Virtual University Transformation To Distance Classroom Ninuk Lustyantie (a*), Syarfuni (a*), Evi Rosyani Dewi (b), Fathurrahman Nur Isnan (b)
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Development E-Learning aims to support education during the pandemic COVID 19. Therefore, universities must be able to provide better digital information services to the academic community. In addition, universities must accommodate online lecture materials that are easily accessible by lecturers and students. The study aimed to describe the students^ perception of Moodle as an appropriate alternative use as a platform distance learning. The approach used is a qualitative approach and descriptive methods. Data was collected using questionaire and the data were descriptively analyzed. The results showed that respondents have the perception that Moodle has a discussion forum facility to display teaching materials, text, sound, video. Assessment activities using assignments, quizzes, feedback and choice. 75% student response stated strongly agree, 22.7% agree, 1.6% somewhat agree, 0.8% disagree, 0% strongly disagree. Based on these findings, the transformation of the virtual classroom learning system through Moodle is expected to provide a quality distance learning process.