Developing The Character Of Elementary School Children Through Learning Human Rights With A Case Study Approach Mellisa Towadi (a), Lisnawaty W. Badu(a), Waode Mustika (a*)
a Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
* waodemustika[at]
Although human rights education has been implemented, there are still frequent violations of human rights by children such as bullying. Schools and teachers should take firm action so that children understand that bullying is wrong. Therefore, it is very important that the application of human rights in education is not enough to only internalize theory but also requires actualization by children. The most appropriate method at this time to limit children^s social interactions while preventing the practice of minor human rights violations is to be more intense in inviting children to actualize what they see. and read into human rights theory through a case study approach. The actualization method with a case study approach is where children are invited to freely express what is inside of them through activities by digesting a case and solving it and solving it themselves based on the material being studied (self-solve learning). The case study approach is an alternative learning that encourages the optimization of human rights education at an early age. Case studies which are generally used by teachers to conduct self-evaluation, can basically be applied to children for the purpose of solving self-learning in a way that is more interesting and easily understood by the students themselves. The application of the case study pattern is not only applied in schools but is also emphasized in the family environment. The case study pattern is not only focused on children, but also on the community through information both in the form of digitalization and conventional socialization.
Keywords: Education, Human Rights, Case Study, Actualization, Elementary School