Information and Communication Technology-Based Learning Management in Improving Learning Quality Services in the Digital Era Arifin (a)*, Sulkifly (b), Syarif Ramadhan Yusuf (c)
Jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Jln. Jend Sudirman no 6 Kota Gorontalo
This article examines about management of information and communication technology-based learning in improving the quality of learning services in the Digital Age that aims to for know: (1) Planning of learning based on information and communication technology, (2) Implementation of learning based on information and communication technology, and (3) evaluation of learning based on information and communication technology. Method study this use approach quantitative with type study descriptive explanatory design. Data collection techniques with use technique questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used is technique analysis descriptive with use formulation percentage. Research results show that: (1) Information and communication technology-based learning planning is in category good. Preparation learning with provide facility supporter based technology information with input all device learning in digital platforms. (2) Implementation of information and communication technology-based learning are in category good. Learning process conducted with utilise technology information in use learning methods and strategies (3) Evaluation of information and communication technology-based learning is in category good. Teacher does Evaluation learning with utilise various technology media information in the form of assignments, exams formative and summative for measure achievement results study students. Study results students can also seen in the media information system that has been prepared by the school
Keywords: learning management , information and communication technology.