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Sarimah Ismail (a*), Fatin Nurathirah Roslan (a), Nornazira Suhairom (a), Rahimah Jamaluddin (b) and Suriani Mohamed (c)

a) School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. *p-sarima[at]
b) Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
c) Faculty of Technical and Vocational, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjung Malim, Perak, Malaysia


Most courses offered in the Technical Education and Vocational Training (TVET) programs are practical-based and applied Project-Based Learning (PjBL) as well as Project Oriented Problem-Based Learning (PoPjBL) teaching methods. The advantages of these student centred teaching approaches have received long debate in the literature that are able to provide the students deep understand about technical knowledge and skills of the courses and develop various generic skills. However, how PoPjBL was applied as a teaching method in the Fashion Design that also TVET course was rarely reported. A qualitative study that using field note, interview protocol and tape recorder as research instrument was conducted to identify how the PoPjBL is applied in teaching the course. Saturation of data indicated that 20 final year students have been interviewed while classroom participant observation took place for 14 weeks. The students were selected as a study sample applying purposive sampling technique. Interview data were analysed using three stages of coding process (open coding, axial coding and selective coding) and assisted by Nvivo computer software. Finding of the study showed that the process of applying the PoPjBL in teaching the course has eight major phases which were project brief, problem identification, problem solving process, project proposal presentation, project development, project evaluation, reflection and project report writing. To guide educators applying the PoPjBL as teaching method in their courses, this study suggested a conceptual framework to portray flow of the PoPjBL process that involved those eight phases is developed.

Keywords: Teaching method, Project Oriented Problem-Based Learning, Student Centred Learning Approach

Topic: Education

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