Media Applications for Physical Education, Sports and Health in Elementary Schools During the Pandemic Period in Salatiga City Agus Widodo Suripto, Soegiyanto, Sulaiman, Setya Rahayu
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Study this aim for knowing media applications in the implementation of Physical Education Learning, Sports and Primary School Health during the pandemic in Salatiga City
Method used in study this using Surveys. Data is collected through Google forms. The population in this study was the total number of teachers of physical education, sports and health in elementary schools. Data analysis techniques used a descriptive approach. Percentage
Research results 98.1 % of learning PJOK using online, only 1.9% using blended. 58.5 % of PJOK teachers in To do learning using WA Group , 17% using Google classroom 5, 7% using zoom meeting, 10% using other media .
Conclusion From this research, most of the elementary school health sports physical education teachers use the WA Group media, so the Physical Sports and health education teachers need to use other media that are used in learning to achieve the expected learning goals.
Keywords: Learning Media Physical education, sports, and health, during the pandemic