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Children^s Politeness in Digital Era
Ali Mustadi- Rizky Amelia

Department of Primary Education Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta

Department of Primary Education Program, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin


The language used by children no longer reflects a nation that upholds ethical and aesthetic values in this digital era. Many children have begun to erode their politeness values. Children speak freely without realizing and considering who they are talking to, so their language tends not to have the principle of politeness. This study used a qualitative method using library research. Data collection techniques used were documentation methods and data analysis techniques. The study results show that using digital media effectively and strategically can improve children^s language skills, especially politeness. Interactive media is useful in children^s language development to increase concentration, associate words and symbols with objects, discrimination, identify similarities and differences, classify objects, see whether there is a relationship, develop the concept of size and space, increase curiosity, and develop children^s creativity. Language learning strategies in elementary schools must prioritize active, communicative language learning oriented to communicative competence, which gives more space for students to hone their language performance & language expression. Educators need to hone children^s productive skills in critical and active communication so that ^linguistic piety^ is realized, namely polite, from an early age in the digital era.

Keywords: politeness, children, digital era, elementary school.

Topic: Universal Quality Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Prof. Dr. Ali Mustadi, S.Pd., M.Pd. Mustadi)

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