CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF PATRIARCHY AND FEMINISM IDEOLOGY IN TRANSLATION NOVEL BUMI MANUSIA INTO ENGLISH THIS EARTH OF MANKIND UNJ Abstract The purpose of this research is to discover the ideology of patriarchy and feminism in translation novel Bumi Manusia ke dalam bahasa Inggris,l This Earth Of Mankind. The method was used in this research is qualitative. Data is obtained from discourse within the novel. The collecting data used are observing and noting. Data then analyzed using qualitative content analysis by Phillip Mayring. The ideology of patriarchy and feminism are analyzed using approach of critical discourse analysis by Sara Mills which have four sub themes: character/ role, vocalization, fragmentation, and schemata. The result shows there are ideology of patriarchy, radical feminism, Marxist feminism, liberal feminism, and social patriarchy feminism. Keywords: Ideology, Feminism, Patriarchy, CDA Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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