Evaluation of Reform Leader Academy Training Program in Indonesia Caca Syahroni (a*), Muchlis R. Luddin (b), Wibowo (b)
a) Lembaga Administrasi Negara
b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
National institute of Public Administration Republic of Indonesia is a government institution that plays a role in improving ASN competencies, one of them is the Reform Leader Academy (RLA) program. RLA training is one of the national strategic programs that aims to form bureaucratic reform leaders in the framework of transformation towards Smart Organizations. The competency to be built in RLA Training is the ability of participants to prepare for innovative change processes in accordance with the needs of the national bureaucratic reform program in line with the RLA theme.
RLA training programs need to be investigated more in order to meet the expectations of the stakeholders, can be well planned with input complete, accomplished in an orderly manner and produce players who have high competence. Efforts to do so are made with qualitative program evaluation research. This research method uses the CIPP Evaluation Model (Context, Input, Process, Product) from Daniel Stufflebeam. The context component evaluates the background of the need for the existence of a training program associated with various underlying formal conditions. The input component evaluates the planning stage with various components that are necessary for the implementation of the program as well as possible. Component process conducted to evaluate how the success rate at the time the program is implemented. Product components are conducted to evaluate and evaluate the level of success of training programs.
Based on the results of this research shows and concludes that the crucial point of this RLA training program is in terms of the continuity of the program as well as monitoring the action plan made by the participants. If the aspect of program continuity and monitoring of the action plan that has been prepared goes well. Thus, the participants who have participated in this RLA training have successfully implemented their knowledge at the time of training in their respective work units.
Keywords: Reform Leader- Training Program- Evaluation Model
Topic: Education