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Talent Identification Program through Anthropometry Profile for Junior High School Students
Nurhasan (a), Muchamad Arif Al Ardha (a*), Nur Shanti Rento Pembayun (a), Dani Primanata (b), Rizky Muhammad Sidik (b)

(a) Physical Education Department, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
(b) Sport Coaching Education Department, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia


Anthropometry is utilized as a standard measurement to analyze students^ development. However, anthropometry has the potential to be used as a talent identification program. This study aimed to evaluate the anthropometry of junior high school students in Suraba-ya. There were 119 students aged 13 &#61617- 0.84 years old participated in this study. These stu-dents were categorized into four different groups i.e., normal students, taekwondo, swim-ming, and basketball students. The results, there are significantly different among groups in height and arm span (p < 0.05). However, there are no significant differences among group sitting height and leg length. In conclusion, anthropometry could support the stu-dent^s performance in a specific sport.

Keywords: Physical Education, Talent Identification, Anthropometry

Topic: Universal Quality Education

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