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Innovation of STEM Approach in Natural Science Learning for Improving Scientific Literacy
Asri Widowati1, a) and Arina Zaida Ilma1, b)

1Natural Sciences Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55283


Education reform is a vital effort to develop the quality of human resources, including scientific literacy. One of the educational reforms is to implement the innovative of STEM approach. The aims of this research are: (1) to explore how to make innovation in natural science learning with the innovative of STEM approach- (2) to explore the potential of that approach for improving scientific literacy. The research method used is qualitative with literature research using secondary data from expert exposure to journal manuscripts, conference paper proceedings, and theses selected according to their relevance to the research. The result is that the innovative of STEM approach cen be develop by integrated the STEM approach with Cross Cutting Concept (CCC) and ethnoscience. That innovative of STEM approach has the potential to be developed in natural science learning to improve students^ scientific literacy, including the teaching materials used. Further research can conduct empirical research to prove the potential of these innovations

Keywords: natural science learning, scientific literacy, STEM

Topic: Universal Quality Education

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