COVID-19 and Release of Prisoners

Politeknik Ilmu Pemasyarakatan


The COVID-19 pandemic struck almost all countries throughout the world, including Indonesia. On 11 March WHO announced the corona virus as a pandemic. Corona virus is very easily transmitted only by air. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 24, 2020 shows that the number of confirmed worldwide was 5,206,614 people, as many as 337,736 people died. Indonesia is a country that has the most prisoners and prisoners. Correctional institutions and overcrowded state detention centers are the government^s concern. The government is trying to prevent COVID-19 from spreading in prison or state detention centers. Based on data from residents as at 31 March 2020 based on the Correctional Database System totaling 270,231 people with a capacity of 131,931 people. This means that overcrowded has reached 106%, so that the conditions of prisons and state detention centers are overcrowded. The problem of this research is how is the government^s policy in handling COVID-19 in a state penitentiary and detention center ?. The purpose of this study was to examine government policy in dealing with COVID-19 in a state penitentiary and detention center. The research method used was literature review. The results showed that the policy taken by the government to provide assimilation and integration to prisoners was appropriate. The decision was made considering the overcrowded correctional conditions. On 31 March 2020 Indonesia provided assimilation and integration for prisoners.

Keywords: Keywords: COVID-19, convict, correctional, assimilation

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

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