Land Conflict Resolution Case Study in Sarirejo Village Antropologi Sosial Universitas Negeri Medan Abstract Land cannot be separated from human life. Every inch of land has a very important meaning. This article examines the resolution of land conflicts with a case study that occurred in Sarirejo Village, Medan Polonia, North Sumatra Province. This study aims to describe the factors that cause land conflicts between the community and the Air Force at Suwondo and the strategies adopted by the community in demanding land rights. In addition, this article also aims to support people^s knowledge in the research area. The results showed that the factor that caused the conflict was the claim of each party to the land. Meanwhile, the community^s conflict resolution efforts to obtain land rights through non-litigation advocacy processes and litigation advocacy processes. The role of the state through the government is very large in the process of resolving the conflict. Keywords: conflict, advocacy, land Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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