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241 Humanity and Social Science ABS-204

Literature Review of Modality in Text or Discourse
Muhammad Miftah Sabban (a*), Miftahulkhairah Anwar (b)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan Raya Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia
b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan Raya Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia


This research aims to examine modalities in text or discourse from several scientific articles. The method used is the study of literature. The data source comes from thirty scientific articles. The articles were reviewed based on the purpose of the researchers analyzing the modalities, the data sources used, the modality theories that became the guidelines for drawing conclusions, the research methods applied, as well as the results and discussions that the researchers were working on. Based on the results of the research obtained the purpose of the research from thirty articles studied is to identify, analyze, and describe the modalities that are often used and identify the modalities used to compensate for modalities in the text or discourse studied. The most widely used data source by researchers to analyze modalities is news or newspaper text. The theory used in the articles studied is the theory of systemic functional linguistic modality put forward by Halliday, Palmer, Alwi, and Bieber. In the process of reviewing articles found two types of research used namely qualitative research types and types of research that combine qualitative and quantitative. For the methods used are quite diverse, but the most widely used method is the corpus method. From the results and discussions known modality plays an important role in the delivery of messages on text or discourse.

Keywords: LFS- modality- text- literature review

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242 Humanity and Social Science ABS-213

I Wayan Repiyasa,James AP Tangkudung, Hernawan

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study has the aim as a reference or additional reference to physical condition training that produces a book model of physical condition training based on traditional games . In this study using the research and development method (Research and Development) developed by Borg and Gall consists of ten steps . The subjects of this study were children aged 13-16 years in Bali Province. In this study there were 17 final models after undergoing trials and expert evaluations . In testing the effectiveness of using the t test. yield data pretest and posttest between the control group and the experimental group . A model of physical condition training based on a traditional game with a significance level of 0.05 . for sons the average pretest result with mean = 16.13 is smaller than the average posttest mean = 21.80 shows that the post test results are greater than the average pretest results. Whereas for girls, the average pretest result with mean = 14.40 is smaller than the average posttest mean = 17.23. Thus it can be stated that, the traditional game-based physical condition training model for beginner athletes is effectively used to improve the results of physical conditions child .

Keywords: Exercise Mode , Physical Conditions , Traditional Games, Beginner Athlete

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243 Humanity and Social Science ABS-217

Ritha Fatimah Dalimunthe, Elisabet Siahaan

Universitas Sumatera Utara


During the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 human resources (HR) played an important role in achieving the goals of organizations as well as organizations in a community. Communities in a region need to empower human resources in the organization so that various problems exist in hr in the community from administrators and members because of changes mainly due to the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, it is necessary to look at human resources empowerment in a community, especially the women^s community. The purpose of this research is to do internal mapping on human resources empowerment that exists in the community in the surrounding Medan city area. The population of this study is a community manager located in Medan city and surrounding area of 70 people from 37 communities who are willing to fill out questionnaires. The method of sampling is done with the principle of snowball so that in the sampling is more accurate with the recommendation of the next sample. As for the results of research on human resource empowerment in the community is positive thinking which is 68.6% while engaging in work for members and digging into the ideas of community members is done by 65.7% of administrators. Meanwhile, in creating a strategy together the community is only done by 42.6%. According to 48.6% of respondents who stated to delegate activities to community members. Meanwhile, 52.9% of respondents said there was community training if needed. The results showed that variable ease of doing activities was stated by 62.9% of respondents. Meanwhile, 35.7% of respondents used social media to introduce their community. And only 40% use social media to promote their community. This shows that IT technology is not yet fully used for the improvement of community activities in daily activities except for ease in the notification of activities to be carried out. Therefore, training and mentoring is needed in improving human resources empowerment and the ability to use social media f

Keywords: Pemberdayaan SDM, Revolusi 4.0, komunitas

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244 Humanity and Social Science ABS-219

Raihan Anwar



This case study research aims to measure how political parties intervene in the appointment of leadership positions in the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Government. Data collection was carried out through observation, tracing and document analysis as well as in-depth interviews with informants and resource persons. The informant consists of two clusters which are expected to provide complete, comprehensive and objective data. Based on data analysis grouped into sub-focus, it was found that 90% of officials appointed to leadership positions have met the specified competency standards. The local government has also implemented a meritocracy system so that intervention by political parties is difficult if the human resources are not professional. This study recommends local governments to maintain local wisdom and make the advantages and added value of civil servants as weapons in maintaining integrity and improving the performance of local governments in realizing their vision.
Keywords: leadership appointment, competency standards, meritocracy, political parties, local wisdom.

Keywords: leadership appointment, competency standards, meritocracy, political parties, local wisdom.

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245 Humanity and Social Science ABS-221

Effect of Organizational Justice, Trust on Organizational Commitment.
Tri Erie Wardhani (a)- Prof.Dr.R. Madhakomala, M.Pd (b)- Prof Ma^ruf Akbar, M.Pd (c)

a)Universitas Negeri Jakarta
JL Rawamangun Muka Raya, Jakarta Timur. Indonesia

b)Universitas Negeri Jakarta
JL Rawamangun Muka Raya, Jakarta Timur. Indonesia

c)Universitas Negeri Jakarta
JL Rawamangun Muka Raya, Jakarta Timur. Indonesia


Human resources play an important role for organizational growth. therefore organizational commitment is needed in supporting the achievement of company goals.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organizational justice and trust on organizational commitment. The method used in this study is a survey method with path analysis technique. Path analysis is used to test the direct influence of variables: Justice (X1), Trust (X2), and Organlzational Commitment (Y) in the Metropolitan Golden Management Hotel Group. The number of samples for the study were 123 respondents drawn from 153 population. The resurts showed that Organizational Justice, and Trust had a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Suggestlon, Metropolitan Golden Management Hotel Group continues to Improve the quality of organlzatlonal Justice and trust to Increase organizational commitment.

Keywords: Organizational Justice- Trust- Organizational Commitment

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246 Humanity and Social Science ABS-222

The Influencer Fugures in Deleloping Urban Farming Tourism Concept at Kampung Tangguh Jawara Setu Perigi
R.M.W. Agie Pradhipta

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti


This study aims to determine the role of The Influencer in The Power to Change Anything. In a sleeping area of 3 hectares, Suhanda Johan (The Influencer) independently moves the community of RT 03 RW 05 Kelurahan Perigi Baru, Pondok Aren District, Pondok Aren District, South Tangerang City by converting the land into agricultural land and fisheries cultivation in the middle of a productive city and at the same time strengthen the food security of the surrounding community. This activity has become something viral and has been published in several media today, so that what was originally just an ordinary community activity, is now developing under the National Police Headquarters development program with the concept of Kampung Tangguh Jawara (Keep the Citizen^s Health Safe, Religious, Prosperous) and currently its development is towards the concept. Urban Farming Tourism.
How the role of The Influencer (Suhanda Johan) The Power to Change Anything initiates and encourages character change to provide a pioneer in moving the people of Kampung Setu Perigi to have and foster an unyielding spirit, independence and mutual cooperation in transforming unproductive land into productive and beneficial land for the community the surroundings. The involvement of coaching from other institutions in supporting the Kampung Tangguh Jawara program is also inseparable from being driven by the Penta Helix Strategic partnership which is the main key to synergy from the form of successful collaboration and elaboration in a Community Empowerment program.
This study used a qualitative descriptive method with surveys, observations and reviews for 1 year monitoring the location. Based on the results of the study, the results show that the role of an initiator or influencer is very dominant and is needed as a role model which is a strong driving factor in the success and sustainability of a tourist destination. Efforts made by a community who cares about their environment have made Perigi^s lo

Keywords: The Influencer, Kampung Tangguh Jawara, Urban Farming Tourism

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247 Humanity and Social Science ABS-226

Pujo Widodo(a*), Achmed Sukendro (b), Nining Parlina (c)

a) Universitas Pertahanan
IPSC Sentul Jl. Sukahati Citereup Bogor Jawa Barat
b) Universitas Pertahanan
IPSC Sentul Jl. Sukahati Citereup Bogor Jawa Barat
c) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka Raya Rt 011/Rw 014
Rawamangun Pulo Gadung Jakarta Timur


The problem of the Indonesia-Singapore maritime border is the smuggling of drugs using the sea route which is a threat to Indonesia^s sovereignty in Batam Island. This threat makes Indonesia a destination country and a transit point. This research aims to realize the safeguarding of the Indonesia-Singapore sea border from the smuggling of narcotics. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Theory uses the theory of strategy, prevention and synergy to answer research questions. Collecting data using observation, interviews and document study. The results of this study are first, the obstacles to guarding the Indonesia-Singapore maritime border are in the form of internal factors, namely the number of personnel, ownership of defense equipment technology and limited logistics: external factors, namely extensive geographical conditions, difficulty predicting weather factors, lack of public legal awareness, and easy access to enter Indonesia. Second, the synergy of guarding the maritime boundary between Indonesia and Singapore in the exchange of information from the Regional Intelligence community has not been maximal. Third, the strategy of guarding the Indonesia-Singapore maritime border reduces the practice of smuggling narcotics, maximizes the resources of the Indonesian Navy, and uses patrol and surveillance of the Indonesia-Singapore maritime border.

Keywords: Keywords: Strategy, Guarding, Sea Border, Prevention, Smuggling and Narcotics

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248 Humanity and Social Science ABS-233




Widyaiswara (lecturers) hold an important role as a key actor in educating, training, and coaching the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). However, this role is not performed optimally because the State Agency of Education and Training (Lembaga Diklat) does not uphold their status/position/post. This propensity could be seen in a number of symptoms, e.g. The Widyaiswaras have (1) low commitment in organisation, (2) lack of fulfilment in job autonomy, (3) lack of job satisfaction, and (4) difficulty in complying the preferment credit. These symptoms represent the relationship disharmony between the employee and the employer institution so that an organisational behaviour study needs to be carried out. On the one hand, the organisational behaviour study approach in other countries tends to place research subjects in the realm of private/corporate institutions. As an alternative, this study highlights organisational behaviour with a slightly similar approach but in the context of Indonesian ASN^s behaviour by measuring the influence of career development, job autonomy, and job satisfaction to the Widyaiswara^s organisational commitment in the Central Agency of Indonesian Government Training Institute. The study was conducted by applying quantitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of a survey of 108 Widyaiswara in Indonesia, from October 2015 to August 2017. Data analysis was carried out descriptively (Weighted Mean Score) and inferentially (Path Analysis). The results show that (1) career development, (2) job autonomy, (3) job satisfaction has a direct positive influence on organisational commitment indeed.

Keywords: widyaiswara, career development, job autonomy, satisfaction, organizational commitment

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249 Humanity and Social Science ABS-235

aspects of information technology and organizational commitment in increasing radical innovation
Asep Jalaludin (a*), Wibowo (b), Maruf Akbar (c)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta, 13220,Indonesia
b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta, 13220,Indonesia
c) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta, 13220,Indonesia


The widely used aspects of information technology tend to be completed only at the output level of programs and activities that have been determined by the tertiary institution. Further activities of the program are still very rarely carried out and only become individual or group reports which are then stored in the library. The use of information technology and programs should be continued until the level of benefits that can be felt by the community. Then the organizational commitment of people in doing the work therein still needs to be further proven. The research objective is the development of human resources management, particularly related to aspects of the use of information technology and organizational commitment in encouraging radical innovation with the method of path analysis techniques where the exogenous variables are information technology and organizational commitment and the endogenous variable is innovation, while the number of population analyzed is 80 people. Simple random sampling technique, so that each element of the population has an equal chance and is known to be selected. Collecting data in this study using instrument aids in the form of questionnaires and tests. The research instrument was first tested the instrument. Valid and reliable instruments will be used as research instruments. And in the end, we got the hypothesis that the aspects of information technology and organizational commitment can encourage radical innovation.

Keywords: Radical Innovation, Informaton Technology, Organizational Commitment, Path Analysis

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250 Humanity and Social Science ABS-247

Irfan Fauzi Rachmat, Erdawati, Sofia Hartati

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Efforts to increase early childhood emotional development towards a positive direction cannot be separated by the various factors that influence it. This study aims to see the relationship between the role of the family environment, interpersonal communication, and smartphone addiction on children^s emotional development in Cirebon, West Java. Using survey research methods with SEM analysis techniques assisted by AMOS software. Data analysis was carried out on 263 parents who had early childhood aged 4-6 years. Determination of the sample using proportionate cluster random sampling. The results of the research study showed that the family environment partially has a positive direct effect on children^s emotional development, while smartphone addiction has a negative effect on children^s emotional development. This is different in interpersonal communication, which apparently does not influence children^s emotional development. This indicates that if you want to improve the development of positive emotions in children, what must be the main concern and priority in the improvement is to always create a harmonious family environment and reduce the level of smartphone addiction. So it is necessary to have policies and joint attention, both from the government, schools, or parents at home to continue to pay attention to a positive family environment for children and to monitor children^s smartphone use so that it is not excessive.

Keywords: Family Environment, Interpersonal Communication, Smartphone Addiction, Emotional Development, SEM, AMOS

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251 Humanity and Social Science ABS-253

Agung Dharmawan Buchdadi, Amelia Sholeha, Gatot Nazir Ahmad, Mukson,

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Muhadi Setiabudi, Indonesia


This research would be important for Indonesia goverment as well as developing countries in examining the competency of female to put more role proportion in SME^s development. This study will examine the financial literacy level of the women manager who lead the small medium sized enterprises. The respondent who join in this research was 48 managers. The instrument used in this research was adopted form Chen and Volpe (1998). The findings show that the manager have some basic knowledge and skills in financial literacy. However, it is noted that the manager have to develop the literacy in financing matters. So, the implication of the findings, perhaps the goverment need to provide the program to enhance the financing skills for the manager to make the SMEs more efficien to obtain the funding that is important to grows up the firms.

Keywords: financial literacy, Women Manager, Small and medium size enterprise

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252 Science and Technology ABS-20

Enhanced students problem-solving skills through a focused strategy-based field trip learning
Ari Permana (a), Saefudin Saefudin (b*), Amprasto (b), Reni Renofa (c)

a) School of Postgraduate studies, Indonesia Education University, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung 40154
b) Biology Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung 40154
c) Biology Teacher, State High School 5 of Garut, Jalan Cikopo, Pameungpeuk, Garut 44175


Today environmental challenges such as conservation, climate change, and loss of biodiversity are increasingly pressing, requiring citizens who understand ecology, be a concern for the environment, and have the skills to analyze complex problems. The inclusion of problem-solving skills into biology learning is one useful strategy for improving learning and education in the 21st century. Today environmental challenges such as conservation, climate change, and loss of biodiversity are increasingly pressing, requiring citizens who understand ecology, be a concern for the environment, and have the skills to analyze complex problems. The inclusion of problem-solving skills into biology learning is one useful strategy for improving learning and education in the 21st century. This research used quasi-experimental with pre-and-posttest design in which involve 28 students from two classes 10th-grade high school in Garut Regency, Indonesia. This research used quasi-experimental with pre-and-posttest design in which involved twenty-eight students from two classes 10th-grade high school divided into experimental class and comparison class. The data collected through pre-and post-test question of problem-solving and student feedback questionnaire after participate learning. The data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative using n-gain, normality, homogeneity-test, and t-test. The result showed that the students problem-solving skills are increased in moderate category, and there is a significant difference in problem-solving skills (gain data) between the experimental class and comparison class. The students response after participate in field trip learning showed a positive response. It can be concluded that focused strategy-based field trip learning can stimulate the improvement of students^ problem-solving skills.

Keywords: problem-solving skills, 21st century skills, field trip, focused strategy, ecosystem

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253 Science and Technology ABS-45

A Study on the Utilization of the Family Environment: Planting Jasmine Flowers as a Base Material for Aromatherapy Oil in Narrow Yard
Sitti Nursetiawati*, Dian Pertiwi Josua, Elvyra Yulia

Cosmetology Education, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University, 13220, East Jakarta, Indonesia


One of the activities that have had many benefits during the Covid-19 pandemic is farming. The use of the physical environment of the family in the form of a narrow yard can be used as a planting medium for medicinal and cosmetic plants. This research aims to- (1) Evaluating the benefits of the physical environment of the family, (2) Providing education on therapeutic plants available within the household scope, (3) Seeing the extent to which narrow urban land is used as a planting medium, especially for cosmetic crops. The research model was designed in a descriptive quantitative manner using observation. The research location was in Malaka Asri District, East Jakarta, involving 31 families. The results showed that- (a) Planting jasmine flowers in small plants was done by using pots, (b) Jasmine flowers produced from the planting process in small yards, still thriving, (c) In general, family members who live in the family environment with small yards, do not understand the narrow land in the physical environment of the family, it can still be used, (d) More than two-fifths of families (48%) are found with narrow land, do not know the properties of jasmine flowers as a cosmetic plant that has therapeutic benefits and can be used the essential ingredients of aromatherapy oil.

Keywords: cosmetic plants, family physical environment, narrow yards, therapeutic plants

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254 Science and Technology ABS-46

The Role of CSR in Enhancing Sustainable Development
Emilkamayana,Henita Rahmayanti, Nadiroh

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The increasing population causes various environmental, social, and economic problems. This was followed by industrial operational activities carried out by various companies to date. As a result, there are complexities between these environmental, social, and economic aspects. For example, the change in the function of forest land into industrial areas with the aim of infrastructure development has two sides of view, one side is how the development will continue to advance the economy, but on the other hand, its existence will actually have a negative impact. To overcome this, CSR efforts were made. CSR itself is an obligation that must be done by the industry to be able to encourage various activities that are beneficial to the Sustainable Development Program. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of CSR in a complement to creating sustainable development. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method by reviewing and synthesizing journals related to CSR. The findings in this study that the role of CSR is very important to support the Sustainable Development Program for a better future, not only for economic benefits for the company, but all the components in it must get the benefits. Corporate Social Responsibility is a form of concern and responsibility that must be carried out appropriately by actively collaborating with relevant stakeholders, especially local people who are directly involved in it. As a result, companies must understand precisely that the role of CSR is the key to the company^s long-term success which must be developed regularly and integrated in a balanced manner with the three aspects, people, planet and profit.

Keywords: CSR, Sustainable Development, Company

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255 Science and Technology ABS-49

Lusi Rachmiazasi Masduki(a*), Pukky Tetralian Bantining N (b)

a) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Department Mathematics Education, Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
b)Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Department Mathematics, Universitas Billfath, Indonesia


Open university students are accustomed to independent learning systems, but in the process of independent learning there are no appropriate models and media available for students, therefore suitable models and media are needed, one of which is model guided note taking that makes students more actively learning, then media that support this learning model are media digital online books because they can be used online so they support online lecture tutorials. The purpose of this research is to produce a product in the form of a media digital online book with model guided note taking in the transformation geometry course that can be used in online tutorials. While this research method uses the Borg and Gall development model with 10 stages in it, in the first year to steps 1-6 Main field testing or limited testing. Based on the results of the response of open university students using an online questionnaire obtained quite satisfactory results, students are very motivated by using digital online books. The conclusion of this study is that students are very enthusiastic in using digital online book media with guided note taking models.

Keywords: Digital Online Book, Guided Note Taking, Student Response

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256 Science and Technology ABS-61

Distance Learning Technology Ecosystem During the Pandemic in Indonesia
Richardus Eko Indrajit, Basuki Wibawa, Atwi Suparman

Richardus Eko Indrajit, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Basuki Wibawa, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Atwi Suparman, Universitas Terbuka


The Covid-19 pandemic forces all schools around the world to implement distance learning mechanism. Hundreds of thousands of schools in Indonesia are forced to do it immediately without undergoing appropriate planning and preparation. Statistics show that the majority of schools experience serious problems in adopting this modern learning concept. As teaching and learning process can not be stopped regardless the situation, every school is trying so hard to find ways in adopting to sudden changes that had not been previously thought of. The movement of schools in Indonesia in applying the distance education model has formed a unique technology ecosystem along the way. This article shows how the ecosystem had been shaped by the circumstances of the global catastrophy. The ecosystem is picturised in a conceptual framework that shows all interelated components within the perimeter. More than 1,000 schools were analysed during the study in the past three months. This ecosystem framework can be used as a reference for schools who want to choose what kind of technology model is suitable to be applied according to their characteristic and needs for the purpose of adopting the most appropriate distance learning approach.

Keywords: Covid-19- framework- learning- teaching

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257 Science and Technology ABS-113

The Level of Student Knowledge of Laboratory Equipment and Materials
Restiana (a*), Djukri (b)

a,b) Postgraduate Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281


The Biology Laboratory is an important variable in determining the quality of output from secondary schools. Adequate laboratory equipment suitable for teaching in secondary schools will help improve student skills. Getting to know the equipment and materials in the laboratory helps the learning process in the laboratory. This study aims to determine the level of student knowledge of laboratory equipment and materials. This study uses a survey method with a sample of 106 high school students grade XI in Yogyakarta. Data collection is done by testing the knowledge of laboratory equipment and materials. Data analysis is performed by calculating the average percentage and qualifying into a range of category values. This study shows that the level of student knowledge of laboratory equipment names is quite good with an average percentage of 70.87%, the level of student knowledge of laboratory equipment functions is good with an average percentage of 81.39%, the level of student knowledge of how to use tools the laboratory is good with an average percentage of 88.99%, the level of student knowledge of the type of laboratory material is good with an average percentage of 88.67% and the level of student knowledge of the grouping of materials used in certain subject matter that is not good with an average average percentage of 41.16%.

Keywords: Knowledge- Laboratory equipment- Laboratory material

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258 Science and Technology ABS-132

Evaluation of Waste Management Policy in Commercial Areas, Industrial Areas and Special Areas in Jakarta Province
Rochman A, Meirina D, Yulianto

Environmental Agency of DKI Jakarta Province


This study aims to determine the implementation of waste management policies from commercial areas, industrial areas and special areas in DKI Jakarta Province and to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of these regional regulations. This policy research method uses content analysis, by comparing the content of waste management regulation policies with the implementation of business activities in DKI Jakarta Province, the stages of data collection are as follows- (1) preparation, (2) entering the field, (3) collecting data. Primary data obtained from direct interviews with officials in related institutions, field observations. Primary data and secondary data were obtained from related agencies in the period January - December 2019. The results showed that the carrying capacity and level of compliance with aspects of waste collection were good in accordance with standards / policies. However, the carrying capacity and level of compliance with waste sorting, waste reduction efforts and technical requirements for waste collection sites and the delivery of waste management by third parties are not in accordance with standards / policies.

Keywords: policy evaluation- waste management- industrial and commercial areas-

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259 Science and Technology ABS-135

Analysis of Research Instruments: Use of Gadgets in Biology Learning to Student Learning Interests
Ika Nur Cahyani (a*), Agung Wijaya Subiantoro (b)

a) Postgraduate Program in Biological Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Faculty of MIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research aimed to determine the validity and reliability of the instrument. The type of this research is survey. The subjects in this study were 100 high school students year 2018/2019 from five different regions: 33 respondents in DIY, 31 respondents in Central Java, 22 respondents in East Java, 11 respondents in West Java and three respondents in West Sumatera. The respondents were students in Science class of 10 grade (n=11), 11 grade (n=35) and 12 grade (n=54). Data was collected by questionnaire. This instrument used the answer or response category based on a Likert scale, where the level score started from the lowest (1) to the highest (4). In this study, analysis method used to determine the eligibility of items in the questionnaire was carried out with the significance of the reliability coefficient. This was performed to calculate the reliability coefficient per item using the reliability analysis with the Alpha Cronbach formula. Based on the analysis of the statement items using SPSS, out of 22 items, 18 items were recognized as valid and four items were considered invalid. On the reliability test, the 22 questions given to 100 respondents had Cronbach Alpha value of 0.763, and this showed a sufficient reliability.

Keywords: gadget, validity, reliability, biology

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260 Science and Technology ABS-146

B3-Medical Waste Management Fas Yankes Bogor District Health Office in 2018
Jenni Ria Rajagukguk

Faculty of Magister Management Technology Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta


Health Service Facility is a device or place used to carry out health service efforts in promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative that are carried out by the Central Government, Regional Government and or the community. Based on the regulation of Indonesia concerning Health Service Facilities in article 4 that the types of Health Service Facilities as referred to in article 3 (Health Service Facilities provide health services in the form of individual health services or public health services) consist of independent practice sites health workers, public health centers, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, blood transfusion units, health laboratories, optics, medical services for legal purposes and traditional health care facilities. Likewise, based on PP No.47 of 2016 which is about the implementation of independent practices of health workers and traditional health service facilities. In this case the government gives the widest possible permits to health workers as long as they fulfill the requirements, Government and Private health facilities in Bogor Regency in 2016. It shows that there will be potential pollution of health facilities waste, if it is reviewed according to Minister of Health Regulation 1204 in 2004. The problem is how to manage B3-Medical Waste according to Minister of Environment Regulation No. 56 of 2015, and the research method is a theoretical research method with the aim of knowing and running the management of B3-Medical waste FanYanKes in Bogor. The results achieved are the process of managing B3-Medical waste from in 4 regions 42 Subdistricts and government hospitals and private hospitals, clinics and others more to management in Bogor district basically has the same process that is from the reduction sorting , transporting waste to polling stations, processing and burial, then the final process of solid medical treatment is carried out through combustion using an incinerator and Forestry to Minister of Environment Regulation

Keywords: Management, Medical of B3 Waste, Fas Yankes and Bogor of District

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261 Science and Technology ABS-180

Development of an Eco-Shampoo Formulation Using Local Environmental Plant Extracts for Healthy Hair
Dwi Atmanto, Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati

Department of Cosmetology, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur-DKI Jakarta 13200 Indonesia



The potential of biological resources that are widely grown in Indonesia is underutilized by the community. Though these plants contain active chemical compounds that play an important role in nourishing body organs, skin and hair. The aim of this research is to develop an eco-friendly shampoo formulation (Eco-Shampoo) by adding local environmental plant extracts for hair health. This research method is a quasi-experimental development of existing shampoo formulations (base formulations) by adding local plant extracts such as aloe vera (Aloe vera) and coconut oil (Cocos nucifera) in three formulations. The resulting shampoo products were then carried out two evaluations, namely the stability test (organoleptic test), foam height observation, viscosity test, pH test and preference test (hedonic test) by consumers to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of using shampoo. The results: after a storage period of 2 days showed: 1. Stability test, slightly changed color, constant odor, and texture did not change and the pH value was between 5.5 - 6.5, The smear test on the back of the hand and the skin behind the ear did not show skin irritation, whereas 2. hedonic test, there were 10 consumer consumers stated that the color was like, the smell was stated like, and the texture was stated quite like it. Thus, aloe vera and coconut oil can be used as shampoo.

Keywords: Formulation development, Eco-shampoo, plant extracts, local environment, health hair.

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262 Science and Technology ABS-232

Vivi Iswanti Nursyirwan*, Sasmita Sari Ardaninggar and Nina Valentika

Universitas Pamulang


This study aims to examine the effect of website quality on consumer trust, test the effect of website quality on purchase intention, test the effect of consumer trust on purchase intention and test the indirect effect of website quality on purchase intention with consumer trust as an intervening variable in the Shopee^s E-Commerce. The population of this research is all shopee visitors in 2019 amounting to 90.7 million. Respondents of this research are undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economics, Pamulang University who are users of the Shopee E-Commerce. The sample in this study used purposive sampling with certain criteria and used an iterative formula in order to obtain a total sample size of 100 people. The data analysis method used in this research is to analyze the measurement model (outer model) consisting of convergent validity and reliability tests, the structural model analysis (inner model) and hypothesis testing. Data analysis using Structural Equation Modelling with Partial Least Square Approach. In this study it was found that there was a positive and significant influence between website quality on consumer trust, there was a positive and significant influence between website quality on purchase intention, there was a positive and significant influence between consumer trust on purchase intention and there was a significant positive influence between the indirect variables, namely website quality on purchase intention with consumer trust as an intervening variable at the real level of 10%.

Keywords: (Consumer Trust, Intervening Variable, E-Commerce)

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263 Science and Technology ABS-244

MODEL OF SILK PENCAK SILAT KITTLE TRAINING BASED ON EXERCISE MEDIA IN STUDENTS SILENT PENCAK ATHLETES (Research and Development Study Model of Sickle-Based Exercise Kick Media Training of Student Athletes)
Ramdani Amrullah, Firmansyah Dlis, Hernawan, Widiastuti

IKIP-PGRI Pontianak


This study aims to produce a sickle kick training model based on training media, this research uses questionnaire instruments and quantitative and qualitative data using the research & development (R&D) method of borg & gall. The stages of this research are (1) needs analysis (2) model products in the form of prototypes (3) product design development and implementation stages (4) expert testing (5) revision (6) field testing (7) wider product revision (8) due diligence (9) final product (10) distribution Area, the effectiveness test through the initial test obtained the initial test value of the right sickle kick ability of 6.944 and left, 6.39. While skills are 65.22 right, and 71.26 left. After being given treatment, the right sickle kick ability was 8.70, and left was 8.04. Skills 62.48 right, 68.66 for the left so it can be concluded that the sickle kick training model based on training media is effective in improving the ability and kick skills, based on the results obtained from the model effectiveness test, it can be concluded that the sickle kick training model based on training media in the sport of pencak silat that is applied has increased, which is evidenced by the initial test and the final test is a significant difference and is declared feasible for use in sickle kick training.

Keywords: Model, Sickle kick, Swiss ball

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