Goal Oriented Ralph Winfred Tyler Approach for the Evaluation of Leadership Training Implementation
Susi Susilawati Harahap (a*), Moch. Asmawi (b), Wibowo (c)

a*) Program Studi Ilmu Manajemen, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Olah Raga, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
c) Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo, Indonesia


Creating professional and competent civil servants can be built officially by competent institution. BPSDM is one of local province stakeholders which are formed to operate supported function in government whose job to implement training program. Leadership training level III with the aim of achieving competent leadership on civil servants based on their position. Complete requirements about education and leadership training is regulated on leadership training guidelines level III and improved by leadership regulations of LAN and leadership regulation revision LAN. This study is evaluation research to give information for related stakeholders on leadership training implementation and give information or portrait about the achievement level of leadership training implementation objective as it has been set by Goal oriented Ralph Winfred Tyler approach which measure the achievement level of certain objectives. This study was conducted on alumni of leadership training new role level III. It found that there are several strengths and weakness in implementing Goal oriented Ralph Winfred Tyler approach. This evaluation is the most accepted evaluation for any stakeholders because it is easier to understand, this evaluation is easy to implement in any evaluative research

Keywords: Goal Oriented, Program evaluation, Education and training

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

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