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61 Education ABS-80

Hotben Situmorang- Sutjipto- Neti Karnati

State University of Jakarta, Indonesia


The poor record of educational development in Indonesia which has been highlighted by the mass media, quoted from the World Competitiveness, UNESCO, UNDP and PISA reports has positioned Indonesian human resources at a disappointing level. The government is trying to improve the quality of education with several changes to the curriculum and supplemented by teacher certification policies, which are expected to encourage increased teacher competence and education quality.
The preliminary competency test conducted in 2007 showed the achievement of DKI teachers with a score of 49.2 while the national average was 42.25. Even though the teacher^s professional allowance has been enjoyed by teachers, in fact the results of the 2013 DKI teacher competency test actually showed a decrease to 47.93.
This study seeks to evaluate the in-service teacher certification policy using a countenane evaluation model frame work (Model Stake, 1967). A series of qualitative studies using descriptive methods analyzed inductively in a horizontal matrix between intended and standard (congruence) as well as logical contingencies for vertical matrices at the antecedent, transaction and outcome stages.
The PLPG, which is tasked with improving teacher competence just for 9-day training period, is actually not sure about the background of the teacher^s ability based on the initial competency test which is so low. The training curriculum that emphasizes the deepening of subject matter material and the deepening of pedagogical material is then measured by the Teacher Competency Test in a cognitive manner. Training to improve teaching competence has shifted to exam orientation. The model of a quality learning process does not have an agreement. Certification which should measure professionalism has not fully followed the expectations of the law.

Keywords: teacher, teacher certification, quality of learning

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62 Education ABS-81

Kurniawati (a*), Ayuningtyas Rahman (b)

a) b) History Education of Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Jakarta

* kurniawati[at]


The purpose of this study was to determine how the application of historical literacy during the Covid-19 pandemic which are forced to do Distance Learning (PJJ). This research uses a qualitative method in the form of a case study in a private school in East Jakarta. Field studies in the form of data collection, namely: (1) in-depth open-ended interviews- (2) direct observation and (3) document analysis, with history teachers and students as key informants. The result of this study is that history teachers have difficulty with allocating time. The difficulty of the teacher increases if history learning is associated with historical literacy which requires students not only to read and understand one source but various historical sources including primary sources. History teachers feel that their students^ literacy levels are still lacking even though they do not dare to generalize all of them because they have not implemented any tests. The teacher thinks that both the level of historical literacy and the students^ lack of historical literacy can be measured through the practice questions given in tests. Teachers are also hesitant to say the historical literacy level of their students because distance learning uses zoom meetings. In conclusion, learning history experienced many obstacles during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are more obstacles if history learning wants to fulfill the concept of historical literacy.

Keywords: historical literacy, history learning, distance learning

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63 Education ABS-82

Obstacles Methods And Remi Card Solutions In Cooperative Learning With A Humanical Approach
Anam Purwanto, S.Pd.*, Dr.Yakub Nasucha, M.Hum., dan Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum.

Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Jl. A. Yani Tromol Pos 1 Pabelan Kartasura Telp. (0271) 717417-719483, Fax. (0271) 715448 Surakarta 57102


This study aims to evaluate the obstacles and solutions of the Playing Card Method (MKR) in cooperative learning with a humanist approach. This type of research is qualitative. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation and interviews. The results of the study found that obstacles were experienced by students and educators. The obstacles to students include (1) lack of concentration, (2) not conducive, and (3) luck, and (4) feel the most capable. The obstacles by educators are (1) being underestimated by students, (2) consuming a lot of time, and (3) not having many students mastering the card method. The solutions found were (1) paying close attention, (2) making the impression as attractive as possible, (3) using video as additional media, (4) introducing the Rummy Card Method (MKR), (5) dividing groups by educators, and (6) ) increase the number of fills in the same card.

Keywords: Playing Card Method (MKR), cooperative learning, humanist approach

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64 Education ABS-83

Diffusion Of Thematic Learning Innovation In Elementary School
Asep Ediana Latip, Atwi Suparman, Nadiroh

Postgraduate School of State University of Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the diffusion process of thematic learning innovation in elementary schools. The research approach used was a mixed method design types of the explanatory design from Johns W. Creswell. The research procedure began with quantitative data collection using a questionnaire instrument followed by qualitative data collection using interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The research sample consisted of managers and elementary school teachers in South Tangerang who were determined by purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. The data analysis technique used John W. Croswell^s explanatory design analysis with the first stage, the results of quantitative data analysis were deepened with the results of qualitative data analysis- Quantitative data analysis using descriptive statistics was then followed by qualitative data analysis developed by Miles and Huberman which included stages of reduction, display and conclusion/verification. Then the second stage is to provide interpretation of all data. The results showed that thematic learning as a relatively accepted innovation with the majority using mass media by managers, and in the 2013-2019 timeframe.

Keywords: Diffusion, Innovation, Thematic Learning, mix method types of the xplanatory design

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65 Education ABS-85

Managing Uncertainty in Human Resource Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Evitha Soraya

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study aimed at providing information to help HR practitioners understand the uncertainties caused by COVID-19 by addressing questions on what uncertainties faced by HR practitioners in education sector- what factors are seen as stressors, what characteristics need to be developed, and what solutions are proposed to overcome uncertainties in this pandemic of COVID-19. This qualitative study used electronic questionnaires to collect qualitative data from 40 respondents in a cross-sectional survey design. And, the method of purposeful sampling was chosen to assure the representative sample. The study reveals that there are various types of uncertainties faced by HR managers or practitioners, ranging from the performance of their educational institutions to the ability in predicting employees^ plan and actions. The main stressor during the pandemic is employees^ safety perceptions of threats and risk of COVID-19 transmission. Others are the drastic change in the way of work and job insecurity, and lack of valid information about COVID-19. Resilience, tolerance and curiosity are the qualities need to be developed by HR managers or practitioners. To overcome the uncertainties, HR Managers and practitioners could use training on technology and competency development as a strategy to overcome the uncertainty, in addition to optimizing communication and transparency, teleworking management, work flexibility policy, development of post-pandemic work plan, prevention of stigma and social isolation.

Keywords: uncertainty, stressor, COVID-19, HR managers

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66 Education ABS-86


Semarang State University


The tale of the mouse deer and snail is a fairy tale that has been inherited for a long time from ancient times from generation to generation. Its presence is considered to be able to contribute to the education of character values in children. The character of the mouse deer with its strengths and the snail with its weaknesses brings its own spirit to the reader that the irrationality of the weak can defeat the strong is acceptable logic. It is seen not in the strength possessed, but in the arrogant character that can bring disaster to the owner. Thus, the strong mouse deer is judged as a loser and the weak snail is judged as a hero by the readers. In fact, in a certain sense, the meaning of an event conveyed through the characters of the story can be inversely to the reader^s interpretation so far. Through the deconstruction approach, various interpretations of the story will appear. This is because deconstruction provides an opportunity to study a text without being tied to universal things. The study of the text is not only focused on one meaning. Based on the deconstruction study it is known that the snail character who has been predicted to be a good character can be considered an arrogant and fraudulent character. Meanwhile, the mouse deer figure who has been regarded as an arrogant figure can be considered an honest and kind character.

Keywords: Characters, Deconstruction, and Fable.

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67 Education ABS-88

Rina Husnaini Febriyanti*, Ilza Mayuni, Ifan Iskandar

Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Pascasarjana Program Doktor
Program Studi Linguistik Terapan
Jl. R.Mangun Muka, RT.11/RW.14, Rawamangun, Kec. Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220


The complexity in teaching writing particularly on foreign language learning in higher education is still challenging. There are many tries to do to achieve a better result including utilization of the manifestation of rapid technology in the education field such as a Learning Management System (LMS). This research study purposes to find out the characteristics of LMS that are applied by the lecturer in an undergraduate writing class in higher education in several Indonesian universities area. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The data is collected by categorizing the kinds, characteristics, obstacles, and expectations on using LMS in teaching writing, afterward it is tabulated. Data is analysed, interpreted, and presented descriptively. The study reveals that there are several kinds of characteristics, obstacles, and expectations of using LMS in teaching writing. The implication of this research study offers some ideas to begin, to build, or to develop LMS effectively and particularly on teaching writing in the EFL context.

Keywords: LMS, Teaching Writing, Higher Education

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68 Education ABS-91

Students^ Environmental Protection Behavior Based on Organizational Culture and Locus of Control Mediated by Decision Making
Indri Yani, I Made Putrawan, Diana Vivanti Sigit

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This research was aimed at finding out whether Decision Making was good as a mediated factor between Organizational Culture, Locus of Control, with students^ Environmental Protection Behavior (EPB). A causal survey used by selecting 130 randomly University^ students. There were four instruments measured Organizational Culture (24 items, rel .872), Locus of Control (23 items, rel .822), Decision Making (23 items, rel .837), and Environmental Protection Behavior (25 items, rel .870). Data analyzed by path analysis. The research results showed that Organizational Culture, Locus of Control and Decision Making directly and significantly affected EPB, then Organizational Culture and Locus of Control indirectly and significantly affected EPB as well. Therefore, Decision Making was, in this case, a good mediator. Based on those results, it could be concluded that if environmental protection behavior would like to be improved positively, therefore, organizational culture, locus of control, and students^ decision making ability should be minimized its variation by introducing and offering an integrated environmental education compulsory for all students level.

Keywords: Locus of Control, Environmental Protection Behavior, path analysis, and mediator

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69 Education ABS-92

Customized Blended Learning: Where Technology and Pedagogy Meet the Students Halfway
Teguh Trianung Djoko Susanto

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The global context of education is undergoing a massive change brought by the advance of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) along with the constructivism of pedagogical methods in teaching, and today, the Pandemic of COVID-19. The current lockdown has forced teachers to adopt mainly online, blended learning teaching practices. The Blended Learning approach combines the online learning and traditional method. The classes are conducted in traditional educational facilities and supplemented with virtual lessons and digital materials. So far, it is the most efficient educational process which involves traditional teaching and is perfect for students who find it problematic to deal with a particular part of lesson material. When used by a skilled teacher, blended learning approach can add valuable innovative dimensions to the learning process, especially in key subjects like physical science and mathematics where prior knowledge, conceptual understanding and self-motivation are very important to succeed. Blended learning can allow learners to work at their own pace and allow teachers to fill the content gaps. However, its effectiveness still has not been verified especially in the countries of unequal teaching environments such as Indonesia. The transition from a traditional pedagogical model to a blended one needs to be tailored to suit the context. Yet, this customized version of blended learning requires a set of measures and institutional conditions which can sometimes be burdensome from a technological and pedagogical point of view. This paper tries to investigate on how to custom an adaptive blended learning by combining online instructions and digital materials in order to better meet the needs of today^s learners.

Keywords: Blended Learning, Technology, Pedagogy, Teaching

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70 Education ABS-95

The Relationship Between The strategic Planning, Organizational Culture, and Leadership with The Competitiveness in Trisakti Institute of Transport and Logistics (ITL TRISAKTI) at New Normal Era 2020
Osman Arofat (1*), Bedjo Sujanto (2) and Neti Karnati (2)

1) Doctoral Student of Education Management at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan Rawa Mangun Muka, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
* arofat812[at]
2) Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan Rawa Mangun Muka, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia


The research objective was to determine the relationship between strategic planning, organizational culture, and leadership with competitiveness in the Trisakti College of Management (STMT) in the new normal era 2020. The research method was a survey using correlational analysis. The population of this research is 70 lecturers, and the sample is 60 lecturers who are selected by proportional random sampling technique. This study concludes that there is a positive correlation between: strategic planning with competitiveness, organizational culture with competitiveness, leadership with competitiveness. In addition, there is a positive correlation between strategic planning, organizational culture, and leadership together with competitiveness. Therefore, based on the research results, competitiveness at the Trisakti College of Management (STMT) in the normal era 2020 can be improved through strategic planning, organizational culture, and leadership.

Keywords: Strategic planning, organizational culture, leadership, competitiveness, new normal era 2020

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71 Education ABS-97

Collaborative Learning Model To Improve In Writing Skills
Agus Rofii (a*), Emzir (b), Zainal Rafli (b)

a) Universitas Majalengka
b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Collaborative Learning makes the students depend on each other in their pursuit of knowledge and makes the learning process more meaningful and interesting. Students are learning in a group, they will not feel alone and isolated for the rest. Collaborative learning provides social support to student. Collaborative learning happens between the teacher and the students and the other who they are cooperate. One of collaborative learning model is cooperative learning which the students do in a small group. Based on the problem showed above the English is known as a difficult subject for most students, especially in writing. Many students in fact simply do not enjoy writing partly because of the nature of the task, low motivation and because out of school. The researcher should give the chance to work in group cooperative learning can also be a key success toward students writing. The method used in this research is class action research. The researcher was able to solve the students^ problems in writing, especially in improving their writing skill through small group discussion. The essence of small group discussion is verbal interaction, the communication processes are most vital for successful discussion because an active learning can be implemented in small group. After implementing the small group discussion the students got advantages in both of writing skill and their social relationship among their friends that it gave a good improvement toward their behavior and skill in writing.

Keywords: Writing Skill, collaborative learning, cooperative learning

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72 Education ABS-98

Nining Parlina(a*), Hafid Abbas (b), M. Syarif Sumantri (b), Pujo Widodo (b)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta Jl. Rawamangun Muka Raya, Rt11/Rw14 Rawamangaun Pulo Gadung Jakarta Timur
b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta, item
b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta, item
b) Universitas Pertahanan, IPSC Sentul Sukahati Citeureup Bogor


Primary education problems in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic are mental resilience of teachers, students, and parents, Distance Learning Culture, the reduction in the budget for Education Operational Costs, as well as obstacles to equal access in education. It requires updating the National Resilience Strategy. The purpose of this research is to realize the resilience of Primary Education in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research method is qualitative, using a phenomenological approach and collecting data using observation, interviews, and document study. The theories or concepts used are the theory of strategic, National Resilience, primary education, and the idea of 4-A scheme (availability, accessibility, acceptability, and adaptability). The data analysis technique uses Soft System Methods. The results of this research are first, funding for drugs and education funds on how to fight COVID-19. Second, computer-based technology training. Third, fostering mental endurance for teachers, students, and parents. Fourth, the formation of an equal education strategy.

Keywords: Keywords: Strategy, Resilience, Basic Education, and COVID-19 Pandemic.

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73 Education ABS-99

Designing Brain Based PAI Learning to Improve Critical Thinking of Elementary School in Curup City of Rejang Lebong
Aida Rahmi Nasution*- Zainal Rafli- and Zulela, MS.

Department of Primary Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia, 13220, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Language Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia, 13220, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Primary Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia, 13220, Jakarta, Indonesia


This study is aimed to investigate- 1) how to design the development of Brain Based Learning model that can improve critical thinking skills of elementary school students, 2) the feasibility of the Brain Based Learning model that can improve the critical thinking skills of elementary school students, and 3) the effectiveness of using the Brain Based Learning model that can improve critical thinking skills of elementary school students. This research was an R&D research that adopting the development design of Borg & Gall. Model validation was done through expert judgment. Model trial was conducted by using quasi experiment through pretest and posttest. The trial was conducted in grade V of two elementary schools in Curup city. Research data regarding the application of the model were obtained through observation and questionnaires, while the data to determine the effectiveness of the model was analyzed through average score and percentage. This development research resulted in the design of Brain Based Learning model to improve the ability to think critically in the form of Brain Based Learning steps namely, pre- activities, core activities and final activities. Whereas, the results of the trial of the model showed that (1) this Brain Based Learning model met the appropriate criteria which were shown by the assessment of experts and practitioners that got an average of 3.63 and 3.68 in both categories. (2) Brain Based Learning fulfilled the effective criteria which were shown by the average results of student activities in learning of 34.00 with good categories and positive responses to the implementation of learning that obtained an average of 4.33 with happy / agreed criteria. The achievement of students^ learning competencies from both trials obtained an average of 76.33 and was proven to have increased.

Keywords: brain based learning, critical thinking, pai learning

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74 Education ABS-100

Needs Analysis to Develop Critical Thinking Skill Instruction Infused in English Language Learning
Noni Agustina- Ilza Mayuni- Ifan Iskandar

Universitas Negeri Jakarta- Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia


Critical thinking is one of fundamental skills to equip the students to discern fact and opinion, make inference, draw conclusion and determine a decision appropriately in the twenty-first century. Though it is essential, Indonesian students^ critical thinking skill has not been at satisfying level. Moreover, it has paid scant attention in teaching and learning process even though it is stated as educational objective in the curriculum. Thus, this study aims to analyze the needs to develop the critical thinking skill instruction infused in English language learning by analyzing students^ reading skill, students and teachers^ responses, and English textbook. The data obtained from two English teachers and sixty-three eight graders of junior high schools are triangulated and analyzed qualitatively. The results show that students^ critical thinking is at second level in SOLO (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes) taxonomy indicating that they are not able to give the critical responses because of difficulties to comprehend the text and lack of vocabularies. The analysis of English text book shows that it is not sufficient to facilitate students to think critically. In addition to, the students and teachers prefer digital English application as their learning material which is expected to enhance their critical thinking skill. The result of needs analysis is used to develop critical thinking instruction in terms of English application comprising some activities to encourage students^ critical thinking skill.

Keywords: Critical thinking skill, needs analysis, SOLO taxonomy, material development.

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75 Education ABS-102

Ventje Jany Kalukar, Nur Erliza, Masrur Yahya



In this era, people can share information via social media which is possible for them to communicate widely such as from Facebook, Twitter, Path, Youtube, and Instagram. People can obtain important information there such as news, advertisements, and announcements. Therefore, it is possible to find out the competition announcements like posters on Instagram- one of them is published by the infolomba account. However, posters must be made by effective words without reducing any sense of information on the content. Therefore, it is important to present effective words including by cutting, blending the words, or abbreviating a group of phrases. Unconsciously, new words are created in many ways to present messages on online posters. By this language phenomenon, it is important to study the existence of new words involved in communication based on Morphology. This research was aimed to find out the types and the most commonly used word-formation type on English posters on Instagram. The design of this research was descriptive study by using qualitative approach and the researcher was the key instrument. The researcher took the samples by screen shooting twenty posters published by the infolomba account on Instagram from October 2019 until February 2020. The researcher used distributional analysis to analyze the structure of new words by breaking the morpheme elements. The researcher found 360 data which was considered as new words on English posters. After identifying the data, the researcher carried out investigator triangulation to validate the data by discussing the result to Linguistics as the findings. This researcher found that derivation, inflection, conversion, compounding, abbreviation, acronym, blending, clipping, borrowing and reduplication are as word-formation types in creating new words on posters. The researcher also found double process of word-formation type in creating new words on the posters, such as compounding plus derivation, compounding plus infle

Keywords: Formation, Instagram, Morphological Analysis, Poster, Process

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76 Education ABS-103

Esmi Tsalsa Sofiawati (a*), Bedjo Sujanto (b), Suryadi (b)

ab) Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Jakarta
a) STKIP Bina Mutiara Sukabumi


This research has the aim of analyzing the various strategies that schools undertake in order to exist, which is the quality of education as a measure of the achievement of the programs carried out by the school. On the other hand, education quality assurance is a systematic, integrated and sustainable mechanism in carrying out all series of education components in accordance with predetermined quality standards and implemented both formally and informally. This research is a qualitative research using a case study method by producing descriptive data through observations, interviews and documentation. This research is presented in a narrative form through the data collected and provides an empirical description with data descriptions about how school strategies are in implementing education quality assurance. Sukaraja State Vocational High School is unique in the implementation of education quality assurance. This is inseparable from the quality report cards that are produced every year. The quality of this education includes management, learning and the processes that are carried out in shaping the character of students. So that the quality of education is the responsibility of all components in the education unit. For the formation and improvement of the quality of schools as a whole, readiness and strategies are needed in the quality assurance effort itself.

Keywords: Strategy, Quality of Education

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77 Education ABS-104

Analysis of Transformational Leadership at Indonesia Aviation Polytechnic Curug
Theresia Endah Dwi Astuti Anantisari (a*), Nurhatatti Fuad (a), Suryadi (a)

(a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The study reports and documents an analysis of responses of four academics leaders at Indonesia Aviation Polytechnic Curug. The former name Indonesia Aviation Polytechnic Curug is Indonesia Civil Aviation Institute Curug. It is a tertiary institution that held under the ministry of transportation. An interview schedule was prepared to obtain responses from the leaders on various aspects of transformational leadership, which were examined in the context of Bass^ and Riggio^s conceptual framework of transformational leadership. The study finds that the responses of the four academic leaders were close to the theoretical model of Bass and Riggio in many respects. However, some differences were found in the style of leadership of the four leaders. The study finds that academic leadership poses problems that are distinctly different than leadership in usual public or private tertiary institutions. To face the changes, academic leaders need to transform the usual way of teaching, learning, research and public services to be more applied and practices. They also need to understand the generation gap and new technology adaption to bring out the best among academics. The study could help leaders in similar tertiary institutions to reflect on their own qualities as academic leaders and such reflection may help improve their leadership style to achieve positive outcomes.

Keywords: qualitative approach, transformational leadership, academic leader

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78 Education ABS-106

The Strategies of EFL Teacher in Teaching Speaking at English Course in Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri, Indonesia
Aa Qonaatun- Zainal Rafli- Aceng Rahmat

Universitas Negeri Jakarta- Universitas Negeri Jakarta- Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The objective of the study is to explore strategies of EFL teacher in teaching speaking in Kampung Inggris Pare (KIP), Kediri, Indonesia and to investigate opinion of the students about the strategies applied by teacher. Kampung Inggris Pare Indonesia is a favorite and recommended place for learning English, especially speaking skill as it provides an English language-rich environment and enjoyable learning. This study employed qualitative approach using case study method. It was conducted at Global English (GE) Course in KIP. The participants in this study were a teacher who taught speaking 1 course and 10 students. The data were collected through class observation and interview. The data were analyzed descriptively and triangulated. The results showed that teacher applied ten teaching strategies- dialog, presentation, discussion, debate, game, brain storming activities, role play, lecturing, cooperative learning and drilling. From the interview, students perceived that the teaching strategies undertaken by teacher could improve their vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Their knowledge, way of thinking, critical thinking, insight, self-confidence, collaborative skill and sense of respect others were developed. This study contributes to provide a reference to create varied and creative strategies in teaching speaking skill.

Keywords: EFL Teacher- Teaching Strategies- Speaking Skill- Kampung Inggris- Global English Course

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79 Education ABS-107

Strategy to Build Student Loyalty
Novi Rakhmiyanti, Bedjo Sujanto, Eliana Sari

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Strategy to Build Student Loyalty
Novi Rakhmiyanti1, Bedjo Sujanto2, Eliana Sari3
This study aims to describe the loyalty of STIE Tri Dharma Widya students. This research method is a case study with a qualitative approach. The research data were obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis was performed using interactive qualitative analysis. The results showed that student loyalty at STIE Tri Dharma Widya was in the low category as indicated by students who moved campuses. The factors that influence student loyalty include the lack of student satisfaction with the quality of higher education services, the image of higher education has not been well developed, and student trust in higher education is still low. Meanwhile, the efforts made by STIE Tri Dharma Widya in increasing student loyalty are: (1) improving learning facilities and infrastructure, employee and lecturer reliability in providing quality services, responsiveness of higher education to changes in education and responding to competition, fostering employee empathy in providing services to students through services that provide convenience for students who experience problems in the educational process. (2) strengthening and forming the identity of higher education institutions using learning methods that cannot be found in other universities, carrying out educational activities that form certain characteristics, showing a positive image of the quality of their performance and trying to show specific advantages compared to other universities. (3) building student confidence by demonstrating the openness of the higher education institution to the management,showing consistency in providing superior academic services, competence in the management and development of higher education institutions and showing higher education integrity through fulfillment.
Keyword: Strategy, Building, Student Loyalty

Keywords: Strategy, Building, Student Loyalty

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80 Education ABS-109

Analysis of the Critical Thinking Initial Ability about Static Fluid Material in Class XI of SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta
Akhyani Nasution (a*)- Widha Sunarno(b)- Sri Budiawanti(b)

(a) Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, 57126
(b) Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, 57126


This research aims to describe the initial ability of critical thinking of high school students in Surakarta on static fluid. This study is part of the learning tools development study to improve critical thinking ability. The critical thinking skills test is compiled in ten questions. The analyzed critical thinking skills are students critical thinking abilities before a model is applied that is expected to develop a student^s critical thinking skills. This research includes descriptive research. The subjects of this study were 35 students of Class XI in SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta. The data collection methods used are test methods. Data analysis techniques use quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the achievement of critical thinking in the analysis aspect with sub skills of detecting arguments and analyzing arguments was 41,75%. The inference aspect with sub skills of making a logical conclusion was 29,25%. The interpretation aspect with sub skills of classify the meaning was 44,1 %. The explanation aspect with sub skills of stating results, justifying procedures, and presenting arguments was 57,7%. And the evaluation aspect with sub skills of assess credibility and assess the quality of arguments was 24,65%. These results show that students^ critical thinking skills are still low, especially in evaluation aspects.

Keywords: Development Studies, Critical Thinking

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81 Education ABS-110

Media Literacy Education as an Empowerment Instrument for Blended Learning Websites in Early Childhood Classrooms
Erie Siti Syarah- Ilza Mayuni- Nurbiana Dhieni- Fasli Jalal- Elindra Yetti

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Teacher^s ability to understand the benefits and use of media literacy play an important role in dealing with children as digital natives. Media literacy can be an appropriate instrument through the use of blended-learning websites to face the challenges of teaching in the 21st century. This study aims to find out teacher^s perspectives in their understanding of media literacy as an empowerment instrument of blended-learning websites. This research uses qualitative methods with case studies. Participants are kindergarten teachers in the South Tangerang area. Data collection was obtained through questionnaires and interviews, through analysis of typological data from a mixture of quantitative and qualitative data collected during the Covid-19 pandemic used to categorize teacher^s perspectives in this case. The findings produce five ideal types, teacher perspectives: transformed into innovative (typology 1)- Media literacy education as a more Effective Integral approach (typology 2)- Changed from traditional to blended-learning (typology 3). The most important finding is the understanding and skills of teachers about media literacy education, as an empowerment instrument for blended-learning websites obtained through comprehensive training (Typology 4). Teachers^ need for access to web-based technology requires special attention from various stakeholders in education management (Typology 5). The research implication demands an increase in technology systems and connections between educators, parents, management of institutions, and education policy holders.

Keywords: Early Childhood, Media Literacy Education, Blended Learning Websites

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82 Education ABS-112

The 21st Century Science Learning: HOTS and Digital Literacy Junior High School Students in Semarang, Indonesia
Yeni Widiyawati (a*), Indri Nurwahidah (b), Dwi Septiana Sari (c), Muhammad Masykuri (d), Cucuk Wawan Budiyanto (e)

a), b), c) Science Education, Ivet University, Jalan Pawiyatan luhur IV/17, Kota Semarang, Indonesia
* yeni.widiyawati26[at]
d) Science Education, Sebelas Maret University, Jalan Ir. Sutami 36 A, Kentingan, Surakarta, 57126, Indonesia
e) Educational Informatics and Computer Engineering, Sebelas Maret University, Jalan Ir. Sutami 36 A, Kentingan, Surakarta, 57126, Indonesia


21st-century skills were broadly discussed in all sectors. It challenges educators to equip next generation with all important skills to face the digital technology transformation. The focus of this study was to identify profile of student^s higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) and digital literacy among junior high school students in science learning. Mixed method, a combination of quantitative and qualitative was used in this study. A total number of 170 of grade 7th students in private and public junior high school in Semarang City were administered in the integrated science test (IST). IST was used to measure student^s HOTS through constructed-multiple choice test. Six science teachers were the key informant of HOTS and digital literacy in science learning. Rasch model and descriptive analysis used to identify HOTS and digital literacy based on gender and school type of school. The results reveal that gender does not impact toward HOTS which is contrast with type of school (private and public). Moreover, most of the students were still in the low slight to moderate level of HOTS. In addition, knowledge and practical skills of teacher was such a significant factor related to digital technology implementation in science learning. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom implementation of HOTS assessment as well as digital technology in science learning regularly.

Keywords: HOTS, Digital literacy, 21st-century learning

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83 Education ABS-115

Fifi Nofiyanti, Deasy Wahyu Hidayati, Ahmad Hidayatullah

STP Trisakti, UHAMKA, STP Trisakti


The problem with the difficulty of writing descriptions makes this study try to provide a solution. This study aims to determine the effect of photographic image media on the ability to write descriptions of students majoring in tourism. There was a learning to write descriptions to write about Indonesian tourism, but the ability to write was low, they could only write one page, and the ideas poured out were monotonous. In this modern era, some students like or have a hobby with photography, so they conduct experiments with this media. The research method used in this research is an experimental method with a quasi experimental design. In this study, using a student population of semester 1 batch 2018 of 2 classes 58 people. Then carried out random sampling by drawing the class that will be sampled. Then a sample class of the tourism department of class 2018 was obtained with a sample size of 25 students. The results of the study indicate that it is known that from 25 respondents, the significant value for the pre-test is 0.319 and the significant value for the post-test is 0.212. The significant value determined in this study is 0.05. So the pre-test significant value is 0.319 0.05 and the post-test significant value is 0.212 0.05. So it can be concluded that the pre-test data and post-test data are normally distributed. The t value is -2.818 with a significant 0.010. A significant value of 0.000 0.05, then there is a significant difference in the ability to write descriptions before (pretest) and after (posttest). It can be stated that photographic image media can be used as a way of learning to write descriptions. With the trial of the application of photographic image media, it is easier for students to express their ideas. This media is also liked by millennial students. Photography provided relating to Indonesian tourism.

Keywords: Photography image media, Descriptive writing, Tourism students

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84 Education ABS-116

Early Childhood Financial Literacy: Parent^s Understanding
Muktia Pramitasari (a*), Ilza Mayuni (b), Nurbiana Dhieni (b)

(a)- (b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


In this era, financial literacy is one of the basic literacies that must be understood by every individual and must be considered as important as basic literacy, which is the ability to read and write. Parent^s understanding is the main support for early childhood financial literacy. This study aims to determine the understanding of parents about early childhood financial literacy in Indonesia. This study used the interpretivism paradigm with a case study approach involving 4 participants. Data collection techniques through interviews and reflective journals. The study findings that parents do not understand early childhood financial literacy, such as introducing financial literacy has not been the main priority, parents have not introduced concrete financial concepts, parents inherited the old paradigm involving early childhood in managing family finances is taboo. Further study is a parenting program related to early childhood financial literacy that becomes a transformative parenting style and changes understanding and mindset/paradigm related to financial literacy from generation to generation, with the hope, it can provide provisions for financial well-being to every child in the future.

Keywords: Parent^s Understanding, Financial Literacy, Early Childhood

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85 Education ABS-117

The Ability to Create of Students Based on Teacher^s Teaching Experience and Teacher^s Educational Background
Vina Septiani (a*), Paidi (b)

a) Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Karang Malang, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
b) Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Karang Malang, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia


Students need to have the ability to create in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The quality of teachers in teaching affects the mastery of students^ ability to create. Teacher quality is influenced by the teacher^s teaching experience and teacher^s educational background. This research is quantitative descriptive with survey method. The population in this study is a hypothetical population that includes all biology teachers XI grade of state senior high school in Padang. The sample representing the hypothetical population is a convenience sample consisting of 6 biology teachers. The technique of collecting data used essay and multiple choice test form. The collected data are analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The result of descriptive analysis showed the ability to create of the students XI grade of state senior high school in Padang very low. The result of inferential analysis showed that p= 0,000 (p <0,05), so there was significant difference between students taught by 11-15 year & S1- 11-15 year & S2, 16-20 year & S2, 26-30 year & S2, 31-35 year & S1, 31-35 year & S3.

Keywords: Create- Teacher^s teaching experience- Teacher^s educational background- Biology

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86 Education ABS-119

Community Learning Strategy through a Jigsaw Learning Model: Improving Social Attitudes of Digestive System Materials
Vina Septiani (a*), Paidi (b), Syamsurizal (c), Rahmawati Darrusyamsu (c)

a) Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Karang Malang, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
b) Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Karang Malang, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
c) Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Padang State University, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Barat, Padang, 25171, Indonesia


This study aims to identify the effect of community learning strategy through a jigsaw learning model on students^ social attitudes of digestive system materials. This study is quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest control group design. The study was conducted at SMPN 12 Padang with students of VIII1 as experiment class and VIII7 as control class. It used observation sheets to measure four aspects of social attitudes including social discipline, tolerance, self-confidence, and mutual cooperation adopted from the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education 2015 about Assessment Guidelines. The result of the test shows that the significance value is less than 0.05 meaning that the community learning strategy through a jigsaw learning model is effective for improving students^ social attitudes of digestive system materials.

Keywords: Community learning strategy- Jigsaw learning model- Social attitudes

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87 Education ABS-121

Comparative Study on Educational Technology Curriculum for Master Program
Richardus Eko Indrajit, Basuki Wibawa, Atwi Suparman

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Richardus Eko Indrajit
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Basuki Wibawa
Universitas Terbuka, Atwi Suparman


Educational technology has become a branch of science that is growing rapidly in recent times. The need for a disruptive learning model due to information technology advanced development is one of the triggers for increasing enthusiasts in this field of study. Master^s in educational technology is one of the graduate school^s degree programs that attracts a good number of scholars around the globe to excel in their knowledge and capabilities. This article attempts to describe the analysis results of the study upon a great number of the world^s leading colleges and universities which are offering the graduate program in educational technology. The text analysis method is used to investigate the different focus of the campuses conducting such program. The results of this study can be used as a reference for scholars who wish to continue their studies or to conduct various research in accordance to their needs.

Keywords: disruptive, learning model, text analysis

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88 Education ABS-122

The Effect of Blended Learning on Students Creativity in Making Tie-Dyed T-Shirts
Dewi Suliyanthini (a*), Cholilawati (a), Eneng (a), Lutfia Zahra (a), Bianka Dwi Lestari (a)

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
* dsuliyanthini[at]


This study was aimed at describing the effect of Tie-Dye workshop conducted with blended learning on Students Creativity in Making Tie-Dyed T-Shirts. The workshop was given as the community development program activity of Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The study was carried out with quasi-experiment method involving 20 mothers from Untung Jawa Island whose family were greatly financially affected due to COVID-19 Pandemic. Youtube and Zoom were incorporated as the main learning tools. This study revealed that the students creativity in terms of tie-dye technique, pattern, coloring result, and color distribution was satisfying with an average score of 85.

Keywords: Blended Learning- Student Creativity- Tie-Dye

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89 Education ABS-124

Syarif Hidayat (a*), Hafid Abbas (b), & Uswatun Hasanah (c)

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The 2013 curriculum requires teachers to learning with a scientific approach to ensure that they are student-centered. It is carried out because student-centered learning has been proven to help improve student achievement. An appropriate instructional package is needed and makes it easier for teachers and students to support the implementation of learning with the scientific approach. This study determines the effect of implementing an instrctional package with a scientific approach to students understanding of ecology^s basic concept. So this research was conducted with a quasi-experimental approach following a matching only pretest-posttest control group research design. Data regarding students^ understanding of the basic ecology concepts were collected thorough a pretes and posttest in a multiple choice test. Researchers analyzed data from the gain score of the control group and the experimental group using the t-test. The results of the t-test show that the t score : 4.704> critical value: 1.671, at = 0.005, which implies that there is a significant difference in the level of understanding amid the experimental group and the control group. Furthermore, seen from the effect size, it is evident that the instructional package^s application with the scientific approach has a large effect size with Eta squared = 0.28. In other words, the instructional package^s application with the scientific approach has an effect of 28% on increasing student^s understanding of basic ecological concepts.

Keywords: Instructional Package, Students Understanding, Ecology Concept.

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90 Education ABS-127

Efforts to increase organizational commitment principal of the senior high school in the state of DKI Jakarta
Ratna Budiarti, Bedjo Sujanto, Mukhneri Mukhtar

Educational Management Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The objective of this research was to understand the effect of organizational structure, personality, and decision making on organizational commitment principal of the senior high school in the state of DKI Jakarta. It was quantitative research which was conducted in the head of the senior high school in the state of DKI Jakarta. The research used a survey method with path analysis applied in the testing of hypothesis. It was conducted to 89 principal as the respondents who were selected in a simple random way. The results of this study are: (1). There is a positive direct effect of organizational structure on organizational commitment and (2). There is a positive direct personality on organizational commitment. (3) There is a positive dire

Keywords: organizational structure, personality, decision making, organizational commitment

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