Strategi Metakognitif dalam Merdeka Belajar
Gamar Abdullah

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


The success of students in the learning process is influenced by their own ability to process their thinking processes. The skills to organize and educate oneself in an activity or learning activity are included in metacognitive strategies. Metacognition refers to the ability of learners to plan, monitor, and a learning process. Through metacognition or metacognition, students are able to become independent learners, foster an honest attitude and dare to make mistakes and will significantly improve learning outcomes. The development of metacognitive skills in students, supports students to develop as independent learners. The application of students^ metacognitive abilities in learning has been confirmed through the concept of Free Learning Education. This concept is a response to the needs of the education system in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Freedom to learn is an independence that is determined by the teacher. In addition, 21st century learning focuses on student centers with the aim of providing students with thinking skills including: (1) critical thinking, (2) problem solving, (3) metacognition, (4) communicating, (5) collaborating, (6) innovation and creativity, and (7) literacy.

Keywords: metacognition, strategy, independent, learning

Topic: The Future of Education Post Covid-19

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