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The Role of Educational Courses, Lecture Climate, and Self-Efficacy Are Viewed From TPACK As A Readiness For 21st Century Teacher Skills In Students In Malang City
Hary Suswanto*, Dodik Septian Ferdiansyah, Syaad Patmanthara, Ahmad Mursyidun Nidhom, Wahu Nur Hidayat, Achmad Hamdan

Universitas Negeri Malang


The Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Education Study Program at the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang, is one of the Study Programs that provides knowledge and related teaching and teaching skills to become electronics so that graduates of teachers or professional lecturers in Vocational High Schools (VHS). Students must be able to adapt to lectures on campus. The adjustment of the speaking climate will determine the success of students in the following year. The inability of students to adapt to the learning environment that causes problems for students. One way for students to become professional teacher candidates can be realized, one of them is by increasing the ability of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The following research aims to contribute to educational lectures, lectures, and self-efficacy based on TPACK and to determine directly or indirectly the skills of 21st century teachers. This research design uses a quantitative approach that aims to determine or the effect of independent variables on causally related variables. . The model for analyzing the relationship between variables is path analysis for the structural equation model. It is based on the objective to determine the direct and indirect causal relationship between each independent and dependent variable. Based on the research, data obtained that education courses, lecture climate, self-efficacy, and TPACK have a direct and simultaneous contribution to the skills of 21st century teachers by 72.4%, which can be used as the key for lectures, lectures, self-efficacy, and TPACK simultaneously have a good influence and a significant contribution to the skills of 21st century teachers directly.

Keywords: Educational Courses, Lecture Climate, Self-Efficacy, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), 21st Century Teacher Skills

Topic: Universal Quality Education

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