to-face meetings. This is not easy because the biggest challenge is to change the learning mindset while still being humane, professional, and responsible. This research is the result of observations made among academics and the academic community within the Faculty of Social Sciences, Unnes, using a qualitative research model based on observations and respondents^ responses to the questions given. The results obtained from this study indicate that academics in the age range of 25 to 40 years have no difficulty in adjusting to the new normal life order, while those in the age range 41 to 65 face difficulties, especially adjusting to various digital systems implemented. . The research aims to find a formula for dealing with the difficulties faced by senior academics in adapting to changes in the hybrid learning model so that they can remain humanist and responsible academics.

Keywords: Academic, Humanist, Responsible, New Life Order

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216 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-272

Adaptation Strategy for Achievement and Reputation Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Eva Banowati, Nina Witasari, Atno, Swandi Gowasa, Fais Maulana, Supriyati, Maryam

Universitas Negeri Semarang


Analysis of student achievements and reputations during the COVID-19 pandemic gradually recovered in all aspects of their activities. This is evidenced by the increasing enthusiasm of students in representing their potential, talents, and interests. Strategic actions to accommodate these dynamics lead to the need for appropriate adaptive strategies in order to continue to exist within the frame of healthy campus life, and balance between curricular and extra-curricular achievements. Motivating and increasing student enthusiasm in participating in competitions at both national and international levels requires strategies and policies that are right on target and produce a proud track record of achievement as expected. This research was conducted at the Faculty of Social Sciences, UNNES in 2022. Primary data was collected using a google form-based questionnaire, and structured interviews during April - July. Furthermore, it is elaborated with secondary data before covid and the covid period. This data is enriched with information from the Student Council Advisory Lecturer. The data that has been collected through the questionnaire is calculated using the Tally system to describe and compare the trends of each class that appear in the data set. In the 1st Quarter of the 2020 pandemic, it was used as T1 to determine the online reputation achievement coaching model. The T2 is a hybrid achievement model. In T3 2022, there was an increasing trend, in line with success and recovery from the impact of COVID-19 through delegation, and student activities through offline, online, and hybrid systems.

Keywords: covid period, coaching model, achievement, achievement and reputation

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217 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-18

Physical Activity and its Relation to Academic Performance among University Students
Agus Hariyanto, Anindya Maratus Sholikhah, Yetty Septiani Mustar, Bayu Agung Pramono, Shidqi Hamdi Pratama Putera

Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The benefits of physical activity (PA) are widely known. However, the correlation between physical activity and academic performance needs further investigation. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the association between those variables in university students. The data for this cross-sectional study were gathered from a convenience sample of students from Universitas Negeri Surabaya aged between 18 and 22 years. Socio-demographic characteristic (anthropometric, parental factor, health-related behaviour) was obtained using an online self-administered questionnaire. Physical activity levels were self-reported with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and academic performance was assessed using Grade Point Average (GPA) from the last final semester exam. The finding reveals that age (p=0.072, r=0.142), weight (p=0.840, r=-0.026), height (p=0.799, r=0.244), and body mass index (p=0.154, r=-0.251) do not significantly correlate with academic performance measured using GPA. The positive correlation is only found between physical activity and academic performance (p=0.032, r=0.450). Most of students in this study practiced physical activity in moderate level (600 - 3000 METs/min/week) and achieved good academic performance (n=124, 64.6%). Further cross tabulation analysis using Chi Square shows that level of PA associates with academic performance in general (p=0.044). This finding supports the previous literatures with evidence that regular physical activity may relate to academic performance in university students.

Keywords: academic performance, exercise, GPA, health-related behavior, physical activity, university, student

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218 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-21

The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Lecturer Productivity by Functional Position
Amin Pujiati (a*), Dyah Maya Nihayah (a), Arumawan Mei Saputra (a), Nadia Damayanti (b)

(a) Development Economics Department, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Gedung L1 Kampus Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang 50229
(b) Master of Economics, Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.5 Pleburan, Semarang 50241


The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on lecturer productivity based on functional positions. The research case study conducts at the Faculty of Economics, State University of Semarang. Respondents amounted to 129 lecturers who were divided based on functional positions. Collecting data is a questionnaire and analysis tools used Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). The results of the study show that there is a significant difference in the productivity of lecturers who did Work from Office (WFO) and Work from Home (WFH) before and during the Covid-19 pandemic among lecturers who held functional positions as head lectors and teaching staff (not yet have a functional position). Providing motivation, especially for teaching staff related to career paths, must be carried out continuously and sustainably. Planning and mapping human resources according to competencies are essential through lecturer competency training.

Keywords: Productivity, lecturer, training, human resorces, MANOVA

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219 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-30

University Students^ Perception of Academic and Non-academic Service during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Trisakti, Syafi^ul Anam, Ajeng Dianing Kartika

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected education at all levels. Higher education institutions and educators must change their educational activities in response to COVID-19. Consequently, teaching delivery models have had to shift from a traditional classroom to an entirely virtual one. During the virtual period, institutions and educators experienced challenges and difficulties. However, they also had an opportunity to rethink their roles, which triggered innovation and a new learning environment for future education. One hundred and sixteen students in an Indonesian state university participated in this present study aiming to investigating the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic and non-academic services. The data were gained from questionnaires using Google forms. The results indicated that the most effected of academic services variable was lecture process. Meanwhile, the non-academic services variable that most effected were facilities and infrastructure, and second was student activities. The challenges and expectations during the pandemic become the investment in rethinking the institution^s roles in preparing the future education. In other words, many lessons learnt during distance education are useful for higher education institutions to increase familiarity of lecturers, students, and staff with distance education.

Keywords: Institutional responses, pedagogy, post-pandemic, higher education

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220 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-31

Media Applications for Physical Education, Sports and Health in Elementary Schools During the Pandemic Period in Salatiga City
Agus Widodo Suripto, Soegiyanto, Sulaiman, Setya Rahayu

Universitas Negeri Semarang


Study this aim for knowing media applications in the implementation of Physical Education Learning, Sports and Primary School Health during the pandemic in Salatiga City
Method used in study this using Surveys. Data is collected through Google forms. The population in this study was the total number of teachers of physical education, sports and health in elementary schools. Data analysis techniques used a descriptive approach. Percentage
Research results 98.1 % of learning PJOK using online, only 1.9% using blended. 58.5 % of PJOK teachers in To do learning using WA Group , 17% using Google classroom 5, 7% using zoom meeting, 10% using other media .
Conclusion From this research, most of the elementary school health sports physical education teachers use the WA Group media, so the Physical Sports and health education teachers need to use other media that are used in learning to achieve the expected learning goals.

Keywords: Learning Media Physical education, sports, and health, during the pandemic

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221 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-291

Transformation of Green Accounting Implementation Aspects Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Gede Adi Yuniarta, Made Aristia Prayudi, Sunitha Devi, I Putu Arya Dharmayasa

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


The purpose of this research is to determine how the application of green accounting aspects changed before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in manufacturing and mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This is referred to as quantitative research. This study^s population includes all manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, a total of 154 companies, as well as a total of 40 mining companies. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample for this study, which included manufacturing and mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2018 and 2020 periods, companies with annual and sustainability reports for the 2018 and 2020 periods, and companies that consistently disclose social responsibility for the 2018 and 2020 periods. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that: (1) there was a significant difference in environmental performance disclosure before and during the Covid-19 pandemic- (2) there was no significant difference in environmental costs before and during the Covid-19 pandemic- (3) there was a significant difference in environmental disclosure before and during the Covid-19 pandemic- and (4) there is no significant difference in environmentally friendly products before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Disclosure of Environmental Performance, Environmental Costs, Environmental Disclosure, Environmentally Friendly Products, Environmental Activities, Environmental Audit

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222 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-38

Darni- Yuni Lestari- Ubaidillah

1 Universitas Negeri Surabaya
2 Universitas Negeri Surabaya
3 Universitas Negeri Islam Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember


The purpose of this study is to describe the self-development of elementary school teachers after receiving certification. Self-development included research, writing articles, and writing modules. The works produced by the teachers are innovative. The method used in this study is a survey. The population of this study is the teachers of Public Elementary School and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Islamic Elementary School). The sampling technique of this research is purposive random sampling. In this case, the sample was chosen in such a way that it could represent the condition of Public Elementary School and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Islamic Elementary School) in East Java. The respondents are 202 teachers. Data were collected through questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. The results show that the innovative works produced could be development, modification, or new discovery in the field of education or learning. Based on the percentage, there are only 31.19% of teachers who innovate learning, while the remaining 68.81% never do that. If looking at the number of respondents, there are only 63 teachers who innovate learning in the last five years out of a total of 202 respondents.

Keywords: research, books, articles

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223 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-40

Information and Communication Technology-Based Learning Management in Improving Learning Quality Services in the Digital Era
Arifin (a)*, Sulkifly (b), Syarif Ramadhan Yusuf (c)

Jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Jln. Jend Sudirman no 6 Kota Gorontalo



This article examines about management of information and communication technology-based learning in improving the quality of learning services in the Digital Age that aims to for know: (1) Planning of learning based on information and communication technology, (2) Implementation of learning based on information and communication technology, and (3) evaluation of learning based on information and communication technology. Method study this use approach quantitative with type study descriptive explanatory design. Data collection techniques with use technique questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used is technique analysis descriptive with use formulation percentage. Research results show that: (1) Information and communication technology-based learning planning is in category good. Preparation learning with provide facility supporter based technology information with input all device learning in digital platforms. (2) Implementation of information and communication technology-based learning are in category good. Learning process conducted with utilise technology information in use learning methods and strategies (3) Evaluation of information and communication technology-based learning is in category good. Teacher does Evaluation learning with utilise various technology media information in the form of assignments, exams formative and summative for measure achievement results study students. Study results students can also seen in the media information system that has been prepared by the school

Keywords: learning management , information and communication technology.

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224 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-51




Education is actually a basic need for the formation of the ideal personality and character of an individual. The learning process that occurs in the curriculum changes and directs learning to transform from conventional to modern which aims to create an effective, efficient and change-oriented learning situation called education digitalization. Digitization of education takes place so fast and is experienced at all levels of education. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought humans to digital technology which has penetrated in all aspects of life, including education. Learning adjustments in the form of project-based teaching, collaboration, innovation and life skills-oriented.

Keywords: Digitization of education, education in Indonesia.

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225 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-319

Self-Confidence Profile of Senior High School Students in Physics Learning
Binar Kurnia Prahani, Muhammad Sholeh, Muhammad Farid Ilhamudin

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


As a great student in Society 5.0, students should have self-confidence (SE). This research aims to analyze the SE profile of senior high school students in physics learning. This research method is a survey with a sample of 110 senior high school students in physics learning determined by purposive sampling. Data was collected using the Self-Confidence Questioner Instrument (SCQI). The data were analyzed descriptively by calculating the mean SE score. The results showed that in general the SE profile of students was low, with a mean score of less than 0.25 (score range 0.10 - 1.00). The implications of this research can be used as empirical evidence that the SE of senior high school students in physics learning still needs to be improved.

Keywords: Education, Physics Learning, Self Confidence, Senior High School

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226 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-69

Strategi Metakognitif dalam Merdeka Belajar
Gamar Abdullah

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


The success of students in the learning process is influenced by their own ability to process their thinking processes. The skills to organize and educate oneself in an activity or learning activity are included in metacognitive strategies. Metacognition refers to the ability of learners to plan, monitor, and a learning process. Through metacognition or metacognition, students are able to become independent learners, foster an honest attitude and dare to make mistakes and will significantly improve learning outcomes. The development of metacognitive skills in students, supports students to develop as independent learners. The application of students^ metacognitive abilities in learning has been confirmed through the concept of Free Learning Education. This concept is a response to the needs of the education system in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Freedom to learn is an independence that is determined by the teacher. In addition, 21st century learning focuses on student centers with the aim of providing students with thinking skills including: (1) critical thinking, (2) problem solving, (3) metacognition, (4) communicating, (5) collaborating, (6) innovation and creativity, and (7) literacy.

Keywords: metacognition, strategy, independent, learning

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227 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-327

Study of Behavioral Adaptation Against Changes to the Layout of the Office Workspace at Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Moh. Fachruddin Suharto, M. Muhdi Attaufiq, Freike Eugene Kawatu, Zuldesmi

Faculty of Engineering, Manado State University


The Covid 19 pandemic has caused many changes in the pattern of human life, one of which is changing the way we work and how we define the ^workplace^ which has been synonymous with the office. As a result of this phenomenon, there is an adaptation of user behavior (office employees) to changes in the layout of the workspaces in their offices. This research provides an overview of the adaptation to changes in the layout of the workspace and changes in employee behavior in their workplace during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The adaptation applied is the adaptation to new habits as a realization of the implementation of health protocols that have been set by the government. In this study, employees^ perceptions will be measured based on physiological factors in the form of sources of information they get to implement the adaptation to new habits and how this encourages them to implement health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is a qualitative description which is then quantified to determine the tendency of office employees to adjust to changes in the layout of the office workspace. In addition, it also seeks to understand, examine and interpret the meaning of an adaptation event and changes in human behavior to changes in the layout of the workspace in the Covid-19 pandemic situation according to the researcher^s own perspective. The results of this study revealed that in the adaptation process, there were changes due to essential needs related to health protocol procedures in the office as well as space requirements that were adapted to their functions.

Keywords: adaptation to new habits, layout change, office workspace, covid-19

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228 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-329

Development ff Environmental Theme-Based Educational Games for Mathematics Development in Kindergarten City of Padang City
Rakimahwati (a*), Syahrul Ismet (b), Satria Aditama (c), Huda Mardotillah (d)

a) Universitas Negeri Padang
Jalan Prof. Hamka Padang-Indonesia
b) Universitas Negeri Padang
Jalan Prof. Hamka Padang-Indonesia
c)Universitas Negeri Padang
Jalan Prof. Hamka Padang-Indonesia


This research is motivated by the use of mathematics learning media that are not in accordance with the stages of child development and the use of manual media in the form of blackboard media, number cards, rocks and improvised media. So that learning mathematics becomes monotonous and boring for children. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fun learning media for mathematics in Kindergarten. The rapid development of technology has an influence in all aspects of life, including in the world of education. His presence becomes a positive value for life, especially for early childhood education. Every innovation is created to provide benefits for human life. The purpose of this study was to develop an environmental theme-based Maze Educational Game product for Mathematics Development in Kindergarten. This product is developed in accordance with the stages of child development in the mathematics process based on themes and sub- themes as well as indicators implemented according to the 2013 PAUD curriculum. This study uses research and development methods from ADDIE 5 steps Maze Educational Game based on environmental themes for Mathematics Development in Kindergarten are Analysis , Design , Development , Implementation , Evaluation . with data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The development of environmental theme-based maze educational games can be developed properly according to the needs and stages of development. The trial was conducted to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the Maze Educational Game product based on environmental themes. The Maze Educational Game based on environmental themes has been validated and declared valid with average results that are included in the very feasible category. Furthermore, practicality and effectiveness with an average score of 97% practicality and 93% effectiveness. The results of this study indicate that the Maze Educational Game based on e

Keywords: Maze educational game- environmental theme- math development

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229 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-74

Description and Analysis of the Competence and Performance of Mathematics Teachers during the COVID 19 Pandemic: A Study Conducted in Gorontalo City
Sarson W. J. Pomalato

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning has become the main alternative to the learning system taken by schools. The implementation of the online system certainly affects teachers^ performance as the frontline in the success of a learning process. In this case, at least the teacher^s performance has been directly or indirectly influenced by the learning system that is being carried out. This study aimed to describe and analyze the performance of teachers^ competencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study relied on a quantitative descriptive method, and the data were taken from the results of a questionnaire distributed to 89 teachers. The research instrument used questionnaires and interviews, which had previously been tested for validity and reliability. Furthermore, the results of the questionnaires were analyzed based on theories related to teacher performance and theories related to teacher competency development. The result showed that the teachers^ performances with the online learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic were varied and greatly influenced by the competence of the previous teacher. Based on these results, it could be concluded that teachers with high competence had higher performance than teachers with low competence in online learning. Likewise, there was an interaction between the ability of teacher competence and teacher performance in online mathematics learning. Further, the average performance of mathematics teachers in online learning was lower than the performance of teachers who use ordinary learning

Keywords: Competence, Performance, Mathematics Teacher, COVID-19 pandemic

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230 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-76

Problem-Based Learning: An Ideal Model for Enhance Students^ Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education
Soeryanto (a*), Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan (a), Sudirman Rizki Ariyanto (b), and Muhammad Yandi Pratama (c)

a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
b) Automotive Technology Vocational Education, Universitas Bhinneka PGRI, Tulungagung, Indonesia
c) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the effect of online problem-based learning (OPBL) on students^ critical thinking skills. This research is a quasi-experimental research with a sample of 59 students who are taking research methodology courses. There are two classes used as research subjects: the experimental class is 28 students, and the control class is 31 students. The data analysis method used two-way ANOVA. The results of this study indicate that (1) students who learn to use OPBL in the research methodology course have higher critical thinking skills than students who learn to use SyLearn- (2) students with high initial abilities have higher critical thinking skills than those with low initial abilities- and (3) there is an interaction between learning media and the initial ability of students^ critical thinking skills.

Keywords: online problem-based learning, vocational education, critical thinking skills, higher education

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231 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-85

The Design of Future Business Education: Post-Pandemic Challenges and Opportunities
Harti Harti

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has posed profound challenges to higher education^s ability to adapt to rapid and considerable changes. This paper aims to investigate the opportunities and challenges that this new situation post-pandemic brings to society, particularly the field of business education- and the business learning strategies relevant to the current and future business culture. Moreover, the outbreak acted as a wake-up call, possibly propelling previously conservative business schools toward more sustainable, innovative, and critical thinking, also socially aware. A quantitative descriptive approach is proposed to analyze and discover business learning strategies relevant to present and future business contexts, implementation of digital business, business challenges, and business education opportunities. The author argues that after the pandemic, it will be more relevant if lectures for business learning are delivered in a hybrid manner. The finding shows that in the future, practice is preferred to take precedence over theory in the implementation of both conventional and digital business learning. Digital applications mastery, and wisdom in the use of digital technology is also found to be very important for both the present and future. Additionally, business education is still relevant today and in the future to both generate and get absorbed in employment. The study suggests that universities need to adopt a more flexible approach to teaching business students how to handle uncertain futures in order to prepare them for the rapid social and economic changes brought on by the unprecedented global Covid-19 crisis.

Keywords: Business Education, Learning Strategies, Higher Education, Post-Covid-19 Pandemic

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232 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-88

The Role Of Using Virtual Reality In Learning In An Educational Environment
Mohammad Faruk (a,b*), I Made Sri Undy M(a), Imam Syafi^i (a), Mukhidin(b), Dadang Sukirman(b), Mohammad Ali(b), Norlidah Alias(c)

a) Sports Coaching Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
kampus lidah wetan, lakarsantri Surabaya 60231, Indonesia
b) Doctor of Curriculum Development, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154
Jawa Barat - Indonesia
c) Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
50603, Jln Profesor Diraja Ungku Aziz, Seksyen 13, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur


This study aims to examine the literature on the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in education. The author discusses articles published in the last 10 years that discuss the use of Virtual Reality as a learning medium at all levels of education. A total of 50 articles were analyzed comprehensively. The results of the study show that there are various types of research methods and various levels of education ranging from pre-school (early childhood), elementary, junior high, junior high, high school, vocational school, course/training institutions and universities as well as education for children with special needs (disabled). The research designs found also varied such as experiment, analysis, mixed methods, classroom action research, survey, and development research. Based on the research findings, Virtual reality has a prominent role, namely to improve students^ ability to think, understand, respond, motivate, and improve learning outcomes in an educational environment. Research is mostly carried out at the secondary school and tertiary level, a little is given at the early childhood level. Thus, this article recommends that it be followed up by conducting research in early childhood to see the extent of the responses from students so that complete knowledge is obtained about the virtual reality phenomenon in its application in the educational environment

Keywords: virtual reality- learning- educational environment

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233 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-351

Validity of Guided Discovery Learning-Based Content Learning System to Improve Learning Outcomes in Acid-Base Materials
Marla Ma^firah, Rahadian Zainul

Universitas Negeri Padang, Jalan Prof Dr Hamka Kampus Air Tawar Padang Sumatera Barat, Indonesia, 25131


This study aims to develop a learning media in the form of a content learning system based on guided discovery learning on acid-base material in order to overcome problems in se learning to improve the learning outcomes of 11th-grade Senior High School students. The research method used is Research & Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model. The data used has been obtained through questionnaires and validation sheets. This content learning system has been validated by 3 chemistry education lecturers at Padang State University and 3 high school chemistry teachers. The validation data is then analyzed using the Aiken V formula. Based on the data analysis that has been carried out, it was found that the content learning system developed had high validity with a kappa value of 0.85. From the results of this validity, it can be argued that the content learning system that was developed is valid and can be continued to the practicality test for the purpose to be implemented in learning acid-base.

Keywords: Content learning system, guided discovery, acid-base, Aiken V

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234 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-354

Guidance and Counseling Referral System Initiative
Miftakhul Jannah, Umi Anugerah Izzati, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Himawan Wismanadi

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study aims to examine the development of a referral system for optimizing the services of the Character Development Center and Counseling Guidance and Psychology Service Center. This type of research uses research and development methods using a descriptive procedural model. Participants in this study were the head or secretary of the service center or task force in Unesa who had similar or almost similar services to having a program with the Center for Character Development and Counseling Guidance and the Center for Psychological Services. Data analysis in the form of observation, documentation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were collected directly. The results show that the Guidance and Counseling referral system initiative is a psychological consultation program system at the UNESA LP3 Psychology Service Center which is carried out by providing an initial oral and written assessment, which will then be evaluated to find out whether the client needs a referral to another center or not. With this referral system initiative, it will facilitate coordination between clients and the psychology service center team with other central teams in LP3 UNESA.

Keywords: Development, Systems, Optimization, Services, Character, Guidance and Counseling, Psychology

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235 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-355

Online Consulting Service System Design
Umi Izzati,Miftahul Jannah, Bachtiar Sayiful Bachri, Himawan Wismanadi

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


In everyday life, every individual has experienced problems. The increasing variety of problems in daily life makes every individual need consulting service with the psychologist profession. However, not all individuals who need consulting services are willing to get face-to-face services. In this regard, the design of an online consulting service system is made that can make individuals do online consultations wherever they are. This study aims to design an online consulting service system in order to make it easier for the public to get consulting services widely. The method used is Research and Development. The model used is a prototype and data is collected through observation, interviews and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the design of an online consulting service system can be arranged.

Keywords: Planning, System, Service, Online Consultation

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236 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-101

Optimizing the Digital Education Technology in Learning Management System Design during and post Covid-19 Pandemic in Society 5.0
Kenap Audy Aldrin(a*), Kembuan Djubir Ruslan Eddy (b), Usoh Elni Jeini (c), Fanny Henry Tondo (d), Rusman Nurjaman(e)

a,b) Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Manado
Jl. Kampus Unima, Tonsaru, Kec. Tondano Sel., Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara 95618, Indonesia
* gagaken[at]gmail.com
c) Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni/Pascasarjana Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan
d,e) Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional


The use of digital devices has increased since the global pandemic was officially declared by the world health agency on March 11, 2020. The increase in the use of digital devices is marked by an increase in internet use by up to 40% where virtual services and activities are urgently needed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The community^s economic is also affected by the pandemic, but on the other hand all needs must be fulfill including the use of digital devices, smartphones which have become ubiquitios in the current digital era. Basic knowledge of the use of digital devices is needed to maximize the use of digital devices in daily use. Digital devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, personal computers became ubiqutos in a short time which also became part of the technology driven force. In this case, the society 5.0 define that human and technolgy will live side by side to improve the human life quality on sustainable based. The specifications of the processor, memory, input and output devices, data transmission technology in terms of hardware, software updates used need to be understood including developments and updates that needed, so all digital activities can run well. This digital interaction occurs in almost all human life activities, include the essensial sector like education, health, work, business, banking, shopping and many more.To fulfill the need for using digital devices in the pandemic era, analyzes the needs and specifications for usage requirements, including interactions the using of icon on digital devices. The optimization use of digital device could give many advantages to community, especially in education as one of priority target. During and post covid-19 pandemic, education could be one of the best way to recover the community health and prepare entering the new normal which many field dominated by digitalization.

Keywords: ubiquitos, digital native, computional thinking,sst, digitalization

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237 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-102

Health Education on Clean and Healthy Lifestyle During the Covid 19 Pandemic For Class 5 Students In Pekalongan City
Sofwan Indarjo1*, Agus Suwandono2, Sulistiyani2, dan Zahroh Shaluhiyah2

1DKM universitas Diponegoro, 2Universitas Diponegoro


School-age children are a group at risk for health problems. The period of school-age children is the starting point for the formation of healthy behavior so that it becomes a strategic target for health education. This research is motivated by the massive PHBS Movement carried out by schools in the city of Pekalongan to their students since the COVID-19 outbreak on December 19, 2020. The COVID-19 virus, which can be transmitted from person to person, can even attack anyone regardless of age. For School-Age Children as an Effort to Prevent Covid 19 A clean and healthy lifestyle is the best solution as an early anticipation of the transmission of the virus to children. This study aims to find out how the implementation of PHBS in children as an effort to prevent COVID 19 early. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study of state elementary school children were 180 students in the city of Pekalongan. the percentage of respondents^ adherence to preventive behavior against covid 19 in the 1st week ranged from 58.40 to 74.44 with the lowest percentage value of compliance being the subcategory of consumption of balanced nutritious food and the highest percentage value of compliance being the subcategory of wearing masks. Meanwhile, at week 3, the compliance score ranged from 58.40 (ideal MHM subcategory) to 76.76 (mask wearing subcategory). At week 6, the range of compliance scores ranged from 48.89 (ideal MHM subcategory) to 77.41 (mask wearing subcategory).

Keywords: PHBS, Students, Covid-19, masks, compliance

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238 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-367

E-Comic Berbasis Android: Solusi Adaptif Menumbuhkan Kecakapan Hidup Siswa dalam Penegakan Protokol Kesehatan Pasca Covid-19
1) Muhammad Rais, 2) Farida Aryani, 3) Hartoto

Universitas Negeri Makassar


After the Covid-19 pandemic passed, the entire system and culture of life, especially in the learning sector in schools, changed. Changes are not only in systems and learning modes that combine blended learning, but changes are also seen in students^ habits of using equipment to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The equipment in question includes the use of hand sanitizers, hand washing, and the use of masks. Currently, life in various sectors including education has entered the post-covid-19 endemic. Today^s challenge is how to ensure that every child in the school can consistently cultivate a caring attitude and be aware of being accustomed to a clean living culture, washing hands, using masks, and using hand sanitizers. Elementary school students, as a group that can be infected with the virus en masse, are given an integrated and systematic understanding of using information media.
One of the information media that students are familiar with is comics. Comics are media literacy combined between text and images that contain certain messages that allow messages to be received quickly so that messages are received effectively. Comics increase students^ reading interest, especially if comics are designed in digital form. This research develops and integrates digital comics (e-comic) for students which is loaded in the Android version. The use of comics media that is closer to students^ daily lives has become deeper in instilling concepts, understanding and positive habits in elementary school students to be able to live peacefully together with covid-19. The growing habit of students to consciously use masks, wash hands, maintain distance and other health protocols at school obtained through reading e-comic shows an increase in the level of life skills of students in the context of preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Keywords: E-Comic, Android, Life Skill, COVID-19

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239 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-113

Development of Artificial Intelligence-Based Learning Media at SMK Negeri 1 Gorontalo in Basic Computer and Network Subjects
Sitti Suhada, Rochmat Mohammad Thohir Yassin, Bagus Prihadi Putra

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


In the transition period after the COVID-19 pandemic, several fields have to change their habits or ways of working, one of which is the education sector. SMK Negeri 1 Gorontalo, during the COVID-19 pandemic as they are currently implementing Learning From Home or online learning, at SMK Negeri 1 Gorontalo itself uses Microsoft Teams and or Whats App to carry out online teaching and learning activities. However, based on the results of observations and brief interviews conducted with educators at SMK Negeri 1 Gorontalo, it was found that students tended not to pay more attention to Computer and Basic Networking lessons, and some students were late or did not enter at all. This study aims to produce an Artificial Intelligence-based learning media which will then be integrated with a specially made web site to be a place to upload material on Computer and Basic Networking subjects. The research method is Research and Development (R&D) with the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) development model. The results of the research through feasibility testing which has a feasibility validity level according to the assessment by material experts obtained an average feasibility percentage of 75% with the ^Eligible^ category. And the results of the student response assessment using the SUS measurement which then get a total percentage of 82.5% in the Excellent or Grade A category. Thus, AI-based learning media in the introduction of computer hardware devices is declared suitable for use in teaching and learning activities in class X TKJ 2 SMK Negeri 1 Gorontalo.

Keywords: Instructional Media- AI- basic computers and networks- research and development (R&D) Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) model

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240 The Future of Education Post Covid-19 ABS-114

Implementation of EoREA^s Model for Child Independence Development: A Study at Preschool Institutions in The Post-Covid-19
Nelva Rolina

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the Ergonomic of Reggio Emilia Approach (EoREA)^s Model in developing the child independence in the post-covid-19 era. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Sources of data used in this study are informants (teachers and principals), places/ events (preschool institutions), and documents/ archives (results of child development assessment). Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documents/ archives. The informant retrieval technique used was purposive random sampling. For the validity of the data using source triangulation and method triangulation. The data analysis technique uses an interactive analysis model. Based on the results of the study, it was found that not all preschool institutions in the Bantul DI.Yogyakarta (Indonesia) implemented EoREA^s model in the development of child independence in the post-covid-19 era. Although the learning models used are varied, there are three learning models commonly used in preschool institutions in the Bantul DI.Yogyakarta (Indonesia) province in the post-covid-19 era, namely the learning model with ^area^ settings, the learning model with ^corner^ settings, and the Beyond Center and Circle Time (BCCT). The three learning models implemented did not pay attention to ergonomics as in the Reggio Emilia approach with its atelierista. The development of independence has not utilized ergonomics so that it is not optimal, especially by using the Reggio Emilia Approach. Looking at the results of assessments of child development in preschool institutions and interviews with teachers and principals, it was found that the child independence was not in accordance with the goals to be achieved (not as expected). Thus, it can be concluded that further research needs to be carried out to determine the application of the EoREA^s model which develops child independence.

Keywords: EoREA Model, Child Independent Development, Preschool Institutions

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