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University Students^ Perception of Academic and Non-academic Service during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Trisakti, Syafi^ul Anam, Ajeng Dianing Kartika

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected education at all levels. Higher education institutions and educators must change their educational activities in response to COVID-19. Consequently, teaching delivery models have had to shift from a traditional classroom to an entirely virtual one. During the virtual period, institutions and educators experienced challenges and difficulties. However, they also had an opportunity to rethink their roles, which triggered innovation and a new learning environment for future education. One hundred and sixteen students in an Indonesian state university participated in this present study aiming to investigating the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic and non-academic services. The data were gained from questionnaires using Google forms. The results indicated that the most effected of academic services variable was lecture process. Meanwhile, the non-academic services variable that most effected were facilities and infrastructure, and second was student activities. The challenges and expectations during the pandemic become the investment in rethinking the institution^s roles in preparing the future education. In other words, many lessons learnt during distance education are useful for higher education institutions to increase familiarity of lecturers, students, and staff with distance education.

Keywords: Institutional responses, pedagogy, post-pandemic, higher education

Topic: The Future of Education Post Covid-19

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Trisakti M.Si)

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