Preserving Traditional Games of Margala through Tourism Saka Activities in Toba Samosir District Universitas Negeri Medan Abstract Traditional Games are games played by children who come from an area in a traditional way. These games are inherited from one generation to the next.This study aims to describe an activity that involves the scouting activities of the Saka Tourism in yautu preserving traditional games, especially the traditional game of Margala. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Determination of informants by purposive sampling by taking 3 (three) members of the Tourism Saka Scout who participated in traditional game activities. Based on data It can be explained that from the first informant said that the Saka Tourism Activities in preserving the Margala game in Toba Regency had a positive impact because the Saka Tourism Scout Members in Toba Regency began to be involved in preserving traditional games by creating and participating in events and inviting other youth to join in traditional games. The second informant added that the behavior of teenagers who are members of Saka Pariwisata began to slowly switch from playing gadgets online to traditional games of high cultural value. Furthermore, the third informant explained that the effort to inherit the traditional game of margala was by inviting other teenagers to participate in Saka Tourism in a sustainable manner. Keywords: preserving, saka tourism, traditional games, margala Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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