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181 Humanity and Social Science ABS-26

The Effect of Big-Five Personality Factors and Knowledge about Reproduction Health to Healthy Life Motivation on Students of Public High School: A Partial Least Squares
Rasminto (a*), Nadiroh (b), Yufiarti (c)

a, b, c)Postgraduate School of Universitas Negeri Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


This research is aims to about the effect of big-five personality factors and knowledge about reproductive health to the healthy life motivation on students of public high school. The method used was a survey with a path analysis involving 279 samples. There are three instruments that measure the healthy life motivation (rel. 971), big-five personality (rel. 937), and knowledge about reproductive health (rel. 874). The research data was carried out by partial least squares (PLS). Research results- 1) There is a direct effect of big-five personality to the healthy life motivation which is significant of statistically- 2) There is a direct effect of knowledge about reproductive health to the healthy life motivation which is not significant of statistically- 3) There is a direct effect of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion factors on big-five personality which is significant- 4) There is an indirect effect of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion factors to the healthy life motivation through the big-five personality- and 5) The total effect of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion factors to the healthy life motivation was all significant.

Keywords: Healthy life motivation, big-five personality, and knowledge about reproduction health, and partial least squares.

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182 Humanity and Social Science ABS-27

The Environmental Behaviour Social Map: Mass Media Exposure, Curiosity, and Rejection of Non-environmentally Friendly Products
Muhammad Zid, M Sunu Probo Baskoro, Nadiroh, Komarudin, Fauzi Abdillah

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The purpose of this study was to analyze the social map related to the relationship between exposure to environmental news and curiosity over issues of environmental damage together with the behaviour of rejecting environmentally unfriendly products. The study was conducted in December 2018 - January 2019 is held at the Antara TV News Agency. This study uses survey methods and correlation techniques. The results of this study indicate that: (1) There is a positive relationship between exposure to environmental news and rejection behaviour of non-environmentally friendly products. Socially, if the news relating to the positive environment will form rejection of the increasingly positive community behaviour towards products that are not environmentally friendly. (2) There is a positive relationship between Curiosity over Environmental Issues with product rejection behaviour not environmentally friendly. Socially, if the public curiosity about environmental issues is high, the behaviour of rejecting non-environmentally friendly products also increases.

Keywords: Environmental Behaviour Social Map- Mass Media Exposure- Rejection of Non-environmentally Friendly Products

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183 Humanity and Social Science ABS-28

Appraisal List of Officers Personnel Assigned in the Indonesian Navy (Dapen Persmil TNI AL)^
aries sudiarso

UNJ Ilmu Manajemen (MSDM)


The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness dan innovations new model of the Program of ^Appraisal List of Officers Personnel Assigned in the Indonesian Navy (Dapen Persmil TNI AL)^ at the office of the TNI Al Personnel Office, Jl. Cilangkap Jakarta. Based on the scientific literature, this study is a study evaluation program and the evaluation model selected is Discrepancy Evalution Model Provus and Kickpatrick Evaluation Model (Level 3, Behavior and Level 4 Results/Impact). Data is obtained through observation instruments, interviews, and documentation and uses descriptive survey research methods, in explanotary and qualitative approaches. On the basis of analyzing the steering of the model evaluation, effectiveness and researchers created a combined model of analysis and innovated to make Dasbord Continuous Behavior Improvement Program (CBIP) Dapen Persmil TNI AL then it is expected that the Navy Officer assigned in the TNI AL environment in his assignment is able to develop skills and professionalism to improve the optimization of work. However, the findings in this study that the implementation of this program is not in accordance with the career discussion program of TNI AL personnel as launched by the Commander of the TNI in 2016 - 2017 in the Principals of the Commander-in-Chief^s policy on the improvement of the professionalism of soldiers through assignment, education and training, fulfillment of equipment, and the rights of soldiers managed with a good management system. The findings of this study show that the assignment of officers is not enough if there is not supported by awareness from the leadership of the Navy to touch in total about the management of human resources (HR) with the concept approach of Human Capital Management (HCM) especially in the Navy Officers and not to the extent of mere rhetoric. implementation, the assignment of TNI AL after officers participated in the Dapen Persmil TNI AL program.

Keywords: Human Capital Management, The Program of Dapen Persmil TNI AL, Evaluation Program, Indonesian Navy

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184 Humanity and Social Science ABS-284

Mari Okatini Armandari

Cosmetology Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta



European bridal grows rapidly and demands newer development trends all the time. The need for the appearance of a bride for the European bridal fashion trend that continues to develop has caused many things, including the innovation of nail art in the development of European bridal itself.
Public perception is an important factor in the development of nail art so that it is an important aspect for conducting a research. This study aims to obtain data and clearer informatio on people^s perceptions of nail art as a fashion statement for European brides. The method used in this research is quantitative method.
The results of this study indicate that the perception of internal factors and external factors is in the positive (good) category. For internal perceptions that answered the majority were positive (80%), neutral (16%), and negative (4%). Meanwhile, the majority of external perceptions answered positively (84%), neutral (13%), and negative (3%.).
Public perception can be concluded from the results of the questionnaire that nail art is one of the focuses on creating a fashion statement so that the use of nail art can show the identity of European brides. Nail Art that can make brides look prettier and more attractive at a wedding by wearing nail decorations that are tailored to the theme and color of her wedding dress.

Keywords: perception, European bridal, nail art

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185 Humanity and Social Science ABS-30

Dr. Ida Basaria, Parlindungan, Yulianus Harefa



Diglosia is a situation of using two or more languages in a multicultural society.Diglosia almost happened to every nation in the world.The Indonesian nation which consists of various ethnic groups with various regional languages raises a language situation that is diglossic,the use of local languages and Indonesian in different social situations.With this diglossia, it is hoped that there will be a complementary function between Indonesian in formal situations and the function of ethnic languages (PakpakDairi Language)in interactions between family members and in informal situations.Speakers of PakpakDairi Language are multilingual speakers who master the PakpakDairi Language and Toba Language,besides Indonesian and English.This multilingualism requires speakers of PakpakDairi Language to be able to choose these languages in their social interactions.This language attitude will be seen in the perspective of diglossia.By using an ethnographic sociolinguistic approach, PakpakDairi language retention can be analyzed through the perception of the people,the speakers^ loyalty to Pakpak Dairi language.This study concludes that there has been deterioration in PakpakDairi language due to a situation of ignorance where Indonesian has seeped into everyday use in the realm of households and families.

Keywords: diglossia, language attitudes, sociolinguistic ethnography

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186 Humanity and Social Science ABS-286

Social Media and the Increasing Divorce Rate in Depok City (Case Study of Communities in Four Districts in Depok City)
Furkan dan Alfasis

Porgram S3 Jurusan PKLH UNJ


Social Media and the Increasing Divorce Rate in Depok City
(Case Study of Communities in Four Districts in Depok City)
This study aims to determine whether social media has a bad impact, causing the trend of divorce in Depok to increase every year. Based on 2017 data, there were 3,087 divorce cases, and in 2018 3,525 divorce cases, and the divorce rate, and in 2019 it increased to 3,664 couples. This research was conducted in four districts in Depok City, namely Beji, Cipayung, Bojong Sari, Tapos. The research approach used is a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is interactive model analysis using three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification.

Then the results of this study show that the continuing increase in divorce rates is due to the economy, social media, third-person, domestic violence, and these various factors have an impact on children^s psychology. Keywords: Social Media, Divorce, Psychology and children^s mental

Keywords: Social Media, Divorce, Psychology and children^s mental

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187 Humanity and Social Science ABS-287

Land Conflict Resolution Case Study in Sarirejo Village
Juniaty Aritonang

Antropologi Sosial Universitas Negeri Medan


Land cannot be separated from human life. Every inch of land has a very important meaning. This article examines the resolution of land conflicts with a case study that occurred in Sarirejo Village, Medan Polonia, North Sumatra Province. This study aims to describe the factors that cause land conflicts between the community and the Air Force at Suwondo and the strategies adopted by the community in demanding land rights. In addition, this article also aims to support people^s knowledge in the research area. The results showed that the factor that caused the conflict was the claim of each party to the land. Meanwhile, the community^s conflict resolution efforts to obtain land rights through non-litigation advocacy processes and litigation advocacy processes. The role of the state through the government is very large in the process of resolving the conflict.

Keywords: conflict, advocacy, land

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188 Humanity and Social Science ABS-288

Sports Science-Based of Badminton Footwork Shadow Training Model for Beginner Athlete
Firmansyah Dlis, Aridhotul Haqiyah, Nurul Hidayah, Nanang Kusnadi, Dani Nur Riyadi

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The purpose of this study will be useful for developing and implementing a training model footwork shadow design based sports science of badminton. This product was expected to be an alternative model of exercise footwork for beginner athlete Sarwenda Club Jakarta. The method used in this study is the research and development of ADDIE. This research was conducted at Sarwenda Club Jakarta with research steps: (1) needs analysis, (2) model development planning, (3) development of exercise model design, (4) expert validation, and model revision, (5) evaluation and revision test. Based on the data obtained from the results of the study consisting of expert validation, group trials and effectiveness tests, and discussion of the results of the study, it can be concluded that the footwork shadow training model for beginner^s athlete that the researchers have developed obtained 16 items that are worth using is more effective in improving the basic technical skills of badminton footwork.

Keywords: Sport Science, Badminton, Footwork, Shadow, Beginner

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189 Humanity and Social Science ABS-290

Preserving Traditional Games of Margala through Tourism Saka Activities in Toba Samosir District
Ernawati Hadi Suriyani Siregar, Ibrahim Gultom, Ratih Baiduri

Universitas Negeri Medan


Traditional Games are games played by children who come from an area in a traditional way. These games are inherited from one generation to the next.This study aims to describe an activity that involves the scouting activities of the Saka Tourism in yautu preserving traditional games, especially the traditional game of Margala. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Determination of informants by purposive sampling by taking 3 (three) members of the Tourism Saka Scout who participated in traditional game activities. Based on data It can be explained that from the first informant said that the Saka Tourism Activities in preserving the Margala game in Toba Regency had a positive impact because the Saka Tourism Scout Members in Toba Regency began to be involved in preserving traditional games by creating and participating in events and inviting other youth to join in traditional games. The second informant added that the behavior of teenagers who are members of Saka Pariwisata began to slowly switch from playing gadgets online to traditional games of high cultural value. Furthermore, the third informant explained that the effort to inherit the traditional game of margala was by inviting other teenagers to participate in Saka Tourism in a sustainable manner.

Keywords: preserving, saka tourism, traditional games, margala

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190 Humanity and Social Science ABS-36

Dr.IdaBasaria,M.Hum Drs.ParlindunganM.Hum, Drs.YulianusHarefa



Name is a personal attribute that has a function as a means to identify someone and used for various purposes, since he was born until the name is written on the tombstone. In many contexts, names are attached to administrative files, the name also appears and known when someone succeeds in producing a masterpiece. Batak Toba society has different perceptions and ways of naming their children. The name Togap and Togar which have the same meaning, namely manly, strong, and tough are often used as names in this society. The difference between the two names is in the form of language. This lingual phenomenon occurs because of differences in perception and background between the people giving the name. Batak Toba society has unique names that are different from other communities. Based on observations it can be seen that the names of the Toba society have a close relationship between the child^s name and the expectations of his parents as part of the Batak ethnicity. A child^s name usually shows the meaning of glorify, kindness, bravery, tenderness, charming, and obedience. The parents try to give the name of their child with the best name according to them. The hope they want, for example, for children who are named have the courage and have the strength as well as the name Togap and the Togar. Giving a name is essentially part of language activity. From the procedure for the name giving, it is reflected how the Batak Toba ethnic attitudes and culture. Language is the most important element of a culture, so the use of language for the sake of naming also reflects the attitude and cultural views of its users towards the language concerned. This article wants to examine language through the names of people found in the Batak Toba community, so it can be observed how the meaning of the name and ethnic culture are described by the name.

Keywords: names, cultural meanings, anthropolinguistics

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191 Humanity and Social Science ABS-38

Afzil Ramadian, Hamidah, Agung Dharmawan Buchdadi



This study aims to analyze the effect of perceived organizational support and transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior and its impact on the performance of service quality in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The number of respondents used was 225 employees who were selected based on the opinion of Hair et al. (2010) on the number of samples using SEM. The distribution of questionnaires was carried out by giving questionnaires directly to the employees. This study used Quantitative research methods with a causal relationship approach. This method was done by collecting data, testing the data, and getting the results of the causal relationship between the variables of perceived organizational support and transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior and its impact on the performance of service quality in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Data analysis in this study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by using Lisrel 8.8 software which aims to test the hypothesis in this study.

The results showed that perceived organizational support and transformational leadership individually or collectively had a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior of employees in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Perceived organizational support, transformational leadership, and organizational citizenship behavior individually or collectively had a positive and significant effect on the performance of the service quality of employees at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. Meanwhile, the results of the direct and indirect effect test showed that organizational citizenship behavior acts as full mediating where perceived organizational support and transformational leadership can improve service quality performance if the employees in the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries had organizational citizenship behavior.

Keywords: perceived organizational support, transformational leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, service quality performance

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192 Humanity and Social Science ABS-41

Linguistic and Cultural Approach in The Portmanteau Words of English Food and Beverage names in Indonesia
Sulhizah Wulan Sari, Rini Martiwi, Baiatun Nisa

Faculty of Communication and Language, University of Bina Sarana Informatika


The objective of this study is to identify the structure of portmanteau words of English food and beverage names in linguistic and cultural views. The portmanteau words that have been earned from March up to July in Indonesia are analyzed by the concept of blending proposed by Bohmerova and descriptive qualitative method. The results show that the blending types of English food and beverages names are fused and telescoped blend and the blending contents have general noun forms. Those combinations of blending word structures are determinative and coordinative noun. The relation of food blending content to cultural aspects are (a) The composition of food ingredients (b) The sense of taste (c) The characteristics of positive spirits and feelings (d) Relating to the shape of foods and beverages (e) Relating to the way of foods serving (f) Relating to chemical compounds (g) Relating to movement or expression (h) and relating to the name of a person or place. Those relations represent global food identity as the output of culture formed by language. This study is important to develop new vocabularies through the concept of blending in the study of linguistic and culture.

Keywords: Portmanteau, the Structure, Culture, Linguistic, Foods, Beverages

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193 Humanity and Social Science ABS-44

Dodot Adikoeswanto (a*), Anis Eliyana (b*), Hamidah (a**), Fadilla Firda (b**)

a). State University of Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka, RT.11/RW.14, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220

b). Airlangga University
Kampus B Universitas Airlangga, Jalan Airlangga no.4


A company has a responsibility to pay attention to the quality of life of its workers while they work. It is believed that the formation of a quality of work life is very important in shaping organizational commitment. In the era of globalization, organizational commitment is required as it will attract the best workers to achieve company goals. Therefore, the company will also operate well if the workers have the drive and dedication to work that will eventually boost the quality of their work life. Employee growth, engagement, benefits, supervision and work environment will create a good quality of work life system for employees. This study aims to establish the impact of quality of work life (employee development, participation, compensation, supervision, and work environment) on organizational commitment. This work was carried out at Finance Section of PT Kereta Api (Persero) Daop 8 Surabaya, which recognizes the value of quality of work life for organizational commitment in order to create a sense of belonging to the company and stimulate the employees to devote all their power and abilities to the company. This research was conducted on 30 people, and the method used was Partial Least Square using the path analysis.

Keywords: Quality of Work Life- Organizational Commitment- Quality Job

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194 Humanity and Social Science ABS-48

Effect of Integrity, Trust on the Effectiveness of the Work of Village Fund Administrators Moderated by Study Commitments to Village Apparatuses in Southeast Minahasa Regency
Mecky R. T. Tumimomor, Dewi Susita, Benhard Tewal

Email: MeckyRTumimomor_im10s3[at],
dewisusita_man[at], benhardtewal[at]


This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of integrity, trust on
the effectiveness of the work of village fund organizers which is moderated by
commitment, studies on the village apparatus in Southeast Minahasa Regency.
The methodology used in this research is a quantitative approach with a
descriptive survey method. The research respondents numbered 250 village fund
management apparatus spread over 12 sub districts in Southeast Minahasa
Regency, North Sulawesi Province
The results of this study indicate that 1) Integrity directly, positively and
significantly influences the work effectiveness of village fund administrators- 2)
Trust has a direct, positive and significant effect on the effectiveness of the
performance of village fund providers in Southeast Minahasa Regency- 3)
Commitment has direct, positive and significant influence on the work
effectiveness of village fund administrators in Southeast Minahasa Regency. This
means that the better the commitment of village fund administrators, the more
effective their work will be- 4) Integrity has a direct, positive and significant
effect on the commitment of village fund administrators in the Minahasa Regency-
5) Trust has a direct, positive and significant effect on the commitment of village
fund administrators in Southeast Minahasa Regency- 6) There is an influence of
integrity on the effectiveness of the work of village fund administrators in
Southeast Minahasa Regency through commitment- 7) There is the influence of
trust on the effectiveness of the work of village fund administrators in Southeast
Minahasa Regency through commitment.
Keywords: Integrity, Trust, Work Effectiveness, Commitment

Keywords: Integrity, Trust, Work Effectiveness, Commitment

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195 Humanity and Social Science ABS-50

Goal Oriented Ralph Winfred Tyler Approach for the Evaluation of Leadership Training Implementation
Susi Susilawati Harahap (a*), Moch. Asmawi (b), Wibowo (c)

a*) Program Studi Ilmu Manajemen, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Olah Raga, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
c) Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo, Indonesia


Creating professional and competent civil servants can be built officially by competent institution. BPSDM is one of local province stakeholders which are formed to operate supported function in government whose job to implement training program. Leadership training level III with the aim of achieving competent leadership on civil servants based on their position. Complete requirements about education and leadership training is regulated on leadership training guidelines level III and improved by leadership regulations of LAN and leadership regulation revision LAN. This study is evaluation research to give information for related stakeholders on leadership training implementation and give information or portrait about the achievement level of leadership training implementation objective as it has been set by Goal oriented Ralph Winfred Tyler approach which measure the achievement level of certain objectives. This study was conducted on alumni of leadership training new role level III. It found that there are several strengths and weakness in implementing Goal oriented Ralph Winfred Tyler approach. This evaluation is the most accepted evaluation for any stakeholders because it is easier to understand, this evaluation is easy to implement in any evaluative research

Keywords: Goal Oriented, Program evaluation, Education and training

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196 Humanity and Social Science ABS-55

Didik Julianto (a), Kazan Gunawan (b), Ketut Sudiarditha (c)

a) SUPREME AUDIT BOARD OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, Jalan Gatot Subroto No. 31, Central Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10210
b) ESA UNGGUL UNIVERSITY, Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9, RT.5/RW.2, Kb. Jeruk, , West Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 11510
c) STATE UNIVERSITY OF JAKARTA, Jalan Rawamangun Muka Raya, RT 11 / RW 14 Rawamangun Pulogadung District, East Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 13220


This study examines the influence of supervision on employee performance with motivation as an intervening variable. Research was carried out at BPK, which is an audit institution that has responsibility to audit the state finance with 3088 auditors.
The research will use primary data through questionnaires and secondary data obtained from BPK as well as from literature and other references. The study population was auditors working at head and representative offices with the role of team leaders and team members. The sampling used in this study was simple random sampling with a sample of 354 respondents.
This study is an empirical analysis that uses a quantitative approach to verify the influence of the variables under study by testing the hypotheses. Data were collected through the survey method using questionnaires, which were distributed to auditors. Correlation analysis and regression used to determine the relationship between variables and path analysis to determine the direct influence of supervision on motivation and performance of BPK^s auditors by using Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis.
The results of the validity test showed all indicators of a correlation score above 0.60 which means good and significant at the level of 1% and the reliability test results showed all dimensions have Cronbach^s Alpha above 0.80 which means reliable and significant at the level of 1%. The results of the study concluded that the supervision has a positive direct influence on motivation and performance and motivation mediates the positive indirect influence on performance of BPK^s auditor.

Keywords: Supervision, Motivation, Auditor Performance

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197 Humanity and Social Science ABS-57

Hardianawati, Muchlis R. Luddin, Maruf Akbar, Hamidah, Ari Saptono, Agus Suradika

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


To be able to provide quality public services, one of the important and strategic elements is the Primary High Leadership Officer. Civil servants as part of ASN as in Law Number 5 of 2014 on ASN mentioned that one of its functions is as a public servant. The importance of the role of leadership in the public service makes the Government required to have a system of filling positions capable of producing leaders who are integrity, professional, neutral, and free from political intervention, clean from the practices of corruption, collusion, and nepotism.
The purpose of the research is to find out how the planning strategy in the selection of the Primary Leadership Position (PLP) in the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta in 2017, 2018, and 2019. The Research Method uses a qualitative approach with a case study method.
The results showed that planning for open selection in 2017 uses a talent management approach while planning in the 2018 and 2019 selections uses open selection.
The planning phase in 2017, 2018, and 2019 refers to PP No. 11/2017 on civil servant management consisting of PLP determination stage to be filled- establishment of a selection committee- preparation and determination of PLP filling stage schedule- determination of selection methods, and preparation of selection materials- and determination of the system used at each stage of PLP filling.

Keywords: Planning, Selection, Talent Management, Open Selection, Primary High Leadership Positions,

Keywords: Keywords: Planning, Selection, Talent Management, Open Selection, Primary High Leadership Positions,

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198 Humanity and Social Science ABS-58


Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Problems of lack the number of health workers in Indonesia, especially in underdeveloped
areas, is a classic problem that has never been resolved. This condition also occurs in Lebak
District, so this management needs to be evaluated. The purpose of this study to evaluate
the stage of initial conditions (antecedents), processes (transactions), and results
(outcomes) of health worker management policy implementation in Lebak. The research
design used qualitative methods and an evaluation approach to the model Countenance
Stake. Primary and secondary data collection was carried out by interviewing, observation,
focus group discussion, and documentation study accompanied by validation test using
triangulation and data analysis using interactive technique of Miles and Huberman. The
results of the study, from the initial conditions (antecedents), it was found that the aspects
of the analysis of the needs of health workers and the planning of health worker
management were categorized as moderate to low. From the stages transactions, covering
aspects of procurement, empowerment, guidance and supervision of health workers as a
whole are categorized as low, and stage of results (outcomes), aspects of health workers
according to needs and aspects of health degree are categorized as low. Conclusion, for the
stage antecedent, the criteria for analyzing the number, type, competence and distribution
of health workers need to be improved and improved, while in the criteria for good health
worker management planning, the legal basis is a reference, understood and used as a
standard for successful management of health workers as well as government commitment.
regions for providing the budget for the fulfillment of health worker need to be increased.
At the stage transactions, the implementation of the criteria for procurement,
empowerment, guidance and supervision of health workers as a whole needs to be improved
and improved, while for outcomes, the criteria for the availability of

Keywords: evaluation, implementation, policy, countenance, health worker management

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199 Humanity and Social Science ABS-59

COVID-19 and Release of Prisoners

Politeknik Ilmu Pemasyarakatan


The COVID-19 pandemic struck almost all countries throughout the world, including Indonesia. On 11 March WHO announced the corona virus as a pandemic. Corona virus is very easily transmitted only by air. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 24, 2020 shows that the number of confirmed worldwide was 5,206,614 people, as many as 337,736 people died. Indonesia is a country that has the most prisoners and prisoners. Correctional institutions and overcrowded state detention centers are the government^s concern. The government is trying to prevent COVID-19 from spreading in prison or state detention centers. Based on data from residents as at 31 March 2020 based on the Correctional Database System totaling 270,231 people with a capacity of 131,931 people. This means that overcrowded has reached 106%, so that the conditions of prisons and state detention centers are overcrowded. The problem of this research is how is the government^s policy in handling COVID-19 in a state penitentiary and detention center ?. The purpose of this study was to examine government policy in dealing with COVID-19 in a state penitentiary and detention center. The research method used was literature review. The results showed that the policy taken by the government to provide assimilation and integration to prisoners was appropriate. The decision was made considering the overcrowded correctional conditions. On 31 March 2020 Indonesia provided assimilation and integration for prisoners.

Keywords: Keywords: COVID-19, convict, correctional, assimilation

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200 Humanity and Social Science ABS-68




The purpose of this research is to discover the ideology of patriarchy and feminism in translation novel Bumi Manusia ke dalam bahasa Inggris,l This Earth Of Mankind. The method was used in this research is qualitative. Data is obtained from discourse within the novel. The collecting data used are observing and noting. Data then analyzed using qualitative content analysis by Phillip Mayring. The ideology of patriarchy and feminism are analyzed using approach of critical discourse analysis by Sara Mills which have four sub themes: character/ role, vocalization, fragmentation, and schemata. The result shows there are ideology of patriarchy, radical feminism, Marxist feminism, liberal feminism, and social patriarchy feminism.

Keywords: Ideology, Feminism, Patriarchy, CDA

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201 Humanity and Social Science ABS-69

Tedy Ardiansyah, Promotor: Prof. Dr. Dedi Purwana E.S., M.BUS Co-Promotor Prof. Dr. Hamidah, SE., M.Si.

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study aims to examine the Work Motivation variable on lecturer performance through Job Satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The research method used was quantitative research with a survey study approach conducted on lecturers throughout Indonesia where the number of respondents was 243 lecturers. The unit of analysis is an individual lecturer. The majority of respondents were women as much as 56% with the most position Assistant Expert and Lector at 41% and 39%, respectively. The research instrument was built based on the operationalization process of each construct that was adopted and developed from previous research. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The results of the research were explained as descriptively and inferentially. Inferential analysis using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method with Lisrel 8.8 statistical software. The results showed that there was a significant positive effect of work motivation on lecturer performance and job satisfaction. On the other hand, there is no positive effect on job satisfaction and lecturer performance. As for work motivation on lecturer performance through job satisfaction has no positive effect. The conclusion of this study adds to the limitations of the literature and findings that are different from many previous studies, namely the lack of research using the intervening variable job satisfaction on lecturer performance and helping answer several new studies that have not contributed to the results for these variables.

Keywords: Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Lecturer Performance

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202 Humanity and Social Science ABS-70

Employees Traits and Their Perceptions of Working Time
Umar Baihaqki (1), Meila Riskia Fitri (2)

1 Universitas Negeri Jakarta
2 Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Job satisfaction is influenced by workers^ perceptions of the organizational environment. The high performance work setting has increase the working time for workers in general.They are required to adapt to the organizational setting, which then affect their job satisfaction. This article uses dispositional theory to examine how perceptions of working time affect employee job satisfaction. Based on the survey results on 320 employees who have worked for at least one year, their job satisfaction is simultaneously affected by their perceptions of incentives, knowledge, and work discipline.

Keywords: dispositional- working time- job satisfaction- social traits

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203 Humanity and Social Science ABS-71

Yos Horta Meliala, Anis Elyana, Tuty Sariwulan

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This research aims to examine the effect of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance as well as the mediating effect of Organizational Commitment between Transformational Leadership on affecting Employee Performance in non-star hotels in Medan (North Sumatra) during the New Normal period. This is a survey research, using all employees who work in two non-star hotels in the city of Medan (North Sumatra) as research sample, totaling 60 Employees. The results are described descriptively in which were processed using SPSS version 23.0. The mediation variable test was carried out using the Sobel Test with significance level of p <.05. The results showed that there is a positive and significant direct effect of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance partially. Similarly, simultaneously there is an indirect effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance mediated by Organizational Commitment or in other words Organizational Commitment is able to mediate the effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance. The results of this study prove that the conceptions of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment are still relevant today and also contribute to improve employee performance in the hotel industry in Indonesia, especially non-star hotels in Medan (North Sumatra) in New Normal period. Thus we purpose further research to be conducted to examine worker commitments trough factor analysis approach. Meanwhile, working climate or culture in said characteristic can be describe trough ethnography

Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Organization Commitment, Employee Performance

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204 Humanity and Social Science ABS-76

Development of Cyber Literature during the Covid pandemic-19
Tessa Dwi Leoni

Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji
Universitas Negeri Semarang


The Covid-19 pandemic situation exerted extraordinary influence on various fields. Not only in the environment (the real world), in fact the conditions that force people to work, worship, and move from home also have their own influence on the world of literature. Thus, this article was written to present the development of literary works analyzed in terms of content, medium of distribution, and their usefulness. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. The results of the discussion showed that the public^s need for information and entertainment through the internet helped support the development of cyber literature until it was increasingly in demand by the public. The existence of cyber literature is also a reflection or reflection of the social dynamics in Indonesian society during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: cyber literature, development, Covid-19

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205 Humanity and Social Science ABS-84

The effect of Job Design and Organizational Commitment to Employee Retention in a Lighting Company
Andy Soenanta, Maruf Akbar, Tuty Sariwulan

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The objective of this research is to study the effect of the job design and organizational commitment to employee^s retention in a lighting company, which faced a high employee turnover in the last 5 years. Quantitative approach used in this research with survey method. The samples of this research were 204 employees selected randomly. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaire and analyzed by using path analysis. The result of the research can be conclude that: 1) the job design and organizational commitment had a positive direct effect on employee^s retention- 2) job design had a positive direct effect on organizational commitment. Therefore to improve employee^s retention, job design and organizational commitment should be improved. Company did not see job design as important factor, which resulted above 10% employee turnover every year. Knowledge about how to create a good job design is still limited both on practical and literature due to this common mistake understanding. This aspect open for further study.

Keywords: lighting company, quantitative approach, high employee turnover, limited knowledge of job design

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206 Humanity and Social Science ABS-87

Erika Revida- Hadriana Marhaeni Munthe, Sukarman Purba

Universitas Sumatera Utara


This research aims to analyze the contribution of community behavior on the quality of tourism village at Tomok tourism village Samosir North Sumatera. The samples of the research were 50 people (head of family) at Tomok tourism village Samosir North Sumatera. The techniques of data collection used research instrument. Data analysis technique used simple regression analysis. The result of the research proved that there was a positive and significant contribution between community behavior on the quality of tourism village at Tomok tourism village Samosir North Sumatera. Of the three indicators of community behavior namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor, psychomotor had a stronger contribution on the quality of tourism village Tomok tourism village Samosir North Sumatera, followed by affective and cognitive. Suggestion of the research was need to increase the quality of community behavior by increasing the quality of the community^s psychomotor, affective, and cognitive about the important of tourism villages so that the quality of tourism village is getting better in Tomok tourism village Samosir North Sumatera.

Keywords: Community Behavior, Tourism Village, and The Quality of Tourism Village

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207 Humanity and Social Science ABS-89

Millennial Makeup Style Inspiration
Jenny Sista Siregar(a)*, Lilis Jubaedah(b), Siti Gomo Attas(b)

a)Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220
b)Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220
b)Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220


Makeup is currently inspired by Beauty video impressions spread across various social media platforms in the form of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. YouTube and Instagram are real spectacles that can give Beauty info to teenagers who are learning to beautify their faces. Various styles in Makeup tutorials can be seen on YouTube, such as Korean Makeup, Thailand, Traditional Indonesia. In everyday life, teenagers express Makeup style as Natural Makeup. This research is Qualitative with the Nethnography approach. In this study used data derived from online communities aged 12 to 22 years. Data collection techniques combine between questioner deployment, interview, and analysis of facial Makeup video tutorial content. The result of this millennial response is that the style they express in their faces does not always follow what they are watching.

Keywords: YouTube- Instagram- makeup- style- millennial.

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208 Humanity and Social Science ABS-90

The Role of Cikapundung Community in Developing Environmentally Caring Character as a Form of Sustainable Development
Bhakti Muslim Wihendar. Endang Danial. Susan Fitriasari.

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The character cares of environment in the era of globalization gives major challenges to the government and society of Bandung to continuing the develop character of environmental care to be able to thrive and not being distorted in the 21st century. The research aims to analyse the role of the Cikapundung community on the development of community caring character as a existence of sustainable development. With the case of study method, this research involved three research subjects which include the city government, community, and resident. The Cikapundung community carry out its programs by prioritizing its social mission. Characteristics of organizations that focus on environmental issues that believe which environmental damage is caused by human behaviour. The Cikapundung community should be supported by the parties so that the mission to create environmental sustainability as a form of sustainable development can be achieved. The results showing that Cikapundung community with its programs CIHOG program (Cikapundung Hiking Orienteering Games), CIKFEST program (Cikapundung Festival), kukuyaan program/tubing, activities/Exercises Rafting Program and body rafting. Rescue training programs, artificial gas and compost programs, routine Opsih program and tree planting/reforestation programs are instrumental in the development of character care environment as a form of sustainable development. Therefore, there needs to be a stimulus to be followed by other organisations and benefit the wider community.

Keywords: character, community, sustainable development

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209 Humanity and Social Science ABS-93

Salliyanti, Hariadi Susilo, Amhar Kudadiri

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sumatera Utara



The title of this field study was Linguistic Study on the Forms of the Terms of Address in Kinship, based on blood relationship and Marriage in the Minangkabau Community at Bromo Area, Medan Area Subdistrct, Medan. The research problems were the forms of the terms of address in kinship, based on blood relationship and marriage used by the Minangkabau community at Bromo area. The objective of the research was to introduce a local dialect as part of the national culture to young generation by describing the forms of the terms of address in kinship, based on blood relationship and marriage. The research was referred to sociolinguistic study of Abdul Chaer and Krida Laksana. The data were gathered by using listening method by listening to the conversation of the informants about the terms of address in the Minangkabau community, followed by speaking and speaking involvement method in which the researchers were involved in the conversation. They were analyzed by using equivalence method with descriptive qualitative approach in the form of description. The result of the study showed that there were 14 (fourteen) forms of the terms of address in kinship, based on blood relationship: 1) Apak (father), 2) Amak/Mande (mother), 3) Uda/Ajo (older brother), 4) Uni (older sister), 5) Adiak (younger brother/sister), 6) Anduang/Mak Gaek (grandmother/grandfather), 7) Angku/Ungku/Pak Gaek (grandfather), 8) Mak Dang/Pak wo (uncle - older than mother or father), 9) Mak wo (aunt - older than mother or father), 10) Mak Etek (uncle), 11) Etek (aunt), 12) Apak (uncle - father^s older brother), 13) Andeh (aunt - father^s older sister), and 14) Pak Etek (uncle). It was also found that there were 6 (six) terms of address in kinship based on marriage: 1) Uda/Ajo (address term for a husband), 2) Adiak (followed by mentioning her name - address term for a wife), 3) Abak (address term for a husband^s father), 4) Amak (mother - address term for a husband^s mother), 5) Uda/Ajo (address te

Keywords: Term of Address, Kinship, Blood Relationship, Marriage, Minangkabau Community

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210 Humanity and Social Science ABS-101

Relationship between Religion and Altruistic Behavior of Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Jakarta
Muhamad Ridwan Effendi (*a), Suci Nurpratiwi (b)and Sari Narulita (c)

(*a) Islamic Religious Education Departement, State University of Jakarta


This study aims to describe and how the relationship between religiosity and altruistic behaviour among students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Jakarta. This is important for research considering the extent to which the influence of religious education that has been presented in the Jakarta State University curriculum in the form of intracurricular, co-curricular and / or extracurricular activities. The method used in this research is quantitative correlation and probability sampling technique with purposive random sampling with a homogeneous data sample of 90 people from a population of 898 students. The theoretical analysis used for the variable religion (x) is C.Y. Glock and R.W. Stark, while Cohen^s theory is used for the student altruistic behaviour variable (y). Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that first, the diversity of students is considered good with an average value of 71.91%. Second, the students^ altruistic behaviour was considered good with an average score of 68.20%. Third, there is a positive and significant relationship between religiosity and student altruistic behaviour with a correlation value of 0.276 and a percentage of the relationship of 07.6% and there is a positive and significant influence between diversity (X) and student altruistic behaviour (Y) in the Faculty of Science. Social, University. Negeri Jakarta based on the results of regression calculations by comparing F count and F table, with F count greater than F table, namely F count = 4.642 and F table = 4.15. So that the alternative hypothesis which states that there is an influence between religiosity on students^ altruistic behaviour is accepted and the null hypothesis which states there is no effect is rejected.

Keywords: Religious, Altruistic, Religious Education

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