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An Explorative Study of The Gap in Access and Online Learning Facilities in Tomohon City Primary School
Herman Koessoy1, Debie Kalalo2, Rima Lolong3, Maria Walukow4, Haris Monoarfa5, Marlin Mamuaja6

Student of Doctoral Program of Education Management at State University of Manado, Indonesia


Abstract. The implementation of distance or online learning is hampered by challenges such as a lack of skills among teachers and other members of the teaching staff in the management of learning models, including the utilization of a variety of online learning instruments. The ongoing learning process at primary school in Tomohon City employs a conventional learning paradigm, but teachers are frequently required to do administrative chores. In order for schools to achieve various academic and non-academic achievements, the development of the quality of the results of the implementation of education in schools cannot be separated from the involvement of stakeholders who collaborate and support each other in designing and implementing all school activities. In addition, Tomohon City is well recognized as having the most qualified instructors- hence, education is an essential component in the production of high-quality human resources. As a matter of fact, due to the large fees that must be invested, not everyone is able to obtain a proper education. This research is an experimental case study designed to collect information regarding the gaps in access and online learning facilities at primary schools in the city of Tomohon. According to the findings on primary schools in the city of Tomohon, there are six indicators with satisfactory achievement outcomes and ten with good achievement results. Reports on education quality indicate a need to raise standards, especially in Tomohon City^s primary schools- for this reason, it is vital that the city^s principals and learning committees collaborate in order with government and related institutions to implement a quality assurance process and demonstrate sustained improvement. Consequently, it is necessary to demonstrate a strong commitment and strengthen teamwork in order to achieve the desired educational quality standards.

Keywords: Keywords: Education- City Primary School

Topic: Universal Quality Education

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