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Deconstruction Approach in Readers Response in Learning Criticism and Literary Appreciation
Zakaria, Akin Duli, Fathu Rahman

Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar
Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar


Literary criticism of the early 19th century was writer-oriented, literary reading focused on the author. This model does not provide space for readers to respond critically in order to build interaction and communication between readers and literary texts. Reading literary texts should give an effect to the readers, then become a critic, even though subjectively, because there is no standard scientific measure in assessing literature as an aesthetic product, and that between writers and readers certainly have different dimensions of arguments in assessing the life. To interpret literary texts, the readers can be multi-dimensional perception according to the reader^s point of view. The development of literary criticism and reception theory at the beginning of the 20th century progressed rapidly especially reader^s response using hermeneutic. The criticism arises from post-structuralists who reject the opposition-binary of structuralists who see things on two sides only without considering the horizon of expectation to readers. Deconstruction in literary criticism in relation to the reader^s response is an attempt to dismantle the network of meanings in the text that is woven by the author, then reconstruct it using the reader^s perspective based on the reader^s experience. This approach is especially useful in learning criticism and literary appreciation in universities in order to excite students in learning literature creatively. The method and analysis technique of this paper are descriptive qualitative using deconstruction model approach in argument of analysis.

Keywords: reader response, deconstruction, multi-interpretation

Topic: Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Zakaria S.S., M.A.)

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