COGNITIVE AND PSYCHOMOTOR ON UNIVERSITY STUDENT STUDY OUTCOME IN APPAREL BASIC PATTERN MAKING USING CAD 1Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia Abstract Education has a final goal which is classified taxonomically as the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. This study aims to see how the cognitive and psychomotor domains of students and their relation to student learning outcomes in making fashion patterns using Computer Aided Design (CAD). This study used a cross-sectional design with total sampling data collection techniques. The population of this study were students who were recorded in the fashion pattern development of the Padang State University Fashion Design Education Program as many as 83 respondents. The data analysis technique used was one-way ANOVA using SPSS 21. The results showed that there were differences in student learning outcomes with cognitive and psychomotor students. Further analysis with p value < 0.05 that cognitive and psychomotor aspects have a significant relationship to student learning outcomes in CAD for making basic fashion patterns. Keywords: Cognitive, Psychomotor, learning outcomes Topic: Universal Quality Education |
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