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Educating teachers beyond teaching: Stakeholders^ views on the quality of pre-service English teacher education in urban areas in Indonesia
Pipit Novita

School of Education
University of Bristol
35 Berkeley Square


Teacher quality has long become a growing and competitive area of research to improve the quality of education. In Indonesia, several attempts have been made to enhance the quality of teachers, such as certification policy and professional development program. However, these efforts do not show significant results yet because students^ achievement for the last two decades at an international standard test like PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) is still low. The reviews of national policies for education in 2015 called for more quality in teacher education to improve the quality of teachers. The purpose of this mixed-methods study is to explore how stakeholders (student teachers, educators, Head of English Department, Dean of Faculty of Education, teacher graduates and their principals) perceive quality in teacher education regarding influential aspects, strengths, challenges, and possibilities for improvement at pre-service English teacher education in a private and state university in Indonesia. First, quantitative data was collected from 409 student teachers using the existing questionnaire from Coherence and Assignment Study in Teacher Education (CATE) followed by interviewing some student teachers to triangulate the findings. Subsequently, qualitative data are also collected through interviews with educators, Head of the English Department, Dean of the Faculty of Education, English teacher graduates and their principals to address influential aspects of quality of teacher education. The study findings are hoped to have implications on practice, policy and further research in teacher education

Keywords: teacher education quality, teacher quality, mixed-methods, stakeholders, higher education

Topic: Education

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