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Mareyke Sumual (a), Gilly Tiwow (b)

(a) Universitas Negeri Manado
(b) Universitas Negeri Manado


This study generally aims to analyze and provide empirical evidence of entrepreneurial self-tension that exists in a person and the expertise of managing a business, which a person has for students. On that basis, this research seeks to explore and describe the potential of entrepreneurship through the characteristics and entrepreneurial disposition of students so that graduates of this faculty, in addition to having academic excellence, also have the ability to create jobs through entrepreneurial techniques.
The population of this study is active students who were enrolled in 2020-2021. Faculty of Economics, Manado State University, as users of academic administrative services as many as 2515 students. By using sample prediction using the Slovin reference, with error of 5%, a total sample of 100 students was obtained which was spread proportionally across 4 (four) programs in Unima Faculty of Economics.
The findings are, 1) student entrepreneurship intentions, in terms of all aspects, namely: entrepreneurial qualifications, self-skills, hopes of success and cooperation skills, are still in the moderate or quite satisfactory category, which is 61%. These findings show that the entrepreneurial potential of students, in terms of all aspects, falls into the category of sufficient. 2) The intention of managing student business is measured by 8 (eight) main aspects: aspects of cooperation, aspects of gold management, aspects of development of products and services, aspects of direct and indirect sales, advertising aspects and promotion, accounting aspects, aspects of personal management a, and aspects of direct and indirect sales, aspects of advertising and promotion, aspects of accounting, aspects of personal management a, and aspects of direct and indirect sales, aspects of advertising and promotion, aspects of accounting, aspects of personal management a, and aspects of aspects of direct and indirect sales, aspects of advertising and promotion

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, self-skill, student businesses

Topic: Universal Quality Education

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