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Puberty Education in Primary Schools: Situations and Solutions
Erry Utomo (a), Nurfadhilah (b), Azmi Albahij (c), Sonya Sinyanyuri (d)

a) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka Jakarta Timur
b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta,
Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan, Cireundeu, Tangerang Selatan, 16519
c) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta,
Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan, Cireundeu, Tangerang Selatan, 16519
d) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka Jakarta Timur


Puberty education remain considered as difficult material to deliver at the primary school level in Indonesia. For most teachers, the Covid-19 pandemic situation made the learning process more difficult. This activity aims to provide assistance to teachers in recognizing the situation (the complexity of the problem) and finding alternative solutions that can be implemented. The Jakarta State University service team initiated a study which was carried out online with all teachers and principals of SD Labschool, Faculty of Education, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. The activity was held online on Saturday, August 15 2020. The method used is discussion with brainstorming techniques, sharing experiences, and deepening. Participants consisted of 33 teachers, school principals, and community service teams. Some of the problems discussed were the delivery of primary signs of puberty to lower grades, social ethics in Islam, puberty situations and educational strategies for children with special needs. The activity took place quite interactively and each party gave each other a point of view according to their experiences and understandings. Follow-up can be done by discussing and developing special materials such as puberty in children with special needs and synergy of education and parenting by parents.

Keywords: puberty, elementary school, education

Topic: Education

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