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1 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-256

Promoting Self-regulated Learning among English Teachers Participating in the Inservice Teacher Development Program

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Self-regulated learning is an important ability of learners to regulate their thoughts and actions to achieve personal goals and to respond to an environmental demand. It is considered necessary and essential capacities for learners to be able to arive at their predermined levels of achievement. This research aims at reporting efforts of the researcher to help promote regulatory processes among groups of participants in the inservice teacher professional development program (PPG Dalam Jabatan). It tries to answer the question of how a particular model of regulated learning can boost the SRL among the participants. Data were collected through a prompted focus group discussion as an activity in the program. Discussion was prompted following a modified model of self-regulated learning model with stages of seeking for an ideal self, real self, identifying personal gaps, and preparing a learning agenda. Findings in the forms participants responses reveal that prior to the discussion the awareness of the participants was low. Very few of the participants reported that their learning is governed by their ability to look at their ideal self and the real self. They also reported that they rarely set up learning agendas based on the gap between the two selves. Iun addition, findings also reveal that analysing such gaps in the selves help the participants to be able to set appropriate leaning agendas that suit with their personal charavcteristics.

Keywords: self-regulated learning, autonomous learners

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2 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-1

Implications Of MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) On Teacher And Non-Teacher Program
Mochamad Nursalim

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This article aims to describe the implementation of MBKM, including supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and identification of solutions for implementing MBKM for implementing teacher and non-teacher education. Based on the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that 1) In FIP Unesa, the MBKM program has been implemented in both the teacher education study program and the non-teacher education study program. 2) Obstacles in the implementation of MBKM include the large number of students making it difficult to manage, the number of lecturers is inadequate to assist students, the tendency/desire of study programs/lecturers to maintain scientific essence courses is still quite high, support for academic services is not yet steady, 3) several factors Supporters include, so far there have been activities carried out at FIP which turned out to be part of MBKM activities including internships/work practices, teaching in schools, Community Service Programs/projects in villages, entrepreneurship, and humanitarian projects. 4) several strategies to find a solution are to form a particular institution that handles MBKM, review the curriculum for teacher and non-teacher education on an ongoing basis, prepare staff, prepare to fund, and prepare ICT/digital facilities.

Keywords: implementation. MBKM. teacher program- non-teacher- FIP Unesa.

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3 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-259

Development of Student Worksheets Based on Problem Based Learning on Buffer Solution Materials Based on the 2013 revised 2018 Curriculum
Mawardi Mawardi, Putri Fatimah, Okta Suryani, Irfan Ananda Ismail

Departmen Kimia FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang Jalan Prof. Dr. HAMKA Air Tawar Padang 25131, Indonesia.


Abstract: This research aims to produce a product in the form of a Worksheets on Buffer and to find out how the validity and practicality categories of the worksheets produced. Thisis Research and Development study that aims to produce a particular product. The researchuses the Plomp model which consist of three stages, preliminary research, prototyping stage and assessment phase.The Instrument to bevalidity test in the formavalidation sheet and practicality test in the form a practicality sheet. This product is validated by 5 validators consisting of 3 lecturers of chemistry majors at FMIPA UNP and 2 teachers from SMA N 8 Padang. The result of the validation obtained the moment kappa value (k) of 0,901. In the small group test, the worksheets has an average practicality value of 0,87 with a very high category. As for the questionnaire responses of students in the field test has a high practicality category with a kappa moment value of 0,79. So, that from the value it can be said that the worksheets produced is very valid and very practical.

Keywords: Problem based learning, Worksheet, Buffer, Plomp model

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4 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-6

The Applied of Employability Skills: Feasibility Test of The Arduino Uno-Based Railway Trainer For Microcontroller Learning In Vocational High Schools
Edy Sulistiyo1, Vandi Akhmad Royan1, Setya Chendra Wibawa2

1S1 Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, University Negeri Surabaya


The 21st century is momentum for free learning through the government^s program for free learning. This is a special concern for researchers to develop trainers that enable students to study anywhere with anyone and at any time according to employability skills. This study aims to test the feasibility of the railroad cross trainer that has been made. Manufacturers use the ADDIE method (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). In contrast, the feasibility test uses student responses at school with a shot case study research design. The results showed that the Trainer^s feasibility level was 90.17%, so it was categorized as very suitable to be used as a trainer that could be used freely at school or at home as a learning medium. The results of student responses obtained from student response questionnaires obtained an average percentage of 93.51%. The students^ learning outcomes seen from the One sample test obtained a T count value of 6.677. Thus the result of Tcount = 6.677 > Ttable = 2.045. This shows that the value of student learning outcomes is above the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM), which is 75. In addition, it can also be stated that student learning outcomes after using the Trainer have a very significant difference.

Keywords: crossbar, employability skills, microcontroller

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5 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-14

Teacher Readiness: A Bibliometric Study
Albrian Fiky Prakoso

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


In the post-covid-19 era, learning is still not as optimal as it was before the pandemic. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence teacher readiness in teaching before, during, and after the pandemic. The current study tries to describe what factors make teachers ready to teach through bibliometric analysis with the help of VosViewer. A total of 216 articles published in 2016 to 2022 sourced from the Scopus database, which is the data source for this research. This study finds a novelty of research on teacher readiness that can be used as a basis for future research.

Keywords: Teacher Readiness- Bibliometric

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6 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-16

Looking into the Role of Dynamic Assessment in English Grammar Mastery of Indonesian EFL Learners
Syafi^ul Anam 1,* Suvi Akhiriyah2, Henny Dwi Iswati3

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Dynamic Assessment (DA) is known as an alternative assessment through which learners are helped to enhance performance beyond their current ability. Although the concept of DA has been widely introduced by experts, the it is still rarely put in practice by many educators, in particular, in the Indonesia context. The present study aims to investigate the implementation of DA approach in intermediate grammar class. To this end, eighty-five Indonesian EFL university students who took Functional Grammar Course from the English Education study program participated in this study. The participants belonged to experiment and control groups with each consisting of 42 and 43 students respectively. The data were collected through pretest and posttest. The findings revealed that DA had an impact on the students^ grammar mastery, as suggested by the significant increase of post-test scores compared to pre-test ones among the experiment class and by the significant difference between the post test scores of the experimental and control classes, in favour of the experimental one. Accordingly, the findings highlighted the need for language teachers^ attention to DA as an alternative to other assessment methods.

Keywords: dynamic assessment, grammar mastery, EFL classroom

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7 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-17

Burnout and Dropout of Adolescents Badminton Athletes: Psychology Analysis
Analysis Donny Wira Yudha Kusuma1, * Isnan Rahmat Wiyata2, Fajar Awang Irawan3

1 Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang 1
2 Sport Education, Post Graduated Universitas Negeri Semarang 2
3 Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang 3


Bunout in athletes is a situation where athletes experience fatigue in terms of physical and psychic. While dropout in athletes is a situation where athletes choose to stop practicing badminton achievement. Both burnout and dropout phenomena in athletes often occur in athletes entering adolescence. In adolescence athletes are more unstable in terms of psychic because it is a period of transition from child to adulthood. In this study using mix-methods research design, with convergent or concurrent approach. Subjects in the study were badminton athletes, athletes who chose dropouts in their teens, athlete parents, coaches, and other supporting documents. Data collection in research uses questionnaires, interviews, documentation, and observations. From the research conducted, the following results were obtained- (1) Burnout: Lack of training variety, early specialization, intense training that is not fast with adolescent athlete readiness, stress, and psychic instability in adolescent athletes. Dropouts: Focused on education, difficulty in managing time, switching sports, burnout, specialization too soon, too much pressure, negative image of athletes, and environmental influences- (2) the psychological characteristics of athletes who experience burnout are very high motivation, high category self- confidence, moderate control anxiety category, high category mental preparation, the importance of the team in the medium category, and concentration in the medium category. Meanwhile, the athletes who chose to drop out were very low motivation, very low concentration, medium category self-confidence, the importance of the team in the medium category, anxiety control in the low category, and mental preparation in the low category- (3) solutions and strategies that can be applied are support and assistance from parents of athletes and coaches, improvement of psychological skills for coaches, comfortable and supportive environment for athletes, and support from government

Keywords: Burnout, Dropout, Badminton, Adolescents.

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8 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-19

Utilizing Computational Technology in Semantic Field Construction: Alternative in Teaching New Vocabulary
Ermanto- Havid Ardi- Novia Juita

Universitas Negeri Padang


During the Covid-19 pandemic, new terms and meanings flooded into the Indonesian vernacular. Some of these new lexemes are borrowed English words and some are translated into Indonesian vocabulary. The purpose of this study was to propose the use of technology (computational) to construct the semantic field of the new vocabulary for Indonesian language learners. Current study used 17 web-published news and web-based health care application as source of text about Covid-19 to generate a word-list related to COVID-19 pandemic to construct semantic field of Covid-19 lexemes in Indonesian context. The analysis was conducted by using AntConc (version 3.5.9) application to analyse the appearances of the new lexemes in the corpus. The analysis found 96 pandemic-related terms in 473 corpus files dated from December 2019 to February 2022. The results demonstrate that there are five semantic subfields classified as entities, causes, cure, and individual and societal anticipation. The entities subfield has the greatest number of related terms found in the corpus. These findings indicate that technology might be used to build students understanding about new vocabulary in L1 language.

Keywords: corpus, covid-19 related term, semantic field, teaching vocabulary, technology for language learning.

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9 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-275

Description of Bullying Behavior of High School Students in Bone Bolango District
Tuti Wantu

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


This type of research is a quantitative description, which is carried out in senior high schools in Bone Bolango District, especially in class X1 which consists of 83 students. The population is 829 students, the research sample is 10% of the total population or 83 students who are used as data sources in the study. The data collection technique used in this study was a questionnaire, a form of data analysis using percentage analysis. The results showed that the first student^s highest anxiety was social bullying with a percentage of 65.20%. The second highest indicator of cyberbullying is with a percentage of 60.76%. The third highest indicator of physical bullying is 46.99%. The fourth highest indicator of verbal bullying is 43.13%. So based on the results of calculations carried out by analyzing the average percentage of bullying behavior of high school students in Bone Bolango District, it was 54.02%, or a sufficient category that needed further handling.

Keywords: High School Students- Student Bullying

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10 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-20

Haris Supratno, Darni, Resdianto Permata Raharjo

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Indonesian and Malaysian literary novels contain many religious values that can be used as media for moral education for the community, especially the millennial generation whose attitudes, behavior, and speech are currently irrelevant with religious values and morals. So that, their attitudes and behavior are mostly breaking the ethics, morals and religious values. Furthermore, their behaviour is no longer obey the cultural values of Indonesian nation, which is well-known as a nation that is polite, friendly, humble, respectful, and full of tolerance, so that they can live side by side, safely and peacefully. In Indonesian and Malaysian literary novels, there are many fictional characters whose attitudes, behavior, and speech can be used as role model or uswatun hasanah for the Indonesian people in general, and particularly for the millennial generation. So that, they can live in society, nation, state, and religion in a safe and peaceful manner that is based on good morals, such as honesty, helping each other, being kind to everyone, and putting others before oneself. If these religious values have been internalized in people^s daily lives, it will be able to strengthen local culture, both in Indonesia and in Malaysia.

Keywords: values internalization, religion, moral education, society, and local culture

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11 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-25

The Effect of Hanging Ball Training Method to Improve Kedeng Smash Skill of Sepak takraw Athletes in Panca Event Games
Tri Aji (a*), Dewangga Yudhistira (b)

Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang
sekaran Gunungpati, Semarang


Improving technical and physical ability is one of the sepak takraw exercises. Hanging ball media is a simple method that can be used. The study aimed to put the hanging ball training method to the test to improve the skills of sepak takraw athletes in the Panca Event game to smash kedeng. An experiment with field testing and a one-group pretest-posttest design was employed as the research method. Sepak takraw athletes totaling 15 athletes were the research subjects. Data were gathered through observation and tests. The data were analyzed descriptively using paired sample t-test with the help of SPSS version 23. The research instrument was a test of smash skill. According to the research findings, the pretest average value was 1.83, the posttest average value was 3.87, the difference value was 8.41, and the significant value was 0.000 > 0.05. The results revealed that the hypothesis test was accepted with the average value and difference in the posttest which was greater, indicating that there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest. The exercise with hanging ball media was found to be effective in improving kedeng smash skill in Panca Event sepak takraw athletes. According to the findings of this study, the hanging ball method is recommended to be used as one of the training methods for improving technical skills in sepak takraw.

Keywords: Training Method, Hanging Ball, Smash Skill, Sepak takraw

Keywords: Training Method, Hanging Ball, Smash Skill, Sepak takraw

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12 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-284

Tarung Derajat Instrumentation Development (Implementation of Learning Digitalization)
Alnedral, Nurul Ihsan, Desi Purnama Sari, Nissa Aldani

Universitas Negeri Padang


Motor learning, the truth value is determined by the quality of the movement. Likewise, the results of the referee^s decision in assessing a fighting match are the determining factor for the athlete^s victory. However, the problem that often occurs is the non-objectivity of the jury in giving points. One of the reasons is that the scoring system used is still conventional. This scoring system often causes commotion, even fights due to the dissatisfaction of one of the athletes with the results of the jury^s assessment. Therefore, there is a need for new innovations to the existing assessment system so that the assessment is more transparent, objective and accurate. The purpose of this study was to develop a technology-based design of a grading scoring system. The concept of development in this study is to transfer the performance of the referee conventionally to the Digital Board which can be witnessed by the entire audience. This type of research is development research that adopts the borg and gall model with 10 stages of research. The target of this research is to design the Digital Board assessment system design with stages 1) analysis of potential problems, 2) data analysis, 3) initial digital board design, 4) expert review, 5) design revision, 6) design finalization. At the end of the research, it is hoped that there will be a Digital Board assessment system that has been empirically tested with the stages of work 1) small group labor trials, 2) design revisions, 3) large group labor trials, 4) design revisions, 5) field trials, 6) Finalization of the scoring system. Data collection techniques with expert validation and design reliability testing. The experts involved in this research are instrumentation experts, test and measurement experts, combat experts and Information Technology experts. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be seen that the instrument developed shows a percentage value of 86% and is classified as very feasible. Thus, it

Keywords: Digital Board, Tarung Derajat, Scoring System

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13 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-285

Development Of Android-Based Gymnastics Learning Media To Improve Skills Rolling Ahead Of Student Angles In Gymnastics Learning
Sri Gusti Handayani, Sayuti Syahara,Tjung Hauw Sin, Anton Komaini

Universitas Negeri Padang


This research aims to develop a valid, practical, and effective gymnastics learning medium to improve the skills of rolling ahead of the student angle on gymnastics learning. The development process of this model refers to the Plomp development model. The subject of the study is a student of the Department of Sports Education, Faculty of Sports Sciences. Data collection techniques use tests, interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The collected data is then analyzed quantitatively using the t-test. The results showed that the validity of android-based gymnastics learning media that is actualized from the results of the validity of the material, media, language, and instrument assessment skills rolled forward the corner is on the validity criteria is very high. The practicality of android-based gymnastics learning media is on very practical criteria. The effectiveness of android-based gymnastics learning media is on the criteria very effective. The average Skill levels rolled forward corners on all three sections were 84.45, 86.71, and 85.46, respectively. The average improved scores on each section were 0.62, 0.68, and 0.65. Based on these results, android-based gymnastics learning media meets valid, practical, and effective criteria to improve skills rolling in the student corner and is expected to be an alternative reference to improve the quality of gymnastics learning and in other scientific fields.

Keywords: media, android, rolling forward corners,gymnastic learning

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14 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-287

Sensor-based Main Mover Muscle Control Device Design For Physical Education learning
Anton Komaini, Pakhrur Razi, Jaffry Zakaria,Yanuar Kiram, Yohandri, Sri Gusti Handayani, Donal Syafrianto, Media Sentosa

Universitas Negeri Padang


Indicator data for the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan for children aged 5-12 years, 18.8% are overweight and 10.8% are obese. These data indicate that obesity is caused by a lack of activities carried out by children. Along with age, if the function of the prime mover muscles is not controlled, it can cause muscle performance to be not optimal (tired quickly), muscle strength endurance decreases and injuries are easy to occur. The purpose of this study is a Sensor-based Main Mover Muscle Control Device. This type of research is engineering research. This tool is useful for controlling that the state and function of the prime mover muscles are still in good condition. The results of this study conclude 1). The creation of Sensor-based Main Mover Muscle Control Devices, 2). The Sensor-based Prime Mover Control Tool can be used to measure the prime mover muscles.

Keywords: muscle Control- Sensor Technology, education

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15 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-32

Accounting Competence, PLP Practice, and Digital Literacy Ability as Predictors of Student Readiness to Become Accounting Teachers in the Digital Technology Era
(a). Han Tantri Hardini, (b) Susanti, (c).Mohammad Taufiq, (d). Renny Dwijayanti

Universitas Negeri Surabaya,
faculty of Economic and Business
Accounting Studi Program


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of accounting competencies, PLP practices, and digital literacy skills on the readiness of students in the accounting education study program in the era of digital technology. This research was conducted on undergraduate students of Accounting Education at three universities in East Java with respondents having taken PLP courses. The sample in this study amounted to 160 students. Data collection techniques in this study using online questionnaires, and data analysis techniques using multiple regression. The results showed that there was an influence between accounting competence, PLP practice and understanding of digital literacy on the work readiness of Accounting Education students. The implication of this research is that the readiness of prospective students for accounting education is very important to be studied by lecturers as one of the evaluations of how the output of graduates will be accepted in the world of work to become future accounting teachers in the era of digital technology

Keywords: Competence, PLP Practice, Digital Literacy, Student Readiness

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16 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-292

Desvalini Anwar (a*), Muhd. Al-Hafizh (b)

a) Faculty of Languages & Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Padang 25131

b) Faculty of Languages & Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Padang 25131


This paper critically explores the opportunities made available by the MBKM policy to facilitate intercultural dialogues and understand students^ multilingual identities in the English language classrooms in Indonesia. The launch of the policy of ^Merdeka Belajar- Kampus Merdeka^ (MBKM) or Freedom to Learn-Independent Campus is intended to open up more opportunities for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to be more autonomous, independent, less bureaucratic, and innovative. Being faced with unprecedented challenges of globalisation and a faster rate of technological developments, English language classrooms in Indonesia particularly in Padang are forced to deal with performance benchmarks which are too often shaped by market mentality which pushes both students and teachers to lend themselves to scientific calculation instead of to attend to the specific nature that make up their English classrooms and more importantly to ^language^ which is the core aspect that makes up the conversations they have in their everyday world . The data is drawn from the narratives that the students produce and the interview responses were approached as narrative accounts.

Keywords: MBKM, intercultural dialogues, multilingual identities, opportunity, challenges

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17 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-43

Utilizing of Digital Learning Media as Students Learning Alternative Solution
Usman Moonti, Imam Prawiranegara Gani

Gorontalo State University


This study aims to describe the benefits of digital learning media as an alternative solution for student learning, as well as to describe the urgency of using digital learning media and the readiness of teachers to use learning media. This research is qualitative research with a literature review method. The results of this study indicate (1) the importance of using digital learning media is to improve the ability of teachers, meet the needs of students, meet the demands of the new paradigm, improve the quality of learning and meet long-term needs. (2) Teachers can take advantage of digital learning media such as youtube, e-learning, animated videos, and podcasts. (3) Teacher readiness in using digital learning media requires teachers to have knowledge and skills. Post-pandemic digital learning media is an alternative solution for student learning that is very effective, efficient, and can increase student interest in learning. Examples of digital learning media are youtube, e-learning, animated videos, and podcasts that are used to increase the effectiveness of the learning process. The use of appropriate learning media is very useful for increasing motivation in learning, therefore teachers have an important role to prepare digital learning media that can create a pleasant learning atmosphere.

Keywords: learning media, digital, students

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18 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-299

Understanding of Disaster Preparedness by Elementary School Teachers and Directions for Counseling Guidance Services in Elementary Schools
Kusnarto Kurniawan (a*), Sunawan (b), Dian Purbo Utomo (c), Abdul Kholiq (d), Vrimadieska Ayuanissa Waluyan (e)

Guidance and Counseling, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Gedung A2, Kampus Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang 50229, Indonesia


Understanding of disaster preparedness includes knowledge and mastery of the efforts that can be taken to anticipate or reduce disaster risk. The purpose of the study is to describe the understanding of disaster preparedness by elementary school teachers and the direction of counseling and guidance services in elementary schools. This study uses a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The research instrument is the scale of understanding disaster preparedness and a questionnaire on the direction of Guidance and Counseling services. The study population was elementary school teachers in the Teacher Working Group (KKG) Pringgondani Group Coordinator of the Education Unit (Korsatpen) Banyumanik District, amounting to 35 people. Sampling through purposive sampling technique so that the entire population becomes the research sample. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics. The results showed that elementary school teachers at the KKG Pringgondani Group Korsatpen Banyumanik District had a high level of understanding of disaster preparedness with an average percentage of 92.54 (61.70%) out of a total percentage of 150 (100%). The implementation of Guidance and Counseling services in elementary schools is aimed at assisting students in realizing disaster preparedness through basic service components, individualized planning and specialization services, responsive services and support system. The results of the study are expected to be used as material for student learning activities to realize an understanding of disaster preparedness by elementary school teachers through Guidance and Counseling services in elementary schools and their service program components.

Keywords: Understanding Disaster Preparedness, Elementary School Teacher, Guidance and Counseling Services

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19 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-301

The Heutagogy Model of Learning Innovation in Increasing the Skill Needs of The Digital Era of Vocational Students
Andika Bagus Nur Rahma Putra (a)*, Sumarli (b), Tee Tze Kiong (c), Yoto (d), Eddy Sutadji (e), Anita Dwi Rahmawati (f)

(a) Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
(b) Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
(c) Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia, Malaysia
(d) Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
(e) Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
(f) Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia


The Heutagogy Model of Learning Innovation in Increasing The Skill Needs of The Digital Era of Vocational Students. The digital technology-based heutagogy learning model characterizes the progress of implementing vocational education in a nation. This study aims to develop a heutagogy learning model for vocational students by mapping its components. The method in this study uses descriptive qualitative. Research subjects include university lecturers, vocational high school teachers, and industrial employees. The research location is focused on East Java. The research instrument consisted of a questionnaire and documentation. The heutagogy component for vocational students includes critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. Mapping the four components supporting the application of the heutagogy learning model needs to be done to improve the quality of vocational students in the digital era.

Keywords: Heutagogy- digital technology- vocational students- Learning Innovation

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20 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-46

Radia Hafid, Fatmawaty Damiti

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


The Covid-19 pandemic requires everyone to adapt to new things, including in the world of education, especially in the learning process. The inability to adapt and transform will add to the problem and slow down efforts to achieve the goals of education itself. Therefore, efforts and strategies are needed such as creating various kinds of research and scientific innovations to support the learning process. This research is a qualitative research based on the literature review method. The results of this study indicate that (1) teachers or instructors must have skills so that educational institutions need to facilitate their educational staff with technological developments, (2) development and use of digital learning media such as e-learning, youtube, interesting learning videos, and so on, ( 3) innovation such as conducting learning through project based learning and case based learning.

Keywords: research innovation, science, education, learning

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21 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-302

Increasing Students^ HOTS through the Implementation of the PjBL Model integrated Live MOOCs
Dwi Agus Sudjimat (a)*, Tuwoso (b), and Mahfudi Sahly Subandi (c)

(a) (b) Lecturer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Malang
(c)Alumni of the Masters Program of Vocational Education, State University of Malang


Universities are required to be able to produce graduates who have high HOTS. It is believed that HOTS is one of the determinants of a person^s success at work. This study aims to examine the effect of the PjBL model integrated live MOOCs on students^ HOTS in terms of their prior knowledge level. This study use a 2 x 3 factorial design which was included in a quasi-experimental study. The research subjects were third semester students of the automotive engineering education undergraduate study program, State University of Malang, amounting to 57 students. The instruments used are multiple choice tests and project proposals. Research data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA. The results of this study show that (1) there are differences in the HOTS of students who were taught using the PjBL model integrated live MOOCs and the PjBL model without live MOOCs- (2) there are differences in the HOTS of students who have high, medium, and low prior knowledge- (3) there is an interaction between the use of the learning model and the prior knowledge of students^ HOTS.

Keywords: HOTS- PjBL Model-MOOCs

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22 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-49

A Conceptual Model of Thematic-based Syllabus for Equivalent Elementary School Level (Paket A)
Misran Rahman

Faculty of Education, Gorontalo State University,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.6, Gorontalo City, Gorontalo 96128


This study aims to develop a conceptual model of integrated thematic-based syllabus for Paket A, a non-formal education program equivalent to elementary school level in Indonesia. An adjustment from the original subject-based syllabus to thematic-based syllabus in regulation is evident, combined with different approaches used when having formal elementary school educators to teach in Paket A plus the different number of course credits between Paket A and formal elementary school. For this purpose, through literature survey, interview with several fellow school teachers and school superintendents, consultation with government educational staff, and discussion with fellow non-formal education lecturers and practitioners, a conceptual model is developed to guide the school teachers to conduct a better teaching and learning process for Paket A. The result of conceptual model design with seven steps, namely, learning process, content, basic competence, achievement indicators, evaluation, time planning, and learning resources. The model that developed could guide them to write out the non-formal syllabus. These findings will hopefully be a significant contribution to educational practices.

Keywords: Paket A, kejar paket, Non-Formal Education, Research and Development, Kurikulum 2013

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23 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-305

Student^s Reasoning Ability Through Brain-Based Science Learning
Yanti Fitria

Universitas Negeri Padang


The ability to reason is a life competency needed by humans in solving problems and issues that develop in their lives. Science learning plays a role in sharpening their reasoning abilities. This research begins with the phenomenon of the low reasoning ability of students on the water cycle material. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reasoning ability of elementary school students on the water cycle material through brain-based learning. Quantitative research with experimental methods is the type of research conducted in this study. The design used was Quasi Experiment, in the form of a Non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. To determine the sample, this study uses the cluster random sampling method or divides the population into several separate groups called clusters. This study uses a test as a data collection instrument in the form of a student^s reasoning ability test. The data analysis technique used is an inferential statistical test a with t-test. The findings of the research are the average value of the pre-test experimental class through brain-based learning is 44.16 and the average value of post-test reasoning ability of the experimental class is 64.83. On the other hand, learning in the control class using conventional learning resulted in an average pre-test reasoning ability of 42.16 and an average post-test learning outcome of 48.50. Calculation of N-gain on the pre-test and post-test of elementary school students^ reasoning ability obtained a value of 0.37, which means that the reasoning ability of elementary school students is in the medium category after brain-based science learning is carried out. Based on the results of the t-test used for hypothesis testing, obtained count 30.67 and t-table 1.67155, both with a significant threshold of 0.05. The conclusion is that brain-based learning has a significant effect on the reasoning ability of elementary school students.

Keywords: Students^ Reasoning Ability, Brain-Based Science Learning

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24 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-54

Coherence of Government Policy Agenda in Eliminating Honorary Teachers (Critical Review of the Laws of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus)
Rahmat Teguh Santoso Gobel, Mohamad Hidayat Muhtar, Zulkarnain Suleman, Muammar

Fakultas Hukum, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sultan Amai Gorontalo
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


Teachers in the scope of history in educating the nation^s life have been known as unsung heroes. Therefore, teachers are placed as the front line to foster and teach the next generation of science that will be the provision for the future. The predicate of the teacher as an unsung hero has become a social reality with the welfare of honorary teachers who are still far from worthy. This is also exacerbated by the policy agenda for the elimination of honorary teachers in the coming years due to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus (UU ASN) which does not recognize the term honorary teacher and only accommodates civil servants (PNS). ) and Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK). Therefore, it can be said that the ASN Law from the beginning was intended as a legal basis to abolish honorary teachers but did not provide a solution in its future implementation.
This research is categorized into normative legal research type, it is based on the issues and/or themes raised as research topics using a philosophical and analytical research approach which is analyzed descriptively analytically. The results of the study show that the legislative ratio of the ASN Law is intended for the efficiency of government employees and is regulated by good administration. The ASN Law does not accommodate teachers in the honorary category because the recruitment system is considered poor and prone to nepotism. However, what needs to be underlined is the recruitment and need for honorary teachers due to the lack of education personnel. In addition, the ASN Law does not have flexibility because it does not provide a regulatory space for honorary category teachers.

Keywords: Honorary Teacher, Education, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus

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25 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-312

Evaluation of Students^ Learning Engagement in the Implementation of Blended Learning
Niko Sudibjo (1*), HG Retno Harsanti (2)

1 Universitas Pelita Harapan
2 Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia


The rapid development of technology encourages the integration of technology in education, one of which is online learning. However, online learning, especially synchronous learning has a weakness which is the lack of interaction and students^ learning engagement. Therefore, the blended learning scheme is believed to be a bridge in obtaining maximum benefits from using technology in education without losing learning engagement. This study aims to evaluate students^ engagement in blended learning implementation. The research subjects were 71 postgraduate students at XYZ University, Jakarta. The research data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that face-to-face onsite learning builds student engagement better than synchronous online learning. In addition, asynchronous online learning with LMS Moodle, which provides several activities such as watching videos, doing quizzes, and discussing in forums, also succeeded in building high student learning engagement.

Keywords: learning engagement, blended learning, technology, synchronous, asynchronous

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26 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-317

Analysis of the needs of social science teacher fulfillment from the social science clump ^Case study on middle school teachers in Semarang City, Central Java^
Arif Purnomo

Universitas Negeri Semarang


In fact, phenomenology, the fulfillment of the needs of social studies teachers until now, does not only come from teachers with social studies education background, but also from the field of social science. This research was conducted on social studies teachers in the city of Semarang, using a qualitative approach with a case study design. The results show that the different learning paradigms between social studies and social sciences are one reason why social studies learning packaging is difficult to meet the integration aspect, even though teachers have undergone an adaptation process in packaging learning from monodisciplinary to interdisciplinary. Therefore, there needs to be improvements to meet the needs of social studies teacher formation, which is in accordance with the social sciences scientific paradigm.

Keywords: formation, teacher, social studies, social science

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27 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-62

Entrepreneurial Character Development Using the Lickona Model Through Steinberg Project-Based Learning
Any Sutiadiningsih, I.H. Puspita Dewi, Niken Purwidiani

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The weak character of students, especially the character of high motivation to succeed, focus on results, and consistent in commitment has an impact on the lack of ability in decision-making and action. This study aims to determine the effect of Steinberg project-based learning by applying the Lickona model to the entrepreneurial character of students, including high motivation for success, focus on action/results, and consistency in commitment. Lickona^s model is character building through (1) moral knowing- (2) moral feeling- and (3) moral behavior, hereinafter referred to as ^Three Morals/3M^. Steinberg project learning is a 6 (six) step project learning, known as ^The Six^. The research was conducted in a qualitative descriptive manner, carried out in the Culinary Business Management course. The research subjects of the Culinary Vocational Study Program are 60 students. Collecting data with a Linkert scale of 5, supported by student performance document data. Data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively with percentages. The results of the analysis are confirmed in the qualification categorization table. The results showed that the development of entrepreneurial character with the Lickona (^3M) model through the Steinberg project-based learning was Good, it was proven that the ability of high motivation to succeed was Good and Very Good by 85.7% of research subjects, the average score was 81.2/Good. - the ability to focus on the task/outcome is Good and Very Good by 100% of the research subjects, the average score is 86.8/Very Good- Action/result-oriented abilities are Good and Very Good by 99.6% of research subjects with an average score of 83.6/Good, and consistent ability to commitment is achieved Good and Very Good by 97.2% of research subjects, on average value 82.4/Good. Conclusions Steinberg^s project-based learning model (^The Six^) combined with Lickona^s model of moral coaching (^3M^) is appropriate/good for fostering student entrepreneurial charact

Keywords: Project Based Learning, The Six, Steinberg, Character Education Lickona, Characteristic Entrepreneur of Culinary

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28 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-65

Hais Dama

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


Globalization 4.0 is a comprehensive transformation industrial revolution that affects all aspects of human life through the fusion of digital & internet technology by leaving conventional or traditional conditions. This condition requires the readiness of the world of education in providing capable and competitive human resources in the face of very high dynamic conditions. Universities are not only expected to produce human resources who are able to compete with human resources from other parts of the world, but also have character resources, are able to think critically, are able to solve various problems, are able to collaborate, have the ability to communicate through mastery of technology, especially educational on technology. This research focuses on the role and readiness of higher education institutions in dealing with the very high dynamics of the educational environment in the era of globalization 4.0. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was done by means of interviews, documentation and literature studies.
The results of the research are that universities, especially in the Eastern Indonesia region, are still slow in adopting and blending in technological competition, especially in the application of educational technology. Limited competitive human resources, infrastructure that does not support the learning process are the main challenges in facing the dynamics of the educational environment in the era of globalization 4.0.

Keywords: Educational Environment Dynamics, Globalization 4.0

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29 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-71

Development of Assistive Technology Applications for Students with Special Needs
Rochmad Mohammad Thohir Yassin, Abd Azis Bouty, Ahmad Azhar Kadim

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


Gorontalo Province in particular according to the Intercensus Population Survey (SUPAS) in 2015 the number of persons with disabilities population aged 10 years and over was ranked second nationally with a percentage of 11.72 percent and in third place nationally the proportion of children with disabilities 5-17 years old was 5.4 percent. Meanwhile, for adults with disabilities (18-59 years) Gorontalo Province is ranked sixth nationally with a proportion of 27.9 percent. (RI, 2018) These figures show that the number of people with disabilities in Gorontalo Province is quite high.
Gorontalo State University (UNG) as the only State University in Gorontalo Province is the backbone of higher education in Gorontalo Province which is the center for the development of the tri dharma of higher education where it is appropriate to carry out the task of providing the tri dharma service of higher education for the entire community, especially in the province. Gorontalo and generally for people in the Tomini Bay area and eastern Indonesia. Moreover, UNG as a representative of the government has the task of providing learning media and tools needed for students with disabilities. Until now, UNG does not yet have students with special needs, but good preparation is needed, including developing learning innovations and assistive technology for students with special needs.

Keywords: Assistive Technology, Special Needs

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30 Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers ABS-328

Computer Based Experiment System for Physics Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0
Yohandri, Maisa Fitri, and Yohanna Dasriyani

Universitas Negeri Padang


The industrial revolution 4.0 presents new challenges for students to adapt to high computing technology. Learning methods have also evolved from traditional methods to digital-based computing learning system. The scientific approach in the 2013 curriculum, on the other hand, requires students to actively participate in observing, observing, trying, associating, and communicating the material being studied. Adequate facilities and media, such as experimental sets or practical tools in the laboratory, are required to support the curriculum^s demands. This paper presents the development of several sets of physics experiments based on microcontrollers and personal computer interfaces. Based on the test and measurement data, the quality of the experimental set developed is very good. This quality is determined by the tool^s precision and accuracy. As a result, the developed experimental set is feasible and can be used in laboratory physics experiments.

Keywords: Experiment system, Microcontroller, Digital technology

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