Health Education on Clean and Healthy Lifestyle During the Covid 19 Pandemic For Class 5 Students In Pekalongan City Sofwan Indarjo1*, Agus Suwandono2, Sulistiyani2, dan Zahroh Shaluhiyah2
1DKM universitas Diponegoro, 2Universitas Diponegoro
School-age children are a group at risk for health problems. The period of school-age children is the starting point for the formation of healthy behavior so that it becomes a strategic target for health education. This research is motivated by the massive PHBS Movement carried out by schools in the city of Pekalongan to their students since the COVID-19 outbreak on December 19, 2020. The COVID-19 virus, which can be transmitted from person to person, can even attack anyone regardless of age. For School-Age Children as an Effort to Prevent Covid 19 A clean and healthy lifestyle is the best solution as an early anticipation of the transmission of the virus to children. This study aims to find out how the implementation of PHBS in children as an effort to prevent COVID 19 early. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study of state elementary school children were 180 students in the city of Pekalongan. the percentage of respondents^ adherence to preventive behavior against covid 19 in the 1st week ranged from 58.40 to 74.44 with the lowest percentage value of compliance being the subcategory of consumption of balanced nutritious food and the highest percentage value of compliance being the subcategory of wearing masks. Meanwhile, at week 3, the compliance score ranged from 58.40 (ideal MHM subcategory) to 76.76 (mask wearing subcategory). At week 6, the range of compliance scores ranged from 48.89 (ideal MHM subcategory) to 77.41 (mask wearing subcategory).