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Contribution of Cognitive Flexibility and Digital Literacy toward TPACK Capability of Vocational Preservice Teachers for 21st Century Learning
Setiadi Cahyono Putro, Ahmad Mursyidun Nidhom, Rizqi Nurrahman

Universitas Negeri Malang


The 21st century demands a professional teacher who can adapt with technology and new models in learning. Pre-service teachers, especially vocational teachers, need to have TPACK capabilities for managing learning effectively. Cognitive flexibility (CF) and digital literacy (DL) are needed as aspects to support TPACK capability for 21st century learning (TPACK-21CL). This study aims to determine: (1) descriptions of CF, DL, TPACK-21CL- (2) the relationship of CF toward TPACK-21CL- (3) the relationship of DL toward TPACK-21CL- and (4) the relationship CF and DL toward TPACK-21CL. The research method used is quantitative with descriptive correlational design. The research sample are 86 students with a saturated sample technique. The level of reliability questionnaire CF, DL, and TPACK-21CL respectively is 0,896- 0,862- 0,939. The results of the research indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between the predictor variables on TPACK capability. The relative contribution of CF and DL respectively was 56,70% and 43,30%. The effective contribution of CF and DL respectively was 36,17% and 27,63%. The conclusions of this research are: (1) the level of CF, DL, and TPACK-21CL owned by students is high, (2) there is a positive and significant relationship between CF toward TPACK-21CL, DL toward TPACK-21CL, and CF and DL toward TPACK-21CL.

Keywords: cognitive flexibility, digital literacy, TPACK capability for 21st century learning

Topic: Universal Quality Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Achmad Hamdan)

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