Social Media and the Increasing Divorce Rate in Depok City (Case Study of Communities in Four Districts in Depok City)
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Porgram S3 Jurusan PKLH UNJ


Social Media and the Increasing Divorce Rate in Depok City
(Case Study of Communities in Four Districts in Depok City)
This study aims to determine whether social media has a bad impact, causing the trend of divorce in Depok to increase every year. Based on 2017 data, there were 3,087 divorce cases, and in 2018 3,525 divorce cases, and the divorce rate, and in 2019 it increased to 3,664 couples. This research was conducted in four districts in Depok City, namely Beji, Cipayung, Bojong Sari, Tapos. The research approach used is a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is interactive model analysis using three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification.

Then the results of this study show that the continuing increase in divorce rates is due to the economy, social media, third-person, domestic violence, and these various factors have an impact on children^s psychology. Keywords: Social Media, Divorce, Psychology and children^s mental

Keywords: Social Media, Divorce, Psychology and children^s mental

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

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