Mentoring Teachers in Developing HOTS-Based Learning Tools In Elementary Schools in Bekasi City Zulela MS, Vina Iasha, Yulia Elfrida Yanty Siregar, Uswatun Hasanah, Jatu Wahyu Wicaksono, Alrahmat Arif
Universtas Negeri Jakarta
One of the demands of 21st century competence is Critical Thinking which not only requires students in the 2013 curriculum to think at a higher level in learning, but also for teachers to design HOTS learning tools. Based on the analysis of the problem, so that the purpose of this study is the HOTS-Based Thematic Learning Tool Development Assistance activity to improve Professional Competence. The subjects of this study were elementary school teachers in Bekasi Regency. To make this activity successful, teachers who will be training participants need to get reinforcement of the concept of the 2013 Curriculum material, and the preparation of lesson plans. The method of implementing this activity is training workshops, mentoring and implementation of HOTS-Based Thematic Learning Tool Development. At the end of this activity, the teacher will implement the Learning Tools that have been arranged according to the class. In the dissemination of this Learning Tool, the team will accompany and make observations. From the results of these observations which will be used as material for Joint Reflections. It can be concluded that teachers have improved their professional competence well in developing HOTS-based thematic learning tools. This can be seen from the HOTS Thematic Learning Tools designed and learning activities.
Keywords: Learning Tools, Thematic, High Order Thinking Skills Based