
Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Problems of lack the number of health workers in Indonesia, especially in underdeveloped
areas, is a classic problem that has never been resolved. This condition also occurs in Lebak
District, so this management needs to be evaluated. The purpose of this study to evaluate
the stage of initial conditions (antecedents), processes (transactions), and results
(outcomes) of health worker management policy implementation in Lebak. The research
design used qualitative methods and an evaluation approach to the model Countenance
Stake. Primary and secondary data collection was carried out by interviewing, observation,
focus group discussion, and documentation study accompanied by validation test using
triangulation and data analysis using interactive technique of Miles and Huberman. The
results of the study, from the initial conditions (antecedents), it was found that the aspects
of the analysis of the needs of health workers and the planning of health worker
management were categorized as moderate to low. From the stages transactions, covering
aspects of procurement, empowerment, guidance and supervision of health workers as a
whole are categorized as low, and stage of results (outcomes), aspects of health workers
according to needs and aspects of health degree are categorized as low. Conclusion, for the
stage antecedent, the criteria for analyzing the number, type, competence and distribution
of health workers need to be improved and improved, while in the criteria for good health
worker management planning, the legal basis is a reference, understood and used as a
standard for successful management of health workers as well as government commitment.
regions for providing the budget for the fulfillment of health worker need to be increased.
At the stage transactions, the implementation of the criteria for procurement,
empowerment, guidance and supervision of health workers as a whole needs to be improved
and improved, while for outcomes, the criteria for the availability of

Keywords: evaluation, implementation, policy, countenance, health worker management

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

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