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Examining The Teaching of Ki Hajar Dewantara and its Relevance for Merdeka Belajar in the 21st Century
Siti Masitoh1,* Wagino1

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The concept of merdeka belajar (freedom to learn) and an independent campus was launched by the Minister of Education and Culture in 2020. Through the independent learning curriculum, it is hoped that students will be able to explore their nature (according to Ki Hajar) so that they can become independent and useful human beings in life together (manunggaling creativity, taste and intention of ambabar karya). Students^ efforts to achieve the ideals (ambabar Karya) of Ki Hajar Dewantara based on the adaptation of four educational strategies as following. First, education is a cultural process to encourage students to have a free and independent spirit. Second, to shape the character of students so that they have a national spirit, but still open themselves to international developments. Third, to build students^ personalities so that they are pioneers. Fourth, educating means developing the potential or talent that is the natural nature of each student. Ki Hajar Dewantara^s teachings give a signal to all educators including lecturers that the educational process is a vehicle for building student character so that they have an independent, independent spirit, a national spirit and remain sensitive to international developments, are pioneers and develop their natural potential.

Keywords: Teaching, Ki Hajar Dewantara, Merdeka Belajar

Topic: Universal Quality Education

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