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1 Education ABS-256

Apit Yuliman Ermaya, Thamrin Abdullah, and Makruf Akbar

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The objective of the research was to investigate the effect of Effective^s Leadership, and Work Climate, On Employee^s Work Effectiveness of Education Department Office of Ciamis District. The data were collected through participant using Quetionaire. Samples of the research were 69 employees used by simple random, from 111 population.Finding showed that the results of the research indicted a direct effect of: (1) There is a direct positive effect of Effectiveness^s Leadership on Employees^s Work Effectiveness, (2) There is direct positive effect of Effective^s Leadership on Work Climate, and (3) There is a direct positive effect of Work Climate on Employees^s Work Effectiveness, So, all of variables have any significant relations.

Keywords: Effective Leadership, Work Climate, and Employee^s Work Effectiveness

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2 Education ABS-1

Watching Movie Everyday Can Improve The Foreign Language Speaking Skill
Yunita, Emzir, Ratna Dewanti

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The purpose of this research is to study the learning process of improving learning outcomes in English through collaborative learning using movie. This research is an action research conducted on the English Literature study program at Darma Persada University with a total of 30 students. Data obtained from English test results before and after the action. The results showed the learning process using movie made students become more active in the learning process of speaking skills, this is indicated by the level of their participation in learning. While the results of improved learning skills and English language skills using movie there was a significant increase from the pre-action stage to the third cycle in the research process. The average score of students in the pre-action stage was only 49 and then increased in the first cycle to 53. While in the second cycle the average value of students was 56.5 and increased in the third cycle to 71. Thus the results of the study showed that it raised its ideas in learning that were fun to make students eager to learn and significanly, the research conducted with this movie helped students improve their skills in speaking English.

Keywords: action research, movie, English language skills, collaborative learning models.

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3 Education ABS-257

Ivan Hanafi, Tuti Iriani, Evitha Soraya, Fadhillah, Ferry Maulana Putra

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of academic policies in completing doctoral program studies at the LPTK. This study used a qualitative approach with the CIPP evaluation method (context, input, process, and output). The study was conducted at 4 selected of Teacher Education Institution (LPTK), namely Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA), and Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). Based on the study program mapping conducted by the four LPTKs, there are three doctoral programs that have the same study programs, namely Applied Linguistics, Educational Management / Administration, and Physical Education and Sports Science. The basic education study program is organized by three LPTKs except for UNESA. For this reason, the research was carried out in three study programs that had the same characteristics and name of the study program. The results of the provisional study show in general that from the context aspect, the implementation of all four LPTK doctoral programs has followed the regulations contained in the national higher education standards and the Indonesian national qualifications framework, as the legal umbrella that is the reference for its implementation. Based on the aspects of input, process, and output, it is still in the process of analysis to obtain research results, as a basis for preparing recommendations.

Keywords: Implementation of academic policies, Doctoral Programs, Teacher Education Institution

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4 Education ABS-2

Didik Hariyadi Raharjo

Akademi Sekretari Budi Luhur


A professional secretary should be proficient in communicating in English, especially in productive skills such as speaking and writing to complete all his duties. This research was aimed to determine the needs of the secretarial students in speaking skills to meet the need for professional secretaries in today^s business and industrial world. This qualitative research was conducted from March to August 2020 and involved 30 secretarial students from Jakarta. The research data was the students^ needs that could be divided into target needs (necessities, lacks, wants) and learning needs based on Hutchinson and Waters^s theory. The data was collected through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The result of this research indicated that the students should master the speaking skill that was needed to complete the secretarial tasks such as: handling telephone calls, facing a job interview, describing a product, making an appointment, making a hotel reservation, making a press release, running a business meeting, making a presentation, winning a negotiation and many more. But, the students encountered various obstacles in speaking such as limited vocabulary and incorrect grammar. Furthermore, in learning to speak, the students wanted to get a lot of interesting interactive materials that were wrapped in dialogues or monologues activities.

Keywords: Need Analysis, Necessities, Lacks, Wants.

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5 Education ABS-3

Aisyah Nur Sayidatun Nisa- Fredy Hermanto, Garudo Suryo Buono

Dep. of Social Sciences Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang , Semarang, Indonesia


In 21st century skill requires students to have 4 skills, one of them is the role of the teacher. Therefore teachers are also expected to have the ability to develop these skills. One way is to develop learning that is more creative and innovative. For example, by making and using also developing learning media of social studies in the classroom. Learning media of Social studies will be more striking if its contextual, that is based on local excellence in Semarang. Then what will be examined in this research are: What is the local advantages in Semarang Regency that can be used as social studies learning media? And how to develop social studies learning media based on Semarang Regency local wisdom? This research use Research and Development method. Semarang^s local strengths related to history and culture that can be used as social studies learning media such as Old City Complex, Vihara of Watugong Budhagaya, Sam Po Kong^s klenteng. And how to develop the media by collaborating with material in Social Studies Learning with real conditions in the field related to local excellence with innovative and easy to understand Social Media Learning media.

Keywords: Learning Media of IPS, Local Excellence

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6 Education ABS-259

Ramdan pelana, Nadya Oktafiranda, Rizka Antoni

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


A mentally retarded child is one of the children with special needs or ABK who has an IQ below 70, besides that there are those who experience motor, cognitive, sensory, emotional and social problems. This study aims to improve gross motor skills through sport modification (throwing). The population in this study were students with mild mental retardation in South Jakarta Junior High School with sample selection using total sampling, where the sample is the total population, namely 20 mild mentally retarded students. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative by providing a preliminary test and followed by treatment ending with a final test. The results of the treatment carried out by the researcher showed that the game modification (throwing) could improve the gross motor skills of children with mild mental retardation by showing the results of t-count 2.595> t-table 1.729 with a significance level of 0.018 <0.05. So it can be concluded that there is an increase in the results of the treatment carried out by researchers, by using modified games (throwing).

Keywords: Game modification, gross motoric, mild mental retardation

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7 Education ABS-4

Aceng Rahmat

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study aims to develop models of Language Philosophy teaching material in Freedom Learning Era with Blended Approaches. The method used in the development of this model of teaching materials was the procedural model proposed by Borg & Gall. Procedural model is a descriptive model that describes the flow or the procedural steps to be followed to produce teaching materials. The stages in the procedural model include: (1) research and gathering initial information, (2) planning, (3) development of initial product format, (4) the initial trial, (5) revision of the product, (6) field trials, (7) revision of the product, (8) field test, (9) the revision of the final product, and (10) the dissemination and implementation. The model was tested in Jakarta State University. Test results show that t-observed is 12.23 and the t-table at 0.05 significance level is 1.70. The t-observed is greater than the t-table. This means that there is a significant difference between the learning achievements before and after the use of Language Philosophy teaching material in Freedom Learning Era with Blended Approaches. In conclusion, these materials can improve student learning outcomes and effective to use in learning Language Philosophy in Freedom Learning Era with Blended Approaches.

Keywords: Model of Teaching Language Philosophy, Freedom Learning Era, Blended Approach

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8 Education ABS-260

Matin (a), Leni Pujiastuti (b)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This research aims to describe the management of Indonesian schools abroad, especially school management that arrangements are under the responsibility of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.
This research is a qualitative research with a case study method. Informants were determined through a purposive technique. Data were collected through interviews and documentation studies. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive techniques.
The conclusion from this research are: (1) Curriculum management has been implemented according to the provisions, well managed. (2) The management of students in general has been implemented according to the provisions. The admission of new students are doing online by using Google Form simply. Extracurricular activities are very diverse, schools cannot participate in academic competitions, and visa for temporary resident permit are often an obstacle. (3) The management of educators and education personnel have been carried out properly even though there are many obstacles. (4) School financial management has been implemented according to the provisions. External supervision of school finances is carried out by Atdikbud, Kemendikbud, and the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). (5) The management of the school^s relationship with the community is very good where the Kuala Lumpur of Indonesian School has contributed well in implementation the function of cultural diplomacy in Malaysia.

Keywords: management- school- curriculum- students- educators- finance.

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9 Education ABS-262

Wisnu Djatmiko(*), Suyitno Muslim(**), Suyono(***)

(*)(**)(***)Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan
Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The research objective was to analyze the effect of learning strategies (Inquiry-based Learning and Project-based Learning) and critical thinking dispositions on learning outcomes Electronics 3. The research was conducted using a quasi-experimental method with a 2x2 treatment by level design in the Electronics Engineering Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta with 84 students as the research sample. Observation sheets and student worksheets are used to ensure that all students carry out the steps for the Inquiry-based Learning or Project-based Learning strategy. The research data were analyzed using Covariance Analysis (ANCOVA) and Tukey test. The result show that: (1) Electronic-3 learning outcomes of groups of students who followed the Inquiry-based Learning strategy were higher than the groups of students who followed the Project-based Learning strategy- (2) There is an interaction effect between learning strategies and critical-thinking disposition towards Electronic-3 learning outcomes- (3) Students who have a high critical-thinking disposition, Electronic-3 learning outcomes of students who follow the Inquiry-based Learning strategy are higher than students who follow the Project-based Learning strategy- and (4) Students who have a low critical-thinking disposition, Electronic-3 learning outcomes of students who follow the Inquiry-based Learning strategy are no different from students who follow the Project-based Learning strategy.

Keywords: Inquiry-based Learning, Project-based Learning, Learning Strategies, Critical-thinking Disposition.

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10 Education ABS-263

Diat Nurhidayat, Prasetyo Wibowo Yunanto

Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This research was made aiming to implement learning media based on Virtual Classes through e-Learning by using the Synchronous Learning method at the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta. The research target to be achieved is an additional virtual media-based learning that is interesting and easy to use so that it can increase the interest in learning and student achievement in learning at the Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University in an effort to mitigate the disaster of the Corona Covid-19 disease. This research using methods Descriptive studies. the result 87% of user are state zoom can be As a solution to develop the capabilities of Virtual Technology, learning methods are developed as a technique for delivering learning through Virtual using the Virtual Class Learning method. 98 % are agree that Virtual Class Learning applications must be designed more effectively, efficiently and optimally compared to applications designed for E-learning. 85% of user agree that zoom can be as tools to improve the learning through the internet during the pandemic covid 19. The result from the studies are Zoom Virtual Meeting are high mobility, low price and more interactivity (between users / students, users / students with programs and users / students with other resource persons / accompanying lecturers).

Keywords: ZOOM Cloud Meeting, Synchronous Learning, COVID-19

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11 Education ABS-9

The social studies education curriculum model during Covid-19 pandemic in Jakarta Senior High School
Muhammad Zid, Asep Rudi Casmana

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study aims to describe a social studies education curriculum model during covid-19 pandemic in Jakarta Senior High School. The social studies education, particularly geography subject plays an important role in the school. This module helps to shape student ability in order to improve critical thinking skill, creativity skill, communication skill and collaborative skill. These skills are considered to be a 21st century required abilities that students should be owned. However, during the covid-19, the curriculum model and the teaching strategic are completely different. Therefore, this study will investigate how the teachers alter the curriculum model during this catastrophe. The qualitative method was used to analyze the data from the participants. Twenty senior high school teachers were participated in this study. A structured interview was used to get the data from the respondents. The result shows that the majority of schools used an online learning platform to teach their students in distance learning. In addition, there is a slight change in the curriculum such as only two subjects in a day for teaching students. Also, teachers generally used zoom, google classroom and whatsapp group to educate their students during covid-19 pandemic. It can be concluded that although there is a covid-19, teachers in Jakarta Senior High School used to maximize their digital literacy skill to educate their students.

Keywords: Social studies education, geography curriculum, covid-19, distance learning

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12 Education ABS-265

Nurbiana Dhieni (a), Sri Wulan (b), Andini Diana Juliati (c), Lusianawati Eka Putri (d)

Univeristas Negeri Jakarta


The research objectives were to determine: (1) Competency of level III KKNI ECE educators in Indonesia based on competency standards- (2) The overall level of KKNI level III ECE teacher competence attainment is low- (3)Competence of KKNI level III ECE educators who need to be improved- (4) Competencies of ECE Educators who need to be added. Using survey research, the research object is the competency of young companion teachers based on SKKN, which includes 12 competencies. The research sample Was ECE educators throughout Indonesia, who had participated in the competency test for young companion teachers in 2014- 2019. The sample size was determined based on the results of the KKNI level III competency test conducted by the ECE Educator Competency Certification Institute, namely 4222 people. The data analysis was conducted in a descriptive qualitative manner was carried out from the results of the teacher competency mapping. The results become the basis of reference for policy makers to formulate various professional development programs for KKNI level III early childhood educators and are right on target in an effort to produce quality ECE educators.

Keywords: Competence- ECE Educators- KKNI

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13 Education ABS-267

Virtual University Transformation To Distance Classroom
Ninuk Lustyantie (a*), Syarfuni (a*), Evi Rosyani Dewi (b), Fathurrahman Nur Isnan (b)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Development E-Learning aims to support education during the pandemic COVID 19. Therefore, universities must be able to provide better digital information services to the academic community. In addition, universities must accommodate online lecture materials that are easily accessible by lecturers and students. The study aimed to describe the students^ perception of Moodle as an appropriate alternative use as a platform distance learning. The approach used is a qualitative approach and descriptive methods. Data was collected using questionaire and the data were descriptively analyzed. The results showed that respondents have the perception that Moodle has a discussion forum facility to display teaching materials, text, sound, video. Assessment activities using assignments, quizzes, feedback and choice. 75% student response stated strongly agree, 22.7% agree, 1.6% somewhat agree, 0.8% disagree, 0% strongly disagree. Based on these findings, the transformation of the virtual classroom learning system through Moodle is expected to provide a quality distance learning process.

Keywords: Distance Learning- Moodle- Virtual Classroom

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14 Education ABS-269

Eva Leiliyanti, Andera Wiyakintra, Zufrufin Saputra, Muhammad Ulul Albab

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The discourse analysis aims to evaluate the patriarchal language of Muhammadiyah^s clerics, Adi Hidayat, on women^s body. The data (7-minute Youtube video transcripts) were taken based on stratified purposeful sampling and were analyzed using M.A.K Halliday^s transitivity system and the three domains interaction of appraisal theory of J.R. Martin and P.R.R. White. It was found that from the language of Hidayat^s preaching, the discourse on woman^s body was operationalized based on the notions of ^jahiliyyah^ and ^non jahiliyyah^ . The operation dominantly deployed relational process along with negative evaluations in intensive heteroglossic expressions.

Keywords: Discourse Analysis, Patriarchal Language, Adi Hidayat, Woman^s body, Jahiliyah and non Jahiliyah.

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15 Education ABS-270




The purpose of this study was to study the effect of Teacher Leadership and Motivation on Organizational Commitment of Elementary School Teachers (SD) in Sanana District, Kepualauan Regency, North Maluku. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The sample of this study was 226 in SD District Sanana Kabuoaten Sula. The results of this study indicate that- (1) teacher leadership has a direct effect on the organizational commitment of elementary school teachers in Sanan District, Sula Islands Regency, North Maluku, (2) motivation has a direct effect on the organizational commitment of elementary school teachers in Sanan District, Sula Islands Regency, North Maluku, (3) teacher leadership has a direct effect on motivation elementary school teacher in Sanan District, Sula Islands Regency, North Maluku. (4) teacher leadership has an indirect effect on organizational commitment, through the motivation of elementary school teachers in Sanan District, Sula Islands Regency, North Maluku. Thus an increase in organizational commitment is achieved well if there is a strong influence of teacher leadership and well-developed motivation.

Keywords: teacher leadership, motivation, organizational commitment

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16 Education ABS-271

Indonesian Employees^ Cultural-self Awareness in Indonesian-Japanese Intercultural Workplace
Vera Yulianti, Ilza Mayuni, Liliana Muliastuti

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia


The international companies require the employees to have intercultural competence as one of the competencies. Foreign language learners should acquire this competency as well as the linguistic ability itself. However, the foreign language learning curriculum tends to neglect this importance, yet not mentioned in the stages of the learner^s and user^s needs analysis, learning objectives setting, and in the learning outcomes assessment. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the intercultural competence of Japanese studies alumni who work in Japanese companies in Jakarta, Indonesia. This study is expected to provide valuable feedback for the Japanese language and culture curriculum used in local universities. Qualitative research methods were conducted through personal-written reflection, depth-in interview, and job interview simulation to assess components of intercultural competence. The participants were sojourn-experienced and inexperienced alumni who recently work at Japanese companies in Jakarta. The findings reveal that participants^ deeper self-knowledge as a critical component of the intercultural competence attained mostly throughout their working experience instead of as the learning outcomes in university. Besides, they claim the religious difference as the challenging aspect of culture that they have to overcome in the Indonesia-Japanese workplace environment, although they are working in their own country. Results also indicate that there should be more efforts to integrate intercultural competence into the Japanese language and culture learning curriculum in local universities.

Keywords: Indonesian, Intercultural Workplace, Japanese Language Learning

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17 Education ABS-272

Evaluation of Reform Leader Academy Training Program in Indonesia
Caca Syahroni (a*), Muchlis R. Luddin (b), Wibowo (b)

a) Lembaga Administrasi Negara
b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


National institute of Public Administration Republic of Indonesia is a government institution that plays a role in improving ASN competencies, one of them is the Reform Leader Academy (RLA) program. RLA training is one of the national strategic programs that aims to form bureaucratic reform leaders in the framework of transformation towards Smart Organizations. The competency to be built in RLA Training is the ability of participants to prepare for innovative change processes in accordance with the needs of the national bureaucratic reform program in line with the RLA theme.
RLA training programs need to be investigated more in order to meet the expectations of the stakeholders, can be well planned with input complete, accomplished in an orderly manner and produce players who have high competence. Efforts to do so are made with qualitative program evaluation research. This research method uses the CIPP Evaluation Model (Context, Input, Process, Product) from Daniel Stufflebeam. The context component evaluates the background of the need for the existence of a training program associated with various underlying formal conditions. The input component evaluates the planning stage with various components that are necessary for the implementation of the program as well as possible. Component process conducted to evaluate how the success rate at the time the program is implemented. Product components are conducted to evaluate and evaluate the level of success of training programs.
Based on the results of this research shows and concludes that the crucial point of this RLA training program is in terms of the continuity of the program as well as monitoring the action plan made by the participants. If the aspect of program continuity and monitoring of the action plan that has been prepared goes well. Thus, the participants who have participated in this RLA training have successfully implemented their knowledge at the time of training in their respective work units.

Keywords: Reform Leader- Training Program- Evaluation Model

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18 Education ABS-273

Community-Based Waste Management Model at DKI Jakarta
Achmad Husen (a), Samadi (b), Dina Rahma Fadlilah (c)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


At the beginning of the year in 2020, Jakarta was flooded, which was worse than the previous years. This is due to high intensity of rainfall and trash clogging drains. It is necessary to develope a community-based waste management model. In order to increasing appetency and consciousness of siciety to sorting and disposing of trash in its place.
This research aims to find a suitable waste management model for DKI Jakarta province. The research time frame are between June - October 2020. The methods of this research are using descriptive analysis and research and development approach.

The main data source of this research is qualitative survey of local government whose in charge for district waste management (such as- Sanitary directorate, Environmental directorate), local community- Waste Bank, Waste recycle practitioner that include fertilizer producer who use waste as its ingredients, and hamlet local government and society: Head of neighborhood, head of society, and civil society.

The benefit of this research is important and strategic for developing safe and comfort environment, Thus the society could have better life quality. From this research, authors wishes the development of future research in form of articles or journal that published in national or international journal.

Keywords: Model, waste management, community-based

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19 Education ABS-274

Assertive Speech Acts In Bahasa Indonesia Debate Competition 2019
Tutike Lahunduitan (*), Endry Boeriswati(b), Asti Purbarini (b)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study aimed to describe and assess the assertive speech acts found in a debate competition using Bahasa Indonesia in 2019, by a vote of ^The Boards Believe That Developing Countries Should Implement Filial Responsibility Law^. The data of this research are (1) the form of assertive speech acts in the 2019 Bahasa Indonesia Debate Competition and (2) the function of assertive speech acts in the competition. The data source in this study is the Bahasa Indonesia debate competition 2019 in the form of speech acts which was revealed by participants in the Indonesian language debate competition in 2019. The data, hereafter processed through a content analysis method with a qualitative approach. The findings of this study are in the form of assertive speech acts and the function of assertive speech acts used in each speech of Bahasa Indonesia debate competition participants in 2019. Analysis of the findings shows that declarative sentence as a form of assertive speech act has the highest intensity of 50% and assertive verb as a assertive speech act function has the highest intensity of 28.85 %. The result of the research is recommended as insight to the public, as well as a consideration of Bahasa Indonesia teaching materials for higher education and secondary schools.

Keywords: speech acts, Bahasa Indonesia debate competition, content analysis

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20 Education ABS-275

Factors affecting the ability of science student teachers of Elementary Education in Indonesia
Mohamad Syarif Sumantri, Firmanul Catur Wibowo

Education science Faculty in Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Rawamangun Muka Jakarta Timur Indonesia


This study aims to obtain information on the effect of attitudes towards science, achievement motivation and learning activities on science learning outcomes. This research has been carried out in the elementary school teacher education institutions in Jakarta and Bogor and Tangerang District. In this study, 200 samples were randomly selected, and data was collected through a survey. Data were analyzed using path analysis techniques. The research findings indicate: 1) science learning outcomes are positively influenced directly by attitudes towards science, achievement motivation and learning activities, 2). learning activities are directly influenced positively by attitudes towards science and achievement motivation. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the increase in science learning outcomes is influenced by attitudes towards science, achievement motivation and learning activities

Keywords: Attitudes towards science, achievement motivation, learning activities, science learning outcomes

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21 Education ABS-276

Digital Literacy Competence for Academic Needs: The Impact on the Students^ Writing Quality
Istiqlaliah Nurul Hidayati, Ratna Dewanti, Yumna Rasyid

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Digital literacy is something very essential nowadays since digital tools are used almost in every aspect of life, especially in this pandemic era where people count on the tools to make them able to stay at their place but still interconnected with other people. These tools are at large, yet not all students have used them to support their academic needs. There are many of the tools that can actually help students in their academic life. One aspect of the academic life is learning to write. Writing is still considered complicated for students since they are required to know what to write, correct words to use, accurate grammar and mechanics to implement, and so on. However, helps are actually around. In this study, the researcher uses the students^ competence of digital literacy to help them learn to write. The method employed is Design by Research (DBR). The study is started by analyzing practical problems by researchers and practitioners in collaboration. The second step is developing solutions informed by existing design principles and technological innovations. The next is doing iterative cycles of testing and refinement of solution in practice and finally reflecting to produce ^design principles^ and enhancing solution implementation (Oh & Huang, 2018). The study involves 123 students of the fourth semester from the department of English language Education Study Program. It is found that digital literacy competence is significantly helps the students in enhancing their essay writing quality.

Keywords: Digital literacy, essay writing, design by research

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22 Education ABS-21

Educating teachers beyond teaching: Stakeholders^ views on the quality of pre-service English teacher education in urban areas in Indonesia
Pipit Novita

School of Education
University of Bristol
35 Berkeley Square


Teacher quality has long become a growing and competitive area of research to improve the quality of education. In Indonesia, several attempts have been made to enhance the quality of teachers, such as certification policy and professional development program. However, these efforts do not show significant results yet because students^ achievement for the last two decades at an international standard test like PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) is still low. The reviews of national policies for education in 2015 called for more quality in teacher education to improve the quality of teachers. The purpose of this mixed-methods study is to explore how stakeholders (student teachers, educators, Head of English Department, Dean of Faculty of Education, teacher graduates and their principals) perceive quality in teacher education regarding influential aspects, strengths, challenges, and possibilities for improvement at pre-service English teacher education in a private and state university in Indonesia. First, quantitative data was collected from 409 student teachers using the existing questionnaire from Coherence and Assignment Study in Teacher Education (CATE) followed by interviewing some student teachers to triangulate the findings. Subsequently, qualitative data are also collected through interviews with educators, Head of the English Department, Dean of the Faculty of Education, English teacher graduates and their principals to address influential aspects of quality of teacher education. The study findings are hoped to have implications on practice, policy and further research in teacher education

Keywords: teacher education quality, teacher quality, mixed-methods, stakeholders, higher education

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23 Education ABS-277

The Effect of Leadership, Organizational Culture and Work-Motivation on Environmental Performance (Research on Lecturers at Polytechnic LP3I Jakarta)
Euis Winarti (a*), Henita Rahmayanti (b) and Mieke Miarsyah (c)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The research objective is to determine the effect of leadership, organizational culture, work-motivation on the environmental performance of lecturers. The sampling technique in this study is a probability sampling technique. The total sample was 109 lecturers from Polytechnic LP3I Jakarta. This research is a causal associative using a quantitative approach with analysis of research data using path analysis. The results of the study prove that- Leadership has a direct effect on lecturers^ environmental performance- Organizational culture influences on the lecturers^ environmental performance- Work motivation that influences on lecturers^ environmental performance- Leadership directly influences work motivation- Organizational culture directly influences work motivation- Leadership has an indirect effect through work motivation on the lecturers^ environmental performance- Organizational culture has an indirect effect through work motivation on the lecturers^ environmental performance. The Lecturer^s environmental performance, can be done by improving leadership, organizational culture, and work motivation. Organizational culture is not the only one that affects the lecturers^ environmental performance, but leadership, organizational culture and work motivation need to be considered. The organizational culture and leadership of the lecturer Polytechnic LP3I Jakarta has been applied to everyday life on campus.

Keywords: Leadership, organizational culture, work motivation, performance, environment, lecturer

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24 Education ABS-278

Mentoring Teachers in Developing HOTS-Based Learning Tools In Elementary Schools in Bekasi City
Zulela MS, Vina Iasha, Yulia Elfrida Yanty Siregar, Uswatun Hasanah, Jatu Wahyu Wicaksono, Alrahmat Arif

Universtas Negeri Jakarta


One of the demands of 21st century competence is Critical Thinking which not only requires students in the 2013 curriculum to think at a higher level in learning, but also for teachers to design HOTS learning tools. Based on the analysis of the problem, so that the purpose of this study is the HOTS-Based Thematic Learning Tool Development Assistance activity to improve Professional Competence. The subjects of this study were elementary school teachers in Bekasi Regency. To make this activity successful, teachers who will be training participants need to get reinforcement of the concept of the 2013 Curriculum material, and the preparation of lesson plans. The method of implementing this activity is training workshops, mentoring and implementation of HOTS-Based Thematic Learning Tool Development. At the end of this activity, the teacher will implement the Learning Tools that have been arranged according to the class. In the dissemination of this Learning Tool, the team will accompany and make observations. From the results of these observations which will be used as material for Joint Reflections. It can be concluded that teachers have improved their professional competence well in developing HOTS-based thematic learning tools. This can be seen from the HOTS Thematic Learning Tools designed and learning activities.

Keywords: Learning Tools, Thematic, High Order Thinking Skills Based

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25 Education ABS-281

Ilza Mayuni, Vera Yulianti, Noni Agustina, Eva Leiliyanti, Yinghuei Chen

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Universitas Indo Esa Unggul, Asia University, Taiwan


The 2018 PISA report demonstrated not only the poor condition of Indonesian students literacy levels, but also the fiasco of the Government^s policy on national literacy and its efforts to boost students literacy levels. Research on the correlation between EFL teachers inadequate abilities and experiences in teaching literacy and students low literacy levels in Indonesia is still scarce. In order to address this situation, this cross-sectional survey (as part of a multi-year research project) aims to outline Indonesian EFL teachers needs (150 participants were selected using stratified purposeful sampling) to enhance their literacy competence (through a literacy coaching online program) and the scope of their readiness for such a program. Questionnaires and interviews were utilised to identify teachers needs and readiness for the program (during this COVID-19 pandemic). It was found that the need to reinforce their literacy competence is exigent, along with an acknowledgement that adaptability to provide online classes is inevitable, and that they are not prepared to conduct a mere asynchronous mode of teaching and learning.


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26 Education ABS-282

Puberty Education in Primary Schools: Situations and Solutions
Erry Utomo (a), Nurfadhilah (b), Azmi Albahij (c), Sonya Sinyanyuri (d)

a) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka Jakarta Timur
b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta,
Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan, Cireundeu, Tangerang Selatan, 16519
c) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta,
Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan, Cireundeu, Tangerang Selatan, 16519
d) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka Jakarta Timur


Puberty education remain considered as difficult material to deliver at the primary school level in Indonesia. For most teachers, the Covid-19 pandemic situation made the learning process more difficult. This activity aims to provide assistance to teachers in recognizing the situation (the complexity of the problem) and finding alternative solutions that can be implemented. The Jakarta State University service team initiated a study which was carried out online with all teachers and principals of SD Labschool, Faculty of Education, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. The activity was held online on Saturday, August 15 2020. The method used is discussion with brainstorming techniques, sharing experiences, and deepening. Participants consisted of 33 teachers, school principals, and community service teams. Some of the problems discussed were the delivery of primary signs of puberty to lower grades, social ethics in Islam, puberty situations and educational strategies for children with special needs. The activity took place quite interactively and each party gave each other a point of view according to their experiences and understandings. Follow-up can be done by discussing and developing special materials such as puberty in children with special needs and synergy of education and parenting by parents.

Keywords: puberty, elementary school, education

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27 Education ABS-29

The Effect of Cognitive Style and Learning Strategy on Students Ability in Writing Narrative Text
Tata Tambi, Fathiaty Murtadho, Zainal Rafli

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of cognitive style and learning strategy on student^s narrative writing ability. It was conducted on the VII grade students at MTs Ibnu Taimiyah Bogor, West Java. The recent study involved 80 students which is then grouped into experimental and control classes. This experimental study applied treatment by level design and two-factorial ANOVA analysis. The findings showed that the ability of the field-independent students was higher than the ability of the field-dependent students in writing Indonesian narrative text.

Keywords: cognitive style, writing Indonesian narrative text, inquiry-based communicative learning strategy, expository-based communicative learning strategy

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28 Education ABS-285

Sarimah Ismail (a*), Fatin Nurathirah Roslan (a), Nornazira Suhairom (a), Rahimah Jamaluddin (b) and Suriani Mohamed (c)

a) School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. *p-sarima[at]
b) Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
c) Faculty of Technical and Vocational, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjung Malim, Perak, Malaysia


Most courses offered in the Technical Education and Vocational Training (TVET) programs are practical-based and applied Project-Based Learning (PjBL) as well as Project Oriented Problem-Based Learning (PoPjBL) teaching methods. The advantages of these student centred teaching approaches have received long debate in the literature that are able to provide the students deep understand about technical knowledge and skills of the courses and develop various generic skills. However, how PoPjBL was applied as a teaching method in the Fashion Design that also TVET course was rarely reported. A qualitative study that using field note, interview protocol and tape recorder as research instrument was conducted to identify how the PoPjBL is applied in teaching the course. Saturation of data indicated that 20 final year students have been interviewed while classroom participant observation took place for 14 weeks. The students were selected as a study sample applying purposive sampling technique. Interview data were analysed using three stages of coding process (open coding, axial coding and selective coding) and assisted by Nvivo computer software. Finding of the study showed that the process of applying the PoPjBL in teaching the course has eight major phases which were project brief, problem identification, problem solving process, project proposal presentation, project development, project evaluation, reflection and project report writing. To guide educators applying the PoPjBL as teaching method in their courses, this study suggested a conceptual framework to portray flow of the PoPjBL process that involved those eight phases is developed.

Keywords: Teaching method, Project Oriented Problem-Based Learning, Student Centred Learning Approach

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29 Education ABS-31

Deconstruction Approach in Readers Response in Learning Criticism and Literary Appreciation
Zakaria, Akin Duli, Fathu Rahman

Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar
Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar


Literary criticism of the early 19th century was writer-oriented, literary reading focused on the author. This model does not provide space for readers to respond critically in order to build interaction and communication between readers and literary texts. Reading literary texts should give an effect to the readers, then become a critic, even though subjectively, because there is no standard scientific measure in assessing literature as an aesthetic product, and that between writers and readers certainly have different dimensions of arguments in assessing the life. To interpret literary texts, the readers can be multi-dimensional perception according to the reader^s point of view. The development of literary criticism and reception theory at the beginning of the 20th century progressed rapidly especially reader^s response using hermeneutic. The criticism arises from post-structuralists who reject the opposition-binary of structuralists who see things on two sides only without considering the horizon of expectation to readers. Deconstruction in literary criticism in relation to the reader^s response is an attempt to dismantle the network of meanings in the text that is woven by the author, then reconstruct it using the reader^s perspective based on the reader^s experience. This approach is especially useful in learning criticism and literary appreciation in universities in order to excite students in learning literature creatively. The method and analysis technique of this paper are descriptive qualitative using deconstruction model approach in argument of analysis.

Keywords: reader response, deconstruction, multi-interpretation

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30 Education ABS-32

Education in the Grasp of Covid-19
M. Zaenul Muttaqin, Ilham, Usman Idris

Cenderawasih University


This research aims to find relevation freedom of learning by Paulo Freire in Kampus Merdeka program and pandemic context. The betterment of the education policy within this program has offered many transformations from conventional to a gap of education system which puts greater emphasis on the use of technology. The research tries to see the dispatch of this program amid the grip of Covid-19 through a qualitative approach with an interpretive method case study method. Design of this research use literature review. Literature review collect and analysis the primary data from literature sources such as journals, books, similar texts. Secondary data comes from supporting data connected to the research theme. The concept of merdeka belajar which was later included in kampus merdeka system was actually an investigation of the humanist education concept formed by Paulo Freire. The online learning process is executed in the masse by all universities. The presence of physical distancing confirms digital technology as the only lever for educational sustainability. In the new normal era, the humanist education found orientation again. The new normal policy opens the season for collegiate actors to convey offline teaching and learning activities with social distancing as a reference. Dialogic-transformative and action are manifested by consensus concerning the lecture method between lecturers and students. In era new normal and uncertainty over the pandemic, the goverment has to periodic evaluation of digital learning system, and ensure equal subsidy for all educational stakeholder.

Keywords: Policy, Education, Covid-19, Freedom of Learning

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