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31 Education ABS-33

Booklet Development of Butterfly Biodiversity in Kerinci Regency and its Surroundings as Learning Resource in Chapter Animalia Class X Senior High School
Bestia Dewi M.Pd, Dr. Afreni Hamidah S,Pt., M.Si, Dr. Tedjo Sukmono, S.Si.,M.Si

Universitas Jambi


Learning resources play an important role in the learning process. The benefits of learning resources are as a support for learning activities, adding and expanding the presentation of material that might not be summarized in the textbooks. Most of the learning resources used by students today are still in unattractive form. The available learning resources also do not explain examples of animals that can be found around (contextual). Also, the difficulty of getting learning resources for Animalia materials that are per the learning objectives is an obstacle that causes the unavailability of Animalia learning resources. Therefore, innovation is needed to develop a learning resource that is suitable for the learning objectives. This development was done due to a lack of learning resources with the elaboration of animals found in surrounding (Contextual). This development study aimed to design a booklet of butterfly biodiversity in Kerinci regency and its surroundings as a learning resource in Chapter Animalia Class X Senior High School, to determine teachers^ and students^ responses. The development model used in this study was the ADDIE model. ADDIE model consists of 5 steps: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The booklet was validated by media experts and material experts in the very appropriate category. The response from the teachers to the booklet was good. The response from the students to the booklet in a small group trial and large group trials was very good. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that booklet of butterfly biodiversity in Kerinci regency and its surroundings is appropriate for use by high school grade X students as learning resources for Animalia chapter

Keywords: Booklet, butterfly, Animalia, ADDIE

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32 Education ABS-289

Flipped Classroom Implementation in Foundation of Educational Technology Course in Postgraduate Program of UNJ
Eveline Siregar, Dedy Aswan



Since Covid-19 pandemic started, Flipped Classroom has been rapidly adopted and developed by teachers around the world as classroom activities are prohibited. In this research, Flipped Classroom was implemented using web-based LMS which contains various digital contents such as e-books, presentation slides, animation and videos along with engaging assignments in various formats (online forums, online quizzes, etc.). These asynchronous activities are then followed by online video conference to synchronously discuss the result deeply to create meaningful learning.
This research aims to analyze Flipped Classroom implementation to facilitate students^ study in college during Covid-19 pandemic. The research methods used are literature review and survey. The survey questions are created based on the indicators of ideal Flipped Classroom implementation. The respondents of the survey are postgraduate students taking Foundation of Educational Technology course.
The result of this research shows that majority of the students responded positively to the Flipped Classroom model. The usage of various media in LMS, encouraged the students to learn independently. While the activities such as discussion, work in group, debate or speech presentation and article review, stimulated critical thinking and active involvement in learning. A teacher^s interaction with students can be more personalized and didactic, and students are actively involved in knowledge acquisition and construction. The result also shows that most students preferred pre-recorded contents prepared by teachers or video developers. The outcomes of Flipped Classroom implementation are determined by effective student learning that facilitates critical thinking and improves student engagement, both in asynchronous and synchronous learning activities.

Keywords: Flipped Classroom, synchronous, asynchronous, LMS , Covid-19

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33 Education ABS-34

Increasing the Cooperation Understanding of Students Through Project-Based Learning Methods on Civics Subject in 3rd Grade SDN Pulogebang 06 Morning East Jakarta
Awiria (a*), Vira Pratiwi (b), Ujang Jamaludin (c)

a) Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta
Jl. Harsono RM No.67 Ragunan Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12140, Indonesia
b) Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta
Jl. Harsono RM No.67 Ragunan Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12140, Indonesia
c) Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Banten
Jl. Raya Jkt Km 4 Jl. Pakupatan, Panancangan, Kec. Cipocok Jaya, Kota Serang, Banten 42124


The purpose of this study is to determine the application of project-based learning methods in increasing cooperation understanding of students. This research was conducted in SDN Pulogebang 06 morning, East Jakarta, involving 20 students of 3rd grade as the research subjects. This research used classroom action research from Mc.Taggart conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The data were collected through tests, observations, and observation sheets of the implementation of project-based learning methods consisted of the observation sheets of teacher and student and documentation in the form of photos. The results showed there is an increase in cooperation understanding of students using project-based learning methods. These results are evidenced by the results of the initial tests on students^ understanding of cooperation, which reaches 62.00%. In the first cycle, the result reaches 72.00%. In comparison, in the second cycle, the result reaches 80.00%. In the teacher and student activity, in the first cycle, the results reach 50%. In the second cycle, the presentation reaches 100% of teacher and student results (mastery learning). The implication of this research indicates that the use of project-based learning methods can improve cooperating understanding of students seen from an increase in the value of each cycle. Therefore teachers need to make an innovation in developing the learning process so that the learning process becomes dynamic and meaningful.

Keywords: Cooperation, Project Based, Civics, 3rd Grade of Elementary School Students

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34 Education ABS-35

Wahid Munawar

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), email: wahid munawar[at]


The results of preliminary observations on automotive vocational learning in vocational high schools in Bandung indicated that more than half (55%) of teachers in automotive practice subjects had not yet conducted skills competency assessments using valid tests. The teacher assesses using conventional assessment, namely multiple choice or essay test, and open scoring skills tests without rubrics, so that the scores obtained by students do not reflect the actual competence of students. Factors that cause teachers to use invalid tests include- (1) practice facilities that do not meet the requirements as a competency test tool and (2) teachers have low ability in preparing competency assessments. The research objectives were (1) developing a competency assessment based on dichotomy scoring- (2) diagnosing students^ automotive vocational skills. The research method uses development research with 5 stages: a) preliminary study, b) definition, c) design, d) demonstration and e) development. The research was conducted in January-March 2020. The research location was at a public vocational high school in Bandung. The research instrument used automotive vocational competency test. The research sample was 36 students and 15 teachers in the Automotive Department. The results showed that: (1) Most of the teachers (73%) have not been able to make skills tests- (2) 67% of students have a tendency to be unskilled in automotive vocational competencies.

Keywords: assessment, dichotomy scoring, vocational skills

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35 Education ABS-292

Analysis Minang Dance that modifies into Braindance for Children Creative Thinking Skills
Elindra Yetti- Erie Siti Syarah

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


It is important to develop creative-thinking skills so that children are trained to be able to generate new ideas as alternatives in solving problems. Many studies have discussed about moving activities in early childhood, which can improve child creativity. Brain dance activities that are created from the traditional dances can be suitable activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the movements of the Minang dance which were created into a brain dance, good for creative-thinking skills. Using qualitative methods, data collection was carried out through interviews with Minang dance experts, early-childhood teacher reflection journals, and analysis of the brain dance audio-visual documents. Through typological analysis techniques, the study found four ideal types in the category of creative thinking skills in children. The most important findings were on different thinking skills emergence (typology 2)- and brain dance is able to stimulate problem finding and solving skills (typology 4). Further research can explore the richness of Indonesian regional dances which are developed into children^s educational dances and are related to the potential of other children development.

Keywords: braindance based Minang dance- creative thinking skills- early childhood

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36 Education ABS-37

Perception and Need Analysis of Development Literation Reasoning Based on Minimum Competence Assesmen
Zahra Alwi- Zulkardi- Ratuilma Indraputri- and Linda Puspita

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University Sriwijaya


The new policy regarding the abolition of the National Examination which was replaced by the Minimum Competency Assessment (MCA), caused confusion among practitioners. For this reason, it is necessary to know, how are the perceptions of respondens about MCA and how the needs analyze for developing literacy problems based on MCA. This paper is an excerpt from a professional grant research, which uses research and development methods. Data collection was carried out using interview, questionnaires, and FGD techniques. The research samples were teachers, students, and the parents. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed: 1) from the results of the interview and literature studies, it was concluded that teachers, students, and parents did not understand the Minister of Education and Culture^s policy of replacing the National Examination with MCA, they were still confused about the MCA issue, but they supported the policy. 2) from the results of the questionnaire, the dominant sample answers 75% strongly agree, agree (20%), disagree (4.5%), and disagree (0.5%). In accordance with the results of the questionnaire and after the FGD was conducted, it is urgently needed questions of literacy reasoning based on MCA, in accordance with the higher order thinking skills and the program for international student assessment- its formulation and the examples- which can be used by teachers and students that will greatly help teachers in the field.

Keywords: literacy reasoning questions, minimum competency assesmen, national exams, perception, need analysis

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37 Education ABS-293

Correlation between Competence and Work Discipline with Teacher Performance of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Serpong
Luqman Hakim, Matin, Sugiarto

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Research on the relationship between competence and work discipline on teacher performance at MAN IC Serpong is a correlation study with quantitative methods. The relationship is related to three variables, namely two independent variables of competence and discipline and one dependent variable of performance. The research target population is the teachers of MAN IC Serpong with the status of permanent teachers. Based on the criteria, it is obtained that the number of affordable population is 42 people. This population is at the same time designated as the research sample frame. The analysis technique is done by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results of this study get the correlation coefficient of competence and teacher performance was obtained at 0.976 with (tvalue = 4.614> t table = 2.750) at &#945- = 0.01, the correlation coefficient of work discipline and teacher performance was 0.969 with (tvalue = 24.89> ttable = 1, 79) at &#945- = 0.01, and the concordance correlation fcount (535.50)> ftable (5.15) shows that there is a relationship between competence and discipline with performance. The determinant coefficient value of the competency and discipline variables simultaneously has an effect on the performance variable by 98%. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between competence and discipline with the performance of teachers in MAN IC Serpong, so that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. Some suggestions for improving performance in this study including the constitutional rights of teachers in competency development that must be fulfilled by the government through training or providing scholarships, constantly improving discipline by implementing reward and punishment, monitoring teacher work more closely by using daily, weekly/monthly assignments logs and providing feedback against things that are not according to school targets.

Keywords: competence, work dicipline, performance

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38 Education ABS-39

Management of Multicultural Based Character Education
Dr. Nadzmi Akbar, M.Pd.I

UIN Antasari Banjarmasin


Character education services in schools that have multicultural students have obstacles in the form of not serving the strengthening of character in minority students. Especially when presenting character education to students of different religions, because religious character must be shaped and developed with the religious values adopted by students. In most schools, there is often a disregard for minority students. In this connection, it is necessary to conduct research on the harmonization of multicultural-based character education in schools. This research method is descriptive qualitative, using observations, interviews and documentaries. Data analysis is performed using an interactive process. It starts with data collection, data condensation, data models, describing and summarizing research results. In this study it was found that (1) harmonization of multicultural-based character education began in the community environment, (2) policies at the unit level of education that support the implementation of multicultural-based character education, (3) dynamic leadership styles, (4) all educators show attitudes respect and respect even support character education with a variety of differences, (5) each religious teacher develops their subject matter towards values of tolerance, and religious harmony.

Keywords: Tolerance, Character, Multicultural, Harmonization

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39 Education ABS-40

Ade Mutiarawati (a*)

a) Supervisor of the Bekasi City Education Office


The importance of School-Based Management in providing innovative learning improvements in improving the quality of education, but the reality is that there are still elementary school educational institutions that do not know much about the benefits of implementing School-Based Management. The objectives of this study are 1) To determine how the implementation of School-Based Management in improving the quality of learning- 2) To determine the factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation of School-Based Management in improving the quality of learning. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. The research data collection method was carried out by observation, interviews, and documents. Analysis of research data was carried out by collecting data, presenting data, reducing, and drawing conclusions. The research object used is one of the elementary schools in Bekasi City. The results showed that 1) The implementation of school-based management was carried out through well-executed planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising management process by the essence of management in an autonomous, flexible, participatory, transparent and accountable manner- 2) Supporting factors, namely the role of the community, parents and committees in school activities, complete class teachers and almost all of them meet academic quality. The inhibiting factor is active, creative, effective, and fun learning which requires a lot of funds, time, and energy because it has to be prepared but in implementation, it can be handled properly. This research is very important to continue to be carried out further to determine the implementation of school-based management throughout Indonesia

Keywords: School Based Management, Quality of Learning

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40 Education ABS-42

Adi Apriadi Adiansha (a*), Riska Novalia (b)

a) PGSD lecturer, STKIP Taman Siswa Bima
Bima Student Park Educational Road N0.1 Palibelo Bima-NTB-Indonesia
b) Elementary Education Doctoral Student, State University of Jakarta
Alamanda Regensi Jln. Bekasi-West Java Regency


Garbage-paid schools are trending in the interest of students, in improving character education in elementary schools. The objectives of this study are 1) to determine the implementation of school management with garbage payments- 2) evaluating the implementation of garbage paid schools. The research method used in the research is a summative evaluation research type. The research objects include curriculum management and learning for garbage-paid schools, management of students for waste-paid schools, management of educators and education personnel for garbage-paid schools, management of facilities and infrastructure for garbage-paid schools, management of financing for schools that pay for waste, management of school relations and the community towards schools paid for rubbish, culture and the environment for schools paid for garbage, according to the guidebook for the implementation of management for schools paid for garbage according to the 2013 curriculum. The research subject is one of the elementary schools in the Bekasi Regency. Data collection techniques include questionnaires, observation, and interviews with respondents. The results showed that the evaluation of the implementation of waste-paid primary school management in the Bekasi district ran innovatively and was able to develop student character education. However, it still needs to be improved in the implementation of management for the management of educators and education personnel, management of facilities, and infrastructure. This research is very important to be continued in improving innovative, creative, effective schools and further character development of students

Keywords: Management, Waste Pay Schools

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41 Education ABS-43

Lucia Nino Widiasmoro Dewati- Hananto

Universitas Pelita Harapan


A teacher in the digital era can face many challenges as well as bring benefits. A teachers^ role is shifting from simply delivering knowledge to enhancing students^ skills. The pace of technology development highly emphasizes the importance of teaching students to think critically, thus they will not only be excellent and fluent in the language but also in processing information. This study aims to predict the relationship between students^ critical thinking, reading and listening skills. This research was conducted with 64 samples. The research instruments are one Critical Thinking Test, one Reading Comprehension Test and one Listening Test. The data analysis was descriptive analysis and simple linear regression to see the prediction of variables. The result shows that there is a trivial relationship between Critical Thinking skill, Reading and Listening skills.

Keywords: Critical Thinking, Reading, Listening, Linear Regression

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42 Education ABS-47

E-Calculus: Development of Online-Based Calculus Teaching Material
Sugama Maskar (a*), Putri Sukma Dewi (b)

a). Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.
Jl. ZA. Pagar Alam No.9 -11, Labuhan Ratu, Kec. Kedaton, Kota Bandar Lampung.
b). Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.
Jl. ZA. Pagar Alam No.9 -11, Labuhan Ratu, Kec. Kedaton, Kota Bandar Lampung.


At the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning became the only alternative learning model that was relevant and safe to implement. Previously, the Indonesian government has also start to direct learning towards an online model. However, one of the problems in the online learning process is the lack of teaching materials availability that can be accessed online, especially quality teaching materials. The shortage of teaching materials is one of the reasons for not optimal online learning in Indonesia at this time. The purpose of this paper is to develop calculus teaching materials based on online learning (e-calculus) to optimize online mathematics learning in calculus material. The e-calculus process of developing uses research and development (R&D) method with stages: 1). data collection- 2). teaching material design- 3). development of teaching materials- 4). tests, evaluations, and revisions- 5). implementation. The results indicate that e-calculus teaching materials are valid, effective and practical so that it can be used as an alternative to online learning teaching materials in Calculus courses.

Keywords: Calculus- Online learning, Teaching material

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43 Education ABS-51

Effect Of Tranformational leadership and Teachers Organizational Commitment On PAI Teachers Quaity Service
(a)Waode Nurmuhaemin* (b)Saparno Eko Widodo, (c) R. Madha Komala

Doctoral Study Program Educational Management , Jakarta State University. Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur


The objective of this research is to understand the effect of transformational leadership and organizational commitmet on PAI teachers quality service in general schools in Kendari City. It is quantitative research in 151 general schools from Elementary to Senior High Schools located in Kendari City, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia.
The research will use a survey method with path analysis wiil be applied in the testing hypothesis. It will be conduct to 142 PAI teachers as the respondents who will be select in a simple random sampling
Researchers predict that there is a correlation of the research variables , transformational leadership and teachers organizational commitment on teachers quality service from the Parasurahman model. It is hoped that the correlation will show the relationship between variables that can be used to to improve PAI teachers quality service.

Keywords: Transformational leadership, Organizational commitmet, PAI teachers quality service

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44 Education ABS-52

On Instructional Materials: The Pre-Service Teachers Voices in Time of Pandemic
Lynn M. Besa (1), Richard E. Parcon (2)

(1) Rizal Technological University, Mandaluyong City, Philippines
(2) Tanong High School, DepEd Marikina, Philippines


The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic did not only surprise many but also caught most of the academic institutions unprepared. As such, the best option to continue the academic year is to go distance education through flexible learning modes. However, several issues are tied to the implementation of the different modes to learning. In order to find the most appropriate materials in teaching, this study tried to assess the voice of the learners as one of the considerations in the learning system. Using mixed method approach in which the textual responses were converted to quantitative data to establish patterns and qualitative response analysis to capture the implications of the participants^ responses, the researchers analyzed the proposals of the pre-service teachers and its implications to teaching and learning. Findings reveal that the participants implicitly based their preferences on several considerations. Hence, the diversified instructional materials imply their capability and willingness to use various sources and are in favor of engaging in hybrid form of instructions. Results also indicate that teachers should have diversified yet parallel approaches in their preparation for the new normal teaching set up in order to meet the needs of the learners while adhering to the call of the teaching environment.

Keywords: distance education, hybrid learning, instructional materials, pre-service teachers, preferences

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45 Education ABS-53


Program Study of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Science Education, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, 69162, Bangkalan, Indonesia


Assessment in learning to write short stories is what determines success in achieving learning objectives. Authentic assessment is an assessment that emphasizes the ability of students to demonstrate relevant performance in the real world. Learning to write in schools needs to instill humanist values in order to prepare students to face cultural diversity. Strengthening human literacy has become a determining pillar in the life of a multicultural society in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is fast-paced, without boundaries, and without face to face communication with people of different cultures and different nations. This study aims to describe an authentic assessment model for writing short stories based on humanist values. Assessment of writing short stories with a humanist value approach is a research as well as a development of writing competency assessments. This research is a research development or Research and Development (R&D). This study develops an assessment model for writing short stories based on human values. Assessment using an authentic assessment evaluation system includes two things, namely process evaluation and result evaluation. The assessment model modifies the Yale assessment model which is simplified into five aspects, namely themes, completeness of short story building elements, integration of short story building elements, attractiveness, and language use, theme aspects include main ideas / themes and content (subject matter). The results of this study, namely (1) the assessment instrument used to record student activity data during the learning process to write short stories, in the form of journals, observation sheets, and human value-based assessment rubrics- and (2) the type of instrument used to record the results of learning to write short stories, namely short stories, which are in the form of Human Value Based Short Story Writing Assessment Sheet.

Keywords: authentic assessment, short story, writing, human values.

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46 Education ABS-54

The Implementation of Child Friendly School Policy with Children Rights Based in Bekasi City
Suharjuddin- Markum

Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya- Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya


Child-friendly and students based school is one of new paradigm in providing high quality and innovative education in Indonesia. The objective of this research is to explain the outcome of the implementation of Child Friendly School Policies established by the Ministry of Female Empowerment and Child Protection in Bekasi city. The sub focus in this research are (1) implementation of Child-friendly curriculum, (2) Child-friendly facility, (3) Participation of parents, community institutions, stakeholders, business and alumnus. This study used a qualitative method in case study approach in SDN Teluk Pucung 1. The factors that support the implementation of the Child Friendly School Policy at SDN Teluk Pucung 1 are good and smooth communication, attitudes and commitment of all school people, coordination between the Bekasi Government and the School and the positive support of all school members, parents, and surrounding communities. The conclusion: (1) implementation of curriculum and teaching-learning process has fulfilled the criterion of child-friendly school. (2) Implementation of facilities has followed the regulation and showed child-friendly condition, (3) participation of parents, community organizations, stakeholders, business and alumnus is still low and need to be improved in the future time. Suggestion and recommendations are provided for improvement and development towards the implementation of child-friendly school in Bekasi City.

Keywords: Child-friendly school, students based, Policy implementation.

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47 Education ABS-56

Ability of Problem Solving and Critical Thinking of Students in Learning of Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
Citra Utami(a*), Nindy Citroresmi P.(b), Rosmaiyadi (c), Nurul Husna (d), Rika Wahyuni (e)

Mathematics Education, STKIP Singkawang
Jalan STKIP Kelurahan Naram Kecamatan Singkawang Utara, 79151, Singkawang, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to test the improvement of students^ mathematical problem-solving and critical thinking abilities and the differences in the increase in these two abilities in Creative Problem Solving learning. The research used was a quasi-experimental study with the Nonequivalent (Pretest and Posttest) group design. This study uses two homogeneous experimental classes. The population in this study were students of grade 8 SMP Negeri 12 Singkawang. The sample used was 45 people who were grouped into two experimental classes. Experiment class 1 using the CPS Model to improve problem-solving abilities and experiment class 2 using the CPS model to improve mathematical critical thinking skills. The sampling method is simple random sampling. The instruments used were the Problem Solving Ability Test and the Students^ Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability Test. The data analysis technique used was the N-Gain test and the U Mann Whitney test. The results showed that: 1) There is an increase in students^ mathematical problem solving abilities in the moderate category after being given CPS learning- 2) There is an increase in students^ mathematical critical thinking skills in the moderate category after being given CPS learning- and 3) There is no difference in the increase in mathematical problem solving abilities and mathematical critical thinking abilities of students after being given CPS learning.

Keywords: Problem solving ability- Critical thinking ability- Creative Problem Solving (CPS)

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48 Education ABS-60

1.Tyas Ratnawati, 2.Nuphanudin Iljas

Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. R.Mangun Muka Raya, RT.11/RW.14, Rawamangun, Kec. Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220


In 2018, the zoning system policy was issued for the first time in the new student admission system (PPDB) and it is still a hot debate. PPDB online with a zoning system in DKI Jakarta is one the complex. This study will analyze the PPDB Online zoning system policy in DKI Jakarta 2020 based on the theory of eight steps in the decision-making process according to Neils Noorderhaven. The goal is to see the process of evaluating a policy. The data taken comes from tweets on Twitter for the period June - July 2020, because hot topics are always the conversation there and twitter have a search-advanced which serves as a means to trace these topics again. This study uses an exploratory method with content analysis techniques and an inductive approach. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the PPDB Online policy in DKI Jakarta 2020 had applied the eight steps in the decision-making process technique with the change in the Decree of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office regarding Technical Guidelines for Admission of New Students.

Keywords: Equity, Strategic decision making, Twitter, Jakarta

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49 Education ABS-62

The Development of Self-Instructional Learning Material for Higher Institution Leaders in Indonesia
Richardus Eko Indrajit, Basuki Wibawa, Atwi Suparman

Richardus Eko Indrajit, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Basuki Wibawa, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Atwi Suparman, Universitas Terbuka


The fact shows that there is no special program in Indonesia that aims to prepare individuals who are candidates for higher education leadership. The absence of the program bring the result that many higher education leaders did not master their roles and responsibilities in conducting their strategic activities. One of the reasons for the absence of the program was the difficulty in creating a series of training processes that required the presence of these education executives. One way to solve the issue is by developing a self-instructional material for independent study. A number of special matters need to be considered in developing the module in question. This article shows the results of a study on the development of such independent learning materials which gave birth to various modules for different learner characteristics. These omni-modules were developed based on the systematic approach to design instructional materials in diverse environment.

Keywords: design instructional- omni-modules- systematic approach- training

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50 Education ABS-63

Nancy Zainabun

Pascasarjana Univeritas Negeri Jakarta


This research aims to determine the influence of work environment and discipline to the performance of public elementary school teacher in the city of Depok. Data is collected using survey and correlation method to 116 teacher as respondents, and afterward the data is analysed using path analysis. The result of the research are: (1) Work environment provides direct positive influence the teacher^s performance- (2) Discipline gives direct positive influence the teacher^s performance, and (3) Work environment directly influence the teacher^s discipline. Therefore, it can be concluded that there are positive relationships between work environment and discipline to the performance of public elementary school teacher in the city of Depok. Teacher^s performance will improve if supported by appropriate work environment and discipline attitude. Moreover, discipline is influenced by work environment. The more appropriate the work environment is, the higher level of discipline a teacher has.

Keywords: work environment, discipline, teacher^s performance

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51 Education ABS-64

Reni Nur Eriyani, Emzir, Fathiaty Murtadho

Program Studi Linguistik Terapan, UNJ


The work of teachers as educators in schools is a complex activity. Teachers have an important role in realizing the educational process in schools. Teachers as professional educators have duties such as educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students. In carrying out these professional duties, teachers must always develop their professional potential. The development of the teacher^s potential can improve the quality of learning. The purpose of this study is to describe the contribution of teacher^s self-development in teaching Indonesian writing skill to the productivity of students^ works at SMAN 1 Cipanas. Qualitative descriptive research method with data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and field notes. The results of this study indicate that the ability of teachers to write and the involvement of teachers in development and self-actualization activities related to teacher professionalism plays a very positive role in developing students^ writing productivity. This can be proofed by the results of the students^ work in the form of novels, short stories, poems that were published or managed to become champions in the competition.

Keywords: self-development, productivity, student work, writing

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52 Education ABS-65

Nia Kurniawati, Ilza Mayuni, Ninuk Lustyantie

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Digital Literacy (DL) is the ability to use information and communication technologies, to find, evaluate, create, and communicate, requiring both cognitive and technical skills. This case study investigated the digital literacy among the junior high school English teachers. Their understanding in using information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources, and how they integrate it into their lesson plan. The instruments used in this study were questionnaire, interview, observation, and document analysis. The questionnaire, and interview were utilized to find out their understanding to the concept of digital information literacy while the observation and document analysis was to find out their utilization of the digital technology in the lesson plan and teaching. The respondents of the study were ten English teachers in Cianjur from millennial generation. The findings showed that the respondents have used various gadgets in their daily activities. They also have proper knowledge about the digital application for teaching, and have integrated them in their lesson plan and teaching in their EFL classroom.

Keywords: digital literacy- lesson plan- integration- millennial English teacher- EFL Classroom

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53 Education ABS-66

Using Youtube Media through Project-based Learning in Increasing Motivation to Learn English
Ninin Herlina, Emzir, Yumna Rasyid

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Youtube is a learning media that is increasingly in demand by students today. Then, the world conditions requires a distance learning. Youtube is the media of choice for lecturers to instruct their students to make project assignments. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of using project-based youtube media in increasing the motivation to learn English of EFL students. This research is an action research. Data collection techniques used in this study consisted of observation and questionnaires. The subjects in this study were 35 students of Trilogi University, Jakarta-Indonesia. This research was conducted in two cycles, each of which carried out two meetings. In the initial test, the average learning motivation was 34.80, the first cycle was 51.50 and the second cycle was 58.30. Therefore, if we compare it from the initial test to the second cycle test. There was an increase of 23.5. This shows that the use of project-based youtube media has an effect on increasing the motivation to speak English of EFL students.

Keywords: Youtube Media, Project-based Learning, English, Learning Motivation

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54 Education ABS-67

Euis Tresna, Sutjipto, Nurhattati Fuad

Sekolah Bakti Mulya 400 Jakarta, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of multidimensional holistic education in a boarding school at SMA Al Bayan Sukabumi, focusing on the corporal (physical), emotional, cognitive, social, aesthetic and spiritual dimensions. This research was conducted by using a qualitative method using Soft System Methodology (SSM). Field data were obtained through document study, filling out questionnaires and interviews with 21 (twenty one) students- 7 (seven) principals and teachers, 3 alumni and 2 parents. The material presented to respondents was based on six dimensions of holistic education. From all the data analyzed, it is found that the perspective of observed learning outcomes provides factual information in relation with the focus of the study. The dimensions of learning outcomes that have been implemented well are cognitive, social and spiritual dimensions, while the physical, aesthetic, and emotional dimensions still have to be improved. Viewed from the level of learning outcomes, all dimensions have been implemented from the individual level to the communal level. Meanwhile, the social, global and cosmic levels have not been achieved optimally. Summarizing these results, in order to implement education holistically at SMA PU Al Bayan it is recommended to improve the school^s vision and mission as well as its programs to the cosmic level. To be effectively implemented, the holistic education paradigm must be comprehended by all members of the community, especially teachers as role actors in a school in embodying independent learning.

Keywords: holistic education, boarding school, soft system methodology

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55 Education ABS-72

Achmad Yudi Wahyudin, Berlinda Mandasari

Faculty of Arts and Education
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Bandar Lampung


The emerging technologies enable higher education institutions implement new trends of innovative teaching. The trend has led teachers and practitioners to integrate Learning Management System (LMS) to the classroom process. The present study attempts to explore the perspective of students towards the implementation of flipped classroom with Moodle-Based LMS in English Major class. With the participation of 48 undergraduate students who follow Intermediate Grammar Class in the second year, the data was collected through 5-Likert scale questionnaire consisting of items that cover five aspects such as: implementation, accessibility, strength, learning materials, and problem. The results indicate that generally students have positive perspective towards implementation, accessibility, strength, and learning materials. However, some problems encountered by the students must be taken into consideration by teachers and practitioners in order to run an effective flipped classroom using Moodle-Based LMS in language teaching.

Keywords: Flipped Classroom, Moodle, LMS, English Major, Undergraduate Students

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56 Education ABS-73

Student^s Environmental Personality and Sensitivity^s Construct Validity Analyzed by Multitrait-Multimethod
Lisa Dwi Ningtyas (a*), I Made Putrawan (b), Wardani Rahayu (c)

a) Master Student in Educational Evaluation and Research, State University of Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka Raya, DKI Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
b) Professor at Biological Education Department, State University of Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka Raya, DKI Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
c) Lecturer at Mathematics Education Department, State University of Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka Raya, DKI Jakarta 13220, Indonesia


This research was aimed at finding out whether multitrait-multimethod was an accurate tool in validating students^ environmental personality and sensitivity^s construct validity A survey method was used by selecting randomly of 151 junior high school students in Jakarta. Four different types of instruments developed measured big-5 personality and environmental sensitivity which each consisted of 23 items and 18 items, with respectively its reliability coefficient was 0.850 (personality by structure scale method), 0.814 (sensitivity by structure scale), 0.839 (personality by rating scale method), and 0.763 (sensitivity by rating scale). Data analyzed by multitrait-multimethod. The research results revealed that the convergent validity provided in the mono-trait hetero-method correlation was higher than the other validity coefficients. Moreover, another finding showed that hetero-trait mono-method correlation was higher than the hetero-trait hetero-method correlation which leads to the conclusion that its construct validity for both traits was appropriate when this tool used to validate those instruments. For the best practice in doing quantitative research, this tool was sophisticated applied in determining instrument validity and reliability as well, as a supplementary approach for another tool called factor analysis, either confirmatory or exploratory.

Keywords: Big-Five Environmental Personality- Environmental Sensitivity- Structure Scale- Rating Scale- Multitrait-multimethod

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57 Education ABS-74

Mental Models, Spatial Abilities, and Student Learning Outcomes in Environmental Chemistry Courses
Wildan, Aliefman Hakim, L.R. Telly Savalas, Dwi Laksmiwati, Supriadi

Universitas Mataram


Chemistry is a visual science that requires mental models and spatial abilities to be able to visualize it completely. In studying chemistry, students are required to have the ability to connect three chemical representations, i.e. macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic. There are three levels of mental models, i.e. initial, synthetic, and scientific models. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between mental models, spatial abilities, and student learning outcomes in environmental chemistry courses, especially on the topic of water pollution at the Chemistry Education Study Program, FKIP, Mataram University. This is a mix method research. There are three instruments used in this study, namely mental model tests, spatial ability tests, and concept understanding tests. Quantitative data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis, while qualitative data were analyzed descriptively. The study shows that the spatial ability and mental models simultaneously affect student learning outcomes. However, most students have a low-level mental model, namely the initial level. In addition, none of them have a scientific mental model. The results of this study are expected to serve as a reference in the development of effective and efficient learning models and media both from the aspects of the process and learning outcomes of environmental chemistry. The authors suggest to use three levels of representation based learning using augmented reality (AR) animation media, virtual reality (VR), and chemical computation.

Keywords: mental models- spatial abilities- learning outcomes

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58 Education ABS-77

The Effectiveness of Online Lectures at STKIP Singkawang
Fajar Wulandari, Dina Anika Marhayani, Rini Setyowati, Andi Mursidi

STKIP Singkawang


The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of online lectures at STKIP Singkawang during the Covid 19 pandemic. This study used a combination research type model sequential explanatory because it used a sequence, the first order was quantitative method and the second was done qualitatively. In the first stage using quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires as many as 93 students and analyzing the results of the questionnaire. In the second stage the research was conducted using qualitative methods to strengthen, check, and correct the data from the questionnaire by conducting interviews. The resource persons involved in this study were five lecturers who conducted online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and five students who had conducted online lectures in Maret 2020- July 2020. The results of this study are the results of research conducted at STKIP Singkawang are online learning that has been conducted by Lecturers effectively during the Covid pandemic 19. Lecturers have implemented several online applications such as google classroom, email, edmodo, facebook, telegram, webex in their learning process. Several lecturers interviewed had also implemented blended learning to support online learning.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Online, Covid

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59 Education ABS-78

The Appeal of Anime and Manga (Japanese Comics) Translation in Human and Social Advancement in Indonesia to be Ready to Deal with the Era of Industry 5.0 Using Participatory Action Research Based Methodology
Dr.Hj.Eli Ningsih, M.Hum

PASIM National University, Bandung, Indonesia


The study will give an alternative perspective on education process inquiry focused on how we can maximize the existence of fiction in the form of Anime and Manga (Japanese comic) translation to achieve an educational goal, that is to enhance children^s understanding about the real world through building up the connections between deep and surface knowledge. The concept of understanding is not only about simplicity but also about greater complexity. The methodology of this research project is Participatory Action Research. There are seven principles applied in this study : 1) to explore and share children passion and wonder about the real world- 2) to make fiction in every type and form to make them understand the real world- 3) to read and write fiction to match the inquiry about the real world- 4) to equip instruction with short texts for reading and writing- 5) to show the real inquiry process to the real world by modelling, thinking, demonstrating, and practicing- 6) to give the liberty for children to choose, to read, to research the topics and interest of reading and writing fiction material-7) to serve as long-term building blocks of time for children to explore their thoughts and questions. Based on the research findings, the strategies applied has succeed in improving the children understanding about the real world. For further application, these strategies are aimed to enhance the effectiveness of small reading group widely. Thus, the results of this research are expected to give a great contribution to accelerate the advancement of human and social capital in Indonesia.

Keywords: Japanese Anime, Manga, translation, fiction, real world

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60 Education ABS-79

Teaching Translation: Translation Learning Method, Translation Techniques, and Translation Quality Assesment Strategies in University
Syarifa Rafiqa

Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Universitas Borneo Tarakan


This study aimed to found translation learning methods, translation techniques and translation quality assessment strategies in translation classes at universities. The results show that the collaborative method has many benefits if it is applied in the translation class. Students become more active, have positive relationships between students, build meaningful learning, experience solving problems in translation, and provide space for creativity like students. The translation techniques used vary depending on the translator, because each translator has his own translation technique, adjusted to the type of text to be translated. Translators always evaluate the results of their translations, because in fact the assessment criteria are implicit in the selection of certain translation techniques, which have been defined from the start taking into account various factors. The most important thing in translation is to get equivalent / accuracy, acceptability and readability of the translation results and adjust it to the translation quality assessment instrument.

Keywords: Teaching translation, translation learning methods, translation techniques, and translation quality assessment strategies.

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